Is your day filled with vastly stupid things? You came to the right place then. ಠ_ಠ
What is this?
This subreddit is dedicated to the dumbest, stupidest things around. It can be anything you find mindbogglingly stupid! Think a mix of /r/mildlyinfuriating, /r/cringepics and 99% of /r/funny (because everything there is awful)
No Memes or "meme-like" image macros. Please report any post that violates this rule, they will be removed.
No personal information
No rage comics
No Scocial media posts without name/username completely crossed out
All posts must pertain to the subreddits theme, no questions or meta entries, please message the mods with your questions instead
Please try to post original content. Reposts will be removed if they have been posted in the past 6 months.
Please use downvotes responsibly they are not a dislike button!
Subreddits that support our stupidity and vice versa
Contests Info
Contests will be held regularly by the staff and the winners will receive the coveted golden dunce custom flair