When drivers are parking their car badly
Welcome to /r/BadParking, a place to highlight examples of badly parked vehicles.
Visible license plates are generally okay, but don't post anybody's personal info or advocate for violence or vandalism.
“Van Accessible” is merely a suggestion.
The driver of this Wagoneer beat out the elderly woman who had been waiting for the handicapped parking spot. No handicap plate nor handicap hang take either. Not going to say the Wagoneer driver isn’t handicapped, but she jumped out in her yoga pants and ball cap and practically sprinted into the store, before anyone could rebuke her for bogarting the spot and crappie parking. Photo doesn’t really capture how far into the traffic lane she stopped either.
I always believed backing in was undisputedly better but I’ve seen people disagree with this.
She was just sitting there playing on her phone.
at a pediatricians clinic where we have to take out car seats in the sleating rain, so it was the back of the lot for those of us who aren't overcompensating.
It's not the easiest to see just how bad the parking job is because of the picture (crowded parking lot with a ton of people around and I didn't want to risk a confrontation), but it's clear that this driver has a lot of room for improvement (pun partially intended).
She pulled in next to us like this as we were backing out then proceeded to walk behind our car making it even harder to maneuver
I mean come on guise.