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A.I. means Artificial Intelligence. Artificial means fake. Fake means not-real. Phony. Why would anyone want Fake anything. And if's it's.fake or artificial and not real who wants it? How will we know if the source of the data is correct? Because someone programed it that way to their thinking? I'd rather have REAl Not artificial intelligence. From real humans and real references to the source data to triangulate facts myself as we humans do better than fake. And it is really intelligent if it's' artificial/fake ?
I don't know what sanctimonious koolaid both drank and came to the hearings, but my gawd they wouldn't budge on a single one of their issues? What's the point of dying on whatever moral hill they decided to lie down if they dont get to actually make any difference. All the did was grand stand on their own principles to get yelled at and branded as crazies and traitors and foreign assets. But if they are this stubborn about their stances, my lawd they make the worst foreign assets ever 😂, literally drawing national attention on themselves, making enemies going against the grain everywhere, pissing people off left and right instead of being covert and actually work for enemies
Let’s get some actual conspiracy talks going. I was trying to find any quotes by Bernie on the death of Seth Rich. Most on this sub should be familiar with the Seth Rich story. Bernie was getting screwed by Hillary and the DNC, so Seth pushed to see the voter information. After realizing Bernie got screwed, he supposedly leaked emails to Wikileaks. (I think he did) This was promoted when Julian Assange offered 20k$ for information on Seth’s murder. Bernie didn’t try to find the killer or even seem to care
I was looking to see if there were quotes from Bernie supporting Seth, before his death. I couldn’t find anything except reports on the lawsuit against Fox. Search engines make sure those are the top posts when you search for Seth Rich. Couldn’t find any support from Bernie, which we all know he rolled over for Hillary. Even his supporters knew it. The lawsuit reminds me of the Alex Jones/Sandy Hook trial. Headlines to cover up history on the search engines.
Since 2020 I've had a weird feeling that something big is coming. Idk what but I can't shake the feeling. I'm leaning towards the big reveal of aliens or the reset. Anyone else feeling this as well?
Hey mods. This doesn't violate the rules, stop taking it down. Unless y'all don't want this particular conversation being had? Maybe y'all are the reason the community has changed so drastically??? Are you Russian agents? Chinese spies hell bent on destroying the fabric of our society???
I joined the community because it was fun! We could share cool conspiracies and speculate on weird shit. Now it's just all political bullshit. How did it all go wrong? Let's fix it!
I hear that there is currently an invasion of the African country DRC and apparently conversations about it are being suppressed on social media?is this another ploy for mineral resources?
I'm not here to debunk, I'm not here to say what's real and what's fake. I am just here to ask questions. Don't like it? Well then go home and be a family man.
Here's a link to the video I've just watched on her channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDOnxpViQxY
To be honest I've never been interested in whether Bridgitte was male or female or even alien or a humanoid lizard, I really don't care about stuff like that for real. However, stunning Candice is going to bring our some real dark staff including pedophilia and pederasty within organized high-power circles.
Now, take a look at this article "12 Medical Institutions of France Became Twinned with Ukrainian Hospitals – Olena Zelenska during a Meeting with Brigitte Macron, 7 June 2024" https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/12-medzakladiv-franciyi-stali-pobratimami-ukrayinskih-likare-91393
And here is an interesting bit that it contained in it: "In addition, the First Lady of Ukraine visited the Figuier Medical and Psychological Center for Children and Adolescents (CMP Figuier). Olena Zelenska noted the importance of the French experience in building a system of psychological support for Ukrainian children. “On top of their personal challenges, Ukrainian children, just like adults, are experiencing war-related stress. Therefore, all our assistance – psychological, educational and therapeutic – should be available,” she said."
Now, after what Candice has said, I started to think what if the war in Ukraine benefited rings of pederasts and pedophiles, including the elites. I started to think about masses of beautiful Slavic children fleeing the war into the Western world en masse. I did a little research and it seems right from the beginning of the invasion, on the other side of the border when Ukrainian women and children were fleeing in a hurry, all sorts of scum, pimps, and criminals, probably including pedophiles, were waiting for them. But no one had really talked about it. Ukrainian women without sufficient funds, support, rights, and even language fluency would be easy prey, especially their children.
I do thank Candace for her brave search for truth, it takes a lot to recover from being expelled for truth and then no matter what trying to support the suppressed truth.
As great of a movie that terminators 1 and 2 are I find myself aligning it with AI in todays world, do you think there could very well be an AI takeover and we go to war with machines and computers? and if so could we win? I feel like James Cameron predicted this in a way. What do you think?
I've been using Reddit for over a decade, and like many of you, have seen it evolve over the years. The current state of Reddit is just not usable anymore. The early days of Reddit were pretty awesome. You'd go to a subreddit of a particular interest and people would post and comment about this shared interest. Now politics and propaganda has invaded every aspect of this site.
This site has literally become a propaganda tool. It's not something I feel comfortable supporting anymore. My time on this site often leaves me feeling bad and worse off.
There were two major shifts I recall which led to this downfall for me. The first was when Reddit made it impossible for all the 3rd party apps to function due to crazy high API fees. The RedditIsFun App was superior to the Reddit app in everyway. The second was when Reddit decided it would force you to consume what it wanted to show you, vs. just showing you the content of your subscribed subs. Now all we have is a dystopian propaganda machine riddled with bots attempting to shape and force opinion.
There's a few subs that aren't lost yet... and maybe I will lurk in them from time to time. I just not longer want to support and use a platform that is trying to undermine everything I stand for. Wish you all the best.
So i find this doctor's video few years ago who speak in the video from 03:15.
Why i believe him?Too much happy and satisfied peoples saying the same positive things after they learn that doctor and he's work.And more important after that video they show tons of tons documentations about this cure what not a fraud.
I cant believe how much information they show to the public.Amazing.
And what suspicious?No one talking about it,even the opinions againt it not exist.That makes it very very suspicious.They just throw this subject to the trash bin of oblivion.
Space geniuses who invent and advance spacecraft (such as Elon Musk for example), working on ways to get humans to Mars and progressing rapidly with today’s technology, might actually be aliens themselves. Their true mission? To land on Mars, transport aliens back to Earth using our own technology, and ultimately colonize and take over the planet. Thoughts?
I know some of you don’t believe in astrology and numerology but according to the lunar calendar ( Chinese astrology ) this year is the year of the Snake🐍
Last time it was a snake year it was 2001 and 9/11 happened
The time before that it was the fall of the Berlin Wall
My theory is that basically expect a life changing event to occur this year. It is inevitable.
I know some of you will come back to this when it happened and think “oh he was right”
Just watch