
Photograph via snooOG

Privacy in the digital age (this is not a SECURITY subreddit, and PUBLIC data, closed source, etc is off-topic)

Dedicated to the intersection of technology, privacy, and freedom in the digital world.

"I don't have anything to hide but I don't have anything I want to show you either" - @CryptopartyBLN

"Privacy is not a sign of wrongdoing. Privacy is a sign of freedom." - /u/blackhawk_12

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(updated 2023-04-27)

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Privacy friendly alternative to Office365, Google Docs Online?

What privacy friendly alternatives are out there to work together on a document online?

15:15 UTC


I installed the Fixd app (iOS) to use the OBD2 reader I'd just purchased for $50. The app immediately contacted amazon, google, criteo, apple, and a handful of others. How do I prevent that from happening?

I thought something like NEXTdns would allow me to set a rule to block apps from phoning home, but apparently not. Are there any applications that will allow me to set up rules that will prevent apps from sending usage data to... well, anyone?

13:43 UTC


Question abour airports checking your fb data. More in bio.

So I heard people get randonlmly checked. I heard of a friend getting questioned just because he discussed in a PM about travel plans they discussed tryinf to get his gf to move to his country. They had no illegal intentions but for some reason that made customs suspicious enough to question them.

I plan on travelling and don't have anything to hide but can't confirm having anything suspicious I would have discussed with friends since they are known to talk about subjects such as illegal drug use, controversial politics but nothing serious, threatening or any intent to cause harm. Just stupid stoner's with extreme views and lifestyles, unfortunately.

I pretty much plan on deleting my fb because no one respects me keeping our chats civil. If I were to buy a new sim card and create a new fb account just for marketplace and events, would my old fb data still be accessible if I get checked. As i said, I got nothing to hide and won't let this bother me travelling, but if I can avoid being checked for the sake of it, wondering what if? I wouldn't suspect anything would happen besides being refused entry. Thanks!

13:22 UTC


How To Live Extremely Private {UNREALISTIC GUIDE}

The Three Main Points:

Always pay with cash. Don't use the Internet. Never, ever, identify yourself.

All the Rest:

Don't talk with others.

Don't describe yourself.

Leave the bank.

Don't use credit.

Never give your name or address unless you absolutely need to. (The only reason you'd might is gov. is asking. and even then...fight for your right.)

Don't buy stuff.

Don't travel.

Change your name, to create a new profile of "you".

Delete your online accounts.

Don't use tech.

Only send PGP-encrypted emails.

Talk, in person. (and/or use cans and wires for increased "encryption".)

Walk, take a bus or bike/scooter/skateboard/rollerblade instead of drive. (since cars are unfortunately tied to your identity.)

Use a trust to buy property. Use physical keys instead of RFID/tappable cards.

Leave the oppression of the city, policing, government, the cameras, surveillance, society.

Say goodbye to the internet.

Should I follow all of these? No.

This is an extreme "how-to", it's just meant to open your eyes and show you how they are tracking us in so many ways.

I do recommend taking action on some of these steps—again, not all of them, as that would be unrealistic. However, there are a few you can definitely implement.

12:32 UTC


Second (private) mobile number in Australia?

I'm looking to get a secondary/private Australian mobile number that I can use for account verification and dating without giving my mobile number out to every website and person.

I was looking into Google voice, Hushed etc... and they seem to all be US only?

Does anyone know of one that works in Australia?

10:09 UTC


List of thought-provoking question I could ask to a 'I have nothing to hide' person

Hi everyone,

What I am looking for is a list of questions/ideas I could use with a friend when the privacy topic. Something intentionally provocative and short, aimed to create a debate.

I am searching for this cause i find the common arguments about why privacy matters to be "too intellectual" for stupid/not-willing-to-understand people. I mean, if I am hanging out with some friends and somehow we start talking about privacy I cant start a short debate about NSA, Snowden, FAANGs inquiries, EU GDPR and stuff; I would prefer to find something intentionally provocative, strong and quick that could make them start thinking about this topic more carefully. Something they can't ignore easily.

Thanks for any ideas you will write down!

09:42 UTC


How Can I be sure Of this on Snapchat?

I Sent some Private Pics to some Trusted person on snapchat without thinking much and after he opened the snap I deleted them from chat because it was on (delete after 24 hours) then I got panicked somehow that My Private Pics would be on Snapchat server forever and Might get leaked somehow. I downloaded the data From "My Data" Option and those snaps weren't there, Is that mean those are permanently removed from servers ,Because Other pictures were there . More Suggest me what can I do to minimize the risk of backing up of those Pictures?

04:43 UTC


iOS app for blocking apps from phoning home? Lockdown Apps was suggested, but I cannot find it in the App Store.

I can’t stand the term ‘app’.

03:37 UTC


Consensus on TPM 2.0?

The past couple hours I've been trying to do some research on what TPM, specifically the Intel TPM (Platform Trust Technology), actually is and it seems like public community discussion has died since Windows 11 released. I've found some good answers through my research but nothing has been really definitive.
First page or two of search results will tell you the same recycled garbage paragraph, that probably isn't wrong, but is so vague and basic it mostly reads like a press release for tech illiterate folks to oooh and ahhh at. Wikipedia gives a good objective overview but doesn't highlight the important stuff and probably doesn't show the whole picture. And meanwhile Reddit threads seem to be full of conspiracy theorists who think its only there to send your entire disk to the NSA.
Now, I don't think everything is backdoored by the government waiting to MLK you for posting the wrong thing. But I don't not think that this has an NSA backdoor. And the name "Platform Trust Technology", along with how vague official information about this is, is ringing some alarm bells. But I can't really find anything online that isn't company shill or conspiracy theory.
I can't imagine anyone can know for certain, but has there at least been enough time for opinions to mature and blossom into beautiful flowers on this subject? I'd really like to hear some more intelligent perspectives.
Thank you and well wishes.

01:43 UTC


Are you privacy-oriented in a relationship with a partner who isn’t?

As the title suggests, I care about privacy. I understand that nowadays it’s almost impossible to use any service out there without revealing information about yourself. However, I do take steps to reduce what I put out there like my choice of browsers, use of proxy services and the like. An example, if I’m signing up for a service that’s not official, let’s say pizza delivery, I don’t use my real name or DOB. It’s pizza delivery. All they need to fulfill the service is what I want, delivery address and payment.

My partner doesn’t understand why I do what I do. Example, Instead of having google/safari autofill passwords for me, for some SPECIFIC websites I’d rather do it manually. They recently signed up for a beta program to test out products and the first item was a ring camera. I said no! That camera wasn’t going to the nursery or the garage or front door or back door… no, it’s Ring and based on it’s history alone, no way it is going to a place where I feel like our privacy could be violated. Their first response to my objection was, “We work for this company so they already know everything about us.”

I don’t know how to get my concerns across in a way they understand. Looking for advice on how to get my point across. Maybe I’m too paranoid?

Edit: for more context, they’re the kind of people who will create a facebook/google account and from their profile you can tell where they were born and when, all places they’ve ever lived, where they went to school, history of work places…I mean everything

01:18 UTC


Is there any way to delete articles that have nothing to do with my name?

When I search, my name which is not a common name I pop up in these articles that have nothing to do with my name like why is my name attached to this?

00:07 UTC


Is there any anonymous overseas SIM card that can be used for long-term roaming in Australia?

The cost isn't a major issue to me, but I would still prefer it to be somewhat low. Also, are there any current solutions to bypass the real-name registration requirement for mobile SIM cards in Australia? I previously heard in China that New Zealand's Skinny SIM cards could roam in Australia at a lower rate, but I'm not sure where to buy them now.

23:23 UTC


Passwords & Passphrases

I've always used passwords. I would spend several weeks learning a complicated password off by hard (that would be my master password — then I would keep all my other passwords in a password manager, like 1password or bitwarden). My passwords were usually 28-characters long, a mix of numbers, letters (uppercase and lowercase), and symbols. Completely random. But lately I keep hearing that one should use passphrases. Is this just because they're easier to remember? If so, completely ignoring which is easier to remember, which one is actually safer? Which one is actually harder to crack? Thanks.

21:51 UTC


Can disconnecting my car's antenna be enough to protect me from Onstar-like services?

I made a post a while ago taht I'm in the market for a car, and almost all of them have an on-star like system.

There are two aspects to privacy here: app usage, and built in tracking.

Obviously I won't use the app, but I'm wondering what to do about being tracked by onstar (vw's equivalent in this case).

Would disconnecting the sharkfin antenna be enough in this case?

I know I'll lose radio and what not, but I don't use those while driving anyway.

Any thoughts?

21:15 UTC


Which cloud storage service to use (not interested in cloud syncing)?

So, I need a cloud storage service that respects at least a more than acceptable level of privacy. I don't mean extremely secure - I'm keeping private, non-dangerous files. But I certainly don't start using Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive out of the box.
I've been using IceDrive's free plan for a week, it seems fine and congenial to me, but I'm worried about its durability in the future.
Basically, I'll ask you directly what you think is the best service for storing files in the cloud - and having them available on different devices without syncing (no iCloud stuff) - or what methods there are to make very popular services like GDrive more secure.

19:55 UTC


FISA 702

What do yall think of this law and is there anyway of avoiding it and keeping ur conversations safe? I just saw it on the news and was curious?

18:09 UTC


What's a good clipboard application for windows

Microsoft has it's own clipboard but it's very limited, I used to use a 3rd party app but I deleted it as I could not verify if it sends any data or not because sometimes we copy paste usernames/passwords, etc. Is there one that's verified to be completely offline and safe to use?

15:31 UTC


Help: information compromised, what to do afterwards?

Hi I stupidly compromised my:

Name Phone number Email address Street address Date of birth Driver’s License Number

Also my debit card but I immediately froze and reported that, so that card is burned.

I reported with the ftc, as was recommended on a different post but I’m still stressed.

Is there anything else I should do? I’m in the USA, and they didn’t get my SS number, so I don’t think I need to freeze my credit?

The last two years have been really hard, having my credit ruined or identity stolen would be the absolute worst cherry. Any advice would be really appreciated. I am kicking myself.

14:28 UTC


New-ish to privacy: should I just change my phone and accounts?

I recently spent quite some time learning about digital privacy and realised how careless I've been with tech companies (both google and apple). Now that I have cleaned up old accounts (overriding personal info before deleting), I am left with the option of changing my icloud and google accounts to something new and relatively "clean". (I have several devices around at home). My questions: would that be pointless if it's on the same device? Will big tech correlate the info of my old account with the new one and still know it's me? Moreover, I spend a lot of time at home. Won't the wifi provider still know it's me?

I have seen some pages online suggest to simplify everything. Would it not also be a strategy to fill up my phone with random information, for example watching videos of a sport I don't care about, to confuse data about me? I'm sorry if this is a silly question.

I need some technical explanation, or advice for sources I can check myself.

12:05 UTC


Private discord alternative available and easily accessible for android mobile.

Appreciate the work everyone on here is doing it is much appreciated. 👌

11:27 UTC

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