Quality reddit dudes sharing quality reddit wisdom.
Quality reddit dudes sharing quality reddit wisdom.
NEW SUBREDDIT: /r/TrollYDating
B-but isn't all of reddit TrollYCh...
Nah. After long deliberation we need it because otherwise girls are having all the fun. That, and this is a guy positive space to be guys without getting shit, and AdviceAnimals isn't that funny. #dealwithit
dicks = cool, being a dick = not cool
No grills allowed
Ok grills allowed, but only because they are funny
Keep it funny, keep it about being a guy, and no obvious karmawhoring. This is not a subreddit for random memes.
If you're going to post a meme, it should really be some high quality, 100% pure Grade A meme
Keep the reelly srs biznss gender drama in /r/SRSFunny
All problems should be sent via a letter to:
He-man Manamillion,
1337 Mancave Lane,
Manville, Manzakistan
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Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
My friend is in this phase where she mentions alphas 24/7 shes calls herself an alpha. And the rest of the world are weak omegas and betas. At first I thought it was joke but I'm starting to think she dead serious I have proof this not the first time. Call me gullible I think shes crazy. Please give advice on how I can front that she is slowly becoming a furry?! I'm not even joking l'm concerned to !? She acts like this irl and barks at people in the hallways
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind
Happy Hump-day trolls!! feel free to discuss whatever's on your mind
Thank God it's Friday!! feel free to use this thread to talk about anything on your mind