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I have very sensitive teeth so I always ask for no ice, I was served this and was told “just cause you asked for no ice doesn’t mean you’re gonna get extra drink for free” when I asked why it was 2/3 full
Spoiler: a but of a rant
Parents being so slow that they take forever just to finish their coffee when we have an appointment shortly after, then have the audacity to ask you if you're ready to go when they are holding you up. Then they get distracted by something unimportant like a box and proceed to delay even further by asking you stupid questions what it is.
For context this is a lunch appointment and they always just sit there with my sister while I stand in a ridiculously long queue, because they are too old (fair enough) and my sister is older, a girl and got the drinks (literally took her 2 minutes). And we are 1 hour late already so the queue is getting longer (mind you each time I have to queue it takes 30 mins - 1 hour 20 mins), but nooo they have to interrogate me if I am done (have been for 1 hour) and what are those weird boxes (the charger they gave me just 1 week ago).
Blech! Tacky!!!!
I hate it here
This isn't the first time this has happened to me at this location, I've sent a message off to their customer service team and will see what happens because I just think their staff has no idea what this dish is even supposed to be.
What would you do? Happens every time those sprinklers go on!
Fine, I’ll just eat the entire pizza instead
I could already tell this story was AI generated (the wording was just funny) but to actually find concrete evidence that ChatGPT was used is both depressing and hilarious. If you’re not even going to write your story, proofread before you post to avoid mess-ups like this! 🤦🏼♀️
Chess boards are supposed to be set up with the bottom right corner being a white square
I just shopped online at Macy's and found something I was looking for, available at the Citrus Park mall in Tampa. I saw a button that said apply for a Macy's card (no impact on credit score).
I answered all the questions, name, age, date of birth, social, do you own or rent (own), net income ($61,000) all of that you expect on a credit app.
It said I qualify for a credit card with them for a $1,200 limit at 34% interest. Actually 33.9969% but still 34%.
My credit score at the low end is 725, and at the high end of the three credit ratings agencies is 766.
I have no revolving debt at all with $27,000 available credit on revolving credit. I am a 66 year old homeowner with a mortgage balance of $238,000 on a $416k house.
Just three years ago even two, a low end credit score of 725 was considered excellent, now it barely makes "Good" credit. And who the fuck would agree to a 34% interest rate? I mean that is like something a student would get. If you do the math it means that you could really never pay off the card unless you pay it off in full every month. Meth addicts get better rates than that.
I should have posted this in stock tips because Macy;s is floundering, and this is probably a good chunk of why they are failing, so short Macy's shares. They can go fuck themselves.
It’s not even square! To the rubber room she goes lol
So I’m 12 weeks pregnant and at the point where I can smell EVERYTHING. The weather has been nice and I love opening up the windows to my house. Downside is my neighbor who is a sweet old lady has 10 cats who poop in my yard and back yard and garden… wherever they can. All day I can just smell cat poop. I don’t want to cause harm to the cats but it’s just so inconvenient right now.
Why did they put it on the STAND‽
If you’re ordering that much, come in. There’s no way we can do your order in 5 minutes and you have multiple cars behind you that aren’t being ridiculous. We’re not magicians, we’re people. You can’t just order literal catering orders through the drive unexpectedly and expect it to go well. It happens every day. Please stop!
Why do people think this is okay to do? It's so rude to put your feet on the back of someone's chair and distracting when we've both paid to be there. I have just been to the cinema (hence this post) and had to ask a guy to stop to which he replied he wasn't even touching my chair (he definitely was because he kept kicking it too grrrr). Not a huge deal I know but it makes me so mad!
On that note, Heretic is definitely worth a watch (: