
Photograph via snooOG

A Subreddit for discussion of Microsoft Teams.

We are a community that strives to help each other with implementation, adoption, and management of Microsoft Teams.

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    Hyperlink to start new chat with MS Teams Personal account

    I am developing a website for my small business and at the bottom I have all the buttons for my contacts i e LinkedIn, Facebook, E-mail and Skype.

    The Skype button starts a chat with my Skype account, but I want to change this to a Teams link to start a new chat.

    I have followed instructions online but have not been able to get it to work. Some links just open Teams, and some links come up with an error code "Please contact the person who shared the link"

    Links I have tried are formatted like: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/chat/0/0?users=emailaddress@domain.com

    With different variations. Nothing seems to be working.

    20:19 UTC



    Where are you you stupid little one unread message!?

    19:23 UTC


    Using My Custom GPTs in Teams (I did it!)

    I successfully integrated my custom OpenAI GPT into my Teams!

    I am not an engineer. I did it using no code tools.

    I'd love to share what I did. Please let me know if you're interested in!


    19:13 UTC


    I just got switched to the new teams and can't switch back..

    even though it said it had 2 weeks to change. frustrating. and the first thing I noticed is that saved messges is gone. why did they get rid of it? is there any way to get it back or it's gone for good? I had so much useful info.

    18:23 UTC


    Long Call delay 18 seconds in call queue

    Hello, my company has switched from our PBX system into a Teams system. Currently working on finishing up the final porting of numbers over from our carrier. I have a call queue for my customer service and they are experiencing long delays of sound when they answer an inbound call.
    Essentially a caller calls our 1-800 or main line number and it gets routed to our Customer service call queue, about 7 people, where the call will ring everyone at once. Sometimes when a Customer service member answers the phone there is a delay before the call connects were the customer cannot hear us nor we hear them. Most are pretty simply, only about 2-4 seconds but I have had reports of 10-18 seconds which is unacceptable.
    We are using mainly the WH62 wireless head sets with a charging stand.
    All Teams portals are updated. Version  24152.412.2958.9166.
    Conference mode is on.
    How can we adjust this to a lower delay, I don't mind a 2-3 second delay but nothing more.

    17:13 UTC


    Surviving information overflow

    Hi. I use Teams at work and frankly I do NOT enjoy it. Teams is used for everything and everyone. No control what so ever. Currently have been added to 9 teams in the program that have about 250 channels, and hundred of chats. Each may have files, and other info attached. Several hundred users and I regularly have to chat to about twenty people . I have no hope on ever changing the way it's used in the company. I have tried to reduce the notification setting to a minimum so it only pops up when someone mention me or my small real team directly. Everyone starts new channels and chat groups with no restriction.

    Does anyone have any tip on how to survive a situation like this. Anything, add-ons, way of working, whatever to make it easier to especially find information that you one read.

    Edit: Sorry if this is on the wrong place. New to this sub and I have not read the rules yet. I was a little desperate when writing it.

    17:02 UTC


    Possible to automate the management of tags?

    Context: I have manually created tags for work teams that contain said team's members

    Problem: Team members come and go. Tags have to be manually updated which is prone to human error, with the risk of having tags with outdated team members

    Question: Does Teams have the ability to automatically manage tag assignment via reading a file elsewhere as a source-of-truth? e.g. Team members are added/removed/moved to a spreadsheet, YAML file, etc. that Teams can read to keep tags up-to-date

    16:39 UTC


    Inbound call queue delay in sound or connection

    Hello, my company has switched from our PBX system into a Teams system. Currently working on finishing up the final porting of numbers over from our carrier. I have a call queue for my customer service and they are experiencing long delays of sound when they answer an inbound call.
    Essentially a caller calls our 1-800 or main line number and it gets routed to our Customer service call queue, about 7 people, where the call will ring everyone at once. Sometimes when a Customer service member answers the phone there is a delay before the call connects were the customer cannot hear us nor we hear them. Most are pretty simply, only about 2-4 seconds but I have had reports of 10-18 seconds which is unacceptable.
    We are using mainly the WH62 wireless head sets with a charging stand.
    All Teams portals are updated. Version  24152.412.2958.9166.
    Conference mode is on.
    How can we adjust this to a lower delay, I don't mind a 2-3 second delay but nothing more.

    1 Comment
    15:40 UTC


    New Teams and Outlook integration

    Hello, We're trying to update our Citrix VDI image to the new Teams, and are having some issues with the Outlook integration (Outlook 365). Of course, in my research, I've seen that this is a problem for everybody. I'll try to go over what we did and where we stand now.

    We installed Teams on a Server 2019 image following the guide here, using the section that's specifically for 2019 (using dism).

    After some trouble, we found how to install the MS Teams Meeting Add-In for all users (using the command

    msiexec.exe /i "C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MSTeams_X.X.X.X_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\MicrosoftTeamsMeetingAddinInstaller.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart TARGETDIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\TeamsMeetingAddin<version>


    The buttons are in Outlook, but Presence isn't showing, and when trying to schedule a Teams meeting, it says to make sure Teams is running and logged in, then doesn't fill in the meeting information. Sometimes the add-in shows as Disabled for crashing Outlook, and sometimes not.

    The two solutions I've found so far are to install the classic Teams alongside (which we really don't want to do), or switch to the New Outlook (which we also really don't want to do).

    Everything I've found is at least a few months old, though. Has anyone found another way to get the New Teams working with "classic" Outlook?

    14:59 UTC


    Notifications not working

    After looking through my settings through teams and through my laptop and making sure everything is correct I’m still not receiving teams notifications. Has anyone else had this problem and if so how do I fix this?

    14:37 UTC


    Audio working but not in calls

    The audio output seems to be fine up until in a call when no sound can be heard. I have checked the correct device is selected and tried the headset and speakers available both of which have the same issue. Going to try reinstall teams and a reboot now but has anyone else had this?

    12:50 UTC


    How to have an instant view on calendar

    Hello, I'm asking for your help.

    Today i missed a meeting. I thought it was in the late morning and i was late to work, and couldn't check the calendar until i was arrived. This is because my Outlook account, calendar included, is only accessible through the desktop application on my work laptop, due to security reasons. I cannot log it on my personal phone, like in my previous workplace, where i had easily set up an outlook calendar widget to avoid these kind of issues.

    Now, i managed to log in to teams through my phone, where i can see my work calendar, but i have to open the app and go check directly.

    Is there ANY way to have a widget-like instant view with these limits? Examples of solutions may be finding a way to connect my work calendar to a personal google one to diplay that one, or any shortcut -widget that instantly display the teams calendar.

    Please bear in mind that i already talked to IT about it and they said there is nothing to do to avoid the outlook-microsoft account lock. I can only access to outlook from the app (not even web) on my work laptop.

    Thanks to any good internet dude that finds a suitable solution (i.e. that won't make them fire me)

    11:19 UTC


    How to get rid of that 'NEW' banner?

    Have finally surrendered to the battle of using the new teams for work (I actually didn't really have a choice, it made up its mind and crashed half way through a very important client call)

    How do I get rid of that stupid 'NEW' tag though? New teams has been out for nearly a year at this point..

    ugly new label

    09:58 UTC


    Android notifications don't have content

    I recently got a new phone, and now instead of getting a teams notification for each chat message I just get a single notification that says "you have notifications". Has anyone else seen this?

    I'd prefer the individual notifications but I don't see any option in Android's notifications or in Team's notification settings that would have changed this. And I don't get this for any other app notifications.

    1 Comment
    07:45 UTC


    Cannot find working Teams Classic link for Macbook

    My Teams stopped working on my MacBook Air M2. The new Teams won't work, and every old link I've found to Teams Classic now only downloads the new Teams. Is anyone else having this problem, and does anyone have a working Teams Classic link?

    21:10 UTC


    Seeking Teams Call Full Screen Notification, hearing impairment

    Hey all, just a quick question as my googling has failed me, but does anyone have any experience with Teams Call notifications and the hearing impaired? I'm looking for a way to have a full screen notification for the person in question, whether it's a border flash or full screen prompt - I've tried utilizing Windows "Show audio alerts visually" ease of access setting but this doesn't appear to work for Teams calls in the new Teams app. Anyone have any third party apps/plugins that can facilitate this behavior at all (or I'm open to other viable suggestions)

    1 Comment
    21:09 UTC


    Microsoft app download doesnt work on the webpage

    21:00 UTC


    Best MTRoW certified camera for handling mixed lighting from outdoors

    for folks wanting to fix a design issue with natural light anyone know of best camera to handle this scenario.

    20:52 UTC


    Questions about Classic & New Teams transitions...

    Had a few questions about Classic & New Teams and was hoping somebody out there might know an answer or two (maybe a u/Microsoft employee or u/MicrosoftTeams developer)?

    1. when does support for Classic Teams end?
    2. when will Microsoft stop installing Classic Teams when it is selected as part of a Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise/Business install? (As of today, a new M365 Apps install includes Classic Teams, not New Teams)
    3. will Microsoft remove Classic Teams as part of a M365/Teams update? or will users have to remove it themselves?
    4. if Microsoft plans to remove, is it best just to wait for that to happen? or should IT attempt to remove Classic Teams earlier than that?
    5. if Microsoft doesn't plan to remove Classic Teams, what is the preferred method for removing Classic Teams without breaking all the other M365 Apps?
    6. will Microsoft ever bundle New Teams with M365? or is it being de-coupled?

    Appreciate any insight in advance! if i find anything out in my own research, I'll make sure to post here.

    17:21 UTC


    Why do I sometimes get notification previews and sometimes not? I'd like to always receive them. This is for iPhone.

    So this is for a work Teams account and an employer provided phone with a lot of different security measures so I wonder if it's related to that, but not sure, so I was wondering if anyone knew what might be the issue.

    17:14 UTC


    Yealink End-of-Sale Announcement of WPP20/WPP30 in the United States Market

    For everyone who are using these for wireless presentation in the US, what are your plans for wirelessly sharing content in Teams meetings?

    I'm curious because my company has a couple of Yealink MeetingBar a20s that had the option to add these wireless presentation pods but will never be able to. (unless Yealink releases a new product compatible with them in the future)

    *Edit* Link to the announcement via Yealinks website: https://www.yealink.com/en/product-detail/wireless-presentation-wpp30-eol#:\~:text=This%20recall%20is%20related%20to,presentation%2Dwpp30%2Deol).

    15:56 UTC


    Teams mobile not updating chat

    So the chat in teams mobile is not updating It's stuck on loading and everyone has offline as status. This is only on mobile since it works on computer. Using mobile data and wifi with same issue, any ideas?

    1 Comment
    15:47 UTC


    Microsoft teams integrations

    Hi, I’m hoping to build a tab app in MS Teams and publishing it to the MS Store. I need to use the graph API to request data about the user but most of the docs seem to be geared towards building an internal app with permissions being granted by an admin to an app for the org. Are there any guides that will help me build this integration out? I’m using teams toolkit to scaffold btw.

    14:56 UTC


    Teams App on iPhone

    Is anyone else having issues with the recent update to the Teams app? It’s worked great for two years and up until about 1-2 weeks ago with the latest updates, it won’t allow me to click back and fourth between chat and calendar, join meetings from my phone, create new messages… it’s like it’s frozen. I’m assuming there are bugs with the updates but has anyone else encountered issues? I NEED the Teams app for my job! Will this get fixed any time soon? Any suggestions? I check for updates every hour and I have the most recent update. Can I revert back to an older version where the buttons worked? help!!!! Please & thank you!!

    14:30 UTC


    How to crash Teams in my computer

    I work with Teams daily and usually Teams crashes now and then, but today it crashed and I did not received messages on Teams, I tried to explain my situation, but they don't seem to believe me and tomorrow they will be sitting next to me to see if Teams is indeed crashing on it's own. Is there a way to have it crash just to make it seem like I was not lying tomorrow?

    Tldr: how to crash the Teams App on my computer

    14:03 UTC


    Ghost channels

    I renamed a channel recently and now two appear under the Team, one with the new name and one with the old. The old channel says "We're having trouble loading your messages. Try refreshing." whenever I click on it. It's been like this for months on multiple clients, it's not cache.

    Any ideas, please?

    13:43 UTC


    Sharepointsite as app

    I have created an intranet in Sharepoint for our company. I would like to integrate this page as an app in Teams. I created the app with the Teams development portal, which also displays it in Teams. Unfortunately, this sharepoint site cannot be accessed in the desktop version of Teams. It only loads. However, when I open Teams in the browser, it works without any problems. This problem occurs for all employees in the company, no matter what user rights they have. The Teams app is available to the entire organization and I have also shared the sharepoint site with all employees. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this? Thank you very much for your help.

    08:43 UTC


    Authenticator app

    Hello I recently deleted an account of my authenticator app and then realised I couldn't retrieve it by logging in again does anyone know what I should do

    1 Comment
    00:37 UTC

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