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[TOMT]Zombie movie where the zombies have one of their hands transform into a blade. Lots of rain and possibily a world war what if scenario or generally that time period. Had either a French or Spanish dub.

I remember this scene with a room that had a lot of orange and yellow lines, and another where it rains and some soldiers (?) are being abushed by these zombies, its night and raining.

20:11 UTC


[TOMT] Old silly online/youtube video(s) giving a silly instructions on stuff like "how to buy beer"

Looking for either a single video or a couple videos that came out in early YouTube days that was a skit similar to something Smosh/College Humor might do, where a voice over gives instructions to a guy on how to buy stuff like beer among other things. It gave him instructions like knocking a guy out with chloroform, stabbing another guy in the back, making it look like the first guy did it, and blackmailing him into buying it for him. I've tried looking among old Smosh and CH videos to see if I can find it but no luck, so I'm guessing it was somebody else.

20:08 UTC


[TOMT] 90-2000 Song With higher male vocals

Listen to the song the otherday now I can't remember it. Very similar in beat, sound, and vocal sounding off Dishwalla...Counting Blue cars, but mabey a little heavier and vocals were closer to, More Than a Feeling Boston. 90-2000s, pretty sure it has the word "Love" in it

20:10 UTC


[TOMT] but I can’t remember the name of this movie I watched when I was a kid, can anyone help?

Been thinking about it forever. I’ve tried googling what I remember but nothing comes up. Saw it maybeeeeee 15 years ago?

What I remember

  • old movie - think Carey/Audrey time
  • heist movie? I remember diamonds being transported out of a window into a fancy car via some velvet banner or something. I don’t know man, diamonds were sliding and they drove off
  • maybe she was blonde??
  • it was black and white.
  • the building they were taking the diamonds from might’ve been a grand house, there’s was a party I think that they snuck off from to do it?

I don’t know!!! It all feels hazy.

Does this ring any bells????

20:06 UTC


[TOMT][Song][2020s] Newer Raekwon song with a gorgeous summer vibe to it.

I cannot for the life of me remember the name of this song. The instrumental is quite similar to Unison by SLV (that old Joe Budden & Emanny R&B experiment) and I feel like one of the focal words in the chorus rhymes with slow or go.

There might have been an R&B singer on the hook as well.

It's a really laid back song, especially when compared to the rest of Rae's catalog.

Came out a few years back, I remember hearing it around covid when we were all getting vaccinated.

20:08 UTC


[TOMT] tv show or movie, people "respawning" or maybe time travel

There is a scene I remember where a man is in a room and is attacked by a woman. He kills her and there is a flash of light from a closet and she comes out and attacks again. It keeps happening and the bodies pile up.

Eventually her arms and legs are cut off and tied in a bathroom to stop it from happening.

Please help!

19:56 UTC


[TOMT] Asian movie: Main character and his friend uncover some secret on the dash camera of the friends boss

There is a movie I am trying to recall but am having no luck... I am almost certain it was an asian movie, most likely Thai, Taiwanese, or Chinese. Basically from what I recall the main character is a lower-income early/mid-20s male. His friend (I think) works as a security guard in a booth operating the car gate for entry to the building. The two of them are trying to uncover a secret about the friends boss by reviewing the dash camera footage from his car. I can't remember what exactly they find, but they review the dash camera footage on a computer in the booth until they uncover it. It might be an affair the boss is having, or something else illegal that he was doing. I might be mistaken, but I believe they used the footage to blackmail the boss in order to get money or something from him.

19:51 UTC


[TOMT] hallway of human dolls

looking for a horror movie or show where the protagonist is looking for a serial killer and at the end of the movie/season/episode they discover a long secret hallway in a basement lined with corpses that are made to look like dolls, each in a box that resembles one of those fortune teller carnival robots. I remember it’s a well lit, kind of modern looking hallway. I’m thinking 2000s or later. The protagonist finds someone they know in one or multiple boxes, and is able to catch the killer afterwards. Can’t find this anywhere online. Help would be appreciated

19:45 UTC


[TOMT] Ok so theres a video of some guy singing while playing a fighting game I know most of the lyrics “Stop hitting me bish you better stop hitting me, alright dam ok, YOU DIDNT KILL ME you didn’t kill me now imma funk you up im gonna funk you UUUUUPPPPPPPP”

Something like that, i need to find it im gonna go crazy

19:44 UTC


[TOMT] Movie I saw on TV around 2012-2014

So this woman (MC), whom I believe is a writer, moves to a new town. One of her new neighbors is a (handsome?) man. She occasionally snoops on her neighbor using some kind of spyglasses she has by her window. One night, she sees the neighbor get a visit from another woman, and the next morning, the guy is found dead at his place. I believe she is then suspected for his murder, but I'm not sure of that. That's pretty much all I can remember that's notable.

I've searched for hours, used every AI I could find, nothing.

19:38 UTC


[TOMT][Music video] [2000's] creepy video with fused people

[TOMT][Music video] [2000's] creepy video with fused people

Is this music video in which the people singing seemed to be orchestrating a bizarre sort of orgy. Although it's definitely fine for television, the people are fused at the legs to legs, heads to heads or arm to torso and conjoined as though it's one giant person. The video progresses, and everybody begins to drool or vomit a liquid like gel. And then everyone's covered in that. And it's a very slow pace video kind of etheric sounding. not in your face techno or metal kind of song. I've searched all over the web and I can't seem to find it. I used to have it labeled as creepy conjoined orgy music video because I never knew the actual name of this song . And again it's safe for work. It's not anything overly graphic or sexual. Just bizarro.

19:33 UTC


[TOMT] Toy very similar to Cube World (2000s)

I recall from my childhood the toy Cube World, which is a toy of stick figures in little Cube LCD display. You could connect them together and they could interact with each other, and yo could press buttons to have them do things.

But I also recall I had a different version of the same concept. It was likely a newer version, as it had almost 3d little rooms. The cubes included a bedroom or living room inside of it, and the LCD display was see-through.

As such, the characters could "interact" with the environment in a way, where they could "lay" on the bed, or "watch" the TV.

I also believed the characters weren't simply stick figures, but more detailed characters. Male/female figures. They can combine and interact in a similar way.

I have no idea what this would be called.

Google searches have resulted in only Cube World, and no other knockoffs/versions of the concept.

Any help would be appreciated

19:37 UTC


[TOMT] [2000s] [song] That had two girls in a bar setting talking at the songs start

So I’m trying to remember this song that started out with two women talking in what sounded like a bar or restaurant setting. The audio is very amateur and there’s background noise of plates and bottles if I remember. The women I think are talking about a guy who is deceased and are more or less gossiping about someone finding him (I think) The audio is short and it goes into the song. I wanted to say it was the Starting Line but I couldn’t find it. I also don’t know if it was an intro to a song or and outro of a song. Ring any bells to anyone?

19:35 UTC


[TOMT] Kidnapping movie that takes place in winter in canada

The father and daughter are out somewhere in canada and the girl gets snatched from the car i think. the cops try to pin it on the dad. the sickx people who kidnapped the girl also have cameras on the mother to watch her suffering

19:28 UTC


[TOMT][Video Game][1990s] Windows PC Kids Adventure Game

Hi, I’m trying to remember a Windows PC adventure game I played as a kid, likely between 1995-2000. The game takes place in a mansion, and I recall traveling between different sections of the house in a railway car—though that may have only been part of a specific level. One scene that stands out the most to me involves a painting (or possibly a bust) telling a spooky story, with lightning striking at the end to startle the main character and their sidekick. However, the I doubt the story itself likely that scary.

This has been bugging me for a while, so any help identifying the game would be greatly appreciated!

19:35 UTC


[TOMT] Looking for a Music Video

I’m looking for a video from around 2016-2019. The video shows two women fighting (a blonde and a redhead) in an upscale apartment. I remember the song being a cover of a popular song from decades ago but can’t remember the name! Any help is so appreciated, I’ve been trying to find it for days now!

18:45 UTC


[TOMT] Movie about a woman hiring a hit man for insurance money bc her son got in trouble but the hit goes wrong

Son was accused of touching a girl. Mom panicked and hired a hit man to give insurance money to her kids. Some satanic ritual was also in this movie. I remember a very beautiful female actress with short hair. This movie was nuts. I can’t remember the name of it for the life of me.

19:32 UTC


[TOMT][MEME] Superlative sarcastic meme

Meme format where people use a superlative to be sarcastic. One example I saw was "Youngest US Senator" and the image was of someone embalmed. This format seems to be widely used but I don't know what it's called

19:29 UTC


[TOMT] Looking for a True Crime Documentary Series (Well After 2015) – Help!

I'm trying to find a true crime documentary series that aired well after 2015 and has since been discontinued (ended before COVID).

What I Remember:

Narrator: A bald police officer or detective narrates all episodes, sharing real cases from his career before retirement.

Format: Similar to Air Crash Investigation—he narrates while reenacted scenes play frequently.

Location: He was stationed in a high-crime state in the U.S. (Not sure which one).

Possible Name: His name might have been Brad, Bradley, or Brody (not completely sure).

Episode Example: In one episode, he starts dating a woman, only to find out she’s trying to kill him because he had arrested her brother years ago.

Possible Channel: Might have aired on Discovery Channel or a similar international network available in India (but not sure).

I've searched everywhere but can't find it. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

I've summarized this using chat gpt. It was also not able to find it

19:16 UTC


[TOMT] Music style or specific song that sounds like the background music of Billie Eilish's "The Diner". I think it's a style or subgenre???

19:15 UTC


[TOMT] Song that the hook says Hiiigher, Hiiigher, Hiiigher

I've been looking for a song today that has an indie rock vibe sort of similar to a mix between pretty jane and maybe Kings of Leon, but the only lyrics that I can remember is the hook when the singer sings "hiiiigher, hiiiiigher, hiiiiigher." He says it 3 times in the exact same tone and theres more to the hook but I can't remember it. It's a fairly recent song as far as I'm aware

19:03 UTC


[TOMT] possibly a TV show with an escape room. Characters are kidnapped and there is an argument about what the experience should be called with the two guys that kidnapped them.

19:13 UTC


[TOMT][MOVIE][90s-2000s] Adult animated movie about growing up that was played on movie channels

It was played on one of the cable movie channels. Showtime, HBO and similar. Animation style was western and I watched it somewhere between 2006 and 2008.

It was about a group of kids (2 or 3 boys and a girl I think) going around doing things and getting into kind of weird situations. I remember them stealing an Xray from a doctor's office or hospital to try to see a naked woman. There was also the line "You shouldn't have to go through childhood until you're an adult" or something like that.

19:00 UTC


[TOMT] what is the song at end of this video?

https://youtu.be/5XFrxw4kqbg?si=d71_zq2oHLxAZkBH I’ve heard this song before, mostly on reels/tiktok This version sounds slowed down to me? Or I’m remembering it wrong Music cue starts at 0:14 seconds

19:12 UTC


[TOMT] [Online game][2000s]Old naval warfare game

I remember playing an old flash(?) type online game on the Nabisco or some other company's game website. The game had you destroy enemy ships, especially submarines. If you destroyed a ship, it would play a cutscene where the ship would sink. The ship/sub sinking animation looked like it was in a whirlpool or circling a drain in a sink.

19:10 UTC


[TOMT] Early 2000s movie

There was a horror movie in the early 2000s maybe 2006-2010 that I’d always see posters for in malls. I want to say the title was “unknown caller” or something along those lines. The picture I remember is a girl who I think was blue and she had two holes above her eyes right on her forehead.

19:05 UTC


[TOMT] viral email video from early 2000s with animated alien singing “i will survive”

as title suggests! this was one of the very first viral meme videos I remember as a kid that was sent around in email chains. It had this female alien dressed in disco attire singing “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor, and like halfway through the song the disco ball falls on top of her and ends the video.

Thanks in advance for any help/leads!


18:50 UTC



I'm searching for a song by a video description: one man comes out of the woods and goes into a house, another scene a grandmother checks if people on the door are her grandchildren by checking if on the pictures they look like them, the man goes into the house and takes pictures of himself and puts them in the house. This make the grandma think he is her grandson and they live together, and the end she finds out it's a lie and wants to kill him but he runs away.

It's techno

18:37 UTC



Im looking for a show that started on youtube it was a very indie series about a dude who has the powers of electricity I think and he lives in an apartment, the first episode has him bring a date over and showed him microwaving something, its been a couple years sorry for the vague details but the guy who played the main character also was a tiktoker

18:42 UTC


[TOMT] Action movie i watched with my dad

I only remember a scene where the two main characters face off agains a giant thats chained up, its a long fight and they end up winning by smashing his head with a brick

18:36 UTC

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