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[TOMT] spooky 2000’s animated kids show.

I need help finding this show I used to watch as a kid, it was a 3d animated spooky (moral teaching???) kids show, I had a dvd of it and can’t find anything about it on the internet. and my only memory of it is of the main character (boy) riding or getting chased by a giant spider along the road, (i think in a dark and gloomy neighbourhood) because he did something bad…?

Not 100% but he kinda looks like paranorman but with darker clothing.. hope this can get solved…

01:38 UTC


[TOMT][SONG][80s-90s] Alternative music that sounds like Hey Jealousy

I had part of a song pop into my head today and after mulling it over I decided it must have been “Hey Jealousy” by Gin Blossoms. The catch is the part I wanted to find the most isn’t actually in the song and I seem to be mixing up a couple.

It’s a clean electric guitar (maybe but unlikely acoustic) that goes like this, I think at the start of the song:


A couple “almosts” are Collective Soul’s “Shine” and “Run-around” by Blues Traveler.

It's probably from the mid 90s but I can't rule out late 80s or early 2000s for sure.


01:37 UTC


[TOMT] [kid's book or magazine] [80's] cover art - a boy smiling nervously in front a birthday cake with candles. He's got a birthday cap and maybe is missing a front tooth. The book is humorous, in a mean spirited way.

01:35 UTC


[TOMT][game] 2000s-2010s mobile game where you play as a cute robot

I'm trying to remember the name of a game I played as a kid on an iPad. I don't know video game lingo but I'm pretty sure it was story based and you played third person as a little robot (possibly with a cute name?). There were challenges you had to solve but it wasn't like a candy crush type of puzzle, it was integrated into the setting and you could drag and push objects.

01:35 UTC


[TOMT][Movie] I am trying to find a horror movie that popped up on the TV years ago (mid 2000s)

I have only seen the beginning of the movie bc I was very young and it scared me so I had to turn it off, but it started off as a lady who was pregnant and when she gave birth, it end up being very painful bc the baby turned out to be a monster. I think I remember the parents having to keep the baby in a caged crib to keep it from escaping and attacking things and at one point it grabs the cat from within the cage and eats it? Finally the parents realize they dont want the baby monster and then decide to release the baby in a carrier down a stream (Moses style). And then from there I think thats when they roll the intro credits. That is all I remember bc I shut it off feeling terrified lol (again, i was very young so i do realize it probably wasnt as scary than i thought it was). If anyone has any ideas please let me know!

01:34 UTC


[TOMT] (Movie) Please help me! Some guy’s stomach was getting eaten under a canvas tarp by a woman.

I’ve been looking for this scene for the longest time and remember seeing it on TV (not cable) between 2000-2007.

In the scene a Native American (kind of looks like Steven seagal?) is laying on his back, I believe he was wearing a flannel under a vest, the camera is looking directly at him and he appears to be waking up in a barn. There are wooden beams and tools in the environment, a bit of hay and it looks a bit dusty.

He is shaking his head back and forth and notices a canvas tarp covering the lower half of his body. There is movement under the tarp suggesting someone is hiding under there. At first he smirks and lifts up the tarp and sees a woman under there. He pauses in horror as he realizes she has dug into his lower abdomen and is eating his intestines. She looks up at him and says “I like to taste before I eat” then lunges for him and the camera pans away.

I do not know the context of the show/movie but this scene has remained playing in my head for over 20 years.

01:28 UTC


[TOMT] [SONG] 'it's torture'/'writings on the wall'

Looking for a song I think is rock or metal (I'm not sure)

The only lyrics I know from it are "it's torture, it's torture it's torture" and "the writings on the wall"

I can't give more then that sadly

01:25 UTC


[TOMT][MOVIE] lady on a cliff white dress 1990s

I'm going to start this by saying it's possible this could be a episode from a TV show but I remember having a obsession with tales from the crypt as a child so my mom recorded them as a kid and I remember there was this scene with this lady possibly a ghost on a cliff. I don't think it was overlooking water I think it was more of a hill side. Anyway I tried looking to see if it was a episode of TFTC but I don't think it was.

01:24 UTC


[TOMT] [MOVIE] Man electrocutes himself because of girlfriend’s ghost.

I watched this movie when I was a child so maybe late 2000s to mid 2010’s. Can’t remember much but I remember the movie was about a man and his girlfriend. I think the girlfriend dies. I remember that he’s haunted by his girlfriend and at the end he tries to kill himself by electrocuting his head (I think it was with a car battery but I could be wrong). After his failed attempt, the movie cuts to an end scene with him in an asylum with his ghost girlfriend.

01:12 UTC


[TOMT][TWITTER POST][2020s] A Random Twitter Comic I Saw on Reddit

I found this weird reddit post about a year ago (https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/nuam4y/disc\_how\_to\_solve\_your\_problems\_oneshot/) and it was some comic panels that looked cut off so I tried finding it with google reverse image search which led me to a Youtube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VG9yfYe6RrU) with a dead twitter link, (https://twitter.com/etori114/status/1360817167868907527) but it still embeds. not sure if its deleted or a new feature which blocks unlogged users from looking into the actual website. but i don't know a better place to look for specific things like these. (sorry if this post doesn't fit guidelines)

01:09 UTC


[TOMT][MOVIE] The movie featured a famous couple being stalked by a man who set cameras up in their getaway.

So here's a longer version if what I recall, which is quote a bit but I can't find it.

The film starts where the husband contacts a friend to thank him for letting him stay at his remote hope for a getaway vacation. When they arrive to the home and man introduced himself as a roommate who stayed their and the husband's friend must have forgotten to inform them he was there.

Said 'roommates' had cameras set up all around in the house stalking and recording them.( I think they were live too on the dark web?? ) The couple found out and got locked up by him.

I recall the husband getting murdered and I don't remember if the wife got away or not.

Please help me find this movie!! It's been years since I seen it and just now tried to talk about movies with a coworker. It's starting to bug me!

00:51 UTC


[TOMT] [Story in a textbook] [70s or 80s]

I am trying to remember the name of a story that was in a US 2nd grade reading textbook. This was in 1985 or 1986, but the textbook could be from the 70s. The story was about a kid who faked having chicken pox or measles and drew dots on his face with a marker (blue marker, I think). This is probably a long shot, but I hope someone else remembers this!

01:02 UTC


[TOMT] Possible 2000's Tamil Song that I heard at a Tamil Supermarket

There's a video song that at the beginning shows a girl dancing with some clowns to I think another girl wearing glasses with the number "2000" on them. There's also another scene where she dances as a entertainer with other people. Does anyone know what the song is called?

01:04 UTC


[TOMT] Bollywood song from a movie scene that I saw on Youtube years ago.

Guys I'm desesperate trying to find a Bollywood (or similar) song that I saw in a scene on Youtube years ago. It was a party, maybe a wedding party before/after a marriage, it was happening in a rooftop with beautiful and warm lights on hanging cables. There was a sad man looking at a woman who was probably going to get married because he loved her, he could enjoy he party fully because of this, around this situation you could see many other situations happening like a group of happy guys celebrating, laughing, drinking alcohol close to the sad man. There was an older man, more 50yo and I think a mustache and traditional clothes, singing the song for the people at the party and also traditionally gesticulating with his hands I think? The sad man and most of the people in the party were using informal clothes. I'm not a 100% sure it was Bollywood but it was definetely that style, it could be from a surrounding country. The song was kinda dramatic but not completely sad and very rythmic with traditional instruments.

01:04 UTC


[TOMT] [SONG] Song with a picture of an anime girl holding a gun on the road with cars around

It’s an electronic song and I remember also watching a geometry dash video with it, it may have also been used in those outro memes some time ago, the background in the music video is just an anime girl holding a gun on a road or maybe a bridge with cars around her, she could be standing on a car actually though I’m not sure.

00:54 UTC


[Tomt][cartoon][2010s]and old cartoon that I used to watch

It was about a man who lived in a big dark house and outside his house was a bus stop which he would use to go to places like the cinema and more, that's all I can remember but I think one episode an old lady was angry at him but I can't remember as I was little

00:43 UTC


[TOMT] [MOVIE] I'm looking for a French comedy film that my father and I had a good laugh at some time ago and I want to see it again with him

the protagonist is rich and has a wife who is a fashion designer. He has lost touch with his working-class family because he despises them.

One day he loses his memory (I can't remember how). After losing his memory, he recovers his adolescent memory of when he still lived with his family.

Before he lost his memory, he loved his wife's creations, but after losing it, he finds them ridiculous : I remember a scene in which he wants to sit on a chair designed by his wife, falls over and says that whoever thought up this design is stupid.

I also remember that he meets his brother's wife and falls in love with her because the 3 of them were friends when they were young.

I remember that the first scene of the film is him in front of his huge villa with his manager and they invite prostitutes.

in the end he gets back his memory, reconciles with his family and learns to love them again I have no idea when the movie was released but I'd say 2010-2018

Please help me find the name of the film

00:48 UTC


[TOMT][MANGA] There's an isekai manga about a woman continuously getting cucked

(Trigger warning: Death during childbirth)

Okay so, it's been a few years and my memory is a bit blurred so I might not get every detail right. If I recall correctly, the series was initially a novel and the manga I was reading was some kind of adaptation but I've personally never read the novel. The story takes place in a fantasy victorian era inspired setting, it begins with the main character marrying her fiance while looking unhappy and she later glances at a crow in the sky (we later learn that said crow is a character that appears later in the series and that he can switch between a human and a crow form).

In the story, the female lead goes back to a very specific point in time every time she dies where she's having tea with her fiance and her younger sister. The best way I can describe the story is just pure torture, both for the female lead and for me watching her. The woman keeps experiencing horrible deaths, her fiance keeps ignoring her or cheating on her with her sister, everybody seems to hate her and she's just straight up not having a good time. There's a scene that's been been forever ingrained in my brain with her getting pregnant with her husband's child but she dies before she ever gets to hold it and goes back to that tea party crying and screaming for her baby back, there's later a scene where she's shown cradling a pillow and singing lullabies to it as if it were a real baby and I pretty much left it at that part.

Anyways, if anyone happens to remember the title, please help, I've been searching for it for a long time.

00:44 UTC


[TOMT] A cartoon that I saw on Cartoon Network in the early 2000s, reminds me of an animé. I think machines were involved, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't Transformers. I vaguely recall a female character saying she was in a "floaty" space in one episode.

I think I saw this show between 2003-2004. I believe this around the time that cartoon Network was airing He-Man.

00:44 UTC


[TOMT][Documentary] about anime possibly from Netflix

Where animators talk about being told by marketing to make characters look more like adults while making them in middle school rather than high

00:44 UTC


[TOMT] [BOOK] Young Adult Gothic Fantasy Book

I have been searching for this forever! Only now just come across the subreddit. I read the book about 10-11 years ago, so I don’t remember much. It was a fantasy setting, and the chapters followed two main characters: a young girl in a family of royals (that were often compared to vampires by the village/town they watch over), and a young boy who’s father got in trouble for hunting on their land. It’s established that only the men in the royal family have these sort of dark powers(?)/magic, but through the story you learn that the young girl can do it as well. There’s also a scene where the young boy is shooting archery with the rest of the servants in the stables and things, and he has to intentionally do bad with it so that they don’t connect him with his dad (who hunted with archery) I think. Thank you for looking!

00:40 UTC


[TOMT][MEME] boy on tain and dancing cat

There is this meme video that I've been trying to find. It's a video of a boy with his head in his hands while he's on a train and next to him is a cat that's jumping around and dancing. There's also a version with Hatsune Miku instead of a cat. PLEASE HELPP

00:37 UTC


[TOMT][song] song about someone who’s depressed or going through something and there’s a line like “it’s got nothing to do with you”

Or it might be flipped and the line is “it’s got nothing to do with me”. Might not even have that line at all but the general sentiment is there. Probably something indie?

00:38 UTC


[TOMT] [SONG] [VIDEO] An old blastphamousHD video with a creepy song in a reaction from 5+ years ago

This song has me going crazy, I remember watching a video by blastphamousHD of him reacting to a scary video that has no narrator. The only audio that was on the video was a song that had a deep piano sound with someone saying "NOOO.....NOOO... NOOOOooo..Nooo" in a deep tone over and over again. Another thing I remember the video being a top 5 or top 10 scary videos, the reason being is because it has a scene to switch videos, the scene had like candles in a circle with words or letters on the screen. also the reaction video was also taken place during a time when blastphamous had a tv behind him with a white blank wall. I also remember he was doing the reaction alone.

00:33 UTC


[TOMT][movie scene] Avengers: Age of Ultron

I feel like this is a Mandela effect. But with digital media/streaming they change subtle things. I could swear in the original scene from age of ultron, when vision is born, the group is asking how they know if they can even trust vision, and he hands Mjolnir to Thor, and somebody (feel like it was Captain America) said “good enough for me”. Meaning if vision could lift mjolnir he was trustworthy.

00:34 UTC


[TOMT] help me find this movieeee

It's about bullying I can't remember the name but I believe a girl and her mother moved in with the moms boyfriend and he had a son already and a daughter too but they were very bougie and wore expensive outfits and went to a prep school. The girl who just moved in was snooping on the computer and started talking about the girls in her stepsisters group to the other girls and creating drama and separating them. They have a chauffeur drive them to school and one scene I remember they picked up the blonde girl and they were making fun of something she wore. The stepsisters name was Blair or Claire I believe and she had brown and buck teeth and very snobby. Another scene I remember was when they were in the gym at their school and all the girls were leaving one of the other girls out I don't remember if it was the girl who just moved in or the stepsister. I also remember them having a sleepover in the extra house. I WANNA REWATCH IT PLEASEE HELP ME FIND IT😭😭

00:33 UTC


[TOMT] youtube webseries / man called nathan trapped in his room

so, there's this webseries (or it might be just one video?) where it's about a guy trapped in his room, hearing voices from outside, it's all on first person perspective and i remember his name being Nathan bcs that's my name.

00:26 UTC


[TOMT] Comic book/manga about a girl who gets sent tonight classes/night school and ends up finding out she's the only human girl in a class full of monsters go

I'm looking for this early 2000 manga it was about this girl who went either tonight school or night classes and she was the only human and her whole class everyone else was Monsters Don't remember very much but what I do remember is that the main girl ends up going to at the Halloween party the guy she's interested in kind of always Kind of rude and pics on her one of her other classmates who look like a skeleton gives her a lollipop that looks like a Jack-o-Lantern he says it's because he want to do it before they left and wanted to know that he liked her she ends up going with the guy that she liked for a flight the guy has like that wings or something finding out the Night class is no longer going to be taking place and all the students from that class of being sent home by the transport As the main boy is leaving he admits his feelings for the main girl after they leave she ends up Hitting the teleporter thing Demanding for it to bring them back sometime passes and we find out the guys actually been there for the last few months because she accidentally broke the teleporter thing so they didn't get to teleport back home as I said I don't remember much if I could really use the help finding this Manga

00:19 UTC


[TOMT][Song] I only remember video clip

All I remember about the music video was there was a man in baggy jeans and suspenders (handyman maybe?) and he crawls out of this hole in the building and there’s a dance class. He joins them and starts doing choreographed dances. If my memory serves me correctly they turn into kids while they dance. It’s a dance song from early 2000s or maybe late 90s?? Probably basement Jaxx vibes

00:12 UTC


[TOMT] movie about mom trying to kill son for cult

I only saw a small scene from tiktok a few years ago but if this is a movie or show I'd really like to see it. So if I remember currently the mom tells her son about a group he gets to join when he's older and she tells him every year until the day finally comes. When he's older he might be covered in like ritual tattoos? I'm not sure. But she goes to get the cake and the dad takes that moment to quickly tell the son to leave because the mom has been planning to kill him for the cult the whole time. The son doesn't believe him until the mom comes back out with a knife and creepy smile and instead of running out the door he stupidly runs back up the stairs.

00:23 UTC

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