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20th of December will mark 3.5 years since 2021's Cyber Polygon event that became viral and predicted hacking attempts that will shut down the grid. This time frame has astrological significance that I will not get into in this post. And now Scandinavian countries inform their residences that this is a real threat.
What is important is that this is only 4 weeks from now. If you live in a cold area, prepare for a winter with no energy. In warm areas you will need to find water source.
This December we will face power shortages for days at a time, next December I worry the grid will shut down for much longer.
I'm doing my best to inform as many as I can. I hope you will take this seriously.
I can't prove it but I have noticed for a year now that the algorithm has a bit of a suppression agenda.
Is this is a forum for free thinking and discussing issues which have captured the public’s imagination for communist thought? Are your goals to have a fairer, more transparent world and a better future for everyone according to communist ideology?
The political elite conspire to suppress grassroots candidates via polling data.
On the surface it seems benign, but polling data directly influences the Commission on Presidential Debates and who becomes eligible to enter the debate arena.
This disastrous 16 point polling, touted as fact, has exposed the con.
Hopefully Ann Selzer won't be the lalast to fall, and we can expose the rest of the dark network undermining the will of the people.
I’ve always wondered why she seems to keep escaping from the consequences of her actions. Seems like she has her own hooks into certain players in DC.