
Photograph via snooOG

A resource for individuals who have struggled - or know somebody who has struggled - with a gambling problem.

A resource for individuals who have struggled - or know somebody who has struggled - with a gambling problem.

  • Individuals who are concerned with their gambling behavior
  • Folks who have seen others suffer due to their gambling
  • Persons in recovery
  • Treatment professionals
  • Prevention professionals
  • Educators
  • Students

All are welcome to participate.

If you have any questions, comments, information, or advice for others regarding compulsive gambling, please share here.


This is not an alternative to treatment and we cannot provide professional counseling by means of this community.

Posting Guidelines

It is to be understood that this is a community to which people sometimes turn to seek advice, opportunities to vent, and other situations where they may be left emotionally vulnerable. While this is not a place to get treatment or other professional help, the conditions above require a safe place. As such:

  1. Reddit content and spam policy: All sitewide Reddit content policies will be upheld and enforced. All posts that are determined by the moderators to be unsolicited links and “spammy” by nature will be removed.
  2. Interpersonal respect: All good-faith users are assumed to be of equal value and worth, and are expected to treat others as such. Therefore, disrespectful comments will be removed at the Mod Team’s discretion.
  3. No Promoting gambling: Content which promotes or encourages gambling behavior, methods, or strategies are prohibited and will be removed. URLs (hyperlinked or not) related to and discussions about gambling-related sites are prohibited without exception. Such material will be removed and likely result in a permanent ban!
  4. Discussing wins: Please refrain from discussing winnings: this can be terribly triggering for other people in recovery to read, and can be triggering to the writer. If you are discussing losses, please consider doing so carefully and only if it will be beneficial to both the reader and the writer. Tag all posts/comments with the "Trigger Warning!" flair as a courtesy to others.
  5. No solicitations: Posts requesting money (including but not limited to links to GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or other crowdfunding sites) will be instantly removed. For problem gamblers, this constitutes a bailout which erodes responsibility for gambling behavior and very much enables the compulsion.
  6. No Gatekeeping: This community was launched with the intention of being a safe place to learn about problem gambling, for any and all people to participate. Academics and treatment professionals can share knowledge, lay people can learn, and people seeking recovery can find resources and support. Sometimes people approach the community with genuine questions because they do not understand problem gambling and addiction. Users here are expected to inform, educate, enlighten, but not shame or abuse others for their questions. If you believe a user is posting here in bad faith, report the post immediately so that the moderators can judge the appropriateness of the post/comment.
  7. Research, Survey, and Interview Requests: All people looking to submit a post requesting participation in research or interviews for a journalistic piece must review our Research, Survey, and Interview Guidelines.

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Is ego the enemy?

I never read the book.

But I feel like I, and maybe gamblers in general, have a huge ego.

Fear of rejection. Not participating in anything outside comfort zone.

Angry of being defeated by gambling. Having lost. Continuing just because you won’t accept you’ve lost.

Gambling is a safe space where you can just be having a night out with yourself. No rejections. Just the possibility to lose, but you won’t “because you’re so awesome”.

What?! Did I lose?…”Motherfuckers, gonna get them the next time!”

05:54 UTC


People that quit gambling are you happy?

People that seem to finally quit but have to work to saved up and make up for the lost money. Are you able to be happy again? I know the brain needs to be reset after taking a break from the dopamine that has done to your brain from gambling?

05:03 UTC


I’ve lost too much

I’m 21 and I have lost 2000$ in one day. Firstly don’t chase your losses, I chased and instead losing about 500 I lost my entire paycheque. I’m devastated. While being -1000$ I thought to myself I need to stop this process. Why did I put that money to begin with and then I put another thousand to break even. My brain stopped thinking and I put a 1000 bet and lost it I don’t think I can get over this feeling but I know one think for sure I won’t gamble my money anymore. I wish I stopped doing that shit while being ”only” 1000 on minus. I wish I could but I didn’t thought of it as a reality until I saw my bank account

04:57 UTC


Need help

It always starts with that one silly thought.... Let me regain what I have lost? Then I end up losing everything .

1 Comment
04:42 UTC


Another 6$ gone

I am just tired of this gambling. I just dont know what to do anymore....

04:20 UTC


Day 2

I dreamed of spinning slots all night. Had the urge to gamble a few times today but it felt good to deny it. I hate that I already miss gambling. Every minute of the day could be intense and I was addicted to that, whether it came from wins or losses. Gotta reset my expectations of day to day life now.

00:43 UTC


Starting to Spiral

Lost about 850 today gambling which isn’t a lot for most but worst day I’ve ever had. The problem for me is that I am utterly bored out of my mind without it. Knowing I have some action down gets me through work every day and through every weekend. I found out I passed the bar exam on Thursday and what should be a great weekend is turning to shit. Finding other activities hasn’t worked so at this point I’m accepting my fate and am motivated to work very hard so I can sustain this addiction.

Has anybody accepted that they simply can’t stop and just tried to carve in those expenses to your budget?

00:30 UTC


Lost All My Gains

I was down $5,200 on fanduel, then after 3 months I was up $1,300. This past weekend Idk, I made horrible choices now I’m down $4700. I lost the last 15 bets that I’ve placed, it’s actually so sad

22:43 UTC


Thank you Gambling

Thank you Addiction, thank you Compulsive gambling, for letting me be honest to myself.

Well, here I am to replace gambling with the freedom of letting go of the obsession to flee, the urge to runaway, the escape from reality

Today I’m free to ask myself the most honest questions.

1 Comment
22:22 UTC


13 days 🙏

Let’s get it guys. Don’t give your money to them anymore. Don’t let them have control over your life, you control your own life. How lucky are we to be born and how Precious is our lives. We are stronger than we think

1 Comment
20:39 UTC


Day 2

Not too long ago I didn't think I'd genuinely commit to quitting gambling, but this time around, I have the right attitude towards this addiction/ bad habit.

I am determined to quit and genuinely want to quit. The longest I have gone without gambling was about a year and a half. Now, I aim to quit for good.

Let's do this my fellow gambling addicts. Let's become former gambling addicts turned gamble-free.

1 Comment
20:37 UTC


16 days

19:39 UTC


Is there a ga meeting online today

1 Comment
18:50 UTC


They don’t care about us

These fuckers know exactly what is happening to you and that’s fine with them, as long as they get their salary (that you are paying for).

Selling air and the people just come back to receive more, while they just got scammed.

18:22 UTC


Instead of gambling…

I went home and gifted myself a relaxed restful night.

Ain’t nothing better than that.

You only realize how tired you are, when you give yourself permission to be tired.

Ow boy how I used to abuse my body and mind with gambling binges.

18:21 UTC


Day 5

Just bought a bunch of presents for my girlfriends birthday, feeling good🕺

18:15 UTC


How do I tell my father?


Hate to say it out loud, I used to think I was different than everyone but in the end I have ended up being a statistic.

I'm from India, I got addicted to Online Gambling/ Casino, First it was Blackjack, then roulette, then game shows on stake where you get crazy multipliers like 1000x 15000x, and I got lucky multiple times.

My transaction history reads, Withdrawals: 15,00,000 Deposits: 19,00,000

Overall I have lost, 4,00,000 which in dollars would be $5000.

Half of these losses came last night when I thought, I'm winning it all back or it's time to say goodbye to earth.

I was playing the game Crazy Pachinko on Stake, on right side was a 2287x multiplier which would solve all my problems and on the right was a 228x multiplier which would solve nothing.

I was praying that the ball falls on the 2287x multiplier and the words that I was using were " I want to live".

I had been up for 30 hours at that point and I passed out and slept.

I realised in that moment that my life isn't worth so little, 5000 dollars?? I dream of becoming a millionaire and I'm going to give up because of such a pathetic reason.

I have been in this position multiple times before, and always i come back and win even more money but this time, I dont want to gamble again.

I feel guilty for breaking my fathers trust.

I want to tell it all to him and get this off my chest, I don't want to deposit the money again and go through this process again. I don't want to do through this process again.

My father even though an angry individual, is someone with strong morals when it's comes to hardwork and honesty, I don't want to live this lie anymore.

In the long run, I don't think this would matter when I'm 60. But If I don't stop and tell him now, I would only get worse.

Any suggestions or stories on how it went for you guys

17:33 UTC


Gambling-related cognitive distortions

A previous post did an excellent job of explaining one of the gambling-related cognitive fallacies: the gambler's fallacy. Researchers have identified others. These researchers may use different names for these fallacies. The five most frequent are as follows.

  1. The Gamblers fallacy is often called the Monte Carlo - or predictive control due to the expectation of imminent wins after a losing streak, ignoring the laws of probability. The hot hand is similar, but it is a reverse philosophy. This fallacy refers to the assumption that an outcome that has happened repeatedly is "hot" and will continue to prevail.

  2. Interpretive Bias explains that an individual's memory is biased toward overestimating wins and underestimating losses, which may influence the development of problem gambling. For example, a series of vague losses may follow a vivid win, at which point the win is remembered, and the system is reset.

  3. Positive expectations are beliefs that gambling will produce a positive outcome, such as financial gain or positive feelings.

  4. The illusion of control is an expectancy of success probability based on special knowledge or ability. Examples may include thinking one can control the outcome of random events through interventions such as practicing ritual behaviors, believing one has personal traits or luck as an attribute, owning lucky objects...

5)  loss of control is the perceived inability to stop gambling, often called. This refers to the thought that one’s gambling is overpowering and that the gambler is helpless. Loss of control has been identified as the primary driver of problem gambling.

The Gambling Related Cognitions Scale is an instrument developed by Raylu and Oei to measure these five cognitive distortions specific to gambling.


15:28 UTC


Day 7

14:12 UTC


Lost all my savings

Just want to share to everyone that i lost all my savings for my family insurance and house rent.
first it was a little bit of losses, and i keep chasing the losses.
eventually i lose everything that i saved for a year and have nothing.
the house are due in end of december and i really feel like shit for being a stupid father and husband.

good news is the salary of my job and selling my gold that i keep for a rainy day will cover the losses and i could pay all my expenses later.

i have a bad session when gambling and always could hold my self to not loss everything, this was a first time to me.

that is for my rant, keep save everyone. gambling wont makes you money especially online slot (which the one takes all my money)

09:53 UTC



So tired of relapsing. 31 years old, gambling since I was a teenager. So desperately wanting this to stop.

Managed to save 20k in a few months since I decided to put my stuff in storage because I work in construction where I'm put up in hotels/camps for months at a time.

Have been off work now for 1 month after working 3 months straight.

Ended up secretly gambling all my savings this last week and left with barely enough to survive before I go back to work for the miserable winter. Fuck me.

Honestly starting to believe it'll only all end when I pull the trigger.

I could have been so much better off in life, owning a home, not pissing away friendships/relationships, so much happier.

Tragic really...

. Back to square 1 with little to no hope left. I've been good at being positive through every relapse believing in the process but when the process fails you 1000 times over you start to go mad.

1 Comment
06:40 UTC


Final Penny

my last pay check i already wasted on blackjack and i want it to be the final penny i'll ever give to the big companies all getting rich off my back. Better to spend my potential elsewhere like crypto or something at least that way it won't just be a guarenteed loss like gambling...

02:05 UTC


Down $44,000 in 3 weeks

Title says it all. I feel disgusted with myself, I am a 34 year old male who has had gambling struggles in the past and I was away from this for 2 years before I got into it again.

It all started when my friend who is new to stocks started talking about how excited he was to invest at the start of the year. Before this, I just put $2.5k a month into an ETF and led it ride. Well these conversations made me want to try options trading for a second time after getting burned in 2021.

I started spot trading and making decent swings, and of course with spot you dont lose the money based on a set time..then I tested the waters with $80 trading spirit airlines options before it announced financial issues. I doubled that $80 in 10 minutes and i was hooked all over again.

The past 8 months have been filled with highs and lows. I actually made it to $10k profit after 2 months, only to be down $27k of my initial capital 2 months later by making rookie mistakes.

I managed to get out of the hole again from June to August, being net profitable $23k until recently..

When the fed announced rat cuts $spy went almost vertical for 3 weeks straight. I kept buying weekly puts, averaging down positions, letting them expire worthless, complete recklnessness compiled with getting drunk everyday to ease the anxiety. As it stands today I went from being profitable $23k YTD 2 weeks ago to in the hole -$21k.

I havent really eaten or slept much this week. My diet consisted of binging alcohol and water with maybe 1 meal each day. What hurts the most is the time wasted and doing the bare minimum at my job to stare at charts all day. I am laying on my couch right now with no appetite, sitting in the dark, and asking myself why am I too proud and greedy to admit I was wrong and didnt just walk away? If i stopped 3 days ago I would only be down $2k but instead I am now down $21k. Not to mention the s&p 500 is up 31% in 1 year and I should have just let my money ride. I want to end my life and cant stop staring at my phone to check the price of stocks. I dont want to work for months then take 3 steps back losing months of paychecks because I have no self control. I need serious help

02:02 UTC


It's Payday today. Day 27

For the first time in the longest time, I woke up and decided that bills needed to be paid, debts paid down partially and a little food monies for the next two weeks until next payday.

Contrast that to even a month ago where I would pay the minimum on everything and take the rest to well you know.

To all those out there, one day at a time!!

My new goal is to save for a trip with the parents. Something to look forward to.

21:43 UTC



18:57 UTC


Losing 8 bets in a row

Maybe I should just cut my

14:04 UTC


Gamblers Anonymous meeting

G.A meeting Saturday at 9:30 am eastern time on zoom Meeting ID: 8627683586 Password: 1234 Chairperson: Barry B Topic:  “Detaching with love"

Sometimes we have to let go of people, places or things to protect our sobriety. This includes emotional attachments that may create stress that drives us into gambling to "take a break".

Today, let's discuss a time when you made the decision to distance yourself from a person, a place or a thing to protect your sobriety.

Or whatever you came into the room with you need to share.

Anyone who has a desire to stop gambling is welcome

13:01 UTC


Reasons to stop gambling

  1. Gambling is a BIG fat LIE. Its a TRAP.

All winnings are temporary. Winning just makes you believe in this delusional LIE called gambling. While the only way to earn money is by hard work and patience.

  1. We all wanna enter heaven one day. (The beautifull kingdom of God). And this is what the word of God says :

(Timothy 6.9-12)

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith

12:38 UTC


Day 4: still thinking about my losses but starting to move forward

4 days that I haven't played after $15,000 loss I still have $500 left in my assets that I haven't played

10:57 UTC


693 days gratefully without a bet


I am grateful for 24 hours without a bet.

I am grateful for faith in the path I’m on, wherever it leads.

I am grateful for the weekend.

I am grateful for moments of serenity and peace.

I am grateful for a good nights sleep.

I am grateful for the wonder and reality of the laws of nature, and choosing to surrender to instead of fighting them. I know what happens when I fight them with ego - it doesn’t work.

I am grateful for todays opportunities to keep learning how to let go.

10:53 UTC

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