Expanding the awesome TrollX and TrollY subreddit universe. Show us your skills! Ask about new ones! Make things!
Downvoting is strongly discouraged! Please adhere to Wheaton's Law! Thank you!
Please submit any sort of thing you made!
This could include but is not limited to: cross stitch, making cards, drawing, nail art, making a pillow, homebrewing, knitting, quilling, writing, crocheting, baking, quilting, cooking, makeup, building furniture, painting, redecorating your living room, jewelry making, songwriting, AND MUCH MORE.
This is also intended to be a place to come to for advice or inspiration on all things crafty! Linking to your own shop is acceptable, but PLEASE do not spam the subreddit.
There are many awesome troll subreddits! Click for the Public Troll MultiReddit Thing of Awesome.
Please tag things {NSFW} if needed. Thanks!
Please message the mod if you have suggestions!