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[TOMT][SERIES][2020s] A series where some rich people wear animal masks

There is a recent series (can't remember on which streaming platform) wehre some rich people wear animal mask and kill other people. I remember a scene where a woman lured one of the rich guy killer to take some photos of her. Then she tried to attack him. Please help me find that series

1 Comment
23:42 UTC


[TOMT][COMMERCIAL][1997-2008] Cop checks a car bouncing up and down, finds a fat guy trying to reach a cupcake

Looking for this old commercial in my head where it's a shot of a car on the side of the road bouncing up and down. It is meant to look like something raunchy is happening. I remember the bouncing car and the cop's car behind it pointing to the left of the screen and that it was day time. The cop gets closer to the car while the bouncing gets more intense, the cop looks inside and finds a fat man with his belly stuck under his steering wheel trying desperately to reach a cupcake, but he can't because he's too fat and his rocking is what's shaking the car. The cop laughs at him and walks away. Quite comical. I have no idea what the commercial was advertising. I hope it was weight loss.

-Might have been a donut, I think I remember there being sprinkles. Could be that he had multiple desserts.

-In my head I hear the guy saying "C'mon cupcake" or "Come here cupcake" repeatedly.

-I think this commercial aired during WWF/WWE.

Not even sure if it was just a fever dream, does this actually exist somewhere?

23:34 UTC


[TOMT] Need help finding a meme video

My friends and I quote this one video we saw I would say a few years ago but cannot find. The video was I think in a barber shop and the one guy asks the guy in the chair “what are you drinking?” Then the other guy goes “juice” and the first guy says “YOU’RE DRINKIN JUICE?” I’m a slightly excited manner. I cannot find it at all no matter how hard I search I just HAVE to see it again.

23:35 UTC


[TOMT] [Song] Similar opening piano melody to Never Enough from the Greatest Showman

There's a song which has a very similar piano melody to the opening of Never Enough, I'm pretty sure the first like 5 notes are exactly the same, but in the other song the melody goes up in pitch and has several notes quickly, kind of like a da-da-da-da-da dadada where as Never Enough is da-da-da-da-da--da-da (I apologize I am not a classicaly trained musician). It's been driving me crazy trying to think what this song is, so on the off chance someone knows, it would be much appreciated.

23:31 UTC


[TOMT][BOOK][2000s] I'm trying to find a middle grade fantasy book with black and white cover about young female protagonist who can control black, tar-like stuff and has a black cat.

Any help would be appreciated! Here are the deets:

Definitely fiction, read in English about 10 years ago. It wasn't new at that time either, I got it from my local library, so it was most likely published early 2000s-2010s. The cover was in a cartoony style all in black and white. There was a black, swirly-embellished border framing a girl within a white circle who was either drowning or emerging from a big gloop of the "black, tar-like stuff" or somehow otherwise surrounded by it.

I don't remember much about the plot except that the girl was either an orphan or the daughter of a mad-scientist type father, and she was running away. She also had a black cat who was her only companion while on the run, and I think before that too? I seem to remember her always being an outcast in whatever life she had before.

The only scene I remember is the girl hiding in a basement of a building in an abandoned or run-down town in the desert? Foggy about the place details but she was most definitely hiding, and she was covered in the black stuff.

23:31 UTC


[TOMT] Song that sounds similar to a specific part from the song I Want You by New Volume

I listened to I Want You by New Volume and one part of it gave me such a feeling of deja vu, it's the 'let go' part in the line 'moving til I finally let go' . Here's the link to the specific line I'm talking about! It's mostly the singer's voice and intonation of the song that reminds me of a different song, the lyric is not the same!

23:02 UTC


[TOMT] 90’s horror movie, albino(?) prisoner kills 2 teen boys on a soccer field

That’s the best way I can describe it. It was a slightly older horror movie, from the 90’s I think. I saw a scene of it playing on a TV at the gym. This crazy albino guy, half bald with white hair on the sides and blue eyes is laughing maniacally and wearing an orange jumpsuit. He was

These 2 teen boys are running from him in a sports feild, one has chains on his ankles.

One falls into a hole and gets stuck with just his head sticking out, while the other tries to at first dig him out and then run, the crazy guy comes in a what I’m guessing is a giant mower they use on soccer fields. Teen 1 gets killed with his head run over and Teen 2 gets his chain caught up in the machine. The crazy guy laughs and the scene ends with a big red spatter of blood on the score board.

Later on I looked up - idk if it was the same movie but I saw a Caucasian dude with brown hair making out with a demon and trying to suck out a white marble or something from his mouth.

Anyone know what movies/shows these came from? I’d love to know!

23:27 UTC



It's a pop song that has an electric guitar riff in between the verses during the chorus!! It's fairly new last time I heard it was 2022 and have been searching since !!! All I remember in the music video was it seemed like a lightskin girl with blonde hair walking through what looked like Venice Beach. Don't remember the lyrics but it seemed like they were "and if we fall we'll fall together" (guitar riff) and if we die we'll die together( guitar riff)." Those aren't the lyrics but that's what it seemed like they were please help im fixing to go crazy I've searched everywhere for two years.

23:22 UTC


[TOMT] [Webcomic] about lesbian couple

So I remember reading this comic a while ago with my wife- I remember at the time (maybe like, a year and change ago) it was still on going. Here's what I remember:

  • lesbian couple where one of them was tall (I think blonde) and very muscular and the other was much smaller

-the taller buff one had a brother who was basically the exact same person as her but male -her brother also had a girlfriend that was the exact same as small lesbian -there was a whole arc where the brother and buff girl tricked their girlfriends into wearing the same.clotbing when they first met so that they would like each other -there was another arc where they went on vacation but the AC was broke for the first few days and they were basically melting. Buff girl wanted to propose but couldn't because who they went on vacation with ALSO proposed -when I lost track of it the two of them together were getting a dog. But the dog was.............really stupid. It was pretty cute actually. -style was Western, not anime as I remember and was organized kinda like slice of life several panels at a time

I really hope y'all can help! I read this just before coming out to myself and my wife as transgender and back then we both loved the comic because, other than the genders, they were a lot like us! It would be really nice to go back and look at now that things have changed!

23:23 UTC


[TOMT] South Park Kanye Song Pokémon Parody

YouTube video from probably close to 10 years ago — there’s video of some old Pokémon battle, and the enemy trainer deploys a magikarp (I think), which transforms into kanye west and sings the gay fish song from southpark

23:21 UTC


[TOMT][Book][2000s] maybe older

I read this in the late 2000s but it may be older than that. It would be middle grade or early YA. The cover is the back of a girl’s head with her hair tied in a red ribbon. It takes place during WWII and is about a Jewish girl trying to get to New York with the rest of her family. She ends up on a boat with a male relative who dies on the journey. The book ends with her finally getting to her family.

23:17 UTC


[TOMT] Dark Dating Sim Manga

Guy wakes up having stats similar to a dating sim, an inventory, a shop, and money windows, he can also use saves, but to load them he needs to pay. He tries to seduce his neighbour from across the building but discovers that she killed her husband and some other guy he saw her with. There's also a black haired girl that seemingly has supernatural powers and a light haired girl that's a swordsman. The manga has a dark tone, and it's obviously in black and white.

23:12 UTC


[TOMT][Children's Song] Seesaw Up and Down We Go

It is NOT Seesaw Margery Daw and it is NOT the Ummet Ozcan see-saw song. The song is simple and has no lyrics about London. This is the song:


I uploaded this to youtube in hopes a copyright would help me determine the song name but still no luck.

I tried shazam, soundhound and got nothing. Tried ChatGPT, Googling lyrics, youtubing variations of the presumed song name with no luck.


Seesaw see-saw up and down we go

Seesaw see-saw high and then down low

Seesaw see-saw fun as it can be

Seesaw see-saw play the game with me

23:12 UTC


[TOMT] A suspense movie I saw years ago

I don't remember much about this movie but in the final act, a man gets out of a car and enters his old house, after he loses his memory and the house is burned and he killed his wife and children.

23:12 UTC


[TOMT][Song] 80s rock songs

Looking for an 80s rock song that sounds like Detroit Rock City by KISS, but also has vocals that are delivered in a very similar way to Black Dog by Led Zeppelin, where the verses have little to no instrumentals playing over the words, and the verse is a bit of a run on and trails upward at the end.

23:06 UTC


[TOMT] Please help me find the name of this movie !

Me and my gf watched a movie a few months ago terminally ill patients, when they had no hope they searched to find anything they could find to just save their own lives! After they searched everywhere, they gave up hope until one day they were contacted in a strange matter about a doctor or place that was willing to help them and cure whatever their aliments were. Fast forwarding all these people went to this country and received treatment to these diseases, and they pay every dollar they could to be treated and eventually the mane character finds out that it was all a hoax and the former patients weren’t cured at all… any thoughts or the name would be amazing!

22:54 UTC


[TOMT] Trying to find a song from a tv show that says “miss misunderstood”

I watched this show like at least 3 years ago, probably more but I don’t want to overshoot the time and not be able to find it, i think it was made in or before the 2010s from production quality but i’m not positive. I remember the show was about teenagers but I don’t remember if it was a school. I’m pretty sure mostly all of them sing and it was one of the girls singing this song. Lowkey all I for sure remember is the miss misunderstood. However i have a memory of the song starting on a wooden balcony? again no promises, and I also think i remember a green screen?

22:56 UTC


[TOMT] Movie about living life in virtual reality. People live in rooms with virtual reality pods where they spend most of their lives, only occasionally coming out for nourishment

22:58 UTC


[TOMT] unknown disturbing film clip from childhood

Can anyone help find a piece of media I saw on YouTube as a child. I remember scrolling through YouTube in mid/late 2012. From what I remember it was a movie clip from an unknown film to me. The clip started in what looked like an American high school classroom 3 characters are seen leaving the classroom all white around 16-17 years of age. Two characters (a skinny blonde kid and a slighter more plump taller character with light brown hair possibly curly) begin to get into an altercation. The boy with brown hair proceeds to push the boy with blonde hair onto the road. This is then followed by an extremely graphic scene where the boy with blond hair is ran over by a yellow/white school bus. His head explodes on the concrete and a giant blood pool forms on the floor. This is then followed by the line “well done, you killed him”, in which the clip then ends.

This scene terrified me as a child and I still remember it vividly despite being so young. I’ve searched everywhere on YouTube for it since but to no success.

Further details: Video watched in United Kingdom but movie appeared American.

I found the video by attempting to search “videos” on my dads computer only to spell it like “voodeos” due to my dumbness.

Any help is appreciated.

22:56 UTC


[TOMT] Tiktok/Instagram reel about a gen z movie villain...

... Explaining painstakingly how they're totally evil and the fact they're doing this does not mean the author is advocating what they're doing etc.


22:13 UTC


[TOMT][MOVIE][90s] Bad Hellish movie about a girl

I watched it on VHS around 1996 maybe 97?

Its about a girl that has oversized feet that are kind of hairy. She goes to hell and encounters these demons or creatures. In one scene these characters have an assembly line of humans, and when they walk up, this demon punches the stomach of the human, and when the person screams, the demon grabs their tongue and cuts it off.

Thats all i remember. Girl with big hairy feet, indicating maybe she's a hybrid or half monster? i don't know..

22:40 UTC


[TOMT] [BOOK] read between 2017 and 2020

This is a repost but i remembered another important detail that might help

[TOMT] [BOOK] read between 2017 and 2020

I can barely remember much details about the book but the cover had a swimming pool shaped like a red cereal bowl (i think it was red) and a girl floating in it. There’s a part of the book that references the cereal bowl pool i think.

As for the plot, based on what i can remember one of her parents, probably her mom, had passed away recently and she was still dealing with the grief. She lived in the guest house at the back of her dad’s house and she’d lived there for a while. There was something about the furniture and a thing they did together. There’s a scene where she remembers she and her dad playing in the guesthouse when she was a kid and also them painting and moving her stuff into it when she moved into the guesthouse. Her dad might have been an addict but my brain might be making that up. I think her dad was suspected of killing her mom and so he wasn’t living there with her but there were people, relatives, every once in a while.

I can’t remember any other details about the story. Not sure if this helps but i read it on my kindle fire somewhere around 2018/2019, it was a recommended book.

Thanks in advance.

22:41 UTC



So, this program has been nagging at me for years now. I remember it being a program with a bunch of different other programs/games on/in it, kind of like Roblox. (As in the setup, not game play.) This program was used in our elementary schools computer class mid 2010-2015. (can't remember for sure) I remember you could possibly take tests/quizzes on it and one game in particular took place on a stage with a wheel you could spin after answering questions correctly(?) There also might have been a red curtain behind it with a man and a mic with slicked back hair, but I'm not sure about that part.

I also remember something about it was 'Odyssey'. Like when you booted up the system, you had to choose between 3-4 folder/books to enter into more choices. I think one of these 3-4 options had something to do with the word 'Odyssey'. The program might also have had a few spelling games.

22:32 UTC


[TOMT] [Media] I'm looking for a quote along the lines of "A life given freely"

I'm looking for a quote along the lines of "A life given freely" but I have absolutely zero what it is from. Is there anybody out there who knows of it?

22:32 UTC


[TOMT] [MOVIE] [1980-2000ish] Young girl/girl scout(?) gets kidnapped, murdered, and then her body got thrown into a ditch in the woods

This is honestly driving me nuts because I saw just this one scene as a child which kinda traumatized me a little. Likely a suspense/horror/thriller film from the 90s but could be 80s or early 2000s. Young girl or Girl Scout was going up to a man’s door likely to sell something, but then she either went into the house or got grabbed by the man, and he then murdered her by strangling her (I think), before the film cut to a scene of him throwing her body into a ditch in the woods.

This has bothered me for years so if someone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it.

22:28 UTC


[TOMT] Old Country Song?

Okay so, I'm pretty sure it's an old country song, main dude has a pretty deep voice, and he's singing about his dead wife I think? Or maybe divorced or something? There's a type of call and response for the chorus, like the background trio will sing "Do you miss her" and deep voice guy will answer "yes I do" orrr maybe "will it get better?" "No it won't" It was pretty melancholy, I don't remember much about the melody or anything, mostly the premise and the lyrics. The song is at least 10-15 years old if not older, would have been on the radio around 2010 maybe? I'm pretty sure it's country because of the voice, lyrics, and I only listened to the country station at the time.

(I'm 20, born in 2004) (heard this song when I was in elementary school, probably 2011-2015)

Any help would be appreciated.

22:26 UTC


[TOMT] [VIDEO] [2015-2020] A meme where there's a group of guys and one of them puts on a mask and says something like "ooga booga". Another guy says "You can't say that, that's racist" and he says "Racist against who? Which culture?". Then another guy walks and they say the same thing.

I'm pretty sure this video came out a couple of years ago but I can't find the video when searching for it.

22:26 UTC


[TOMT] kid movie from 2000-2010s

I remember watching a movie when I was younger but I can only remember parts of it. I remember there being a part where the family through out the movie is adding a new room to there house and the little girl (who is the main character) jumps through the hole in the wall and imagining herself flying. I remember at the very end of the movie the little girl is packing to run away because she was upset about something and was crying and she grabs a tub of tooth paste and squirts it into a plastic bag and puts it into her bag and runs away. I remember her family goes out and finds her and talks to her. I think that there was the mom, dad , brother and the little girl and I believe I remember the friends of the girl in the movie but I’m not so sure about that. I know there isn’t much to go off of but I hope someone recognizes the scenes.

22:25 UTC


[TOMT] Is there a song that sounds similar to the ending of Ontario by Novo Amor?

I and my friends were listening to the Ontario by Novo Amor and the ending of the song between time stamps 2:44 and 3:07 sounds extremely alike to another song that I can’t put my finger on. Does anyone have any clue what this song may be? A couple people suggested a perfume advert or something along those lines but I’m honestly not sure.

22:21 UTC


[TOMT] Old psychedelic song

Cannot for the life of me find an old song, it was a very psychedelic sound and had talking throughout, the talking was kinda like a fantasy story and I’m sure it said something about a dragon.

It’s not puff the magic dragon, way more ‘out there’ than that.

22:11 UTC

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