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can someone help me choose a turn table?
im choosing between the pro-ject Debut carbon EVO and Sony PS-LX310BT.
Its quite a price range but pls let me know which one should i get.
Into the third song. Not sure yet. Excellent fretwork. Not an album to come home and relax to. At least for me now at 62. Love the music and work put into this. It doesn’t flow. Tell the producer that he’s Fired.😎🤣
Marantz 6300 Direct Drive Phonograph 1977.
It’s Alibaba and it’s omg all at the same time
Added a granite slab and maple block to isolate the sub on my bouncy floor - PURE WOW!
I took two years on and of to repair an original 1969 Phono Boy my Grandpa gave me. It was not giving any sound when he handed it to me. Since i study electeical engineering at university i first checked the needle and circut, hoping it was NOT the pickups, since original pickups are hard to find and usually heavily used an at the end of their livetime aswell. (CONER 33). Turn out it was the pickup all along, it even works for a few seconds when u press it together again, but then dies shortly after. I managed to find a set of Navaris pickups, that have a similar small form factor on Amazon for 5 Bucks each and gave them a shot.
It now works great again. It has a bit of a fizzly and distorted high end, which doesnt fully get compensated by the tone controls. But thats just the tradeofd for a 50 Year old, 1 Watt carriable system i guess. But espacially for the old Surf Style Songs it was made for, more quiet ballads and even some Rock and Metal it sounds good enough to enjoy the novelty of it.
Since its my first turntable i will now start to build my own 7" collection.
I safly bought a Version of Free Bird tho, which ENDS RIGHT BEFORE THE SOLO. If you know any alternatives, or short Version hit me up, if there are none i will probably order o costum printed one with a shorter edit, or the second half so i can swap em mid song.
Rega P8 with Hana SL cart paired with the Vincent PHO-701 photo stage, upgraded to a Brimar CV4003/12AU7 NOS tube.