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What did people in the recent plane crash die from?

I have seen the video and heard what happened but wondered, was it the crash itself that hurt people, the landing, or the freezing water? Awful tragedy.

17:37 UTC


Was my therapist out of line?

Im 19f was told I had vaginismus basically like it would be hard for me to have sex, but I left the relationship I was in when I was told that a bit ago, turns out the dr was wrong or maybe I healed? Because I have been having sex with someone and there are no issues, I was so excited and happy so I told my therapist which isn’t new she’s sympathized with me over my vaginismus. But instead of talking to me about it or being happy or anything she just said she didn’t think it was a good idea to have sex with someone and not be in a committed relationship I said what do you mean she said I had to treat my body like a temple I said I know I’ve been eating better (I used to be a very picky eater) she said it was different then that I got upset and said what’s the issue men do this stuff all the time and she said that men and women are good at different things. She said it’s 2 different things from when I sleep with someone than when a man does it, I feel embarrassed now :( and I really want to get a new therapist should I?

1 Comment
17:34 UTC


My friend continually asks me if she is overweight, what do I say?

My friend is absolutely stunning, she has gained a decent amount of weight in the last year. Maybe around 50 lbs. I think she is absolutely gorgeous still, she doesn’t seem to think so. She has continually asked me if she needs to lose weight, sending me photos of her body, and compares herself to other people often. Including myself, which does make me a bit uncomfortable. I usually just respond with things like “I think you are absolutely beautiful, and I am super down to go on a health journey with you!” I ask her if she would like to go on walks, come climbing with me etc. I am also on a health journey right now getting sober, so I feel she has been comparing herself to me because I have lost a bit of weight and am feeling more happy with my life recently. It’s not just me though, she asks her friends, her boyfriend, her family. She takes small things that people say as insults about her weight. She thinks she is ugly now, and this couldn’t be further from the truth. She could be a model right now, but she thinks being thin equals beauty. She asked her friend today if she felt she needed to lose more than 20 lbs, and sent photos of her stomach to said friend. The friend responded by saying she has a similar body type and also wants to lose weight. A fairly reasonable response, imo. This has sent my friend on a spiral, and I asked her “What sort of response are you seeking by asking the people in your life if you need to lose weight? I am not sure what good can come of that, if you aren’t feeling great about yourself already.”

She has told me I’m being a bad friend by saying that, because by me saying “I don’t know what good would come of that”, I’m implying that the only response possible is to agree that she looks bad. That was not what I meant by that at all, I was just trying to let her know that by her feeling bad about herself, and asking for our opinions on her self proclaimed “ugly body”, it’s not setting herself up for success. Was this a bad way of phrasing this? I am open to anyone’s thoughts on how I could handle this better in the future.

17:32 UTC


Why don't homeless people that want to work join the military?

17:21 UTC


How to empty bowels?

Hi, im just going to say yes i am okay, no i do not need help. Im genuinely curious. You know when people get a colonoscopy they have to drink this water with a sachet in it that completely emptys your bowels and then after they get the colonoscopy farts, i was wondering if its even possible to do that naturally? Like have all your poo gone out of your system and just be empty without that horrible laxitive drink.

17:04 UTC


Why women love car?

I feel like most women are obsessed about car to the point that they even ask to a guy about which car he drives. I got it, some cars are better than others, but if they just drive to point A to B, what is the point of buying a very fancy SUV or Lamborghinis when you can buy a nice car that is cheaper and will do the same function as a fancy.

Also, what’s with the car culture that so many girls have to the point of posting her car in every stories?

No offense, it’s just a car, I like my car, but I don’t brag around about it.

16:29 UTC


What age does it become odd to kiss immediate family members on the lips?

I remember the controversy of the adult Angelina Jolie receiving backlash for kissing her brother on the lips.

I knew of two teen sisters who kissed on lips.

Oddly enough, a family member started kissing her dad on the lips, spoon feeding him, etc AFTER their Mom left. HER FAMILY IS NEVER KISSED OR HUGGED. At the ripe age of 12-13, she started kissing her dad on the lips during the "peace be with you" part of the Catholic mass.

16:11 UTC


With Hagseth trying to make it so gay people cant be openly gay how will that affect married gay men who are in the airforce?

Will one need to claim their spouse is not their spouse?

15:34 UTC


How in the world can a package delivery carrier deliver not only to the wrong address but to the wrong state?

Yesterday I got a lot of packages delivered, which is normal. So I start opening them and putting stuff away. BUT, one package contained a brand new pewpew in a case. When I looked at the address it wasn't my address. It wasn't even my state. Looked up its tracking number and it showed as delivered to the address at the other state at about the same time as my packages arrived. Because this is super illegal, not sure what to do. How can such a thing happen with all the tracking scanners? Not to mention, don't they have scanners to detect this stuff?

15:33 UTC


Where do i sell feet pics? Where to start ?

15:27 UTC


How does being with a depressed partner affect you?

How does being with someone who is depressed affect your mental health

15:14 UTC


What is the difference between a mental illness and a symptom?

First off, I’d like to say I do not mean to sound disrespectful here at all. I am purely curious and want to understand how this works.

For an example, what is the difference between laziness and someone with depression? Is laziness also caused by a lack of dopamine, or is it something else? What’s the difference between the symptom in a depressed person and the symptom in someone without depression?

14:58 UTC


How can I dispute charges for an app I purchased?

I signed for free trial of headway app on iPhone for 7 days and then it charged me $89 plus tax for the whole year. My partner got the same app for $29.

I tried to dispute with Apple for refund, but they said ineligible for refund.

Any options? Can I dispute with my credit card company? Or the headway app?

This seems like a big slap in the face just for owning an apple product.

13:34 UTC


I just ate two bagels' worth of moldy cream cheese. Will I be okay?

Edit:Sorry, not two bagels'worth, just two halves of one bagel. I don't have a good reason for it. Basically it's because my dad is anal about food waste and I was hungry(I'm an adult, btw). My dad doesn't understand that you can't just cut the mold off like with hard cheese, and I'm afraid to try to tell him because people throwing away food triggers displays of negative emotional behavior from him, and he's really stubborn.

13:25 UTC


Do I need to go to therapy for this?

This sounds weird Ik but I feel like my soul is made up of two people, one is me and the other is my soul mate, I get aroused when looking at my own body in the mirror, I even had dreams were I'm having sex with my own self, like two people both of them are me I also never had a crush on anyone or felt sexually aroused from anyone, only myself and I'm not even someone with like super insane beauty i just feel like my beauty is something only I can appreciate?! ( I'm 19 and a female )

13:24 UTC


Is healthcare in the states really as bad as people say?

I'm talking about the cost of it and likelihood of approvals from insurance companies, everyone always says people go broke because of it. My wife is American, we live in Canada (have 3 kids) and are considering moving to the states but the main thing holding us back is fear of their healthcare system. She's a nurse so she would have a job with insurance but even with insurance, do they always find a way to deny you?

Edit: I didn't realize this post would become so popular lol thank you everyone for the replies. For the people saying how much hospitals stays cost them, would you be able to say if you have insurance or not? Or if your insurance was declined for whatever lame reason? Thank you!

13:12 UTC


What is the possible reason why a guy is behaving strangely around you?

So, I started my freshman year months ago and the college that I transferred to is a new environment so everything was unfamiliar for me. Thankfully, I was able to adjust and the rest is history.

However, there’s this guy who’s been lately been a conundrum to me. First of all, we’re not friends, he’s just someone that I know in my class.

Why is he a conundrum to me? Well, he was behaving strangely whenever we happened to interact. Heck, maybe after reading my post, you’ll think I’m just imagining things. But I’ll explain my side. Okay, so I caught him multiple times staring at me. Whenever I caught him in the act, I was always the first one to glance away. At first, I thought maybe he was looking in my direction or he was just spacing out. Usually, he has this neutral look whenever I catch him staring at me. But one time, I was just minding my own business when suddenly I looked to my left and saw him already smiling while looking at me.

After that, I avoided looking in his direction to see if he was doing it again cause he made me uncomfortable. I can’t even look him straight in the eye whenever he greets me (he’s friendly to all people). I avoided interacting with him at all costs. He made me cautious.

Not only that but he likes to touch my shoulder and it happened on several occasions. Just recently, I was doing my own thing when suddenly he greeted me and rubbed my shoulder. I was taken aback that I could not even say hello to him. I have to tell y’all that I’m a socially awkward person and also an introvert. So, I don’t know how to respond to his actions. He was so strange that he became the subject of my curiosity. I thought of possible explanations of why he was doing that thing to me.

I can describe him as one of those touchy-feely people. I saw him being liked that with his friends both male and female. But, why would he do that to me when we’re not even close? I cannot see him in a negative light cause he’s friendly, plus he’s extremely intelligent and the sort of person who is ready to help you anytime. I don’t even think that maybe he’s somewhat attracted to me since I don’t think he's straight. He’s slightly feminine in his actions.

So, can anyone tell what’s the possible reason why he’s being like that?

Pls I can’t almost focus on my studies because of him

1 Comment
11:52 UTC


Am I a racist?

I don't have a screenshot of what I said, couldn't get it either because it was in a public group chat where there was a lot of people so it was overflooded with other messages.

So in a chat, I described another person as an Asian cause her profile picture was fanart of a fictional video game character who eyes were always closed. Admittingly, the character race was never stated in the game but I had done a bad sketch of them and had said they looked Korean.

Someone else asked me why I think they're Asian. And I replied because their eyes were kinda or bit closed Again, I will admit that I also thought my choice of words were offensive in nature but I did try to defend myself, though it was poorly as I was saying that Asians do have those features and I got deservedly dogpilled.

The only reason I said it because in some fictional media I consume, some characters are drawn to have their eyes closed all the time which I thought it was a way of saying they're Asian.

11:38 UTC


What’s wrong with using “unhealthy” coping mechanisms to deal with stress?

Having a couple alcoholic drinks on occasion or drinking/eating sugary foods or sex/masturbation to feel a sense of relief is often frowned upon. Alcohol will kill you and makes your problems worse. Sex addiction is bad and orgasms shouldn’t be necessary. Sugar makes you fat and causes disease.

None of these “unhealthy” coping mechanisms cause enough damage to be worrisome when done on occasion to actually deal with stress. It seems like the only suggested “healthy” coping mechanisms are things like exercise, which I already do, or reading or meditation, which I hate. I consume considerably less sugar than the average person. I genuinely enjoy alcohol and I don’t drink enough to feel like shit the next day or have negative health effects. And I have a high sex drive, so what’s wrong with that?

Is there anything actually wrong with using “unhealthy” coping mechanisms as intended? Or is society just hating on things that normally get abused and trying to ban them entirely?

11:13 UTC


Why don’t Americans take their shoes off when entering a house or apartment?

Hey guys!

I'm from Europe and have never understood why people in reality TV shows, movies and home videos don’t take their shoes off when walking around the house or apartment. Is this normal in the USA? Do people from other countries who move to America do the same?

10:44 UTC


If you actually want a relationship instead of a hookup are you dating “wrong”?

I’m not interested in hookups but I’ve heard that unless all you want from a guy is a hookup he will never want to go steady with you because you being clear about what you want from the connection puts you in your masculine energy which makes him feel like he’s not in control or something.

10:16 UTC


Why does a jealous person wants your attention?

I went no contact with a person recognising his jealous/ toxic trait for more than 2 years . After 2 years he contacted me and I gave him benefit of doubt , regarding that person might have changed. I was so wrong.It seems like he was intentionally trying to make me jealous . I was getting vindictive vibe from him. He was intentionally trying to provoke was bringing up the topic sensitive to me. He was asking too many personal questions trying to spot weakness on me .

09:32 UTC


Why do bees pick 1 queen?

Why do they pick 1 queen and what happens to female bees that aren't the queen?

09:36 UTC


i like my guy friend but i’m scared i may be a little delusional??

okay, so here’s the deal: i’ve been friends with this guy for a while. i met him when I first came to college out of state and we’ve never been romantic. i recently caught feelings for him after swearing up and down for months it wouldn’t happen, and now i’m stuck in this awkward spiral where i can’t tell if he’s into me or if I’m just imagining things. but the tension between us lately is insane. and i swear he’s giving me those vibes too—sometimes i catch him staring at me and now when we hug he squeezes my waist. yk i returned the energy the next time i saw him by rubbing the back of his head when we hugged. lol. he also recently introduced me to his whole friend group, and he never makes me pay for anything. idk if that’s just a “dad-best-friend” type of thing or if it actually means something. on top of all this, i’m going back home in 4 months and idk if im gonna stay at the university im at so i might not see him again:/ so now I’m wondering—should i just go for it and see what this could be before i leave, or would that just ruin everything and make it weird? like is it better to keep things casual and pretend i never caught feelings, and just leave without risking rejection or awkwardness? this whole “what if” is eating me alive. if anyone’s been in a similar situation or just has real advice—please help me out

08:52 UTC


I don't know why girls are naming me as a fruit and at this point im too afraid to ask ,can you help me,reddit?

08:35 UTC


How to stop myself from insulting people when angry?

When I say people I’m talking about my loved ones. I get so mad that I say these things. I feel bad and regretful. I don’t know what to do. I’m want to change and be better to the ones I love and myself. I usually insult people with the same things I hate about myself. Like “you’re stupid” I feel stupid or “you’re so annoying”. I guess I’m reflecting my feelings onto people when I’m mad, but where to start? In therapy but I need to help myself too.

07:27 UTC


Loud Snorting sound that steals your sleep?

Like it's described not to confuse with snoring, has anyone ever experience something like this or know something about it? I live with a narcissist and when they do that I instantly loose sleep, they do it so I never have enough rest

07:51 UTC


Get random boners non stop all day?

I always wake up with one even if it's a non sexual related dream, every time I sit down for an hour or more I get one, just get one randomly at the worst times, is this normal? It's starting to get pretty embarrassing

06:32 UTC


How do I look happy in public without looking weird?

I'm trying to be more confident, and so I'm also trying to look more happy. For the longest time I thought I had a resting bitch face, but according to my roommate I have a resting sad face. So I have been trying to look more happy, and I have been getting strange looks. Maybe it's because people aren't used to seeing me happy. What am I doing wrong and how do I fix it? It's not like I'm walking around with a big smile, I just make sure to "smile with my eyes" as I was taught to do in high school choir class.

06:21 UTC



Hi guys, I want to ask something... Why so many bl4ck people always using their race identity whenever they make a content video, example 'bl4ck in Indonesia" / 'bl4ck in china's / 'bl4vk guy rizz with girl' ??

06:21 UTC

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