A subreddit for rage comics and other memes with a girly slant.
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Everyone around me is eating, talking, doing work, looking at videos. Everyone is acting like we're not being choked by facism rapidly. I'm over here forced to continue breathing and do my stupid little presentation and find a job and take showers. I don't want my dogs to be sad. I wish I didn't have to worry about being shot or taken into a black van in the next four years.... If we even get that blessing of just four years. I keep reading other subreddits looking for a modicum of hope and there's nothing. No new Luigi's are rising. I'm fucking exhausted.
I’ve got Granulomatous mastitis, I’m constantly uncomfortable, in pain and my boob now looks fucking horrific. I’ve been put on steroids and I just need to scream into the void
it is not my fault he put his face and whole ass name online ❤️
Tell me it’s going to be ok. Or that there’s something I can do other than sit in my bath tub and/or snuggle my cat.