
Photograph via snooOG

This is a subreddit for Moms, Dads, and any caregiver who is using or has used formula in any way to feed their kiddos. This is a judgment-free zone created as a safe space for people to discuss all things formula.

This is a subreddit for Moms, Dads, and any caregiver who is using, is interested in using, or has used formula in any way and at any time to feed their kiddos. We as a group are "pro-feeding" and welcome anyone who supports the idea that making sure your children are fed is the most important thing, not the how or why. This is a judgment-free zone created as a safe space for people to discuss all things formula and to offer support, share stories, exchange ideas and information, and to do it all respectfully. Please no downvoting. If you don't agree, just move on.

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Gas drops frequency??

Switching my 3 week old over to a gentle formula and I'm wondering if I can give gas drops in every bottle? He probably eats 8-10 times a day and the directions technically say I can give up to 12 times but Google gives conflicting info saying newborns under 2 months should only be given gas drops 3x a day. Our ped wasn't super helpful and said "just do what the bottle says." Does anyone have any further info? He's been very gassy (I know he's in a gassy phase anyway) but the drops seem to help a lot when I give them

17:22 UTC


Elecare + Gelmix

Hi! We’ve been advised to start Elecare by our pediatrician for our five week old baby. He also has acid reflux and spit up so we were thinking of adding Gelmix to thicken it just a tiny amount.

For others in the same boat or using Gelmix overall, can you describe how your batch preparing it?

Our pediatrician recommends we boil water and let it cool for five minutes before mixing up the formula. However Gelmix says that if you add it in water over 120 degrees you may get clumping.

We have the munchkin pitcher so we will use that.

Does anyone add in the formula and gelmix together in one go or do you add the gelmix later after it’s cooled?

Also has else anyone noticed separation as the formula cooled?

Thanks everyone!

15:38 UTC


Nutramigen , which water to use?Currently in spain and distilled water isn’t available


My 6 months old have been on nutrmaigen due to a milk protien allergy , i used to mix it with distilled water, but we went to spain for a vacation the first hotel there was a kettle and i used to boil the water, but now we moved and there is no kettle nor there is distilled water is it safe to mix the forumla with bottled water ?

13:20 UTC


Formula Flavor or Bottle Aversion

My 11 week old daughter has been mostly bottle fed breast milk since birth without issue. By 8 weeks she was down to 6 feeds, eating about 23-25 ounces a day, and sleeping 6+ hours through the night. We slowly introduced formula (Similac Pro Total) mixing it with breast milk and it seemed to be going ok, but it seemed to cause some digestion issues so the doctor recommended Similac 360 Total Care. We slowly introduced that and over about 10 days switched to completely formula and no breast milk. For the first week bottles were more of a struggle and took longer (up to 45 min+). Since she had already dropped to the 15 percentile in weight before this, we were a little stressed and were probably a little too forceful with bottles. We tried to pull back on the pressure but the last few days she won't eat more than 2-3 ounces and won't sleep as long at night because she's hungry. She'll start drinking and then when she wants a break or we burp her, she refuses the bottle. She doesn't scream or cry, just moves her head away or sticks her tongue out. At first I thought it was a bottle aversion, but could it be she doesn't like the taste of the formula? She's otherwise happy and no other symptoms.

1 Comment
01:17 UTC


Forgot formula

I forgot my baby’s Enfamil gentlease at home. I have Enfamil reguline at my in laws house. She does not have digestive issues or anything she is solely on gentlease because that’s the one i chose

Can I give her a bottle of reguline? I don’t want to mess up her tummy or anything but I was stupid and rushed out of the house.

01:13 UTC


Pepticate for CMPA

Has anyone had luck with pepticate formula for CMPA with their baby? My 9 week old has been on alimentum rtf for 6 weeks and has mucous and blood in his poop. He had a positive occult blood stool sample.

01:12 UTC


Gentle formula has corn syrup in it?

This may be a silly question, I’m a FTM so this is all new to me. My 11 week old has been EFF since 6 weeks, and we’ve been using Kirkland’s ProCare, haven’t been having any issues. Until this past week, when all of a sudden he’s started spitting up a lot after every single feeding, when he didn’t used to. It’s literally every single time he eats, without fail. It doesn’t seem to be causing him any discomfort, it just comes spilling out and he doesn’t seem to care, but I’m wondering if he needs a gentle formula. But here’s my question: I’ve noticed with all “gentle” formulas, their main ingredient is corn syrup, and I don’t love the sound of that. Is it silly of me to worry about that? I know tons of babies drink that type of formula, obviously, but is it not bad for babies to drink something mainly made of corn syrup?? I just want to do what’s best for my son, so any suggestions would be helpful!

00:01 UTC


Bobbie Gentle Stool

Tell me about your bobbie gentle stool! We are on day 3 and her poop has been dark green with some yellow but seems a little mucous-y. I am really hoping it is just the transition because this has reduced her spit up dramatically. Anyone else have this in the beginning?

21:51 UTC


FYI: empty formula containers are amazing drums

My baby loves to bang on them!! Don’t waste money on buying baby drums 😆

21:23 UTC


Costco formula shortage (US)?

Just went in and they were out and didn’t have any signage or shelf space. When I checked online it was also sold out. Called to ask and every Costco in our area was out and no orders for it either. Checked three cities across 2 states and same story.

Anyone know something?

20:52 UTC


On baby #2, bottle feeding because of production issues with baby #1. My milk has come in with a vengeance

And HOLY COW MY BOOBS HURT. My baby is 6 days old. Since day 3 my boobs have been engorged and painful to the touch. They feel like rocks, I can barely move without it hurting. My csection pain hardly bothers me but this? Omg 😭 Anyone know how long it takes for this to go away? I’m wearing tight sports bras at all times and I’m taking Zyrtec which I’ve heard cuts down your supply. Please help 🥲 I’ve come so close to just hand expressing for some release but that will only prolong the problem.

20:45 UTC


Kendamil Goat Questions

My 3mo old is doing really well on kendamil goat infant formula, but my store is out of stock! There isn’t any Targets close and my order won’t be here until Wednesday. Anyone know if the toddler goat formula would be okay??

17:36 UTC


Update: screaming on bottle

About a week ago, I posted that our LO was struggling on the bottle after 2-2.5oz. A few things have progressed since but we are still struggling.

Current situation:

  • LO is 10 weeks today, but 4.5 adjusted (born at 34+3)
  • Pediatrician diagnosed reflux, famotidine .3ml started last Saturday 5/4
  • Pediatrician diagnosed CMPI via stool sample, Nutramigen started Monday 5/6
  • Currently using Dr. Brown size 2 nipple on anti colic bottles (have tried going down to size 1 again and up to 3 to see if nipple frustration, all of them result the same)
  • Have tried Mam bottles, avent natural, and Dr. brown wide mouth sporadically over the last month

When we first started the Pepcid and Nutramigen, he would take a 4 oz bottle. But about a day later, we’re back to taking 2-2.5 and screaming. I’m just concerned about him gaining weight steadily still since we are now off the Neosure. Has anyone gone through this? Obviously we are in touch with the pediatrician but looking for personal experiences :(

14:24 UTC


How do you know when to switch formulas?

I’m going to ask my pediatrician but wanted to see if anyone here has experienced this.

We have been feeding baby boy similac sensitive for like 3 weeks now, and I can’t tell if this is a match for my baby. He was crying a lot and straining with gas when we had him on regular similac for his first couple weeks of life but he was pooping a lot every day. Now that he’s on sensitive, there seems to be less gas issues, but he is now pooping maybe once every 2-3 days. Only once was it a hard poop, and our pediatrician recommended we give him prune juice when that happens. Well he’s still not pooping every day even though he should be adjusted and always seems to be working to push out a poop during his wake windows, and we’re feeding him prune juice every day and it doesn’t seem to do anything. He gets fussy with the pushing often times but I guess idk if that’s just newborn behavior??? I feel lost lol.

If most of his poops textures are fine should we even worry? Should I assume similac sensitive is the wrong formula if he’s often straining and pushing, but only pooping once every couple days?

12:11 UTC


Mixing Formula

First time using formula and wondering what type of water people use to mix formula? Can I use room temp bottles water? Does it have to be bottled water? I am on well water.

10:49 UTC


One negative about formula feeding…lol

What the heck! Got my period at 4 weeks postpartum! And it’s so annoyingly heavy! Can anyone commiserate?!?!

09:12 UTC


Advice/Tips for switching to formula?

Hi, I’m 5 weeks postpartum as of yesterday, currently pumping about 90% of the time, breastfeeding the other 10%. My daughter was born via c-section 3 weeks early to avoid pre-eclampsia, if that matters at all. Since she was born early she had a tiny mouth and therefore had a lot of trouble learning to latch properly, and as that has gotten a little better over time, she still just doesn’t stay latched very well or seems to get frustrated that a breast is not as easy to get in her mouth as a bottle nipple. Which I feel is my fault for putting her on bottles just to make sure she was getting enough food. When I feed her from the breast she almost immediately spits up, I’m constantly in pain and sick of pumping and washing pump parts on top of bottles.

All that to say, I am heavily considering switching 100% to formula due to simply not wanting to breastfeed anymore. My mental health has taken an absolute nose dive since bringing my girl home from the hospital (and while I was in the hospital if I’m being honest) and I just don’t think I can do this anymore. I want to enjoy this time in her life, but I’m spending a majority of my day thinking about pumping or breastfeeding, when I’ll need to pump again or trying to plan out her naps so I can pump again or wash pump parts.

I’ve reached out to her pediatrician for formula recommendations and to ask if they would rather schedule an appointment to discuss it and am waiting to hear back, but I’m wondering if there is anything not so commonly thought about or known when making the switch to formula? Or just general advice to make the switch easier on her?

04:14 UTC


Suddenly spitting up

My almost 11 week old has been EFF since 6 weeks, and we have been using the same formula the entire time, the Kirkland one. He eats the same amount at most feeds, anywhere from 3-5 oz, just however much he wants at that time. These past few days, he’s been spitting up a lot more than usual, after almost every feed, and it’s abnormal for him. It isn’t causing him any apparent discomfort, it isn’t projectiling out of him or anything it just comes spilling out of his mouth. But I’m worrying that maybe something is up? I’m not sure why all of a sudden he’s more spitty than usual. Ideas?

1 Comment
01:51 UTC


5 wpp, can’t BF, done with pumping. Ready for formula, but how best to use my stash???

I’ve been pumping, hoping to get to breast feeding but it’s not happening. I hate pumping, I’m frequently engorged, lacking sleep, don’t get to see my LO, my husband is going back to work next week 10 hours a day, and I’m just over it. I’m ready to quit pumping and asking my LC for a weaning plan on Monday. Thing is I’ve been producing 2x what he drinks in a day, so I already have 300 oz in my freezer. Obviously I don’t want to just throw it away, but I’m struggling with the best way to utilize it as I transition to EFF. It’s frozen in 6 oz bags.


Also any tips/ pointers for how EFF is different than pumped milk, things I should know, thoughts on how to wean/ transition…. I want to do it quickly so I can get to bonding with my son instead of milking myself but also struggling mentally with giving it up, feeling guilty, especially when I make so much (trying to get some mental health therapy going to cope with this in the mean time…)

Lay it all on me, please!!!

01:45 UTC


Spit up? New formula or Normal

Help FTM, having to feed mostly formula due to low supply (from the beginning) we originally tried Enfamil and Bobbie and hate both and landed on Kendamil goat and my LO has done seemingly great on it thus far! She has gained weight well and had no issues. She is 4m and will be 5m in a few weeks but the last few weeks it seems like she’s spitting up more than previously? I did mention it to the pedi but since she’s gaining weight and it doesn’t seem to be bothering her she said it’s probably fine not to worry about it.

Now she also isn’t drinking all her bottles? Which I partly think is just due to her being distracted and she doesn’t seem overly interested but some days she’ll drink everything and others (like today) she isn’t interested and drinks 1-2oz less per feed. So on top of spitting up (not throwing up and not overly large amounts just frequent and is not just after a feed but throughout the day at any given time).

Is this possibly a sign of needing to change formula? Or likely just normal? I definitely am against putting her on meds if she doesn’t need them (she’s not in pain she just spits up and keeps going) and she’s getting the right amount of diapers in. I’m just at a loss, I’m hesitant to change formula and cause more GI upset finding another one she would tolerate but also don’t know if this one isn’t working anymore? She’s been on it since she was like 2w old. Any advice is appreciated.

01:33 UTC


In desperate need of help

My little guy has had a rough go to say the least, and once we get one thing figured out. Something else happens.

Our current problem is formula. I was pumping and fortifying my milk, but we are almost positive he has a dairy allergy so we switched to formula. We are using alimentum. Our first week was great, then into the second week he started spitting up. We are now 3 weeks into it and he is constantly projectile spitting up whole meals and some mucusy saliva? He is so burpy and gassy, and just constantly crying and unhappy. I am at a loss as to what to do for our little guy. Has anyone else had the same experience with alimentum? If so what did you switch to?

00:58 UTC


Night OZ to Day

My LO slept through the night for the first time last night!! But now today, she is behind on daily ounces because she didn’t have an early (2-5am) feeding. She has reflux so anytime we have increased bottle size, even .5oz, her reflux increases. Does any one have any tips? She currently eats 4oz every 3hrs.

00:19 UTC


In between nipple sizes help?

Are any bottles a happy medium between Dr. browns 1 and 2 nipples?

My son was on a thickened formula so we used the Dr. Browns size 2 since almost birth. At 3 months we switched to enfamil neuropro (so he is no longer on thicker formula). We tried the size 1 but that took him almost an hour. With the size 2 it was around 15 minutes but he was constantly spilling. He is now 4.5 months and the spilling is better but the flow is clearly a little too fast for him. He unlatches every few sucks but immediately goes back for more, almost like he’s catching his breath. He does the same thing when I pace.

None of this is helping his constant hiccups and 3+ outfit changes due to spit up at all times. Hoping someone has an answer?

23:37 UTC


Help needed

My baby won't take formula. I am on my 6th different brand. I tried the vanilla without luck. Is there anything else I can mix it with? My supply is drying up. I'm to tears

23:24 UTC


Baby overeating?

My 10 month old has always had a big appetite but I don’t think downing 12-13oz in an hour is normal ( two separate feedings)… she’s combo fed but it’s mostly formula. She’s 23 pounds 28.5 inches
I feel like she’s newborn with these eating habits like it’s all I’m doing.

22:20 UTC


Reflux? Or allergy/intolerance?

Looking for any advice/ tips!! If anybody’s baby has gone through the same thing, what has helped them?? Medicine, specific formula, anything? What ended up being the cause?

My baby is 3 months and has reflux (I would say moderate to severe) he projectile spits up every time he eats and you can tell that it hurts him. Yesterday it went through his nose for the first time and we had to help him get it all out… it was pretty scary. He has gotten strangled on spit up several times snd you can’t lay him on his back without anything coming up. We always keep him upright 20-30 mins after he eats and we burp him every ounce. I know that spitting up is normal but not projectile and also not this much… we are constantly changing his clothes as well as our shirt and pants. His doctor put him on Pepcid over a month ago and said if no improvement after a couple weeks then we could double his dosage .. so he’s getting 0.5ml everyday. It’s not helping. They’ve also given different formulas to try.

He didn’t do good on regular enfamil neuropro or regular similac 360 total care - both came up instantly, horrible gas pain, loose watery diarrhea

Enfamil gentlease- also came up instantly, solid poops and he has to strain.. not mushy at all

Similac pro total comfort: same as gentlease.. came up instantly, solid poops

Kendamil goat - horrible gas .. a lot worse than normal. Couldn’t use it long enough to see if there was a difference in reflux

Similac 360 sensitive- the only one that has made him spit up curds

Similac alimentum: he did really well eating it last night and this morning. Only a tiny bit came up both times and no gas pain. I sent him to my mom’s while I was at work, she texted me at 10 and said he only ate 2 oz and projectile.

Do I need to continue trying to give him the alimentum? Does anyone think this is actually reflux or could it be an allergy/intolerance? I have no idea what else to do from here and would appreciate any advice or suggestions

**** I have tried calling his doctor Wednesday, Thursday, and today and they keep telling me they’ll give the doctor a message to return my call. I also texted the doctor at 1:30 and no response. I have set him up an appointment Monday morning with a new doctor office, but didn’t know if anybody else has gone through this or not and wanted to see what ultimately worked for your babies

22:03 UTC

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