A place for recovery, or just for looking at memes to forget about the pain.
TrollCoping is a place to make bad jokes at the expense of your poor mental health. This is not a place meant to encourage destructive behavior. The goal should always be to get better, but until that happens we can laugh at just how badly we fucked up.
Post funny and/or sad memes about mental health.
Be respectful and civil. No harassment of any sort is allowed. Follow Reddiquette. Rascism, Queerphobia, etc will not be tollerated.
Gif, MFW or MRW links are required.
Post videos, tips and tricks for coping in stickied threads but giving advice in the comments of a post is also okay and encouraged.
Seek professional help if memes aren't doing the trick for you, please.
[Our Discord server is not moderated by this sub.] https://discord.gg/K87z6WC
There's no way. Like do I even know me??
I feel nothing but sympathy for these women and I support for these women but you have to call out dangerous stuff like this regardless.
How am I still here?? Please don't make me go back!! I already ruined everything!! Oh god oh fuck
My face when I get
I ultimately ended up doing more work in the process and it didn't even work
TW(mentions of r"pe and threats of r"pe). With the rise of the "your body, my choice" shit, as a SA/R"pe survivor I'm fucking terrified. Why do these men think that a woman's right/life matter less than their dicks getting hard. This is why alot of women don't trust some Men, especially the kinds that pull this shit.