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Why is God referenced as a He in the bible?

I know it's due to the Hebrew bible calling God a "he" but wouldn't it make more sense to use a genderless pronoun such as them/they/it, or is it something to do with the patriarchal society at the time?

11:17 UTC


Does anyone know what making an "ironic face" means?

In a book I'm reading someone is said to be making a "significant and ironic face". I have never heard of anyone's face being ironic before.

Here is the passage from Anna Karenina that it happened in:

Levin went into the room, was given a little white ball and, following his brother Sergei Ivanovich, approached the table at which Sviyazhsky stood with a significant and ironic face, gathering his beard in his fist and sniffing it.

11:16 UTC


What is the difference between confirmation bias, and fact?

Like in math, we have 1+1=2.

2 objects equals two objects yet the context AND contents of these objects have not been identified yet, so wouldn't that mean 1 objects could have an infinite number of other objects attached to that one object? In that case, how would 1 not be equal too infinity in this specific context? Like 1 brain could hold a billion if not trillion different thoughts, motives, information.

The way I see it, math is like looking at things with a very fine focus, very sharp and tiny focus and so it's harder to see the bigger picture, yet religion/philosophy is like the opposite, it's like a broader perspective you aren't trying to find the fine precision in the things around you because you understand how complex things are.

I'm not saying religion is better than science or science is better than religion or philosophy or what ever, honestly i think they're all equally important in their own way so I guess that is what leads me to question what is confirmation bias when science generalizes, or I guess simplifies so much?

11:12 UTC


I genuinely want to understand my son I told him Santa wasn’t real now he doesn’t trust me please help me

11:04 UTC


How is the 4B movement popular on Reddit?

I've been seeing a lot of talk about this "4B movement" on Reddit, and while I was able to guess what it means, I decided to Google it to get more information.

Apparently it's not only a misandric (which was obvious from the beginning), but it's also against transgender rights, as the movement is to not sleep with men whether they're CIS or trans.

How is such a transphobic movement popular on Reddit, especially among leftish subreddits? You get banned from Reddit if you say anything remotely bad about trans people, but a movement that literally opposes their rights is allowed?

Does reddit just hate men more than they care about trans people?

11:08 UTC


Is there a way to keep drinks ice-cold without using ice?

I don't like ice. It stings my sensitive teeth and takes up too much real estate in the cup. It also melts and dilutes the flavor of whatever I'm drinking, usually adding a gross watery flavor too. However, I'd like to keep my drinks ice-cold, the colder the better. Just not using ice. Is that feasible?

11:04 UTC


If I Told a Sports Board that I Used Banned but Undetectable Substances, Could they do Anything About it?

11:04 UTC


Do you have to be an intimidating big guy to be a club/bar bouncer?

1 Comment
11:03 UTC


If you're on an ozempic treatment and you smoke weed, do you get more or less hungry than if you took neither?

I ask this with the caveat that I'm aware each person's body chemistry is unique and the results won't be consistent.

I just wonder if your normal hunger is like a 6, your ozempic hunger is like a 1, and your munchies hunger is a 10, what number would you end up at if you combine them?

11:02 UTC


What are the chances of successfully absconding from everybody you know?

In this time and age, what are the chances? What would be the major issues in executing such a plan?

I hope this isn't a stupid question.

10:59 UTC


Taxpayers vs Squatters. How?

How is it possible that if you don’t pay your taxes, the government will take your land from you; but a bum squatter can gain land from squatting, and not have to pay taxes?

The back drop is I know a guy that lost his little lake front property to a squatter. The squatter is a drug addict and has absolutely destroyed the property. There is no longer running water or electricity on the property because he won’t pay, so I know he isn’t paying property tax.

How is it possible that not only has he taken the land, but he continues to keep hold of it without paying property tax? This land is in KY btw.

10:59 UTC


What does it mean when your deductible is the amount that must be paid by you “after coinsurance is applied?”

I thought a deductible meant that you had to pay for all your treatments 100% until insurance kicks in. Does this mean that I pay a coinsurance and that goes toward the deductible?

1 Comment
10:58 UTC


What title is my step mums sisters daughter

Is she like my cousin or something I’m confused on what to call her

10:53 UTC


Why does my Tesla know my destination in advance, even for destinations that are totally random?

My Tesla map search has started to freak me out with suggesting the location I am about to go as the first in the suggested list without me typing anything.

It’s been happening since a month, at first I thought it was a coincidence or may the because I usually drive to those places, but no, now it even knows when I am attending an event or visiting a friend after a month time, or visiting the hospital to get a flu shot, how is this possible without listening to my conversations?

10:52 UTC


Did they only bring canaries into coal mines, or were they also used in other types of mines?

10:51 UTC


Why did the world suddenly go pro-LGBT?

I’m not a person that hates it, but I just wonder what happened in history for gay people to be seen as people rather than disgusting outcasts.

Edit: this post wasn’t meant to come off as judgmental, I was mostly just curious and I was very tired while typing out my question.

10:50 UTC


How do you keep your place clean

So I live alone and work a 10-6/7. I'm finding it so difficult to keep my place clean and organized. All I want to do when I'm home from work is relax. And on the weekends it's just not enough time to clean the kitchen, bedroom, living room, bathroom, do laundry, buy groceries, meal prep, etc without losing my mind as I have other hobbies and activities I want to do.

I can't hire a maid to clean. What's your secret to keeping the place clean?

1 Comment
10:06 UTC


Shouldn't everyone (climate change aside) want to move on from fossil fuels because they're going to run out?

Why do we pin fossil fuels as an issue to climate change? Seems needless to me. All we have to do is agree that oil will run out in like 50 years, which oil companies themselves agree with, and say then let's start switching over so we don't end civilisation by running out of energy in a few decades

1 Comment
08:20 UTC


Could Harry Potter role landing have saved Robin Williams ?

I recently learned that Robin Williams strongly wanted to play or portray Hagrid , and hoped that Chris Columbus would cave to his request. However this did not come to pass. Robin Williams was already widely loved, but would the extra massive soul rejuvenating love that would be showered upon him , were he to be a Harry Potter mainstream actor have prevented his untimely end ?

10:44 UTC


How do we know the exact percentage of, let’s say for example Latinos women, who voted for a certain candidate . Are these estimates? I thought voting was fully anonymous.

10:36 UTC


Is it normal or socially acceptable to trim pubic hair in a public locker room?

This morning at the gym, I saw a guy casually using an electric trimmer to groom himself down there, and it caught me off guard. I always thought that kind of thing was meant for the privacy of your own bathroom. But since no one else seemed bothered, I’m wondering if I’m the only one who finds it inappropriate. Are there unspoken rules about what’s okay to do in locker rooms and what’s not? Where do we draw the line?

10:35 UTC


During standard nighttime/sleeping hours for most non-3rd shift people, how come it seems like ambulances arbitrarily choose to use their sirens?

It's currently 5:32AM and I've been up for about an hour and I regularly see outside the window and at nighttime there's a good chance ambulances will use their lights but not siren and then sometimes other ambulances will use their siren and there's really no difference at all in terms of traffic (there's no one around at all and it's dark).

And it's like this with seemingly arbitrary usage of the siren nightly around here.

Is this just at the discretion of the ambulance driver? They can decide whether or not to use their siren in the wee hours? Or is it like train conductors who have to sound their horn 24 hours a day when approaching crossings and such?

10:33 UTC


If I am sick and cough up a glob of mucus into my hand, am I literally holding the infection?

I have Covid right now and this morning I coughed up a fat glob of mucus (wish I'd taken a picture, but alas, I was in the shower). Did that amorphous blob of lung secretions that I was holding in my hand contain the virus, since it came from my lungs and Covid is a respiratory disease? Was I literally holding the virus in my hand?

10:30 UTC


Anyone like me? I’m having this issue.

Hello Everyone!

I know this is random to be asking this question but to be honest I have been having this issue that gets in the way of my sleeping habits. I am not sure if anyone is going through the same thing or not, but before I sleep, I must make AT LEAST 2 bathroom trips before I can properly sleep or my brain stays awake while my body is resting so I know I am not actually properly sleeping. My brains also tells me that I need to be taking at least one deep breath after using the restroom in order to properly sleep or I won’t be able to get a good night’s rest. Also, hearing someone snoring next to me or breathing out loud in an abnormal way makes me want to use the restroom even though I know my bladder is empty.

Anyone has an issue like that? Did anyone solve it? I know it’s weird but I need advice.

I have a few issues like when I leave, I must check that I locked the apartment door more than once. Even if it means coming back to check again to make sure the apartment is really closed and no one will get hurt. Sometime I feel like I already checked, but my brain tells me that I might have been tricked so I have to go back and double check. If I don’t end up checking, then I stay constantly worried over the apartment door being open to anyone.

10:30 UTC


Now that I'm adult I want to know why my dad told me when I was 13 it was bad to date a 12-year-old

At the time my dad didn't really explain it and looking back at it now I don't understand cuz it's a just one year difference like it was like a child dating a teenager that would be drastically and obviously different but now that I'm actually an adult I'm sure I can understand better but I don't know why so I'm just curious I'm 24 turning 25 this upcoming month

I should clarify some things too I'm officially been adopted twice one from the family I'm talking about in the question and a second from another family after I became an adult specifically 18 Now the first family is not very good they abandoned me and they just come up with very bad excuses and they try to isolate me very much I was surrounded by narcissist most of my life so yeah

10:25 UTC


How do SO MANY cars stall on railroad tracks?

Of all the places to stall out. First off, there are probably very few places where you might stop on track and wait for something. You might stop behind tracks but I think it’s pretty rare to wait on a track for a red light or something. Second if my car was stalling and I was anywhere near railroad tracks I would go everything in my power to NOT stop on the tracks. Of all the places to end up it has to be a one in a million chance that your car stops on the tracks. But there are hundreds of videos of trains hitting cars on tracks. The odds have to be in the billions. It cannot happen this many times by accident

10:23 UTC


I had an idea for an invention. What next steps should I take?

Basically at the conceptual stage but have the ability to create proof of concepts, just don’t know how I should approach this idea.

10:17 UTC


Why don't we fortify every foods with necessary/lacking vitamins?

Cereals and some brands of rice are fortified with vitamins. I don't understand why other foods such as chips,soda,sausages and etc wouldn't be fortified with vitamins. Does it cost a lot or is it to avoid overdosing on vitamins? Either way it doesn't seem to make sense why so many people are deficient in some vitamins and foods we eat doesn't try to stop it.

10:15 UTC


Why do dogs sometimes seem to see things that aren't there?

I've got a playful Labrador, and every now and then he'll stop in the middle of the living room and stare intensely at...nothing. It's like he's fixated on some invisible spot, ears perked up, and I can't figure out why. Has anyone else noticed their dog doing something similar? They sometimes even start barking or growling at the empty space, which definitely makes things feel a little spooky around here.

Is it possible that they're sensing something we can't, like a smell or sound? I've read that dogs have way better senses than we do, but I'm curious if there's a specific reason they see or react to these invisible things. I'd love to hear if any other pet owners have insights or similar stories. It'd be great to understand what's really going on in their furry little heads!

10:13 UTC


Why do governments subsidize stuff?

I’ve recently come across the concept of subsidization and it’s an all new thing for me as it’s not a thing where i’m from and it’s only for specific types of people.

I know that it is to help lower the prices of products and make it cheaper and easier for people to afford, but why do they do it and what does it benefit them to keep doing it?

10:11 UTC

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