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Hi! So when i turn on my dell computer i keep getting the bitlocker screen and it asks me for the recovery key. I insert the recovery key and it accepts it but it just takes me to an error page that says that the problem couldn’t be solved. It says either restart the computer or advanced options. If i restart it it just takes me back to the bitlocker screen. What should i do?? Any help would be amazing 😊

16:25 UTC


Is there anybody who really uses mouse4, mouse5 in browsers?

Can't they remove such feature in their OS?

14:08 UTC


CXP Customer Success Engineer Loop 2024

Hi I’ve been scheduled for a couple of interviews for Azure Senior Customer Success Engineer role (similar to a TAM in AWS). If you’re aware, Please can you share what gets covered during the technical domain interview and if there are any pointers I can use to prep?

11:26 UTC


No point limit?

Points are what you earn by searching in Bing. But there's a catch, there are point limits in Microsoft Rewards.

For the PC, it is 90. And for Mobile, it is 60, but 30 is cut off.

So I had this thought, what if there was no point limit? Forever???????

Well, doing that will be a great idea, but then there will be point farms. Automated Bing searches for points! Now who would have thought that'd be a great idea!

But what if ... was it allowed for a limited time?

So, take this example: You kept searching and searching on your PC and your Mobile Phone, at the same time! Day and night, every day, every month, every year, and then BAM!

A message shows up on your screen that might read "Well done, (name). You have earned yourself point limit-free or something, for (how many days, months, or years)! You can use this whenever you like, and it'll never expire unless you use it."

This idea has been in my head for, how long what it was. 🤷‍♂️

If this is allowed, I am gonna use my Automated Bing Search Extension from Google Chrome Webstore Extensions-! entire life for this one!

No more sleepyheads here, no more resting, it's time to search for a long, long, long time for points, and just to redeem for only Robux!

I think I will be excited if this is passed.

My idea but 90% do not get his idea passed and 10% of it will be passed,

  • Gaming
09:30 UTC


Update on Staffing Company Shenanigans Related to DC Construction Role.

Original post here.

After the long weekend I got a call from Ms.Y. She is the head of recruitment and HR for the staffing company.

She explained the situation in a little better detail. Something about a master MS Staffing company called Allegis being the one causing the problems. She also sent a revamped offer letter that was very agreeable.

Ms.Y said she was going to try and arrange a call for me with the hiring manager to confirm OT expectations.

Midweek, Ms.Y says she can’t get to hiring manager. Says Allegis is blocking access. Says Allegis is the one denying the contract and that the deal is effectively cancelled because role is no longer funded. She acted as frustrated, flabbergasted, and confused as I was.

Nothing to do anymore.

I have no idea about the truth behind any of her story but I don’t care anymore. I need to call an attorney to see if I have options here.

FWIW, the staffing company was on an official MS document listing their vendors. I don’t think this was a scam. Staffing company sent me a laptop, monitor…full kit of equipment.

Not sure what I’m doing next, but it involves a job hunt…And I ain’t picking up the phone from any contract staffing agencies again.

06:19 UTC


is there a recolor tool for paint 3D

I want to select an area and replace all pixels in the area of one color and replace it with another color.

1 Comment
03:42 UTC


Trying to buy a Microsoft Surface Laptop Studio 2 from Microsoft is like pulling teeth!

I went online to buy a Surface Laptop Studio 2 and it kept saying there was an issue purchasing. Then I called Microsoft to see what's going on and they said, "Since the product costs so much, you have to call in to purchase it." WHAT!?!?!?! So I say, are you telling me that ever person in the United States that is a first time buyer of a Microsoft product that costs upwards of 2000 dollars has to call in to make a purchase??? He said, "Yes, that's correct." WHAT?!?!?!?!?!! Has anyone else run into this??? What's going on here? Does CoPilot know I'm black? (Just a joke) But seriously.... what's going on? Why can't I purchase? #Microsoft you have an answer for me? Anyone???

16:51 UTC


How many days recruiter takes to come back with offer after document submission?I had answered interview 2 weeks back. Recruiter came back asking for documents, after that nothing happened? How much time do msft recruiters take to come back with offer?

15:29 UTC


Microsift Outlook Rules for incoming mail.

I have created three folder in my inbox - using Microsoft Outlook rules management

  1. For emails that are addressed to me and only me.

  2. for emails where my email is in the "To" segment of the address.

  3. for emails where my email is in the "CC" segment of the address.

Now, the 3rd inbox folder for emails where I am in the CC works perfectly.

The second folder inbox, also works because I have tested it and I am receiving emails that would be addressed to me and others as well in the "To" column of the outlook.

However, when I test the first inbox, so emails that are addressed to me and me alone should go into this inbox - but however while testing my observations are the ones that are supposed to follow the rule of "sent only to me" and should be ending up in the first inbox - but ending up in the second inbox that has the rule "where my name is in the To box" how to I fix this so my first inbox (folder) gets emails that are "sent only to me"

FYI - I did ask Chatgpt and it mentioned that there is no such thing as "sent only to me" - go figure.

13:36 UTC


HireRight background check

I accepted a software engineer role in europe and waiting for the background check started a week ago. I have no felonies and haven't lied on employments nor degrees but I have been fired several times and not just for lay offs. I am worried they are going to ask some performance evaluation to a previous employers, is this something that happens? I just got requested additional documentation for a previous employment. They asked my line manager/director contact who works still in the company, the line manager left and don't remember the director name, then they asked me hr contact and documentation to prove start and end date. I gave them hr numbers I found on docs and photos of contract and termination doc but no line manager contact as he left the company. I guess they had hard time contacting this company.

My main question and concern is about performance evaluation from previous employer. I have worked with some exceptionally unethical people and depending still on them is a pain.

Is hire right requesting performance evaluation? is Microsoft keen on rescinding an offer for that?

10:14 UTC


CSAM job levels

Does anyone understand the levels for CSAM roles? All I find online is levels for Engineers and Management.

09:47 UTC


Copilot flop

Apple. Google and Samsung is eating up copilot. Microsoft needs a phone to success with copilot for private use


09:00 UTC


Advice Negotiating IC3 Offer Needed

Hello all!

Called by recruiter today and told I was going to be made an offer for a IC3 Technical Program Management.

6 years experience in my field.

Recruiter said my prospective offer would be:

125-135k base

90k stock over 4 years

20k sign on

20k bonus minimum up to a top of 40k.

So to me its a TC of 130+22.5+20=172.5k which actually less than I make currently. Will Microsoft raise their offer or is just not meant to be? I have another offer coming for more as well from a different company and requests for interviews nonstop on LinkedIn. And I'm fine to just stay at my current company if need be. Any tips on the best way to negotiate?

I also think I would be better placed as an IC4, I am used to having a lead role. But the recruiter told me I would have to reinterview again, I would have probably applied to the lead position as well or in the first place but it wasnt posted when I did my initial application.

What happens after 4 years, do you get another 4 year stock package? I read PTO is now "unlimited". As long as you track your days are 20 or less over a year as a new hire can you protect yourself from any adverse performance reviews?

Also haven't really talked levels but I assume my IC3 is around the L61 mark based on levels data. How hard would it be to move to L62 or L63?

Thank you thank you thank you to anyone who responds :)

03:17 UTC


Microsoft's recent changes to the M365 Enterprise licenses

It seems Microsoft has decided to end the sale of M365 and O365 Enterprise license with MS Teams from 1st of April 2024. I certainly wished that it was an APRIL FOOL joke.... unfortunately, it wasn't.

What I understood is that the change affects only the Enterprise license line (Office 365 E1/E3/E5 and Microsoft 365 E3/E5). For business licenses, it's just an addition of items "without MS teams".

I read a bit about it, so if you have any questions, do shoot in the comments and I see if I can answer them for you (or someone else who can).

Thought of sharing this so that those are managing licenses get an early reminder on this.

15:41 UTC


Employee Productivity

HR has our team auditing employee activity and looking for gaps in activity. We do not have a productivity software to track out employees. We are manually reviewing Microsoft Purview Audit logs and looking for gaps in activity. However, I'm not confident this is the best way to do this. If there is a gap in activity in audit logs, wouldn't that just mean they are not interacting with azure, exchange, O365, and other apps connected to our tenant? They could still be working and maybe using 3rd party software, right?

EDIT: I 100% agree with the majority of responses. I do not want to do this and don't think we should be. There are other ways to handle whatever issue they may or may not perceive they have from a productivity standpoint. However, even after push back, I have been given this task by management and have to complete it. That said, I asked the question above because I am trying to save people's jobs if there is a possibility they are working in other ways.

14:48 UTC


Can't get a good answer from google, is Amazon "asurion" warranty worth it for an xbox controller to protect yourself against drifting?

For context, 2 weeks ago I bought a white xbox controller from Verizon ONLY because their website had a sale for it at $30. A week later the controller already has drifting bad in the right stick and is pretty much useless.

Saw that the Pulse Red was on sale on amazon for $35 so I said fuck it and got it, and while its working perfectly now, I'm trying to figure out how to protect myself if it happens again so I can easily have it replaced with a brand new one. That being said, is the Asurion warranty worth buying or should I get Microsoft Complete to protect it instead?

04:34 UTC


Advice senior project manager interview

Essentially title. I made it to the second round of interviews (2x45 mins panel)

I'm wondering what to expect and how to properly prepare for that. Any advice is welcome! :) thanks!

02:08 UTC


Job was eliminated last week, having a hard time dealing.

I am going to miss MS.

20:39 UTC


Improve copilots project comprehension?

I have a blazor app. Mierofsoft copilot @workspace command has been helpful. However it doesnt scan my code for my existing api and give me the code to hook it up for me. It just gives me examples completely detatched from my project. What tools exist to make it scan every file in my project and take it into account for my prompt? Is there any tool, plugin, or IDE that will give me complete project comprehension when using prompts to make changes to my project?

many thanks

20:10 UTC


It's my goal to work with Microsoft - all my applications have been rejected.

So I live in Jamaica and I've been actively applying for positions since October 2023, carefully paying attention to the job requirements and details, I think that I've done over 100 applications, all either Technical Progragram Manager or Business/Program Manager. I've 6 years of experience, certs, BSc in Software Engineering, pending MBA, tech startup experience (owner & supporting others) and currently work in the same field at a large Bank.

I'm unsure what I'm doing wrong, I know that it's very competitive but over 9 months and over 100 applications with nothing but rejections leaves me demotivated. I've been sold, hook line & sinker on Microsoft's mission and they're currently the only other company I see myself working with.

Any advice/support/help would be appreciated.


18:00 UTC


Microsoft office beginner certification

Can anyone please tell me where I can get Microsoft office beginner certification and if its free or not. Thank you

1 Comment
17:41 UTC


How is the work culture at the Microsoft Teams organization?

Hi everyone,

I have an upcoming interview with the Microsoft Teams and I’m trying to get a better understanding of what it’s like to work there. For those of you who are currently working or have worked at Microsoft Teams, can you share your experiences regarding the work culture?


12:42 UTC


Major security liabilities in Windows: BITS, WebViewe2, and RunDll32


In a May 2024 memo, Microsoft's CEO asked the company to take security seriously, even if it means doing away with legacy code.

If you’re faced with the tradeoff between security and another priority, your answer is clear: Do security. In some cases, this will mean prioritizing security above other things we do, such as releasing new features or providing ongoing support for legacy systems.

If there is any truth to that memo, here is an area that definitely needs improvements.

The problem

One of the ways to secure a PC is to use Windows Firewall to lock down its Internet connectivity, limiting it to trusted processes. Unfortunately, Windows comes with the following components that undermine the firewall's purpose:

  • Background Intelligence Transfer Service (BITS)
  • Microsoft Edge WebView2
  • RunDll32

These are proxy processes. Other processes use them to connect to the Internet without exposing themselves to the firewall. You can either allow these processes to connect or deny them.

  • If you do the former, every trusted or untrusted process that uses them can bypass the firewall, rendering it moot. "OneDrive" and "Microsoft Outlook (new)" use WebView2, but any piece of malware can too.
  • If you do the latter, every trusted or untrusted process that uses them breaks. Sure, malware can no longer use them to exfiltrate data from your system, but OneDrive, Outlook, and other trustworthy apps also break.

The solution

Microsoft must turn BITS and WebView2 into DLLs. This way, other processes will have to load them into their memory to use them. In doing so, they expose themselves to the firewall.

As for RunDll32, it must die. It is a piece of legacy code that must have never existed.

11:39 UTC


What's the difference between Office Standard LTSC 2021 and Office Home & Business 2021

I'm trying to buy Office license for company. And I see that Home & Business is significantly cheaper than Standard LTSC.

However, Microsoft Sales representative is saying LTSC is cheaper when buying in bulk but I should ask the price from the Volume Licensing team. And I cannot get into touch with their Volume Licensing team as I cannot make international phone call and there's no Microsoft representative in my country.

Can anyone tell me the main differences of the two and why I should be buying LTSC for my corporate?

10:31 UTC


Entra ID dynamic group rules

I want to create 3 groups, each group containing 25% of my users (or devices) but I'm not sure this is even possible. Any ideas ?

Yes, I have read the documentation

07:13 UTC

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