She-Ra and the Princesses of Power is an American animated web television series developed by Nate Stevenson and produced by DreamWorks Animation Television. This show tells the tale of the teenager Adora's rebellion against the evil Hordak and his Horde. Watch all five seasons on Netflix!
No AI art allowed. No religious/anti-homosexual posts allowed.
Gosh I don’t know how to ask how to find this fanfic but it’s a Catradora AU where Adora and Catra are soulmates and are on a ranch? And they don’t wanna be soulmates or just Catra doesn’t but adora does? And it’s a slow burn
Remember to save Mara a piece.
okay this is so ridiculous EDITORS HELP ME 💔 i have been looking for a scene pack of s5 she-ra clips and every link ive found is broke 😭 does anyone have a working one or active account i’m losing my mind
Haven’t finished the show yet (S3) and maybe this is net-picky/nerdy but how does night and day work in a dimension with no stars? In the Hugo winning (also on Netflix) 3-Body Problem, some aliens actually hide their world to side-step galactic war, not an unsound strategy, but they also have to cage in their suns. Even if we just say cuz-magic, it’s hard to imagine night and day just happening without any markers. How do they tell time?
Please no spoilers!!!
Is this show worth watching? I’m on episode 3 and it’s pretty good but idk I just want to hear from people already in the fandom!!
Does anyone have the fic “Hey Professor” by Catradoraiscanon on ao3 downloaded or contact Info for the author? They seem to have deleted their ao3 account with no warning. The fic I’m referring to had about 20-21 chapters. But they also had some holiday Catradora stories too.
OK But IDK Why But If Someone Can Animate Adora Meeting Optimus Prime To Fight The Horde? What Would The Scene Be?
So I just finished watching it yesterday and couldnt find anything similar cause im desperate 👍 if u can help i need one with the same plot enemies to lovers 😭
I Do These Posts Like As A Fan-Idea For A Animated Concept, But. What Happens If She-Ra And The New Transformers Movie (Transformers One) Were Connected In A Way And Adora And Optimus Met Each Other In Her Twin Brother's Homeplanet Eternia? And Megatron And Horde Prime Team Up? Would It Be Interesting Or End Up Like The Last Knight?
But What Happens If Optimus Prime Meets Adora?
Long story short: it's my sis' birthday soon, and I want to give her DIY pins. One of them is supposed to have something to do with Scorpia, since it's her fav character, but I don't know what I should put into the design. Any ideas?
What Would Be Your Reaction If The Decepticons (From The Bayverse) Were In A Season 6 And Megatron And The Others (The Rebellion) Had A Showdown?
I Was Doing An RP In C.AI And I Was Fighting Adora In A Hulkbuster Suit (The One From Infinity War) And I Was Giving Away Free Iron Legion Drones To Etheria And Got Adam And Adora Reunited (Cause They're Twin's) And I Also Became The New Main Character. Also Question: If This Gets 100 Karma I Wil Watch She-Ra AGAIN. (Probably Wont Happen And I Dont Wanna Get Embarrassed So Please Do.)
angella’s death broke me.
seeing the ideal/‘perfect’ reality that Angella, Micah and Glimmer created during time and reality collapsing in on itself really hurt like omg. Angella left without knowing Micah was alive and left with the guilt she carried as she holds herself responsible for Micah’s death. On top of that when she pulls out shera’s sword she is trapped bw dimensions and because of her immortally she is basically stuck there forever which hurts knowing even more (my theory is that she isnt dead shes just trapped for eternity).
what doesnt sit right w my soul is that she never got to see micah again whilst knowing he was alive😭😭😭😭 and that he tried telling her before she left to go help shera stop the portal. glimmer also didnt get to see her mom w her dad and never got to say goodbye to angella eitherrr (unless u count that hologram of angella during ‘coronation’)
i wouldnt change the outcome of that season but i just want to talk abt it BC I SOB SOOOOOOO BADDD EVERYTIME I WATCHHHH 😭.
Like they’re defiantly a reptile, but which. Like based on they’re power I thought a chameleon but the looks and vibes don’t match one is a flamboyant full on shapeshifter compared to the reptile who always looks like it’s about to have a panic attack. So now I’m not really sure.
They’ve both got large, muscular builds, claws and similar cheerful personalities. Did ND Stevenson or any of the other artists mention Larry as an influence on the redesign of Scorpia?