
Photograph via snooOG

We are moms mucking through the ickier parts of child raising. It may not always be pretty, fun and awesome, but we do it.

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    Back to work rage

    I work nights. It’s my first night back. I’m watching my husband and my three month old through the monitor getting literally no sleep. It’s four in the morning and the baby has slept 4 hours total which means my husband has slept 2.

    I knew it was going to be hard, but this is unbearable. I hate everything. Even going back on my break and rocking him to sleep only resulted in him staying down 45 minutes. This is worse than I could have imagined.

    08:16 UTC


    Baby can’t stand tummy time

    My baby is 4 months and absolutely hates tummy time. I’ve tried all the toys and mats and mirrors and stuff but he just won’t tolerate it for more than thirty seconds. He prefers to be sat up or try to stand up. Of course I’m supporting him in both as he can’t do either alone. How necessary is tummy time? How often do y’all do it? How often should we be trying to do it with him?

    1 Comment
    07:38 UTC


    My 4yo is annoying everyone it hurts my heart

    So my 4yo can be a bit much. She is the sweetest girl, bubbly, smart, loving, and creative. I love her to death. The thing is, she has so much energy and is extremely hyper. My husband and I are going to get her evaluated for ADHD.

    We had some long time friends over and it was their first time meeting our 6 month old baby. They were all over her and playing with her non stop. They hadn't seen our eldest since she was 1. They also played with her, but in a age appropriate way. They didn't baby her and kiss all over her like the baby.

    My first was so excited to be around others. We don't have people over ever really. The issue is that she was climbing on and hugging everyone constantly, trying to get everyone's attention, and going wild. When she's happy she can't control herself. We discuss boundaries with her but she just doesn't know how to stop herself. We can tell people get annoyed with her constant jumping and talking non stop.

    Her dad and I are feeling really bad for her because she can tell people are bugged and giving her sister a different kind of attention. I am at a loss. I know it hurts her. I feel so heart broken for her and don't want her to feel bad about herself or develop a bad relationship with her sister. What should we do?

    TLDR: My 4 yo is annoying others with her hyperactivity and my 6 month old gets constant positive attention. It's breaking my heart.

    1 Comment
    07:29 UTC


    Dr says I’m overfeeding

    My 9wk old girl was 9.9 lbs at birth and she went down to 8.5 before we ever left the hospital. We had issues with my supply and her latch so we had to supplement & it took her 4 weeks to get back up to her birth weight so she was a month old at 9.15! At her two month check up she weighs 12.13. She eats 4 oz a day since she was 5-6 wks old and she’s started to seem more and more fussy after the bottle went away so I tried to give an extra oz and so not every bottle but some times she needs an extra oz and my mom says I should be giving her cereal cus she’s a big girl who needs that to hold her over. My baby’s doctor on the other hand thinks I’m overfeeding her and she should only be getting 3-4 oz a feeding. He said 3 pounds is a lot in a month. But 3 oz definitely won’t fill her. I’m just curious what do your 8-9 wk old LO eat and how often?

    06:58 UTC


    Am I a bad mom for posting my baby on TikTok?

    I am trying to get my baby into modeling for kids like carters , gap etc he is 5 months old and he is very very cute. I posted a few videos of him very appropriate fully clothed and some funny ones as well. My siblings started messaging me about how there is a lot of creeps and I should make his account private. I see so many babies online and I feel like there is creeps everywhere I can’t stop them from staring at him. Now I am not sure if I should delete his account or not. I am getting so confused.

    06:20 UTC


    Sick mom asking for help!

    This morning (Friday) I woke up with a cold my 3 year old gave me. So I went to work. Please no one give me backlash about going to work with the start of a cold. I’m in a very old school industry that works out of the office with no wfh and have the normal 5 sick/personal days and 10 vacation days… really hard to take off for myself when I have a 3 year old and 7 month old. I stayed at my desk hidden in my cubical all day with little to no face to face contact with anyone. Anyways, I got home and felt really run down. My husband goes “ya I’m feeling sniffly myself” I chuckled!! Haha this is while we are eating dinner - leftovers that I prepped for everyone. I was also feeding the baby at this time. My 3 year old who was no longer sick was telling me about her day and husband was on his fucking phone. We finish dinner and I go take a burning hot shower to burn the sick out of my nose. While I’m in the shower. Maybe 20 solid minutes, I hear 2 children screaming their heads off. So I got out of the shower get dressed and go downstairs to help. The 3 year old poked her eye with a silly toy. And the baby shit her pants. By this time tension is high and we are on the cusp of screaming at each other. On top of it all. I forgot to pick up the groceries that had more formula. We were out. So he went to the store. And I stayed with the kids. I would have skipped to the store at that point. Sick and all. He gets home and I have both kids sleeping. Currently I’m sleeping with my kicking 3 year old and he’s in her bed lol. The baby just woke up for the bottle that is closest to where he is sleeping but I guess he slept through it. So I got up went downstairs, made a bottle, fed her, and got her back to sleep. What am I doing wrong?

    1 Comment
    06:18 UTC


    First time mom

    My birth experience was very traumatic but the aftermath might be worse, I need advice on trying to return to my normal life after a c section, sleeping is hard I’m usually a side sleeper but it’s so weird now, I also am struggling with eating schedules along with reading the cues I feel like my baby dosent tell me when she’s hungry unless I’m forcing her to wake up she also doesn’t seem to show me when she’s had enough? Idk if that’s normal. Also I got a monitor to track her breathing as I know how common Sids is becoming but I’m still finding myself staying up all night long keep a good eye on her and it’s making me only sleep maybe 3-4 hours a day how do you overcome the anxiety of something going wrong. I just need advice or a word on encouragement lol sorry if this is a jumbled mess I’m very tired

    04:33 UTC


    My 5 year old is becoming a handful

    ETA: a sticker means he didn’t get in trouble and had a good day given by his teacher

    He’s in kindergarten and has a month left. The first half of the year, he was great, got stickers just about everyday. Then we had Christmas break and he’s done a complete 180. He still gets stickers but is getting them less and less because he just doesn’t mind or listen and thinks he can do whatever he wants.

    He’s a great kid but he’s been such a shit lately. He’s been doing things he absolutely knows he’s not supposed to do. He’s been sneaking anything he can. He sneaks food and hides it behind his bed. I don’t deny him snacks but I limit them because he won’t eat his dinner.

    I’m at my wits end. He has no fear of consequences, no discipline works on him; we’ve tried everything. I know he’s still super young but it’s still frustrating nonetheless. I’m considering having him evaluated as I think he may be on the spectrum.

    Anyone have any insights or different ways to discipline that I could try? Or just an overall different way to go about things?

    03:34 UTC


    Is anyone else overwhelmed with going from 2 to 3?!

    I had my third 3 months ago. I am completely overwhelmed and it feels wildly different compared to when I only had two!!!! It’s been very overwhelming for me and barely feel like I’m getting the hang of things. But our friends just had their third a month ago and they make it seem so easy. They say it’s not hard. Am I over reacting? Am I “overwhelmed” for no reason? I have a 7 year old,3 year old and 3month old. My 7 year old has adhd and my 3yr old has autism. And truth be told I am not as patient as I’d like. Any moms who can relate?

    03:19 UTC


    4 month old meltdowns

    Lately my almost 4 month old LO has been having massive meltdowns. They’re sometimes when she’s tired or overtired but not always. But they’re triggered randomly. Today a good friend came over and walked up excitedly to my LO and said hi and she lost it, screaming at the time of her lungs and inconsolable. This also happens a lot when my husband tries to put her to bed without me…it’s not just crying it’s screaming at the top of her lungs and completely inconsolable for minutes upon minutes until I take over. She sometimes even screams so hard that there’s no noise coming out and I’m scared she’ll pass out. Is this normal!? I know about toddler meltdowns but never heard of meltdowns this young. Could she be experiencing “stranger danger” this young? She’s already very attached to me. We have a pediatrician appointment coming up in a few weeks and I will definitely be brining it up. I guess I’m just asking if anyone else has experienced this and if so was there a cause or reason. Thanks

    03:00 UTC


    Help! 17mo rsv? day 2 of illness and parents have 2 nights away for best mates destination wedding.

    My daughter was exposed to covid and rsv at DC 5 days ago. She now has a mild fever, cough, runny nose and is a little fatigued. She is eating well, drinking loads and sleeping heaps.

    My am a bridesmaids at a destination wedding 4 hours away and my husband is also good friends of the couple. I am nervous to leave my daughter with her grandparents while sick.

    Does anyone have any advice?

    02:33 UTC


    Am I crazy for being upset with my husband (31m) still puking everytime he drinks? I’m 7m pregnant and we have a toddler

    For context, he only does this 3-4 times a year. He doesn’t go out a ton the rest of the year. It just feels so immature and out of control and I hate it. He drinks so much he pukes all night or the next day. He pukes so loudly I hear him through the baby monitor of our daughter (thank goodness for the sound machine and her being a good sleeper)

    Oh and also he makes the bathroom about 50% of the time. I always make him clean up but I’m feeling so annoyed he needs to drink so much.

    It’s 3:30am and he’s been puking for over an hour. He probably won’t be worth much tomorrow even though we have a full fun day planned with our daughter.

    Also we have had many arguments about this, he thinks I’m controlling for not wanting him to go out and party but at the same time this behaviour to me is unacceptable and immature too.

    02:16 UTC


    Anyone else struggling at work after becoming a mom?

    Before having my baby, I was one of the best in my department. My productivity and efficiency were above expectations. Since returning 4 months ago, I just do not have the same handle that I used to. I am not getting as much work done during the day and I feel really scattered. I’m trying to maintain a pumping schedule of every two hours and I feel like it’s taking up so much time during the day and interrupts my work flow. I’m a ‘just enougher’ so I have to hands on pump to get good output. Anyone else struggling with the work part of the work life balance?

    02:09 UTC


    Child attachment question

    So for my first , 12 years ago, I exclusively breastfed. She was 100% a mamas girl and preferred me over anyone. I honestly enjoyed this lol.

    Anyway, I’m pregnant again but this time I have to exclusively formula feed because of medication issues. Do formula babies still prefer their mamas ? Or does it seem to be a preference for both parents ? Does it even really make a difference or matter ? I guess I’m just kinda sad thinking I might miss out on that bond I was able to cultivate with my first by breastfeeding for 2 years.

    01:52 UTC


    Tell me how I should feel about a “not enough for everyone” treat situation.

    I want to keep this brief, but if I need to add details I will.

    We were at an after-school meet up (not organized, just a bunch of families that get together) at a park. Kids were playing, adults were being social, good times were being had.

    We were there for about two hours and were probably about ready to leave soon anyway (kids likely getting tired), when a new family comes with treats.

    Unfortunately they did not bring enough for all the kids. These were really high value treats too. Also unfortunately, my kid was the one who was last in line and the only kid over like 2 years old who didn’t get one.

    He was upset, thought the situation was unfair, and cried.

    He continued to cry (loudly) as I’m trying to get him to focus on playing again (not going to happen while all the other kids are eating their treat of course) and his crying turns into wailing. One or two kids offer to share, but he’s in a spiral now.

    We end up leaving because he was so worked up and couldn’t come back from it. He didn’t perk up until after we got home and finished dinner (partially my fault for not realizing it was so close to dinner time too, although we did have other lower value snacks at the meet up).

    So tell me how I’m supposed to feel right now. I think my kid is valid in feeling it was unfair, but also I don’t feel like I can really say anything since these people brought (free) treats to the meetup - how were they supposed to know how many kids there were? My kid isn’t pushy so he typically ends up at the back of the line anyway.

    Like, it’s just so hard. I don’t know what I could have done here to fix this or if this is just one of those “life isn’t fair” moments.

    Please, mommit, advice!?

    01:45 UTC


    When can I watch movies with my husband again?

    Hello all, I’m a mom to a 17 month old precious little boy. I haven’t really been able to watch much in general with my husband since having our son, including shows we love, but I for some reason here lately I’ve REALLY been missing watching movies with him. Specifically scary movies, but movies in general would be nice as well. My son goes to bed anywhere from 8:30-9:00 on a usual night and we go to bed at 10:30 so there’s not much room for watching stuff since we still have stuff to get done once he goes to bed. I just wanna ask, when can we watch movies again? Is it soon? Is it when they’re older? I just wanna keep my expectations in check so I don’t get to upsetty spaghetti about things I miss from before child. Thank yall.

    01:01 UTC


    Toddler vomits on me and its so triggering

    My toddler(18 mo) loves to vomit on me. If she has a cold- mucous upsets her tummy and she vomits. All over me. She’s mad bc she was told no- she tantrums until she vomits- all over me. Gets her toe stepped on- cries until she vomits. All over me. Etc etc. Used to be a daily basis- less so now but it still breaks my soul.

    Like sitting on the floor crying my eyes out barely able to function breaks me.

    How do I manage this?? My husband works evenings and even when he is here she’ll just cry and vomit more if I dont comfort her.

    Help!! How do I hold it together? Its sooo triggering 😭😭😭😭

    I’ve been slowly working with her on the tantrums. Identifying feelings. Deep breathing. Etc and thats improving but the sick or hurt ones I cant do anything about and it killls me and makes me raging angry to be vomited on me and all over her and the floor or furniture. The smell. The slime. The screaming. Its so much.

    I want to be the gentle Mama who snuggles and comforts and I don’t even know how to calm myself in these moments 😭😭😭😭

    00:54 UTC


    Struggling with nap training 10 month old

    Cross post from r/sleeptrain

    My 10-month-old has been going to sleep independently at night since using Ferber at 5 months. Worked like a charm. She has been falling asleep after a night routine alone in her crib for months now.

    Naps have always been a struggle. We have exclusively contact napped with nursing to sleep since the 4 month sleep regression. She basically sleeps latched on the boob for all naps. It's been fine, but I know it can't go on forever. I'm getting tired of it. So I decided to do nap training.

    It's been almost two weeks. I have been doing only the first nap of the day as I heard that was easier, and frankly I'm afraid to just go all in and do both naps. We do a 5-10 minute routine of a book, sleep sack, etc. Then I lay her down in her crib in the dark. First day or two was as expected: cries but eventually fell asleep. Days three and four, she fell asleep in less than ten minutes. But then the following days since, she has only screamed. I "rescued" the naps when she didn't fall asleep by doing what we usually do (contact boob nap), which may have led to the current problem...

    Now, for the past three days, she has been crying at bedtime, after MONTHS of perfect sleep trained bedtime bliss. A full 45 minutes tonight. I am guessing I just need to give up and do contact boob naps for now and try again in a few weeks because I don't know what else to do. I do not want to further break her previously great night sleep.

    Other info: wake windows are 3/3/4 give or take 15 minutes depending on how long she slept at night and tired cues. I have been doing the nap routine before her second nap too, even though I just put her on the boob right after, hoping she'll connect the routine with sleep. She wakes up to nurse at night maybe once or twice a week but otherwise sleeps through the night.

    Any suggestions welcome! I can't take one more day of listening to her cry. If your suggestion is cry it out for naps until she gets it, no matter how long it takes, I will have to physically remove myself from the house; it's already been hard enough.

    00:49 UTC


    Mom's of multiples, what's the BEST thing about having more than one kid?

    I'm a few weeks out from my due date with my second and am so excited to meet my son and to give my daughter a sibling.

    Would love to hear from moms of more than one kiddo what your favorite part of having multiples has been thus far! 😊

    00:49 UTC


    Cervix measuring at 2.6cm (20 weeks pregnant)

    Is this normal?? I've had a previous loss that might have been from IC, but we don't know for sure. The Dr seems concerned but will see me next week for a follow up, but she didn't offer any help right now and I am so very scared. Help please?

    Edit: I also was told I have slight placenta previa, as well.

    00:40 UTC


    My 16yo son's gf broke up with him, and my heart is absolutely breaking.

    We know it's a thing. We know it's gonna happen. It doesn't make it any easier.

    00:37 UTC


    Child coming out.

    My 10 year old daughter today told me she is bisexual. I asked her where she heard the word, she said she didn’t know but defined it correctly. She told me she had crushes on girls, and boys. I’m not upset at all. I fully accept her as I consider myself bisexual. She is not aware of my sexuality. I’ve been open with her when discussing whom people date. We have never shied away from gay people in my house as I have gay friends. I just didn’t think I would have to handle this at her age. No negative comments please. Just more wanting reassurance from other moms that they went through it with their kids.

    00:19 UTC


    Can my mom babysit after a colonoscopy?

    My mom watches my kids regularly and has agreed to do a sleepover while we have an event to attend. Great. But I found out today she has a colonoscopy that morning. She won’t be driving, but will she be okay by evening to babysit? I have no idea what kind of sedatives, etc. are involved. She says yes but that might just be because she’s very eager. Thank you!

    00:16 UTC


    Outdoor play set recommendations please.

    Looking for an outdoor play set that will work for a toddler that will grow with him. One that is sturdy and won’t fall apart after a year or 2. Any recommendations?

    23:52 UTC


    Birthday help ideas?

    I saw the rules where I cannot ask personally for any kind of donations or anything - but does anyone know where I can get any kind of birthday help? My daughter is 2 today and I want to at least get her a cake. A little background: I’m a single mama of 2 (dad moved to another state when I found out I was pregnant with our 2nd). I do work full time but my rent just went up $500 this month. Our building got bought by another owner and they upped the rent. I am able to pay our bills but I feel mom guilt for not being able to do anything for her. Any ideas?

    23:04 UTC


    Positive Pregnancy Test

    And I'm freaking the heck out. I just got out of a terrible relationship and now this. Unfortunately there's 0 chance that it's not my ex's. I have an appointment on June 3rd to confirm. Send well wishes and positive thoughts please 😭

    22:43 UTC


    Feeling hopeless and scared

    Trigger warning: mention of suicidal ideation and depression

    I’m just struggling right now and really not sure what to do. I’m currently solo parenting our 19 month old daughter for 2 weeks and 20 weeks pregnant with our second as well. Everything’s been super stressful lately anyways but now I just got a text from my husband that he’s depressed. He’s been very depressed for a while and already said he won’t talk to any therapist or professional and won’t even consider medication because it could mess with his job. He’s been making lots of comments about wanting to give up/everything to stop.

    I try to be there for him to complain but have told him he needs to speak to a professional because he needs more help than I can give. I’m so stressed honestly and scared, I had my own battle with depression and suicidal ideation after I had my daughter. I was very close to losing my battle but got on a medication that helped tremendously. My husband doesn’t believe medicine will work or therapy and he’s said that therapy will ruin his chance at a good career (he’s in the military) I genuinely don’t know what to do, if he won’t help himself I don’t know what to do.

    Is there anything I can do to help him through this besides just being there? All I keep picturing is either him being miserable for the rest of his life or me raising our 2 kids by myself which terrifies me. I love my husband dearly and he’s my best friend but I don’t know how to help him through this by myself because he needs more help than I can give. I just don’t know what to do, sorry for such a sad and long rant I’m just so stuck and scared I don’t know what to do or think right now.

    1 Comment
    22:33 UTC


    Why did you cry today?

    • Not because I took baby in for his 1 year blood test and he absolutely hated it.
    • Not because I have a clogged duct and got headbutted on the same boob.
    • Not because I dropped a box on my toe and it hurt like a MF.
    • Not because baby is teething and didn’t let anyone sleep.

    But because I bought paracetamol and acetaminophen for the clogged duct, instead of ibuprofen. I already had acetaminophen. I got so angry at myself that I just bawled.

    Now my dearest and most patient husband is going back out to get the ibuprofen while I feel like the dumbest potato

    22:21 UTC


    My partner feels attacked every time I try to help him with our son

    So my fiancée was let go from work about 2 weeks ago. Since then he’s been caring for our son while I work from home. Our son is 1 and has had a hard time transitioning from our initial routine to being home all day with his dad. I tried not to be so helicopter mom at first but it’s starting to frustrate me. He will sleep until 2-3 pm with our son and feed him once outside of the bottle I give him before I clock in. I keep telling him you need to wake up earlier and he should be eating breakfast lunch and dinner and little snacks. I tried to be mindful of the fact that he might have his own schedule that works for him. However our son has started not sleeping at night because he sleeps all day and is more than likely hungry as well. He gets so defensive when I give him suggestions and it’s irritating to deal with. I was happy to finally be able to sleep in later before I clocked in but I now feel like I’ll have to wake up early again anyways and give our son his breakfast and enrichment before I clock in instead of resting after hours of no sleep because his dad cannot be tasked with waking up at a decent hour to start their day. Am I being too unreasonable? I just don’t think a 1 year old should be sleeping until 2 pm.

    21:48 UTC


    When does it get better?

    I'm a new FTM and have an 8 day old and I think I'm deep in PPD. I was already taking zoloft throughout my pregnancy but I think may need a higher dose now. My random crying spells, lack of sleep and hormones are driving me crazy. My husband is doing his best to support me and the baby with the day shift so I can sleep but it never feels like enough sleep.

    The night shift is brutal. She screams all night and only cluster feeds from the bottle (pumped breast milk and kendamil). I think she has colic and I've tried a few solutions but nothing seems to be working.

    Idk I feel like such a shitty mom and like I'm completely not cut out for this. I've never felt so overwhelmed in my life. When does this get better? How did all of you wonderful people get through the newborn phase?

    21:42 UTC

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