
Photograph via snooOG

Reasons to hope to see the age of 100 and beyond: Biomedical rejuvenation through damage repair, manipulation of metabolism, beyond the mere results of exercise, caloric restriction, and fasting. Stem cell therapies, anti-cancer viruses, gene therapy, senolytics, and whatever is coming next...

/r/longevity is the place to find all information about new longevity, healthspan, happyspan, and rejuvenation research related news.

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Feel free to discuss longevity-related topics, share the latest aging research, media, news, and articles! Just be sure to not post clickbait headlines, avoid hyperbolic headlines, and try to link to original sources.

General Subreddit Rules and FAQ.

This subreddit is not about solving problems that can be solved by diet (/r/ScientificNutrition), supplementation (/r/supplements), sleep, exercise (/r/fitness), or fasting (/r/fasting, /r/FMD). A good lifestyle helps increase the percentage of the healthy part of a life span, as well as reduces the risk of early death or chronic sickness or disability but does not help in defeating the inevitable age-related disease.

There is nothing on the market as of right now (2024) that you can purchase or sign up for and get some of the benefits that are the aim of this subreddit (addressing multi-factors of age related damage and disease). The goals that are part of this subreddit's theme are being worked on in the form of very early research, and the expected time frame of such advances hitting the market are years away, but we are here to follow the progress.

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Links to external Longevity-related sites



Longevity Wiki

Outline of Life Extension on Wikipedia

Index of life extension related Wikipedia articles

Aging in Motion
Aging Matters
Alliance for Aging Research
Alliance for Regenerative Medicine
American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
American Aging Association
American Federation for Aging Research
American Society on Aging
Blue Zones - /r/BlueZones
Brain Preservation Foundation
British Society for Research on Aging
Calico Labs
Caloric Restriction Society
Church of Perpetual Life
Coalition for Radical Life Extension
Dog Aging Project
ELPI Foundation for Indefinite Lifespan
Fight Aging! Blog
Found My Fitness
Friends of NIA
Gerontology Wiki
Global Healthspan Policy Institute
Health Extension
Healthspan Campaign
Humanity+ magazine
Humanity+ wiki
International Cell Senescence Association
International Longevity Alliance
International Longevity Centre Global Alliance
International Society on Aging and Disease
Juvena Therapeutics
Juvify Health
Leucadia Therapeutics
Life Extension Advocacy Foundation
Life Extension Foundation
Lifeboat Foundation
Loyal for Dogs
Longevity History
Longevity Vision Fund
MDI Biological Laboratory
Methuselah Foundation
New Organ Alliance
Oisin Biotechnologies
Organ Preservation Alliance
Palo Alto Longevity Prize
Rubedo Life Sciences
Stealth BioTherapeutics
The War On Aging
Unity Biotechnologies
Water Bear Lair

Informational Sites:

Programmed Aging Info
Senescence Info
Experimental Gerontology Journal
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development Journal

Schools and Academic Institutions:

Where to do a PhD on aging - a list of labs


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AI For Longevity Drug Discovery Webinar

1 Comment
01:23 UTC


announcing AgingBiotech.info/therapeutics a table of available aging therapeutics

Announcing: AgingBiotech.info/therapeutics (beta)
a table of most available (potential) aging therapeutics: supplements, drugs, lifestyle, etc.

The goal isn't to judge or rank them but to summarize other evaluations & link useful sources of details.

Important notes:

Launching it not completely filled out on the assumption it's better to release the substantial info collected so far since many purported therapeutics are commonly discussed & used, but sometimes by people who haven't looked at much info.

Many people experiment w/ personal use of therapies despite that scientific understanding & eval of many is patchy. What data/analysis exists isn't easy to collect. There's no central place to find links to much of the relevant papers/data. This is meant to be one such collection.

The overall philosophy of AgingBiotech.info is that great things on the way from aging biotech but not yet available. Some people naturally don't want to wait, but one should be cautious of over-interpreting aging therapy data. This new table can aid deep dives. It's a jumping off point hopefully slightly better than just starting with a web-search.

This is absolutely not a recommended "stack", nor a direct endorsement. My sense is most molecules here don't have enough evidence yet for most to use them (especially at super-physiological levels) & the most important column is the who-needs-it column called "best diagnostics/biomarkers to determine individual need & to titrate dose", for which there are woefully inadequate answers for most things. I think a lot of people overestimate how much good many supplement or drug molecules will do & simultaneously my sense is that the lifestyle stuff is woefully underestimated & underutilized, & mostly safer.

Hope this is useful to some people.

Those who want to help fill in the missing details should reach out directly.

1 Comment
13:10 UTC

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