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Mathematics Economics Planetary Sci Biology Chemistry Physics Technology Engineering
I am just seeing this news but everyone seems to be happy this happened?
I noticed that searching purely by keywords more or less works fine, but you have to scroll through a lot of videos to find the right one
This post reminded me of this, but I heard of this a long time ago from my ex: he said that since his mother was a redhead, he was more resistant to pain medications than most people, even though he had black hair. I hadn't really believed him until I googled it and people described similar experiences, but I couldn't find a proper explanation for it.
How does being a redhead relate to resistance to pain medication? Is there specifically something about having red hair (or the gene for red hair) that affects medicine resistance, or is it simply that the gene is located on the same part of the DNA? Do we know exactly what mechanism is causing the medication resistance, and if so, how does it work?
The murder of the UHC executive has sparked a lot of ... chatter online. And of course, in America, many of us have been struggling for years with getting healthcare approved/delivered/paid for under the thumb of insurance. On the flip side, we hear horror stories from Canada and UK where they have to wait for months to see a specialist or get necessary procedures done (or not), and insistence that our private system is better. I don't want to start a debate/argument/bad feelings. I truly want to understand.
Its currently 2 22 am and i had to cover my windows cus theres a light outside and its bright. and now im wondering why i sleep better without lights even just a little, even when my eyes are closed snd its already dark. im not scared btw. is this a sign of disorder?
im gonna hit the hay for now
What is google lacking here, they ve got the search data of the whole world on their hands, the money, the experience.. Why is a smaller company doing much better than them while their assistant sounds so amateurish. If you want to see in person: just tell google gemini to tell you a joke, and ask for another one... or a riddle
I heard that it makes the test taker's score closer to the mean of scores of other test takers but I couldn't fully wrap my head around it.
Why don’t naturally windy cities, like Chicago, employ wind farms on skyscrapers and such? Seems like it would be a free/low cost option for electricity, no? Is it an engineering issue, zoning, or what?
I checked Google and I still don’t understand. Can someone please break it down for me?
Why is gold valued so highly in the economy, especially when compared to resources like oil that have strategic importance, given that gold is primarily just a shiny metal with limited practical uses? I can’t wrap my head around it.
I have heard that they work like backwards air conditioners, and while I know somewhat how the air conditioner conditioner cools off the refrigerant, I'm baffled on how a heat pump can heat it up?
This is going to sound ignorant and stupid- I already know so no need to make fun.
I used to think house heat worked like car heat in that the higher you put it, the warmer the air that comes out of the vents becomes.
Someone “corrected” me and told me that no, house heat all comes out one temperature of warm but just LONGER in order to reach what you set the thermostat to.
But now I’m encountering houses who’s heat comes out SO warm from their vents, mine comes out what I would refer to as “barely not cold” even though both thermostats are set to HEAT and the same temp.
What is going on here and which is right
Thank you!
I have just moved into a new property with an air source heat pump. There is a whole thing about setting the heat curve and it has options of -5 to +5. The manual doesn’t really explain well what this is or the purpose or the optimal conditions i should be striving for.
Can someone please ELI5 it for me and also tell me if this is something I set and leave or have to adjust all the time depending on the weather?
I genuinely want to understand this and I am hopeful someone with knowledge of constitutional law background can explain to me why healthcare corporations that make business decisions profitable for shareholders but detrimental to their product/service/customers, aren’t seen as violating individual rights under the 14th amendment. I saw a press release about BCBS of Connecticut deciding not to pay anesthesia bills if the length of surgery exceeds what they think is appropriate. https://www.asahq.org/about-asa/newsroom/news-releases/2024/11/anthem-blue-cross-blue-shield-will-not-pay-complete-duration-of-anesthesia-for-surgical-procedures
If you’re in a bad car wreck and have to go to emergency surgery- how is a surgeon supposed to know how long it will take (much less the health plan?!) It seems to me that the mandate to make shareholders as much money as possible is taking priority of delivery of an adequate health benefit to individuals. Should that be a violation of the 14th amendment right to life….??
From what I've always understood about games, you need a dedicated video capture card just to provide the extra muscle for capturing and streaming games.
Steam just rolled out their own recording software and it feels like black magic. How does this just "work" without degrading game performance with only the client software?
If Jupiter heats its moons by causing tidal movement in their oceans, but planets do not lose energy while in orbit, where does the energy for this heating come from?i know its through gravitaional force. Does this mean Jupiter is expending energy? If so, is it coming from its kinetic energy?
If older people need more cell repair then why are they not able to sleep more even when they want to?
I bought an Anker 67w charger and used to have an Apple 20w charger. I wanted to know if the 67w would consume more electricity that would lead to a higher electricity bill.