
Photograph via snooOG

/r/DungeonsAndDragons is a community dedicated to the tabletop RPG 'Dungeons And Dragons' and it's various iterations and branches

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Ideas for Hunt: Showdown bosses in a dnd campaign

Currently creating a Hunt: Showdown 5e campaign that primarily involves the party going through small dungeons and fighting bosses and other groups attempting to kill the same boss. Basically, Hunt showdown. What monsters would make cool/fun bosses while feeling similar to Hunt? It will be a party of 4 for most of the campaign, but don't worry about CR.

1 Comment
08:20 UTC


[OC] [ART] MageQuest: Episode 3: Page 21 – by Catilus

07:51 UTC


Help with Crossroads Devil Contracts?

I'm perhaps trying to do something a little too complicated, but I thought it would be a really fun to see how my players managed to figure it out.

I have a fun idea where each player makes a deal with a Crossroads Devil, but the crossroads devil hates all of them for something they did to him in life, so he brings them together and ensures he doublecrosses all of them at once by granting their wishes, but wording their contracts to where they can be cancelled out by another player if they make it to where one player can no longer fulfil their part of the bargain and it's voided.

If a bargain is voided, that player will be dragged to hell.

Every player is friends with each other in-universe and none of them want to see harm come to each other.

I basically need ideas for a web of, let's say for simplicity, 3 contracts that criss-cross over each other with cleverly worded sentences that allow for loopholes. (The examples below contain no cleverness, they are just the best I can quickly think of atm)

Contract 1: I want to kill Anna, rob her manor and give her things to the poor

Contract 2: I want to marry Anna, hoard our wealth, and love her until death do us part. I want to

Contract 3: I want to protect Anna and her assets until her dying day, etc

Except these 3 would be more complex. Essentially, the players can either screw each other over at any moment, or they can very carefully manipulate and untangle their webs together.

I WANTED, ideally, for all of the PC's to be nobleman, politicians, etc. People in power that all occupy the same city so that I could make more complex contracts involving espionage, conflict, spies, etc. Like they are 3 allied houses all wishing for power of different kinds, but if one gets what they want, it could easily cause another to get voided.

I know this sounds complex. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it, but it SOUNDS so rewarding to figure out. I feel like I just need one solid example of 3 intertwining contracts of tripwires that have to be untangled with tweezers to avoid setting any of them off and causing an explosion. My players wanted a short campaign that was a giant puzzle so I'm trying to cook up something really cool but hitting a wall lol.

This can even extend to kings ruling kingdoms if that's the scale it needs to be.

1 Comment
07:45 UTC


New player!

Hi everyone, I am learning the ins and outs and bought the D&D essentials kit on Amazon. Is there anything else that I should purchase? Thanks:)

1 Comment
06:36 UTC


Warforged and the material they can be made from.

So lore wise can a warforged be only and just metal, no organic only inorganic.

05:52 UTC


Dating in the forgotten realms

In a campaign I’m playing in I am playing as a female elf and have been asked to provide dating advice to a human party member npc, what dating advice would an older elf give to a female human?

05:38 UTC


Choppy Waters, my new Genasi Monk/Sorcerer

05:20 UTC


Is there a way to do a simple version of the 5E character sheet on mobile?

So, hello folks. I am a huge D&D noob, wanting to get into it. I’m trying to join in with some buddies in a custom D&D server, and I’m trying to fill a character sheet out.

Everyone prefers the 5E version of the sheet, and that’s what I’m trying to do, but I’m at a small roadblock. I’m on mobile, IOS specifically, and I’m having a hard time trying to actually find a good version of it to fill out on mobile. I Google it and while the first result is the 5E PDF, trying to actively save it to my phone is quite easier said then done.

So, I was wondering if anyone here had some alternatives or other ways I can access the 5E sheet through mobile.

04:58 UTC


New to DND or at least new to playing the game myself but wanna try it, read for better explanation

I've watched DND playthroughs, bought some things and if i remember from the top of my head have the players guide and some character sheets, so i semi know how the game works(hopefully), I have some friends that know less than me or enough as me and are willing to learn the game and try to play a campaign. I know that there's races and subclasses and what knot, just giving some things i know, and i know there's like rules and stuff. The only reason that I'm saying this stuff is cause I'm thinking of making a campaign from the top of my head, and by that i mean make it up as i go, and i know that's a dumb thing to do, especially because we know nothing of being a DM and I'm most likely to be it, i understand that if make it up as we go that things could be confusing if i don't plan or keep track of stuff, and i should make sure we learn the rules, but I'm 99 percent sure the only time we would be playing DND is only us, so i don't think there's a reason to study the rule besides learning it just cause and i don't think they would care if i asked.

So with all that being said, my question is how should i proceed with making a campaign, is there something i at least should have planned or do, like the bare minimum , and i think its 5e not too sure, if y'all need something clarified i will try my best to answer, even thinking of how to ask this question was difficult for me.

03:46 UTC


Making items unaffectable

Can't use wish except at the end to make it even more unaffectable.

I have all my stuff in an undermine which is me being undermined like the feeling of being undermined is a "thing" that i can store things in. Really heavy roleplaying with magic.

The stuff was made smaller and smaller and is basically microscopic at least.

I need to make a "projection" of my stuff unaffectable outside of this undermine. I don't know exactly what's affecting my projection but my character can't feel the projection yet. The magic that's affecting it could be coming from a portal or something that I'm recursifying with.

All advice is useful. Trying to make it magic proof and I've done what the internet suggested so far and put my stuff in a demiplane that only i have access to where magic is dead. Used wish to make it so that my magic still works.

Could be going between my body and the magic? There was a magic where if it did something in the right sequence it would have an effect and there was reality bending basically. Pretty sure i fixed my projection against both.

I tried to make the dead magic lands overlap reality that I'm in still trying to figure that out. But i don't get any hints.

01:44 UTC



So I bought a DnD beginner kit and I’d really love some advice on how to learn all of this and make this a game for my husband and I to play with our son

21:59 UTC


Our New DnD Table

21:29 UTC


Voracia of Eldurhold

Voracia of Eldurhold is a Far Traveler Oathbreaker Paladin. She was once a devout follower of the Tiefling god Mirus - known also as ‘The Ferryman’ and ‘The Horizon Walker’ - until she witnessed his true nature. It is known that Mirus transports the dead across the planes to the Tiefling paradise of The Everlast. What is widely unknown is that while doing so, he agonizes and tortures the souls of the dead along the way, feeding off their pain and misery. His lust for the anguish of the dead has led him to assert his influence into the Material Plane, against his own followers. It was this event where Voracia watched helplessly as the souls of her Order were ripped from their living bodies by Mirus and faded into a silent nothingness.

19:52 UTC


Looking For a Start

Hello! I adventured in to tabletop board games a few years back with the Warhammer franchise and fell in love with this type of gaming but wanted to try new things. I’ve continually heard of D&D and even spent a bit of time watching Critical Role. I also loved my time playing video games like Baldur’s Gate 3. With all that being said, I’ve had a desire to take a swing at playing D&D. There are quite a few groups in communities adjacent to mine but they are not bringing in new players. I’d like to add, I love the idea of having visuals and playing digitally. So, at the end of the day, is there an online D&D community inviting new players into the hobby? I have a high end PC (with subpar internet because of where I live in rural Missouri), so I believe I can run whatever the popular program is. Thanks for the help!

18:37 UTC


[Art] The Smiling Bear Tavern (ground floor) 25x25 battle map

18:33 UTC


Proud of this.

Made a game board out of pvc and an old TV. I am very excited to show my players. 4 elbows, 6 tees and 10 feet of 1/2 pvc pipe. I'm going to paint it black aswell. It's simple but I'm proud of this.

18:06 UTC


Is a spectator a good boss for a level 3 party?

Im dming my first game and i have a level 3 party of 5 and i was wondering if a spectator would be a good challenge for them, or if it would need some extra enemies with it

17:45 UTC


How to play with friends not in person

This my first post here me and my freinds want to play dungeon and dragons but 2 of them had to move states and countries. Is there any way we could play? Any suggestions would be appreciated. Maybe online or anything?

17:40 UTC


Got a new dice tower, not off to a good start.

Local Etsy shop started 3d printing dice towers. I bought one and gave it a test drive. Got this on the first roll. Do I jail the tower or the die? My artificer may not make it through the session tonight :(

16:48 UTC


What do the blocks with a mountain symbol held by the Lady of Pain in this legofigure represent in Dungeons & Dragons lore?

16:23 UTC


Neverwinter AD

I 100% did this with an AI assist because how big I wrote it an all the illustrations, it would have taken me years to do on my own. This was just 2 months of all my expendable time.

Neverwinter AD is my innovative DnD homebrew game that combines the thrill of a choose-your-own-adventure experience with the immersive depth of a futuristic fantasy world. Set in a near-future where advanced technology meets ancient arcane power, this game offers players 16 different storyline combinations, each branching into unique paths and outcomes based on your choices.

As you navigate through this richly detailed world, your decisions will take you from the neon-lit streets of Neverwinter to the enchanted depths of the Neverwinter Wood, the cyber-infused cities of Luskan and New Waterdeep, the arcane-fueled landscapes of Solara Prime, and the shadowy underworld of the Underdark, all leading to a final, epic confrontation in the Nine Hells.

With hundreds of NPCs, encounters, quests, side quests, traps, puzzles, and mimics, Neverwinter AD ensures that every playthrough is a fresh and thrilling experience. Each storyline is fully illustrated and comes complete with dynamic dialogue, reflecting the blend of technology and magic that defines this world.

In Neverwinter AD, your adventure is truly your own. The choices you make shape the story, leading to one of 16 possible outcomes. Whether you're hacking into ancient arcane systems, battling techno-magic creatures, or uncovering hidden secrets, every decision counts in this epic choose-your-own-adventure game.

15:35 UTC


Wich final boss choose for an one shot

I want to run an one shot for 4 players. And one of them is a newbie, so we chose to use lvl 1 character. I want my boss to do psychic damage, I thought about mind flayers. Will it be too hard? If so, how can we make the meeting simpler without being trivial? Or another boss idea? thanks

edit : it will be my first one shot as DM

15:25 UTC


My Tabaxi fella (Art by me, GPawClaws on X)

13:44 UTC


Do you allow your PCs to build “OP” characters?

So, context for starters. I’m fairly new at being a DM. This means that maybe I could be overreacting here. But I’m gearing up to run Curse of Strahd and my players are sending me what characters they plan on playing in our game.

This is where the issue begins. Two of my players are very new and require a little bit of hand holding through the character creation process, the other two on the other hand…are not. One of these two have already sent me their character. A Shadar-Kai grave domain cleric. For those who don’t want to look it up, he will have resistance to necrotic damage, essentially free misty step 2-4 times per day after which using becomes resistant to ALL DAMAGE?! He can choose a creature and make it vulnerable to all damage associated with the next attack that hits, and as a reaction can negate any Nat 20 critical hit as long as he can see it. This is just what I can remember off the top of my head.

I’m aware that as a DM I can simply adjust combats and make them a tad more difficult to compensate, but then am I not punishing the two other players who aren’t making crazy characters? I don’t want people consistently outshining others, and I also don’t want to be the overbearing DM and smack a bunch of restrictions. Am I overreacting? Or do I need to ask my players to tone it down?

13:32 UTC


DnD 2024: Character Sheet (printer friendly) - improved

Hi everybody, already posted yesterday the printerfriendly 2024 character sheets I made based on the sheets by u/Beaoudix.

Now I've changed them a bit - you have gridded, lined and blank versions - and I corrected a mistake.

If you want to download the english version: https://imgur.com/gallery/dnd-2024-character-sheet-printer-friendly-2cm2fTX
German version: https://imgur.com/gallery/dnd-2024-charakter-sheet-druckerfreundlich-gT298Ar

Here's, how the gridded version looks like printed on Vintage Paper:


13:28 UTC


New to D&D - Have a question about playing with terrain/buildings

As the title says, I'm very new - haven't even really gotten to play a real game yet, but I am intrigued and want to dive deep into D&D.

I have a background in 3D design and, as such, have been creating buildings and landscapes to play with, but I realized... I don't actually know how to integrate these into a game where the action / progression all takes place on a piece of paper & in the imagination of the players

Do any of you know of any videos I could watch to see how people utilize this?

To give you an example of a conundrum in my mind, I printed out an "inn" for us to use. It has several rooms, doors, etc, and in one of the rooms hides a mimic -- but as players you can see the mimic, and there are no "move limits" that I am aware of, compared to something like Final Fantasy Tactics, so it's not like you roll a dice and get to move 4 spaces or something.

I'm sorry in advance if that's confusing or just sounds plain stupid, but after much googling and youtubing I'm left with more questions and no answers - so I figured i"d turn to you all for a last shot :)

13:13 UTC


Is there way I can play by myself? Even if it’s digitally

Never played by it but looks cool. I know I should make friends at my local [comic] book store or meetup. I’m happy as a hermit. Thanks. Also what’s this? (See pic)

12:56 UTC

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