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    In terms of hours worked per week, is outpatient FM or inpatient IM easier to scale up and down in a large city?

    In terms of hours worked per week, is outpatient FM or inpatient IM easier to scale up and down in a large city?

    10:07 UTC


    Arghh, hello fellow sailer. Where should I set course to find Google Drive with B&B treasure?


    09:20 UTC


    What the fuck

    08:56 UTC


    What do you guys usually listen to when you study for long period of time?

    My ear goes "beeeeeeeeeeeeeep" when my room is quiet and i am studying, just looking for recommendations.

    07:45 UTC


    Difference of purposes of HapMap and A thousand genom project?

    Could u explain exact purposes of them. Thank you

    07:16 UTC


    I know we like to talk about long hours


    But also helpful to remind ourselves that to succeed in other industry, it’s not a cake walk either. At least once you are in meds school you are in.

    06:57 UTC


    I would pay an extra 20k per year to not attend lecture

    I love my friends from school and know that in person lecture is good for learning, but DAMN I’d like the flexibility to go home more often

    06:13 UTC


    ABIM results revoked for irregularities

    05:43 UTC


    Anyone feel constantly confronted by the idea of their own mortality in this field?

    Kinda weird question, but I’ve never thought about the fact that I’ll eventually die more until I started medical school. The more I think about it the weirder the concept of consciousness becomes to me. Almost like we’re in a movie or video game and the power is going to get unplugged at some random unspecified time.

    Idk I’ve been thinking about it more lately, not in a dangerous way or anything but I’m just like “that’s really weird none of this will matter some day”.

    05:21 UTC


    Will it look bad to not have an IM sub-I before ERAS gets submitted?

    The only two sub-Is I was able to get are for November and December (DO student btw). Before ERAS gets submitted, I'll have nephro/rads/EP rotations under my belt to start out 4th year.

    During 3rd year, I did two month-long IM rotations and one cards rotation. During the second IM rotation, I was able to secure a LOR from a community PD. I'm hoping to get my second LOR from nephrology.

    04:05 UTC


    What specialty should I do if money is not a consideration at all and would like to have time to pursue other ventures?

    Hi all,

    I am using my second account to write this cause I don't want anything linked to me. In an unexpected turn of events, I am extremely fortunate to have found out I will be inheriting a significant amount of money (50 million+). Considering that a 5% draw on this is probably more than I'll make in any specialty, this changes things. I would be lying if I said money did not play any factor in what I originally chose. I am going to be starting year 2 soon but I want to start thinking about this. Just because I don't ever need to work in my life doesn't mean I don't want to become a doctor and practice medicine. However, I don't only want to practice medicine and I would like to pursue other ventures. For example, I am considering doing something like Radiology and working 1 day a week and using the other days of the week to do real estate or business. I do not live an expensive lifestyle at all nor do I plan to. However, I want to make money so I can be philanthropic and donate to causes I believe in. Money doesn't give fulfillment in life, but how you impact those around you and the community does. I absolutely do not have any desire at all to live a lavish or extravagant lifestyle. I believe that I want to maximize the money I make to make a difference in the world through philanthropic means. I am for sure still going to finish medical school and residency. What specialty do you all believe would be best suited to pursue other ventures while still practicing medicine? Radiology? Anesthesia? Before this news I was considering a surgical subspecialty but a surgical subspecialty would mean I would devote my life to medicine and would not have the ability to do other things like philanthropy.

    03:10 UTC


    I probably have to take a gap year and im concerned on how to approach it?

    Hey everyone I'm incredibly confused and in an uncertain period of my life and I just want to make sure I'm doing the right things here/how to proceed properly.

    I have my STEP 1 in 2 weeks but I do NOT feel ready to pass. I'm only at around a 40% passing rate so I need more time.

    Essentially, my school's policy is that I have to take and pass step by basically 2 weeks and if I cant, then I have to take a year off. I am very concerned about how this can affect my residency app down the line as I am interested in anesthesiology. I am in good terms with the head of research at my school and I am involved in a research project with him already. I am just wondering how do I spin off the upcoming LOA into something that can help me rather than mark me as a red flag? Do I just do research/try to create an org? It's not like I'll just pass the exam and sit around for a year, so I just want to make sure that if I can focus on that I can spin the LOA into something positive rather than negative

    03:04 UTC


    Anesthesia always tied to a hospital?

    I've been considering anesthesia as a specialty but I was told that one of the disadvantages to it is that you're always tied to a hospital? Is that true? I do like working in a clinic too but I wouldn't mind just being in the hospital.

    The only thing is I want be in more rural areas, so would jobs be limited? I really hate cities so would prefer smaller towns.

    Any advice/thoughts appreciated!

    01:33 UTC


    Suit on rotations


    I've heard the advice that you should dress the way the attending dresses on a rotation. If an attending wears a suit everyday for clinic, should I wear a suit too?

    01:27 UTC


    So are specialties that can be clinic-based such as general cardiology lifestyles specialties or not?

    I keep getting different answers.

    Some say YES general cardio is a lifestyle specialty, in fact ALL specialties can be depending on your job setup.

    Some say NO it's not because even if it's clinic, you still have to take call or significantly limit your geographic options and salary.

    Like I understand that once you're an attending you can make your job as tough as you want but at the same time, don't specialties like cardiology inherently require you to take call (for most practices) which ultimately defeats the purpose of a lifestyle specialty?

    I guess what I'm asking is, if any specialty can be a lifestyle specialty, can I find jobs as a general cardiologist or a PCCM doctor where I work M-F 9-5 or only work X number of shifts with zero call? How about becoming a trauma surgeon and requesting I take zero overnight shifts and only work 14 shifts a month? I might be naive but I find it very hard to believe a hospital or clinic would hire a doctor who refuses to take call and only wants to work the good hours.

    01:26 UTC


    the usual

    00:24 UTC


    I've never wanted to punch someone more... (Sketchy)

    Do yourself a favor and NEVER, NEVER watch Sketchy Path's neural tube defects video...


    but for funsies: Are there any more sketchy videos that are obnoxious or piss you off? lol

    00:20 UTC


    What is a research fellow and how does someone do that during medical school?

    There’s this student at my school who’s honestly really killing it. He’s an M-4 and I was reading his CV online and it says he’s been a research fellow for 1 year and 10 months at a well renowned school across the country. What is a research fellow and how is it possible that he has been one at a school across the country for 2 years while currently juggling the workload of medical school? How do you get time to do that?

    00:02 UTC


    New Yorker investigation into "angel of death" case suggests she was wrongly convicted

    This article is haunting me today. While I acknowledge that my knowledge of this case is limited to Wikipedia and this article, it certainly seems like a few theatrically inclined doctors came up with some outlandish medical theories and demolished an innocent nurse's life.

    Link: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/20/lucy-letby-was-found-guilty-of-killing-seven-babies-did-she-do-it

    ETA: For those with a paywall: https://12ft.io/https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/05/20/lucy-letby-was-found-guilty-of-killing-seven-babies-did-she-do-it

    2nd ETA: For those in the UK: https://archive.ph/AWpyz#selection-2285.1-2285.342

    22:30 UTC


    I fucking hate OBGYN

    So I'm MS3 and I just had my mid-rotation eval that doesn't count, but usually tells you how it's going up to now. So basically I've been told I'm below expectations in terms of knowledge and it's alarming. You know, if I didn't study or if I lacked knowledge my peers have, I would totally take the L and simply study more right, I would feel guilty and stupid. The thing is everything I've been criticized for - I checked with other MS3s and they knew JACK SHIT about. Like even less than me. Some attending in particular was super rude and saying " you should know this at your level " about stuff I definitely should not know. She would talk brand names of obscure newly approved medications for off-brand use in certain pathologies. I told her I know progestatives can be used for that illness, but simply didn't know the brand name and she gave me the cold shoulder lol.

    They gaslit me so much I thought I was crazy. Asked my peers about the medication mentioned (used the brand name) they all said what the fuck are you talking about ?

    Also most attending on this rotation constantly cut you off and then say you haven't thought of x or y. I DID and you would know that if you let me speak for more than 30 seconds at a time. I shit you not I've never been able to speak for more than 45 seconds uninterrupted on this rotation, and I'm very talkative. I think I need to calculate my sentences heavily before speaking so I can fit in the maximum number of relevant words before getting cut off.

    They also always assume you've done many clinics of their subspecialty and get super shocked and rude when you tell them it's actually your first time doing x ? " So you're telling me you've never done a peds gyn clinic before ? " Uhmm that's exactly what I'm saying. gets the cold shoulder

    And don't get me started about the way they all do shit differently but get wildly frustrated when you don't do it their way - but they will NEVER tell you how they want it done. First day on this rotation the attending showed me a room, gave me the patient's name and told me to call them for their cancer follow up. Took me 8 minutes to figure out how to do a long distance call with the hospital's phone lol.

    Man I already didn't care for obgyn that much, but now I simply hate it. I feel like I sincerely was not below average and these people are simply psychotic, therefore I truly don't think I will be able to fix it by the final eval. The thing that really struck me is that EVEN if I lacked knowledge, they would not be able to tell since they're barely acknowledge my existence and don't really care for what I have to say ? It's like, you don't read my notes and don't let me finish speaking how would you know i'm shit?

    I will simply try studying more and sucking up. I don't know how to suck up I usually have genuine interest and vibes with the attending in most of my rotations. Guess there's a beginning to everything, gotta get that mouth ready.

    EDIT: progestin* lol progestative is in french sorry! im francophone

    21:42 UTC


    How bad were your initial SSRI side-effects? Did they help?

    M4 looking to finally start getting some help. Been in a bad place for a while.

    Most of my issues stem from personal stuff at home. I'm working on it, but it isn't going anywhere anytime soon, but I've been depressed to some extent going back to high school (just didnt realize it until med school).

    Already took Step 2, so not worried about effects on studying, but I have an 8 week elective I need to impress on right now, so I need to stay sharp.

    1) What side effects did you have and with which meds? I need to stay mentally sharp and want to still be functional in bed (I'm a guy).

    2) Where did you get meds? I dont have time to see a psychiatrist consistently or go to an office. I know websites like Hims exist, but I dont trust it and dont want to support companies that are saving $$ on NPs/PAs over real doctors, just out of principal.

    3) Did things really get better for y'all on meds?

    20:51 UTC


    Planning to Apply Derm This Year. I Took a Research Year with Minimal Publications. What Are My Options?

    I'm applying derm and am scared. I have not heard back from many aways. Only passed clinical rotations in my third year and hoping to do better in fourth year. Minimal publications (2 case reports) but many posters. Took a research year but it was mostly clinical trial research which cannot be published. Step 2 Score 246. My home program does not usually take internal applicants (only one). I am planning to apply and hope for the best. If I don't get accepted I could finish my TY or prelim year and then apply direct to derm again. That is my current plan for now.

    Which are good prelim years or TY years? Would you back-up apply? I would only consider psych but my heart is set on derm.

    Thank you for the advice. This is so stressful.

    20:26 UTC


    How do you deal with attendings calling you dumb/incompetent?

    How do you maintain perspective and not give up when this happens?

    20:24 UTC


    When people put “professional socieities” on ERAS. What does that mean exactly?

    Like anyone can sign up to be a member or get emails from any of the specialty societies. I can’t imagine PDs care about that. Do you have to be active to list them? Does it look bad otherwise?

    I can imagine the argument of “it shows you’re interested In the field and not dual applying.” But I guess if a PD brought it up to see if you’re active, you’re kinda just stuck saying “I put it there to impress you.”

    19:39 UTC


    Most grades/stats oriented specialty?

    Which specialty cares most about AOA, STEP 2, and clinical grades, and least about med school ranking, research, and connections? Radiology?

    19:29 UTC


    Honestly cannot wrap my head around how students used to do medical school with letter grades. So grateful for pass-fail.

    Finishing my first year of med school I think my GPA would be +/- 1.5 if we were on a letter grade system. Compare that to a 3.9+ in undergrad. Night day. It’s stressful enough just to pass, but to have to worry about GPA on top of that? Could Step compensate for a poor GPA/ could a good GPA save a bad step score back then? How important was GPA?

    **also, I know some schools still use letter grades. Not like it was 100 years ago

    18:36 UTC


    Interested in a rotation in pain management teaching hospitals/centers in the US

    I'm from Chile, 34, general phyisician starting a physiatry specialization program. In my third year (2026) I have a 4 week elective rotation, and I'd be very interested to go to a US-based highly specialized center in pain management, but I'm not sure how to approach this to know where to go, who to call/e-mail, etc.

    Any hospitals, institutions or universities I could approach with this goal in mind?

    Thanks in advance!

    18:16 UTC


    3D neuroanatomy atlas?

    Hello everyone!

    I'm looking for a very specific model/platform. I want an interactive 3D model of the central nervous system, with detailed tracts. I struggle imagining anatomy (or spatial concepts in general) from pure description or sections. Since I'm going back to studying now (I'm 34 starting a Physiatry specialization program).

    For anatomy, Elsevier's Complete Anatomy is a very similar concept for what I want, but I want to visualize individual tracts in a 3D platform.


    Here's a model that may or may not be what I want, since it's just a picture of section I can't see if it's the whole spinal cord, but it helps to give people an idea of what I'm looking for.


    1 Comment
    18:10 UTC


    Peds Resident Applying into Gas

    I’m just trying to get a sense for how competitive I’ll be applying into anesthesiology advanced positions as a graduating peds resident. I have no idea what to expect in my particular situation, like whether having completed this residency is an advantage or not. I’m switching over as my professional goals have changed. To be clear, I’ll be a board certified pediatrician before I start anesthesiology residency.

    I’m sorry if this is an annoying post - I know on paper my stats are solid, but I know that anesthesiology has gotten very competitive, and probably even more so since I’m applying into advanced spots. I’m also sort of geographically tied to the coast, and the only programs around me are highly ranked, like mostly top 10-20. So I’m just wondering if I have a shot at those or should expect to have to move.

    Here are my stats:

    • Upper / mid tier MD program, I think in top 30. At a top 10 peds program now
    • Step 1 ~260, Step 2 ~270, Step 3 ~250
    • AOA, graduated with distinction in topmost quartile
    • Honored majority of core rotations, rest high pass
    • Longitudinal volunteer experiences through college, med school, and residency, including a prestigious award / grant. Founded a couple service orgs.
    • Miscellaneous teaching / mentorship activities
    • 2 pubs (not first author)
    • Currently PI on an ongoing project, no pubs yet
    • 5 poster presentations (4 research related, 1 case report)
    • Presented 2 morning conferences, 2 lunch conferences, participated in a grand rounds
    • Strong evals to date and anticipate good letters
    • Have only done one anesthesia rotation as an elective in med school. Got a good eval, but it wasn’t a sub-I. I don’t have any room in my schedule to do any more anesthesia rotations before applying. I do think I’ll be able to get a letter from an anesthesiologist at my current hospital though

    What do yall think? Anyone with similar experience? Or are there any resources I could check out? I emailed my med school advisor but no reply yet.

    Thanks in advance

    17:37 UTC

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