
Photograph via snooOG

This Sub is made for people struggling with all types of addiction. From people that shoot heroin, to gamblers to crack heads and everything inbetween.

This is a place where we can all be honest about our real lives and be surrounded by people whom we can relate to. There is no discriminating here. If you are struggling this place can hopefully help you.

NO DISCRIMINATING I don't care how ridiculous the addiction may sound to you, it could be really affecting someone else. Debating is more than welcome but if you make fun of someone you will be banned very quickly.

Here's a few quick links if no one is able to help you on here maybe one of these guys can

Addiction Rehab Centers

How to Find AA Meetings

How to Find a NA Meeting

24/7 Crisis Help Line

Find a local detox

You Can Also Check Out These Helpful Subs /r/opiatesrecovery





402 Subscribers


Crack/cocaine user

I am an addict. I am not looking for a speal on why who what/reason/opinion/or judgmental answer... not right now. To any addict that used Crack cocaine as DOC, have you ever heard or experienced this before? Out of no where... bad bad throat infection/genital sensitivity or irration. No energy... not feeling sick or weak 24/7 but one minute you'll be fine, next you'll be light headed, nauseous.. vomiting, sweating, acid reflux?? This has been going on for 6-7 days now. Also, Last 2 times I have tried getting high same way and same stuff I usually do... it makes me feel light headed, dizzy, nauseous, vertigo.... Have I probably just caught a really bad flu or something or do you think this is drug related???

01:46 UTC


New to Atl 35/m

I've been clean off of heroin for 4 years. I left Chicago recently and moved here. But now cocaine has been on my brain and I've already been in drug seeking mode. Realistically , I should get into some meetings. But if your an addict you know how it is. You won't stop until you find it

16:36 UTC


Did you move to California?

I hope this type of post is ok, and I'm sorry if it's not. I'm working on a documentary about people with addiction. Specifically people who moved to California and then became addicted or relapsed. If this sounds like your story or you know someone like this please DM me.

1 Comment
16:33 UTC


I think my sister might be a heroin user. But I'm not sure.

She has, what appear to be, two needle marks on her right forearm. She says they're mosquito bites (we do live in a tropical environment).

At times, she looks high as well. But she's also a weed smoker. I also found a bunsen burner/torch thing in her room. She definitely doesn't look like a heroin addict, but we all know that not everyone follows the stereotype of the addict that is often portrayed in movies.

I don't want to accuse her of a heroin addiction if she's just smoking weed. It'll really ruin our relationship if I falsely accuse her of a hardcore drug addiction, but I'm also worried about her. I don't know what to do, should I go ahead and ask her? What other signs should I look out for? She's going back to her college dorm in a few days.

04:14 UTC


Same problem

I keep thinking a little bit tonight and ill stop tomorrow. I find if i keep my phone off, turn off fb messenger, and try not to answer any phone calls, it's easier for me to stay away from my love aka heroin.

21:27 UTC


Any group chats?

Is there a Telegram group or something for addicts?

I'm a bit of an introvert, and can use some more exposure to people who can relate to my life.

1 Comment
16:06 UTC


I dont know how to live.

I have been sober now for 2 years, I have relapsed a few times, but haven't in 8 months now. My addiction was to crack cocaine and heroin. I would get high on coke(usually crack since its super easy to find here in Baltimore) and then use heroin to come down from the coke high.

I have been using drugs since I was 16, but the coke/heroin pattern didn't start until I was 20. I am now 27 and realize that I have no life. I go to a methadone clinic where i see a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with Bipolar I disorder, which explains a lot. I know a lot of people look down on methadone but I don't have insurance and this clinic is the cheapest access I have to mental health care. I wish i could see the doc more often but every 8 weeks is all i get.

The problem I have is that without drugs I am a loser. Before I started using I was "the weird home schooled kid" in my high school so I was forced to be sort of a loner. The only reason I was in public school was because my mom couldn't home school me anymore with her Oxycontin addiction. As soon as I was out in the world I started drinking and doing pills as well as find full time employment. Once I graduated high school I went from being a mechanics helper to an ASE certified master Tech AND I went to Community college and got my AA degree in applied science. The original goal was to go to Penn Tech to be a mechanical engineer, but the tuition costs were to steep for me.

Anyway, even after i became dependent on heroin/cocaine my life was still full. I was always gainfully employed, and I had hobbies like hiking and dirt bike racing, scuba diving, things like that, I also had meaningful relationships with people. Now that I am sober, the person I am is barely capable of holding down a job, I have no enthusiasm for hobbies and I possess the charisma of a door knob.

The question I have is: Is this who I have always been? Is this just my brain re acclimating? Am I damaged and no longer capable of being a normal person? I feel damaged beyond a reparable point. I am on medication for the Bipolar thing, but this is much deeper than that. This cuts to my core, life now seems meaningless, doing "fun" things is now a chore.

16:24 UTC


Had a relapse, don't know what to do now.

I'm currently at the end of a treatmemt dor my drug addiction, Im no longer living at the rehabcenter but in an apartmemt they own. If I tell them I had a relapse I wont be able to continue my internship at a secondhand store, I will have to give up the apartment and move back to the rehab and wont get to use my phone, internet or my computer any more. But I want to be honest, and I think it can help me to live a clean life if I told them.

18:55 UTC


Recover for those who lost the fight: A note of thanks

First let me apologize if you have read this more than once, I have cross posted on the multiple subreddits my husband followed.

Second thank you.

One month ago I lost my husband Joshua to his unrelenting struggle with addiction. I had four wonderful years with a kind, intelligent loving man. When I was seven months pregnant with our second child became addicted to a home wrecker named heroin. Josh was a good man, from a good family who became lost.

Thank you for being there in the darkest hours of the night, when Josh was alone and hurting in a way that I could not understand. Reading your stories and see that he was not as alone as he felt helped to keep Josh clean until the relapse that took his life. Josh endured a painful struggle with sobriety, your words gave him hope when he was hopeless. Because of that I was able to have beautiful moments where Josh was my husband again, and a father to his children. I can not thank you enough for providing the support that allowed him to connect with life again.

The following is the obituary that I wrote to share his story, because he will always be much more then an addict to me. Even though he was not able to overcome his fight with addiction I hope that if you are feeling the same pain you know that you are not alone, there are strangers who do not even know you who care. I wish that Joshs story had a happy ending, if you are in any stage of addiction or recovery I pray that yours does.

Joshua Robert Luby (1987 - 2015)

Joshua Robert Luby, of Goffstown, NH, died of a drug overdose in the early hours of Saturday, September 19th, 2015. He was 27 years old.

Joshua is survived by his brothers, James W and Matthew, his “sister”, Tania Farrar, his parents Linda and James E, his wife Erika, their children, Conor and Finleigh, and his grandparents Margret and Robert Farrar.

Joshua loved his large and extended family, and was always especially attentive to those in need. He was selfless is his love of family and friends, but was systematically robbed of his very essence by an addiction to opiates. Although willing to help others at the drop of a hat, he was too proud to ask for help for himself.

Joshua struggled with the recovery process. He loved his family deeply but was unable to overcome his demons. Please remember Joshua as he was and as you knew him rather than what he became towards the end of the sadness that eventually took him from us.

Please don’t let your loved ones that struggle, struggle in isolation. Do not allow any person, to ever be reduced to some convenient label relative to their struggle. Joshua was so much more than just an addict. He was loved, is loved, and will never be forgotten. We are forever enriched by his short and vibrant life.

A modest service for friends and family will be held at 10am on Saturday October 10th, 2015, at the Bedford Center Cemetery, Church St, Bedford, NH. In lieu of flowers please consider a donation to the education fund for Conor and Finleigh Luby:


03:36 UTC


Are any behavioural addictions officially recognised in the UK?

My Mother and i are currently trying to seek help for my (ex)alcoholic father.

He is an addict that used to abuse alcohol but it now seems he has drifted into behavioural addictions such as Sex and food (assuming food is a behavourial addiction)

We are currently trying to find a pshychiatrist/pshycologist who can help, but we would like some questions answered regarding his condition to help us find the right professional.

11:40 UTC


New to this sub. What are the thoughts here on "Addiction as a disease"?

A little while ago I came to terms, with the help of a friend, with the fact that I have an addiction problem (though I have a hard time believing... as I'm told... that I have an addictive personality). I'm also told it's because I have a disease. That my brain reacts differently to booze than other people. I go back and forth daily on it. I'm a pretty scientific dude, and I don't see the evidence for it, but he says the fact that I know that drinking is bad for me but do it anyway is illogical behavior, and therefore it must be something out of my control. I don't know... though I'm starting to side with him I think. Just wanted to get any opinions for and against... and maybe some evidence?

1 Comment
15:40 UTC


I'm addicted to chewing gum

Okay, so this started around January. I tried to lose some weight, so I started taking swimming classes, however, I had trouble keeping myself away from food, so I started chewing gum. Fast forward a few months, and now I spent almost my entire day chewing, usually throwing away a piece only to put another one in my mouth 30 minutes later. I want to stop chewing gum, but at the same time I don't want to start eating again. What should I do?

EDIT: Thanks to the guy who downvoted, really helpful.

1 Comment
18:19 UTC


Tianeptine addiction

I can't fucking believe I got myself hooked on this shit. I'm up to 5grams a day. Very expensive habit. I hate myself I knew I had to be careful and now I'm in an addictive hole again. When I stop, the wds are horrible. It's not even funny, I think they are worse than oxycodone wd. The pain is incredible, and literally nothing helps except more tianeptine. Even suboxone dosent help. I'm gonna taper off and get a stash of benzos to help sleep. I hate this so much. I was so good for 2 years and now this.

19:26 UTC


Helping a friend with a coke habit

So I have this friend.. only it is actually a friend, not me.
I've known her for 10 years, and when our friendship group parted for Uni etc she got into a bad relationship for which she's currently undergoing PTSD therapy for. She's had a long standing cocaine habit and as part of her therapy she has to start kicking it. I've been through a ketamine addiction myself and come out the other side by distancing myself from everyone and everything for a year but she doesn't have that option. I don't know what a cocaine addiction is like and I feel like I can't help, the others in our friendship group have almost entirely abandoned her emotionally and sweep her issues under the carpet and only give her a fair weather friendship.
I've been trying my best to help her for the last 6 months with everything else she's going through, and never pushed her into stopping her habit as I didn't want her to start hiding it from me and making herself feel bad for it. She's now decided her problem is worse than she was admitting to herself and she wants to start on the road to quitting.
Has anyone got any advice for helping a friend through a cocaine addiction? (obviously things like NA and rehab are being discussed) but I mean stuff I can do / help with. I think the worst thing you can do is tell someone you know what they're going through, and I didn't have anyone when I beat my addiction so I don't know the best way to approach someone elses.
Any help, thoughts etc welcome.

edit: typo central

1 Comment
17:35 UTC


Please look at this post I keep thinking I'm able to stop and then "just a little won't hurt, I'll stop after tonight"

I can feel holes forming in my septum and on the roof of my mouth. I can't stop messing with the soft spots with my tongue and fingers because I keep wanting to check to make sure theres no hole and it keeps getting worse and I keep doing coke even though I'm so fucking scared my nose is going to fall apart. I'm not even 20. Even if I stop now I think it'll fall apart when I get older and I don't know how I can stop. I'm in love with the culture, the feeling of sniffing it, the taste in the back of the throat, the numbness, the power. All I have to do is inhale and I become god. I can't stop and all my friends manage to do it recreationally with moderation. I'm at the point where even if I cut down to a recreational level it will be too much and I'll need surgery. I need to go cold turkey now. If any of you have any advice I would be so grateful.

13:34 UTC


I am an addict

I am addicted to cocaine and just intoxication in general I've spent almost 6 grand on blow in the past 13 months and I'm only 19 and a half. The only times I've taken a break was cause I was outta work. I hadn't touched it in over a month til this past weekend, and until today I was saving $100 so I could my girlfriend this weekend for valentines day/her cake day, I still have a lil cash and will have more by then so I can see her but ahe thinks I've been doing really good and Idk if I can or should tell her and I don't know how to set myself straight.

02:52 UTC


Great, I'm fucking sober, now what the fuck do I do?

Fuck this. I'm as sober as a rock, no drugs, no alchohol, it is Saturday, I am bored as hit, hate everything, and FUCK. THERE. IS. NOTHING. TO. DO. I have tried video games, watching shows, anything to keep me distracted and sober, and it all sucks.

So, now what do I do? I can't hang out with my old friends, that would mean intoxication of some sort. I'm depressed, anxious, and sober it all fucking blows.

This is pretty bitchy, and I'm sorry, but I just don't know what to do. How the hell am I supposed to get my kicks now? I even tried biking in the skate park last night, that was boring too, not to mention I was shit at it.

03:17 UTC


IamA (Blank) AMA!

My short bio: Enter stuff here

My Proof: Enter link here

00:30 UTC


Help me, I'm with an addict

Throwaway for a thousand reasons, but I'm dating and questioning my love for an addict. And at this point, it's not addict style anymore, it's square junkie style. He steals, rent money amounts, my credit cards, my cash, he treats me like I don't count anymore... I think he's cheating in an unsafe way (I've cut that shit out) and letting other junkies and hookers in my home. If I leave, I'm making him homeless... What do I do? I'm a recovering addict myself, I know I shouldn't be putting up with this nonsense to begin with... Someone help me, please.

11:14 UTC

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