Someone wanted somewhere to post things that are infuriating, r/mildlyinfuriating didn't seem right, so here we are.
Do things really piss you off?
Did someone do something that makes you really mad?!
Did someone ruin your day, or week, or life?
Well, tell us, and let us share in your rage.
For things that aren't quite that bad.
For things that may not make you mad, but still make you say WTF
My workplace is a meat processing plant. Despite the fact that the company refuses to employ anyone that can’t provide legal residency status our entire hispanic staff didn’t come in to work today because neighboring counties have already started immigration enforcement raids. Considering that “normal Americans” refuse to seek employment at such critically important job sites we are now working with less than 50% of our normal staff.
Even though they can provide legal status each individual typically have friends and/or family members who aren’t. In addition to that our area is notorious for trapping up ones who are legal not caring how they are violating their rights. As such even the legal ones employ “duck and cover” or “better safe than sorry” tactics during such times.
This is not meant to be interpreted as any kind of political view on my part but a statement of fact that we’re extremely short staffed and why we are.
EDIT: For idiots who can’t understand why LEGAL HISPANIC RESIDENTS are afraid, here is but one article that is itself the tip of an iceberg of what’s happening across our country right now: https://www.thedailybeast.com/mayor-rages-as-trumps-much-hyped-ice-raids-nab-us-military-vet/
I dont get how karma works, ive been on Reddit a while but never posted. I am going through a really tough time with my mental health and thought "hey maybe i can vent and talk to people about how im doing" BUT NOPE, post got flagged for being to political the first time(literally didnt mention anything political) and the second time it said i didnt have enough karma to post. What the actual fuck. I guess this is just a sign that i dont actually need help since the universe just keeps denying my attempts to seek help
Regardless of Internet speed or what I'm doing or where I am; every fucking twenty second video clip taking forty minutes buffering every two milliseconds is going to legitimately cause me to have some sort of attack.
This is 2 years old but if very pertinent to what is going on now. Rich people controlling water and tax payer funded infrastructure.