A place for parents of twins, triplets, and beyond to discuss the unique challenges of raising and parenting multiples.
A place for parents of twins, triplets, and beyond to discuss the unique challenges of parenting multiples.
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Feeling really stressed this morning dealing with my twins alone so trying to think of things I'm proud of myself for sticking to while caring for them. Thought I'd share in the positivity, tell me what you're proud of!
I’ve read that the chances of conceiving multiples are a little bit higher while breastfeeding. Just out of curiosity, anyone on here conceive multiples while breastfeeding due to hyperovulation?
I’m very early pregnant with baby #2 (while BF 19month old) & I don’t THINK I’m pregnant with multiples. This isn’t a “oh I think I’m pregnant with twins” post that I know can be super cringy. This is just a genuine curiosity to see if anyone believes the breastfeeding/hyper ovulation theory.
Here is a link if anyone is interested in reading it. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11762143/
I have 8 month old mo/di twins. We started baby led weaning when they were just shy of 7 months (we waited until they were more sturdy when sitting up). One of the foods we started with were eggs and at first it went great, they gobbled them right up. Well… as allergies go, after a couple of exposures twin A started having some reactions that have led us to believe she has an egg allergy. We’re now jumping through a million hoops to get in to see an allergist and have her properly tested and have been careful to avoid giving her anything with egg in it. We’ve also stopped giving twin B eggs for the time being due to the pediatricians recommendation, despite her not having the same reactions as her sister. Does anyone have just one twin with an allergy? Or can I expect twin B to just be a little behind with the “allergy development”? Also… we have to go in for a blood draw next week and I’m really nervous about it so any advice for a first time mom whose infant needs a blood draw would be very appreciated!
I am 30. I have 2 year old twins. One of the twins will be going through speech therapy soon. Both are going through the terrible two’s and neither are in daycare (funds are a little tight).
I’m married. My husband is very helpful when at home. However he’s about to begin working 5-6 days a week in another country. This country is a 6 hour flight away. This will last for two years. It begins 15th of February. I am terrified.
I have social anxiety (I get weekly therapy for this). I have no family living close. I have no friends close to me.
Taking the twins out alone terrifies me. Why? Lately they’ve been having meltdowns because they want out of their prams. I understand this, they’re toddlers, they want to explore the world.
Why am I scared of letting them out of their prams? They dart off in different directions and I’m forever running all over the place trying to keep them safe.
I am comfortable taking them for long walks or going to a big, busy supermarket in their prams (quiet, slow paced shops make them bored and wriggle and protest loudly).
There’s nothing I want more than to take them to a soft-play session alone. The one close to me is in a shopping mall. You ‘park’ your pram outside and take the kids in. I’m shying away from taking them alone. I think I’m overthinking it, but the logistics of handling them alone seem extremely challenging to me. Please (kindly) let me know if I’m overreacting/being unreasonable. I would appreciate some perspective.
I am upset about having to live alone 5 days of the week and shoulder all of the stress of the twins. My husband is sympathetic to this but can’t do anything about it (high pressure job). I fear becoming lonely, my only companions being the twins day in and day out.
Has anyone been through something similar before? How can I survive the stress of solo parenting most of the time and feeling an incredible sense of loneliness?
I find it difficult to make friends. I’m quiet and shy by nature. I wish I had a support network, and whilst I understand the importance of building one, it will take me a bit of time. In your opinion, what are some good things I can begin to implement to hit the ground running.
For example my routine with the twins isn’t regimented anymore (lately, they’ve been waking and napping at random times), fixing this would help. What do your schedules/routines look like? What are the things you do to make your life easier? How do you keep loneliness at bay, do you pursue any hobbies in your free time to maintain a sense of self? I currently don’t know how to drive but will take lessons one day a week (on the day my husband comes home)
Thank you for reading this far. If you do have any advice or support please share it. If not, please can you pray I get through this intact.
We just had our 28 week appointment. Baby A is measuring 2lbs 7oz, right on 28 weeks. Baby B is measuring 2lbs 14oz. We didn’t think anything of it during the ultrasound, however, we got a call from the doctor after leaving that they’re going to send us to a specialist that can do a more advanced/better ultrasound. Should we be concerned and what are the risks? Anyone else experienced this?
They’re Di/Di.
We have a 9 year old, 16 month old toddler and twin 6 monthers. We currently have to take two cars to get the whole family anywhere and are about to start looking at buying a new car. I don't even know where to start lol. I like the idea of bucket seats for the second row so I can get to my toddler in the 3rd row a bit easier, and we need enough trunk space to fit our four-seat wagon. I was looking at the Toyota Sienna or Subaru Ascent, but I'm still not sure. What do you guys have that has worked for your families, specifically with at least 3 carseats?
Hi, all!
One week after finding out about my mono twins (who the outside private facility scared the daylights out of me and called monoamniotic!) and we are now pretty sure they’re mono/di. My heart is still guarded but I am feeling the excitement of it all now! Our sneakpeek results indicated BOYS but tbd on the final word (certainly feels more like my prior boy pregnancy than girl).
I feel the shock is now waning and I am comprehending what it will mean to have double children! We have a 4 and 2 yr old already.
I have healthy perspective on things like feeding, routines, etc. but I am curious of the “major” highlights from you veterans of multiples. I am prepared to surrender but that’s easier SAID than DONE!
Tl;dr - What are some ways that I can physically, emotionally, and mentally prepare for this (especially with two kids) and what’s the best advice you’ve gotten and remind yourself of on this journey?
I'm 36 and had my twins 2 years and 4 months ago. I had my first period about 9 months after giving birth, but it was all over the place until I stopped BF around 16 months. It's since then been on a regular schedule (every 28 days on the dot) but the bleeding itself seems super irregular. Some months it'll be normal, while others - like the last two - I bleed for maybe 2 days, and it's not even enough to fill more than 2 pads. Just wondering if anyone else experienced this? I'm a little worried I'm starting premenopause but I also know it can take some people a long time for hormones to readjust after pregnancy.
Anybody else feel like their pediatricians recommendations are a bit much for twins? We had our 6 month appointment and the pediatrician guilt tripped me because I am only managing to do one session of solids a day. She told me I need to be feeding them solids 3x a day every day. I just don't know how to manage that. When is this supposed to happen between naps and bottles and tummy time and trying to, I don't know, accomplish all the other tasks like feeding myself and washing the mountains of laundry/bottles/etc. The twins will not stick to the same sleep schedule after Nap #1, so it's not like they can have their meals at the same time. That's 6 meals a day for us, not 3. I know it's clearly what's best for them, but I literally cannot do this with the 12 hours in the day I uave between wake up and bedtime.
They're doing great on their growth curve and climbing in their percentiles, so I don't think there is a concern about getting enough calories. I'm just frustrated.
I’m a little over two months postpartum to di/di girls, and have been able to provide about 75% of their diet with expressed milk. However, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t seriously struggling. Pumping 8 times a day means I’m hooked up for a minimum of 2 hours every day. It’s also meant that I’m interrupting my sleep in 3 hour increments, even when it’s my husband’s 6 hour shift to feed the girls.
It depresses me that it feels like pumping is taking away from time with them (especially if they’re upset and I’m hooked up & unable to console them in my usual way). For those of you that have exclusively pumped with twins, have you found a good rhythm for when to do it that allows you to not feel like you’re missing out? If anyone else has other advice on the matter to share, I’m happy to hear that as well. Thanks!
My twins are almost 5 months old (3.5 months adjusted) and I just feel completely helpless right now. When both babies are crying at the same time I don’t know how to consol them when all they want is to be held and rocked. It’s the only thing that will calm them down but I can’t do for both of them at the same time. I just feel devastated having to pick which one to help while the other one cries for me. They were sleeping 5-7 hours each night and now they are waking every two hours to feed. Please tell me this will pass because right now I feel like a shell of a human being. We don’t have any family in the city we live in and my husband is in university and helps the moment he steps through the door but we are both just so burnt out. I haven’t felt like this since bringing them home and it’s seems like it’s been so smooth up until now so I’m at a loss of what to do that will help us get through this phase.
Did anyone have a twin (or both) develop separation anxiety around this time and particularly naps and bedtime? Bedtime I can get over as I eventually just let him work it out knowing he’s about to get 11-12 hours of sleep but what the heck do I do about nap time?! Do I contact nap him or ??? I feel like if I let him try to work it out his naps will be way too off schedule! Help
I had my c section for my twins yesterday. Today I feel like I’m literally about to die. I keep being told this is normal for a c-section but can’t help thinking is probably worse when you have multiple babies in there. So my question is how long did it take you to ACTUALLY feel better? Any advice?
Does anyone have svt prior to getting pregnant with their multiples?
I’ve had 5 singletons vaginally without cardiac issues. I was at work last May and went into SVT and had to be cardioverted. I was put on medication and scheduled for an ablation, only to find out I was pregnant with my girls and the ablation would have to wait.
28 weeks and the last few days I’ve been having SVT symptoms. I’ve been off work because I physically can’t handle it anymore (cardiac included), and I’m so deconditioned. I feel like I need cardiac rehab. I feel like my cardizem dose isn’t cutting it anymore. I need to call my EP and get in.
All this coming down to… As much as I absolutely do not want a csection I’m almost wondering if it would be safer to elect for one…like things will be quicker and more controlled with a csection than allowing my body to stress for an unknown period of time.
Has anyone been in a similar situation?
I’m just curious. I’m 32 weeks with di-di twins and they have consistently been measuring ahead my entire pregnancy. I just had a scan; baby A is 5 pounds and baby B is 6 pounds.
I know the growth scans aren’t 100% accurate, but my singleton son was 9 lbs 2 oz at 40 weeks. I was over 9 pounds when I was born, and my sister was 10 pounds. I am a big and tall woman. So it doesn’t seem out of the realm of possibility that these babies are large. Just wondering what everyone else’s experiences were!
My baby girl is almost 14 months old. We did years of infertility treatments and conceived through IVF. I did 3 egg retrievals, 3 embryo transfers, and surgery for stage 3 deep infiltrating endometriosis. I had a c-section and my period returned within 6 weeks. Since then my endometriosis has been getting worse. After discussions with my reproductive endocrinologist the best chance of having another child was to transfer now. This embryo transfer was the last of what my insurance covered.
Almost 3 weeks ago we transferred one embryo. I just had my 5w2d ultrasound which showed that the one embryo split into di/di identical twins!
I’m excited but freaking out. I feel bad for my first baby because she’s still just a baby. I’m not sure how we can afford twins because daycare would be my entire salary. We only have one car which luckily is a minivan. I don’t think we can afford a second car. Can we survive with only one car for a few years? My husband and I work 5 mins from each other. We don’t have a village. My in-laws live 3 hours away and haven’t been very present for my daughter. My family isn’t in the picture. I am just feeling overwhelmed with lots of emotions and am looking for support.
FTD here with spontaneous Di/Di twins.
I just want to preface this with I love both our twins equally and I would never change anything I’m so happy and proud to be a dad of multiples and they both have their own special personalities and ways.
I feel really guilty for twin 2 who is super quiet and just gets on with things, they don’t really fuss that much or demand anything but we always end up having to deal with them last because twin 1 is so highly strung, zero patience and will disturb twin 2 to get their own way.
Because twin 1 has no patience we end up having to do twin 2 first for bath time, they end up getting fed first if it’s not a tandom BF time because they will scream the house down and put off twin 2.
We have to leave places because twin 1 doesn’t enjoy it or gets tired.
Twin 1 is always waking up in the middle of the night and that wakes up twin 2.
It’s been the same since birth and twin 1 is chatty and has a big smile all the time for other family members and no one ever believes us that they can be a handful.
Is this just the way it will always be?
I don’t want twin 2 to feel like we don’t love them as much because we are having to give extra attention to twin 1.
We want them both to feel equal and it feels already like that’s slipping we don’t want twin 2 to resent twin 1.
How has everyone else dealt with this? Is this just us?
Hello fellow parents, I'm currently expecting b/g didi babies! So far everything is going as smooth as can be and am expecting delivery between 36-38 weeks per my medical team. The thing is, this would put me delivering close to summer and I LOVE the summer and traveling during the summer. I have a couple of questions in regards to going out and traveling and need some advice:
Realistically, when did you take your babies out because you felt comfortable? To walks around the block, outdoor venues restaurants, etc.? I'm not looking for the "it's so hard and difficult" they're babies and it's twins - I have seen posts with the struggles so I get that, but I want more-so an opinion on when you felt comfortable actually taking them places. (I am not a homebody and neither is my immediate family).
At what point did you take your first vacation with them and was it super far or was it more local? We're jetsetters and love traveling.
When was the first time you decided to travel via plane? Was it a long flight or short? What were some of your concerns?
To add some information on our situation: My husband is super involved (I have 2 older bonus kids and he's an extremely involved dad even when they were babies). We also have a good support system and the 2 older kids are a lot older so don't require the same level of attention as a toddler or younger kid would.
Thank y'all and this sub has definitely helped me a lot get prepped!
Lying in bed was the last comfortable place I had. Now I toss and turn all night with back pain and front pain, from where baby B presses against my diaphragm. Not to mention having a stuffy nose all night (another pregnancy symptom) and having Braxton hicks and round ligament pain. I. Am. So. Tired.
In a FTM of 1 month old twins. I have been breastfeeding, pumping, and formula feeding my babies. At night I usually just pump and formula feed. After the babies finish their bottle, they sometimes seem to want more. Is it okay if I pour some of my breast milk into the same, empty bottle they just had formula out of? Or should I use a completely new and clean bottle for the 1 oz of breast milk I use to top them off? Thank you!
I’m going to be admitted to the hospital to basically wait until they can deliver my twins. Has anyone else ever done this and what do I expect during hospital stay? What all do kneed to bring? I’m going to be admitted three hours away from home!
My sister recently bought concert tickets for her, her bf, my hubby and I. They’re for early September, my little babes are due early July but will likely make their appearance in June. Is it crazy to think we may be able to have this night out so soon after having them? It would just be for the evening, not an overnight or anything. I’m hoping my babes will be behaved enough that my mom can look after them but obviously will be playing it by ear and if they’re too needy we won’t go.
When did you get your first “date night out” with twins?
Just curious, what are y'alls set up with your babies? I want to rearrange my bedroom and make it more functional, would love to see y'all's set ups!
As the title states, I am a FTM to spontaneous identical twins (MonoDi).
With all of the risks related to a MonoDi pregnancy I thought I’d feel an immediate relief they were here followed by a bond.. but I only feel one of those things.
I truly am so happy to be done with the hellscape that is a high risk pregnancy but I don’t feel bonded to my twins at all. I know it’s all about surviving right now but it makes me SO SAD I will never get the experience of doting on my first born child. I see all of these moms around me with their babes contact napping and snuggling and I basically spend my entire day on the floor just trying to keep us all alive.
Not to mention when I can have 1:1 time with a twin I feel so bad I’m not doing it with the other.
It makes me sad, it makes me angry, and mostly it makes me feel so alone because a singleton parent cannot relate. They try to say that’s how they felt when baby 2 and 3 came but it’s not the same … and honestly, I feel like twin life is people never understanding the challenges and complexities because “TwINz aRE a bLesSinG” … ok end rant.
Just looking for hope and validation from other twin first time parents
So I have no idea why it took us so long to do but around 9mos we started writing things on the whiteboard on our fridge to help keep track! We have a section for times of diaper changes, solids, medicine doses, daily vitamin D drops, and naps. It really helps with the mom brain and if someone is taking over watching the babies. We don’t have to try to remember or think about it really, just check the whiteboard :)