
Photograph via snooOG

A sub dedicated to (fictional) character development! This includes writing characters, art, etc. Please make sure they are your own original characters (OCs).

Exactly what the name would imply, this is a sub dedicated to (fictional) character development! It can be a character you or anyone else created/working on! You can submit a resource or article about writing a character, or just start a discussion on how to evolve your character if you're struggling! The scope is wide, so feel free to submit, you will not be penalized if we prune a post.

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I want your opinion on some of my Characters

I've been creating these characters lately for my story / world building project / future series. I aiming a comedy and adventure themed series where the characters are put in various adventures. But first, what do you think of my characters?

Princess Rayna: Princess Rayna is the princess of the Evaria empire, consisting of the eastern U.K like kingdom Excaleon, and Spain like Kingdom Amareino. Rayna's element is Mana, forging magic from the mind and emotion. Rayna is a kind and energetic young woman, and wants to be a warrior just like her mother and father, however her father doesn't allow it because he believes she is too young (despite being 20) and it's too dangerous for her. Rayna wants to be a warrior because most of the kingdom doesn’t respect and finds her too “giddy”. After meeting Tye (more on him later) Rayna wants Tye to be her mentor and teach her how to be a skilled warrior.

Tye: Tye is a former Andreyas soldier turned Evarian knight. Andreyas is Evaria's rival kingdom and is based on Canada and USA. Tye's element is Water, the ability to cast water / liquid based spells. Tye was once an Andreyas soldier, but was left behind after failing to retrieve something from Evaria. After Rayna convinces her father to keep him, and being impressed by Tye's ability in Combat, Rayna makes Tye train her to become a warrior. Stuck with no other choice, Tye agrees and they go on many adventures because of course they do.

Cynder: Cynder is a servant in the Evaria Empire. I’m deciding whether her element should be Dark, the ability to cast darkness and corruption spells or Metal, the ability to cast metal based spells. Cynder is Rayna’s best friend, but unlike Rayna she is “Tougher than a dragon”. Despite this, Cynder is always there for her friend, and is willing to help her whenever she can. However, like Rayna, she also wants to get respect from the kingdom, and is willing to do anything to do that, even if it means betraying her best friend.

Darkstalker (Prince Damien): Darkstalker (real name Damien) is the prince of Andreyas. His element is Dark, the ability to cast darkness and corruption spells. Darkstalker is essentially a warrior who fights with honor and is willing to do anything for his father. He is a highly skilled warrior (his skills are similar to batman's) and has defeated Tye, Rayna, and their friends time and time again. However, after meeting Evelyn (more on her later), Evelyn changes his mind and this allows Darkstalker to finally stand up to his father.

Evelynn: Evelynn is a medic of Andreyas. Her element is Ice, the ability to cast ice and snow based spells. Evelynn is a kind hearted young woman, but is always bullied by her rival Camellia. She always counts her blessings and is glad to have her father (the captain of the Andreyas soldiers) and her mother, and her dog, Blizzard. When Evelyn meets Darkstalker, Darkstalker spends more time with her, and Evelynn shows Darstalker the beauty of life and happiness, which ultimately leads to his redemption. Despite her kindness, she is a skilled fighter (being the daughter of the captain) and always joins Darstalker on his adventures to protect and serve his kingdom.

Nightmare (Emperor Igneal): Nightmare is the emperor of Andreyas. His element is Fire, the ability to cast fire and heat based spells. Nightmare wants nothing more than to make his Kingdom highly powerful, even if it means allying with the avatar of the God of chaos and Destruction, Zestroyon. Nightmare is also a powerhouse, capable of defeating most of the cast if he wanted to. His cursed state allows him to absorb any forms of heat and he is capable of things no human or mortal can do. Nightmare also feeds on the blood of live animals to control his curse from corrupting him. Let’s just say he got his curse after a certain incident.

Empress Arianna: Arianna is the queen of the Evaria empire and Queen of Rainara kingdom. Her element is Mana, forging magic from the mind and emotion. Arianna really cares for Rayna, her daughter, Arianna wishes that Rayna could become a warrior. She doesn’t like how the people think of her daughter as naive, and wishes her father, Leynad would take her more seriously.

Emperor Leynad: Leynad is the Emperor of the Evaria empire and King of Excallius. His element is Light, the ability to cast light based spells. Leynad is a man with a mysterious past. He wants to keep his daughter safe since crimes and attacks have been rising in Evaria recently. He also keeps a lot of secrets from Rayna, including the fact that he is hiding many demonic artifacts from her daughter and the true nature of his past.

Lord Vieran: Lord Vieran is one of the few lords of Evaria. His element is Metal, the ability to cast metal based spells. Lord Vieran is a dangerous man. He is the leader of the Zeorex terrorist group and the one behind the attacks in Evaria. Vieran wants to summon Zestoyon and wishes for one thing, to have a universe that goes by his laws.

Axol: Axol is an angelic axolotl. He first met Tye and Rayna while trying to defeat and capture a powerful demon. After completing his mission, he later allies with them to help fix the many time anomalies in their world and helps them defeat the demons that threaten their kingdom.

Zestroyon: Zestroyon is the god of Destruction and Chaos in my universe. He lives for the many chaotic and destructive things that happen on Earth and other mortal planets. Zestroyon is currently manipulating Nightmare and Lord Vieran to free him from his prison. However, despite his love for chaos and destruction, Zestroyon is a rather immature and odd individual, fooling around with his stern and serious victims.

02:31 UTC


Is my character flawed in design?

So for context. This specific character of mine goes by the name “Tank”. She’s a character in my video game who tackles a lot of themes regarding gender.

Have you ever seen that cliché where the male version of a character is all badass, but the female equivalent is made to be either sexy or adorable? Completely disregarding any interesting concepts or ideas that could be implemented with a female character? “Tank” is that to a hyperbolic example to start a conversation on female designs in fiction.

Her design is so plain and objectified intentionally to make the player / audience feel almost upset at the wasted potential her design could’ve had especially when compared to the other males and females in the game and point a spotlight on how intrinsic “selling sex” is in our society.

I think she hands down, has the greatest story out of all the characters within my game by a wide margin directly responsible to those decisions I made with her design, but a lot of that revolves around the fact that she’s incredibly boring.

When I’m crafting her kit in game, I was stuck thinking

“How can I make her interesting?”

But when I made her interesting (in game), it shallowed the story and the whole point of why it’s an issue. But when I made her boring (in game), it would obviously lead to a very underwhelming experience and I don’t want to sacrifice the player’s enjoyment to further get my point across.

I hope I was able to get my point across.

Her being boring (personality wise) helps her story become one of the greatest, most interesting, timeless stories I ever wrote and makes her unironically interesting.

Her being boring (gameplay wise) means who would pick her over the unique, engaging characters instead?

Her being interesting (gameplay wise) directly ruins messages within the story, examples being: bias towards gender roles / stereotypes affecting women much more harshly, commodification of sex, etc etc etc. and muddying the other concepts I tackle indirectly.

Is there a solution to this? Is the concept broken by inception? Thoughts? Ideas?

13:06 UTC


A Question

I'm embarking on my first novel-writing journey and aiming to feature four protagonists in my story. However, I'm seeking advice on how to effectively develop and manage multiple main characters. How can I ensure each protagonist feels distinct and compelling, with their own unique voice and arc? Additionally, how do I weave their individual storylines together seamlessly while preventing one character from overshadowing the others? Any tips on maintaining balance and cohesion in a narrative with multiple protagonists would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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17:11 UTC


Scene describing a character a bit. What do you think?

Vladislav was already waiting for her as she stepped off the morning bus. His white Lada sat in the middle of the school parking lot as it did every morning when he had driven from his home oblast. After feeding and milking sixty cows. The windows were foggy to put it the very least. Elena’s brow furrowed as she stepped closer to the fogged windows.

She attempted to see through the obstructed glass in the driver’s side but couldn’t see nothing. Oh, then she might as well pull the door handle. She gripped the door handle, pulling with all her might. Just like so many other Ladas she had seen, his had begun rusting away at the edges of the roof, doors and trunk. A bit of algae had begun growing on the rubber edge holding the windshield in place. The door croaked open, revealing a snoring Vladislav laying on his side. He was wrapped in the rough gray woolen blanket she had seen before, but this time wearing a new jacket. If one could call it new. It was in fact a khaki military jacket with a thick fur collar, like the ones she remembered the soldiers wearing when her parents watched the news about the war in Afghanistan against the Mudjahadin years ago. He had probably gotten it from a soldier in need of money or from a surplus store, likely without paying.

His jeans were a different story all together. Though not visibly worn at first, one could clearly the patches his mother had sewn on the inside to hide the fact it wasn’t denim fabric. The interior of his car was an equal mess. On the dash sat a half eaten piece of Buterbrod. The cassette player still sat on the dash, nailed directly into it with a uncovered piece of wire running down into the radio. Beside Vladislav lay his tumbler, beads of condensation water running down the metal. On the passenger seat sat a bottle of vodka although to Elena’s satisfaction he had only taken a small amount to spike his tea. Though she had a feeling his trunk was filled to the brim with old plastic containers filled with 90 pure samogon. He'd sell it out of his trunk after school, she had figured out that much.

His book bag lay on the backseat together with three or more tractor manuals, and a mix of nails, bolts and nuts. Despite the half dozen air fresheners that hung from the windshield mirror, the car stank heavily of livestock. Drool dripped from the corner of Vladislav's mouth, pooling in one of the backseat seat wells. Elena scoffed, he shouldn't be expecting a good morning kiss from her.

The three weeks she had been dating this to put it frankly, peculiar dirt poor son of an electrician and a nurse, had been quite a ride. Well, when she compared it to her somewhat comfortable life in Miroslavl now and the bit of money her parents had scraped together with their former positions as low level officials of the bygone Communist Party back when the Soviet Union had yet to collapse, Chernarus was yet to become an indepedent cduntry. While they lived in Novigrad. Well, they had lived there until three weeks ago

09:48 UTC


What does love interest think of the main character?

The main character in my story "Carrie" (19F), is a college student of Hispanic descent. She goes to the Caribbean with her family. During the trip, she attempts to befriend some other American teens by playing volleyball with them. One of these teens is named "Tom" (18M). Tom, thinking Carrie is a local, makes some indirect comments about her not playing well. Eventually, Tom figures out that Carrie speaks English, and begins to be nicer to her, teaching her to throw the ball and giving her encouraging comments.

Later on in the trip, Carrie and Tom meet again, because they share a mutual friend "Luke" (18M). Tom sees how beautiful Carrie is, and flirts with her, but Carrie is too dense to realize he likes her. Carrie ends up getting so drunk that Tom, Luke, and the rest of the gang escort Carrie back to her room. Carrie likes Luke, but Luke leads her on a little, and he ultimately rejects her. Carrie and Tom are friends at this point, but Carrie is very quiet after the incident with Luke. Tom asks her why she's so quiet, and he tries to get to know her better, asking her what she likes to do, etc.

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08:52 UTC


Fetzer: Disturbed youth seeking revenge against the world


Fetzer is the bastard son of a petty nobleman and a leper, and his fading memory of them is shadowed by the abusive uncle who raised him. The uncle demanded much from Fetzer, but was continuously disappointed.

And so Fetzer endured a youth laden with rejection, loss, and violence. His failed pursuit of knighthood as a squire at Perilune Academy was his final attempt at normalcy. Self-reliant and impulsive, Fetzer struck out on his own with a dark confidence in his own survival. He stepped into the wider world carrying no expectations, only a deep-seated vengeance that smoldered like a hot coal within him.

He imagined himself taking his revenge against the faceless, formless entity that had guided his life of misfortune, by one day usurping its power. His disturbed thoughts and bitterness regressed when he stumbled upon the Order of the Candlestone.

In Master Arasemis he found a deep well of teaching that could further hone his significant skill with a blade and add some alchemical trickery. And in the other Candlestone recruits he found malleable peers that he could manipulate for his own ends. Particularly Marlan, with whom he grew close because of Marlan’s belief that Fetzer’s singular ability was the mark of a prophesied leader of Candlestone.

Although open about his lust for power, Fetzer is careful not to be too open with anyone about his darkest beliefs, making do with scratching his thoughts into a secret journal to keep his sanity. Over time, Fetzer’s willingness to elevate himself above the sacred aims of Candlestone attracts admonitions from Arasemis, but protection from Marlan.


Context: Fetzer is a main character in one of my epic fantasy novels. This artwork is a hybrid of Midjourney and my own work in Procreate. More at r/Earthpillar

20:57 UTC


I need help with a animal themed superhero

I have created a superhero that is rabbit themed, however, he is also Irish and Scottish and this is heavily to do with his character and stuff, and I learned that Ireland and Scotland don’t have any rabbit mythology but hare mythology, and they are two different species. I could make my superhero hare themed. However, I also want my character to have the mentor of the Chinese rabbit god. Does anyone have any idea what I could do? Is there a way I could do both?

20:51 UTC


I think I made this character too evil

I have this character who's an anti-hero bordering the villain line. Here's the backstory:

Adam Telmegara was born to the Realmlin tribe deep in the Northeastern region of the continents, his father was Maxarius Telmegara, a retired half-zombie hitman, and his mother was a local Druid named Iris. Adam's mother died when he was six and his father passed away from Tuberculosis at 12, this left Adam orphaned at a young age, but thankfully his father taught Adam everything he knew before passing away. This allowed Adam to survive many years on his family's estate without the need for adult supervision, however, this did cause mental issues and social anxiety in Adam.

Most of the time Adam is either too quiet or too quirky, sometimes he struggles to speak full sentences cause he's still shy or anxious to keep talking.

Adam joined his tribe's army at 14 years old, but he didn't see much action until he was 16. An Empire from another dimension invaded his tribe and enslaved his people. Adam was able to escape, but from that day onwards, Adam made a promise, that he would kill them "down to the last one!"

The Empire would continue to colonize various parts of the land, causing the Union (a coalition of tribes and kingdoms) to fight back. Adam joined the Union's army and rose to the ranks as a skilled fighter and military leader, and his Crusade of the West is legendary but also controversial.

He goes on to commit atrocities like killing Imperial colonists in mass, bombing colonies, forcing POWs into fields, executing surrendering soldiers, burning down colonies and plantations, and even his plan to destroy the Empire's homeworld (Attempted Genocide basically).

And his most controversial action was the castration of male POWs. But, it's important to know the context of it all.

When he killed Imperial colonists and burnt/bombed colonies, that's pretty typical of a general leading a war especially if those people invaded his land.

His forced labor of POWs isn't slavery, this was a common thing within the Union where they took Imperial POWs to do labor. Adam wasn't using them to profit, he forced them to work in the fields to gather food to provide for the slaves he liberated, and he only worked them for a few hours, much less than the other Union regiments which would force POWs to work for days nonstop as payback. When the war ended, Adam was much calmer at that point and gave the POWs compensation for their labor before sending them home. It was more like community service.

When he tortured people, those people were Officials, people who supported the massacre and enslavement of his people as well as owning Native Women as concubines.

That brings the biggest controversy was his castration of male POWs, it's heavily exaggerated, he only castrated like 60 people, and there was a reason for that.

Female POWs would be sold off as concubines for the elites and nobles, their treatment was horrific, and one noble named Vermillion started a company built off this idea. Vermillion himself owned Xhara, the Chieftess of Adam's tribe and the closest thing Adam had to a mother, as a maid/concubine. Vermillion was known for treating Xhara horrifically.

Nothing could justify the cruelty and violence he inflicted on those people, but it's understandable.

Adam also goes through a lot of development, he goes from being socially anxious and quiet to being more open and loud speaking to becoming this kind of messiah-like figure to most of his people, then he goes on to commit a lot of atrocities and even had plans to genocide the Empire's people, but then decides to back out on the idea once he sees the suffering the Empire inflicted onto their people especially when he frees his Chieftess who begs him not to do so.

Then Adam joins a band of Rebels to help him launch a counter-invasion into the Empire.

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19:34 UTC


I want some heelp with these characters

I have four characters that are linked with each other and I need help with giving them personality traits and making them interesting.

The four characters are Sanlion Jinzi, Caliban, Krotion Regulus and Samayena.

Here are their relation with each other: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAB2WyDsA/G7TE_-DOvgQlcP9WolhfOA/edit?utm_content=DAGAB2WyDsA&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

If you can’t access the link for some reason, here’s a brief description:

Sanlion is the son of Cabom and Aina when they married each other.

Caliban is a bioengineered son of Cabom when his Dna was stolen by the lunarians.

Krotion Regulus is the son of Cabom when the lunarians stole his Dna and used it to impregnate one of their own (their first plan was to create a lunarian prince but that plan was abandoned and they instead created Caliban)

Samayena is a creation/clone by Sanlion when he tried to use a powerful artifact. He has Sanlion’s powers and some of his memories.

Short description of them as characters:

Sanlion has a superiority complex and sees himself as “the most important person in the room” at all times. He’s physically weak and his ability is portal creation. At the beginning of the story, his goal is to make a name for himself and to secure a position of power. Basically, he wants respect. Later on, when he learns how weak he actually is and when he learns to grow from his immature mindset, he becomes a better person who wants to help his friends.

Caliban starts off as a curious creature that explores the world. His intellect is similar to a monkey in his first form. Another thing is that he likes to watch theater plays. In his second form, Cavitribot, he starts to form words and now engages with people and their daily lives. He not only watches how people act but also tries to copy it. Now, when he sees a theater play, he tries to mimic their moves and acting. In his third form, Catriom, he gains a massive boost in intellect and is now able to talk and have a strong personality. He’s very “active” when he talks. He moves his hands a lot and uses a lot of “big” words. Now, he actually tries to be in the plays that he watches. He wants to be the center of attention and the best whenever people watch him. This also leads to a bunch of mistakes when he tries to catch people’s attention. Finally, we have his final form, Catrimosa. As Catrimosa, he has a true god/hero complex and only sees other people as pawns or objects in his path. Whenever he watches theaters, he has a very “I could do better than all of them!” mentality. His goal now is just to become more powerful and to prove to other people that he’s the most powerful being in the world.

Krotion Regulus sees himself as a “rival” to Sanlion. He sees himself as the underdog in every situation while also having a desire to surpass Sanlion. He has always had this thought and envy of Sanlion ever since he learned about him. Deep down, this resentment comes from the fact that Krotion knows that he isn’t the “real” son of Cabom, he’s just an experiment that’s a part of the lunarians plan. He doesn’t want that. He desires true free will and in his mind, he can only achieve freedom when he becomes more powerful than the “true” son of Cabom.

Samayena knows that he isn’t Sanlion and that he’s just a “echo” of him. But he hates that, he resents Sanlion for creating him and he desires to become more than just an echo. He wants to be in a position where people will respect him. Basically, he wants to justify and give importance to his own existence. He always claims that he has nothing against Sanlion while also criticizing his every move. Ironically, by trying to be more than Sanlion, he becomes a lot like him (with the desire to secure a position of power)

I want help with anything that I might be missing or anything I should be thinking about when regards to these characters.

Also, Sanlion was born in 1827

Caiban was released/woke up in 1849

Krotion was born in 1829

Samayena was created in 1851 but is as old as Sanlion

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19:09 UTC


What kind of characters satisfy viewers and audiences?

I'm trying to design characters that satisfy audiences, but I have a few questions...

  • What kind of character traits / personalities do people want to see?
  • What kind of arc to people want to see?
  • What kind of ethnicity or race should a character be for people to be satisfied?

These are some of my questions. Again, I want to make characters that satisfy the audience. So what do you think?

23:07 UTC


Help, I've accidentally given 3 of my characters the same character arc

So I'm writing up a pilot for a show, in which I don't want to say lest I spoil it. But its about a group of 6 people dealing with mental problems whilst going on wacky adventures. It will revolve around 6 characters based on their colour scheme. And I just now realised that 3 of them share the same core problem.

(P.S I will only be referring them by their colour as I do not want this spoiled pre-maturely)

There's red who is a sort of Frankenstein mutant of sorts. An amalgamation of all different types of animals mixed into one (think Kevin 11 from classic Ben 10). Her core problem is that everyone seeing her as a monster due to her mangled appearance.

Then there's Green, A shapeshifting alien who masks her personality to whoever she's near. But nobody knows her original form and she is incredibly defensive about it. She is scared people won't like her for herself, so acts like someone else to mask their true self.

And finally we have Purple, A cybernetically enhanced bounty hunter who's obsessed with being perfect. So she tries to make her body more robotic, as she sees organic biology flawed and imperfect (think "the six million dollar mon" episode from futurama)

All of these girls have the same core problem of appearance and fitting in with society. While I do see all these girls bonding over their shared problem. I don't think their core messages are different enough from each other.

Once I start getting truly serious about this project. I plan to get actual professional help writing these characters. As an attempt to better understand and educate the masses about said mental problems. And I don't know if the 3 girls have distinguishable enough mental problems where it basically blends into the same message.

So What can I do with these character problems and make them more varied or less identical to each other?

12:02 UTC


Writing Androgynous Characters

So I've been working on a novel outline, to keep all of my characters and storyline intact while writing. I'm currently working on the main character's profile and am unsure how to go about some aspects. The main character is Lucifer, and for the most part they physically look like a female, but being a fallen angel, they don't have a gender or identify as a specific gender. They have no sexual desires, and the character has been on earth mingling with society for thousands of years. So I figure they will nonchalantly answer to any pronoun people they're interacting use for them because they're use to it.

The problem is how I write it when not in speech. I figured I can use "they/them" as much as possible, but sometimes it comes across as weird or forced. This is also a bit of a snag when it comes to how they present themselves in dress. They'll be going by the name Lucy for most of the story, so should I keep all aspects of the character's physical dressing/hair styles ect as gender natural as possible? I was thinking they could sway back and forward at times, depending on the situation, but I that might also be confusing.

Sorry if these are all dumb questions, I haven't written anything in a very long time, but I have been playing with this specific concept in my head for a few years now. I just don't want to be offensive or confusing to the LGBTQ+ community.

I'm kinda drawing the character profile a bit on myself. I've never really seen myself as either gender. But I'm biologically a female, so dress as such, just more on the plain tom-boy side in my day-to-day life, and try to dress more posh on occasion i do dress up. My inside circle always makes jokes that I'm not a guy or a girl, or that I'm "purple", instead of "pink" or "blue" (just to be clear, these jokes are not meant in a offensive way, and have even been used by some of my gay friends/family members as well). But I've also been discriminated by people of the LGBTQ+ community because I don't pick a identity other than what I am physically, saying I've been socially brainwashed because I was born in the 80's. So I'm trying to be careful I don't offend people with how I write the character.

19:40 UTC


Moodmaker Idol: Hoshiko Amari (甘利星子)

Hoshiko Amari - Art by me, Edelstein Storm

Hoshiko Amari / 甘利星子 (previously known as Satsuko Kuroyama or 黒山殺子) is a foreign exchange student from Japan. She transferred to Evergarden high school as a means to see more of the world outside of her own country. Unfortunately, when she started going to the town's high school, she was thrown into the whirlwind of the recent murder of football center Jared Adams. She quickly makes friends with Robin Rivers (16NB) who is an outcast. The two quickly form a relationship hidden from their peers, but the secret doesn't last long. Robin introduces Hoshiko to their friends, Anthony (14M), Jasper (17M), and Rayne (MC, 17M).


Hoshiko's homelife was not the best, so she turned to watching the most famous idols in Japan. Her favorite groups were namely Momoiro Clover Z and Nogizaka48. When she moved to the US, she pursued her dreams in singing and dancing. She never likes to see others around her sad or upset, so she'll do anything in her power to make them happier; this trait makes Rayne her foil, because he seems to never feel anything other than "meh."


In junior high, Hoshiko faced bullying for her "weeb" obsessions in idols and anime, despite the fact that it gave her a hope that she would survive her depression. Her parents were always gone at work and when they were home they were either sleeping or drinking, which upset Hoshiko quite a bit. When she moved to the US, she was hosted by the Amari's, who then adopted her and had her name legally changed to Hoshiko Amari from Satsuko Kuroyama.

Why did they adopt her?: Upon receiving news of her parents' neglect, the Amari's fought for custody, but they didn't have to fight much as her parents gave up custody almost instantly.

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03:02 UTC


Are my characters too similar?

I have two main characters, they are love interests but that's not the main focus of the story, it's about the personifications of natural powers (planets, elements,...). The big problem I'm facing is that I feel like the characters are too similar; Character 1; Aurinko (yes, it's a bit on the nose but it's important for the story), he's the personified sun. It's very important to him that people are happy, but he's the literal sun so there lays a lot of power on his shoulders which results in him being socially awkward, since he always fears he is doing things wrong. But with people he's close to (his love interest and family) he is very sunshin-y, nice and open once he opened up which could collide with the second main character. Character 2; nameless as of yet. He's 'only' a normal human being, so he has an easy life. He is also a very happy and content person and while he's rather extroverted, his biggest weakness is his naivity because he thinks good of almost every single person; unless they've done some obvious bad things (murder), he cannot be mad at them. He's a history student and always loves to share his passion which is actually how they met (it's also one of Aurinkos interests) There's a lot of explanations behind their behaviour but obviously it would take some time in the story to get there and I fear it could be annoying to have two main characters who are too much alike?

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21:44 UTC


Sister Green/hermana verde (WIP)

Maria (work in progress) is roughly 19 when she puts in an interview for an acting role in a movie which starts her on the path to stardom. Her management company and producer are also a work in progress.

Her Dad is a black Baptist preacher in his mid-forties married to an event organizer. The two own a three bedroom house with their adopted children. Maria is the oldest of her siblings and was taught never to swear by her adopted mom. She is quite happy having been adopted and loves her adoptive parents for doing.

Maria sings pop music and her favorite color is green. She didn’t start dying her hair a dark green and wearing green when her dad’s eyesight got worse, her hair color to help him out. Her siblings did similar things.

07:48 UTC


Should I share my characters?

I'm currently in a crisis. I wanna share my characters, But I'm scared since I have Anxiety. Should I? I have over 260 characters, and I'm honestly nervous Most of them have stuff like some sort of mental disorder and I'm nervous about it 😔

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03:46 UTC


Character Playlists

I've seen a post before saying that a wide variety of people make character playlists, like soundtracks for writing certain characters and all.. But my problem is: I want to put songs of different languages together and don't know if it'll break immersion or something. Thoughts?

01:12 UTC


What should I name the protagonist as to not conflict with Dune?

I've been working on my book for many years now with the protagonist character named Mahdi. The name relates to a Messiah figure or a divine guide, which fit well for this character. However, after seeing Dune Part 2 where this title is used a lot, I've decided to change the name of the character to something else. I've got some options below and their meanings, as well as an option to keep the name Mahdi if it remains stronger than the rest. A brief overview and some depictions of the character can be found here if it can help influence your choice.

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03:42 UTC


Masochistic character help

So I myself aren't masochistic, but I want to accurately portray the character of one who is.

So just a bit about his character is He's a musician who's dedicated to the concepts of love and lust, where he's canonically in an open relationship, and he fully embraces the nature of his public persona. Someone who struggles with addiction, toxic relationships, etc. Like he can't really see the red flags in his own relationships, but he thrives on keeping his partners happy and feeling loved for it. He ended up becoming masochistic because one of his former (VERY) toxic partners which lasted about a year which led to him developing that trait but.

Essentially what I'm asking is, What are some tips for properly portraying this side of his character, specifically for when he gets into fights and such.

Edit: I can add more about his character if needed

16:12 UTC


How to make the protagonist flawed?

How can I make the protagonist flawed, flawed in a way that they are extremely obsessed with a friend of theirs to the point of literally killing others for them.

This obsession is platonic but unhealthy as despite being a morally good person they lack self-esteem and are lonely due to this very fact they're possessive and obsessed with their friend who was the first to show them genuine care.

But their obsession is unhealthy and toxic. How do I depict such a character?

10:13 UTC



Im thinking of rewriting my superhero ocs backstory. I want Avril to still be an orphan but not live at an orphanage, some things in the story wouldn't work if she did. So she will stay an orphan, not sure how she became one bit i kinda want her orgin a little dark which affects her a bit and gives her reasons why she loves plants besides she finds them pretty and why shes so into making unique pots to put them in (this is a weird thing but its a hyperfixation she has). Im kinda inspired by the amazing spider-man and how they made his story more dark.

Her power orgin will stay the same as she gets plant chemicals spilled on her and give her powers that she finds out by reviving a sunflower and brings it to life. I feel like she would be super excited and decides to become a hero because she is a fangirl of them (they live in a world of superheroes) she starts by going out at night and stops thieves and one day stops a bunch of bad guys who had chemical like abilities from killing people. I see her as a people hero, she doesn't just wait for some world ending event to step in like many heroes, shes fine with stopping low teir bad guys and robberies and helping people when they need help.

As she becomes known in her city a semi popular podcaster who talks about heroes names her Phyllon and decides to make it her name. Shes not a genius, shes just a 14 year old who knows weird facts about plants and superheroes and does ballet.

Im not sure what city i want her to live in, i like the idea somewhere small and know for high crime? Her familiy arnt rich and work many jobs to survive which gives her the space to go and do hero stuff without getting caught.

23:45 UTC


Arasemis: Warrior-scholar of the Order of the Candlestone


Arasemis is a scholar of the arcanae, a master alchemist, a historian and practitioner of ancient tribal martial arts, a linguist, and an expert in multiple schools of swordcraft. The quintessential warrior-scholar, Arasemis was trained at a young age by his grandfather, Erwold, to adore the secretive Order of the Candlestone.

Comprising dangerous assassins from across the globe, the Order’s great goal of overthrowing modern kings to restore ancient tribal societies became Arasemis’s life’s work. The loss of his right arm in battle and the death of Erwold did not dampen Arasemis’s passion for reviving Candlestone. He continued to secretly carry the knowledge of Candlestone with him upon becoming a professor at Bredahade Academy, which gave him access to potential recruits and important books about hidden arcanae technologies waiting to be harnessed.

Although Arasemis was eventually forced out of the academy for espousing controversial beliefs about the ancient tribes, he was determined to use his knowledge, wealth, and underground connections to rebuild Candlestone. His carefully-laid plans to begin assassinating kings are ready to begin, if he can adequately control his head-strong apprentices.

Arasemis sleeps little. Under his careful eye, Arasemis employs rigorous training methods with his pupils, and promises them a vaunted position in history if they are successful in overturning nations. But first they must master shroud alchemy, wall-running, candle alchemy, and other skills.


Arasemis is a main character in my epic fantasy novels. This artwork is a hybrid of Midjourney and my own work in Procreate. More at r/Earthpillar

21:02 UTC


How do I make a character more real?

I'm working on a character named Mint and I hit a wall I'm not sure what info would be important to know. If you have any helpful ideas or question to make a character more real plz comment!!

Sorry if this doesn't make senses :D

Mint info-Google Doc

03:17 UTC


How to show a spoiled brat as loving

Specifically this is for a VtM DA MET (vampire LARP) character, but I feel like the rules are not really needed here.

My character Alesha is an absolute spoiled rotten little brat. Assumes she will always gets her way, makes demands without using command, loudly states what she wants, and is used to getting it, and does not back down. She’s not a nice person. Her Sire is attempting to invade the local area, and she was put in a situation where she was forced to take a blood bond in order to prove her loyalty. Typically this causes them to be loving and adoring. The person the my are forced to bond with is a former teacher.

I’m not sure exactly how to play this. Think along the lines of Veruca Salt or Angelica Pickles. How would you show a character like this as loving and adoring?

20:01 UTC


Can a shy girl that is considered "one of the most beautiful people" at their school be a school idol or even "popular"?

I've created a character where at school she gets the unwanted attention of most guys in here school and jealousy from another group of girls. But she isn't confrontational and shy. She is in general nice to people and will help if they ask but she mainly sticks with her three other friends.

One is like her but is mostly nice, another is nice but can have an attitude, and another is mostly attitude but it's basically the "lovable alpha bitch" so she does it to protect her friends from bullies and boys (since the character doesn't like boys).

Does a character like her make sense?

Edit: Definitely seeing now how she’s a contradicting character and Mary Sueish. A couple things I’ve read and wanted to point out and hopefully it’ll clear something’s…hopefully

  1. Not every guy likes her and she’s not popular like how most movies do it. When I say “popular”, I mean in the attention she gets. She doesn’t get it from every student but most guys have asked her out and wanted to date her. Now writing this she’s not as popular as it sounds. She actually is a regular student just beautiful lol

  2. The word I meant, if it changes anything, is that she’s introverted. With friends she has her personality and if she likes someone, she wouldn’t ask them out right away, but she would try to be friends with them to see their intentions (and if they also like girls). Still figuring out her character

Another thing I realized…I suck at writing characters

Also when she was younger she was plus sized and was bullied as a kid…puberty hit and her body went through changes but her introverted tendencies are still there

02:42 UTC


Is it a good idea for a main character to start with a pet?

I'm sure it depends on the type of character but I'm still wondering if it is. (Also not sure if this is the right flair for this type of post)

21:29 UTC

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