
Photograph via snooOG

An optimistic but realistic support group.

  • First, let me start by saying that we are not professionals here. We are Fibromites that are going through the same things most of you are. Only a doctor can diagnose you with fibromyalgia. Posts asking if you have fibromyalgia will be removed. The ACR has criteria needed for a diagnosis. Please look at our Wiki for more information, including conditions sometimes confused with fibromyalgia.

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    Less Fibro issues when having common cold?

    So I have a classic cold, I am on day 3 or 4. Obviously I feel horrible in a „I got a cold“ way, but other problems I normally have year round like constant back pain, joint pain and muscle pain have minimised greatly. Ngl it‘s kinda nice even as I’m coughing my lungs out.

    I don’t take any medication or pain killers btw. I upped my vitamin C supplements a bit, that’s all.

    Is my immune system simply occupied instead of causing havoc elsewhere?

    Anyone else experience this? Theories?

    Edit: I do get more sick with a cold than the average person. But this „oh this us a different kind of feeling shitty, that’s a nice change“ is just baffling.

    09:01 UTC


    Wanting perspective for my mom with fibromyalgia

    My (30F) mom (67F) has fibromyalgia. She also has neuropathy, scoliosis, and chronic migraines. She has all the 18 trigger points when tested. She has lived a rough life and has not been kind to her body. She is a recovering alcoholic. For 10 years she lived in a tiny town isolated in ND with a limited doctor to treat her. I finally convinced her to move out to CO. I got her set up in an apartment with things to make her life easier and to hopefully help with the pain. I got her set up with a primary doctor who was able to get the referral needed to go to a pain clinic. It took awhile to get seen so the primary doctor was filling her pain script for Norco. My mom’s doctor in ND had slowly raised it over the 10 years and had her on a few other meds that my mom said didn’t work. So the new doctor just took over the script. Some context for My mom, she has insomnia and ends up taking more Norco and is always left at the end of the month in horrible pain. She calls me crying, it’s very frustrating to not be able to help her. I got her a medical marijuana card that at least gave her an appetite and helped her sleep a little even if the pain wasn’t fully gone. The pain clinic finally saw my mom. They offered Buprenorphine patches/films to help bridge the gap for pain management but they would need to take over my mom’s Norco script to prescribe the patch and require their patients to come in once a month. My mom refused and wants to just stick with her new primary since they aren’t requiring her to come in monthly. I am trying to understand why in the world she wouldn’t want help mitigating her pain in exchange for 12 days out of the year to see a pain doctor. They said they would occasionally do urine testing, I’m wondering if she’s turning it down because she started drinking again? I need perspective please help. I know everyone is different with their pain level. I have two coworkers with fibromyalgia who are around my mom’s age. One has 15 out of 18 trigger points and chronic migraines and neuropathy; the other has 17 out 18 trigger points and has migraines, neuropathy, and scoliosis. They are still working, they are at a healthy weight (my mom is 5’4” and 85 lbs) they are still living their life. It breaks my heart seeing such a stark difference between my mom and these two women. My mom is not healthy. I’m trying to alleviate her pain in anyway I can but the fact that she’s not willing to go just one time a month is boggling my mind. Please give me insight

    1 Comment
    08:30 UTC


    What work for you? I need ideas! (UK based NHS patient)

    I'm sorry this is a long story, but.... I was diagnosed with benign joint hypermobility when I was 7, it took my mum a long time to get help, as our GP told her she was just a paranoid mother! The school got involved and got their own doctor, who actually listened and helped. Growing up I managed but had bad days/weeks and from 18 spent the next 10 years being given tramadol, seen numerous physios and told that's just how it is. At 28 I stopped all painkillers myself, tried to keep active and fell pregnant. For 9 years I tried to cope because everytime I went to the GP, they gave me NSAIDs and told me it will get better with age as joints get stiffer as you get older so the pain will subside. The last year has been absolute hell! I can't keep up with my kid so I gave in, asked to see a new GP (thinking they may have a different idea/approach) and just broke down in the appointment. I was referred to rheumatology, told "I think its fibromyalgia, you need blood tests, see you in 3 months" when I asked what it was, he said "It when there's no cause or injury for the pain it's called fibromyalgia, the best way to describe it, is that it's all in your head!" Thank God I have some common sense!! I'm a pharmacy technician, so I do have some knowledge, I just wanted a proper definition or information, I knew he didn't mean it the way it came across but I got in my mums car and fell to pieces, I felt like I was making stuff up and going crazy. My follow up was with a different consultant who said yeah you have fibro take duloxetine, it should help. I told her "I'm taking Elvanse for ADHD, isn't that contraindicated?" (It's harder to get elvanse doses changed in the UK so SNRIs, SSRIs should be used with caution) She'd never heard of elvanse and didn't know what to do, so prescribed amitriptyline, I tried to explain that a neurologist gave me this for migraines years ago and I didn't get on with it, she wouldn't listen and said I'm discharging you, see the GP in future.

    So, I had my first BAD flare up this week since my diagnosis, spoke to my GP given over the counter strength co-codamol and referred to pain clinic as there's nothing they can do! Knowing where to find the information I read the NICE guidelines, I've discovered I'm screwed! And fibro was not a good outcome for getting help or pain management, no wonder people in the UK with fibro struggle.

    If you're still reading, thank you 😂...... I want to know what other people have tried, I'm only 38 and I want to get the best out of life, play with my kid and go off to work without having to dread the stairs and standing all day. I want to enjoy my evenings with my hubby and not curl up in a ball of pain. I'll try anything!

    07:40 UTC


    Is this fibro?

    Do your eyes and face swell while in a flare? I'm newly diagnosed and have been experiencing extra pain along with extreme exhaustion. I noticed yesterday my eyes are fairly swollen. Is this fibro?

    03:14 UTC


    Stanford Second Opinion

    I found this information on a different sub. I thought I'd post it here as well. Hope it helps! Just a resource for anyone who might be interested.

    Another persons' experience using this program.

    I used the Stanford Second opinion Program. It cost me $700, they collected all my medical records, had one phone appointment, and like a month later, I received a written report with suggestions. They caught something on my MRI. I brought the report to my GP, who referred me to the right place, and a year later, I successfully had surgery.

    It felt like a real gamble at the time, but I’m thrilled that I did it. Here’s the link if you’re interested https://stanfordhealthcare.org/second-opinion/overview.html

    01:15 UTC


    Stabbing leg pain

    Who else here gets stabbing leg pain? If so how do you deal with it? I take gabapentin and baclofen for pain but they don’t really help the acute leg pain I deal with. I just started on magnesium tonight and will see if that helps. I’ve been taking a supplement called “Leg Cramps” from Hylands Naturals which have been helping my leg pain but it’s not a cure all I’m still uncomfortable and in pain often.

    00:31 UTC


    Vaccine side effects hurt so bad now

    So yesterday I had a follow up appointment for the meds I’m taking for my fibro and they said that I was due for a Covid booster and my tetanus shot, so obviously me never really having any side effects from vaccines before I said sure why not. My shoulders were a little sore for the rest of the day, and I didn’t think much of it, but around 3-4 this morning it was so painful I couldn’t sleep at all. The pain was shooting down into my hands and up into my neck and into my temples, I took so much pain medication before the sun even came up. I ended up going down to the kitchen for some water and while I was standing at the fridge I started to get really dizzy and nauseous, something that I’ve never felt before, so I ran upstairs to the bathroom and had to sit on the floor in front of the toilet in case I threw up. I sat there for about 15 minutes with my head against the bowl just trying to relax because I was wanting to cry really bad. Finally the pain meds kicked in and I lied back down in bed, but my head was still pounding and it just felt like my whole body was on fire. I did eventually fall back asleep around 5, but I woke up around 7:30 because my cousin was graduating art school and we had to get out the house by 8:15 to make it in. I was finally feeling a little better, the ceremony went by and we got to say our congrats to her, but on our way to get lunch I could feel another flare happening. At first it was just my muscles, but as we were sitting in the restaurant and ordering our food I started to get a really bad headache. My arm pain also started back up, I could barely drink or eat because I just felt so shitty. Towards the end of lunch my costo pain started back up AGAIN, something that rarely happens in the same day let alone DURING the day. I always had it happen at night, but for some reason it decided to show up during our lunch and I felt like throwing up the whole ride back home. When I did get home I ended up having a breakdown, I was crying really hard because it felt like my whole body was being set on fire and I was just so tired. I took more pain killers, got an ice pack that my sister got me, and ended up falling asleep for almost 5 hours. I am now lying back in bed after sluggishly taking a shower, I ate some food beforehand but my costo pain started up again so I feel weak from not really eating anything today. Trying to protect myself from diseases but at what cost 😩😭

    00:20 UTC


    Is like weird heart rate things a Fibro thing ?

    Im pretty sure my resting heart rate before was around 80 and now it’s are 98, sometimes I feel suddenly very tired and like my heart rate is faster but as I don’t have any accurate measure it’s hard to tell. I can’t exactly reproduce this feelings at a doctor office to test out so I guess I’m out of luck because my average heart rate is still normal. Yesterday when I was feeling less tired than average I tested out around 84bpm. But now it was at 110 just from walking around slowly. Is this a fibro thing or should I worry. I’ll have an appointment with my cardiologist next month probably(I was born with a intra-artrial conection but it’s really small so it was never a problem but I still have to watch it over) and I might ask about POTS but I’m not really sure as I don’t feel like this all the time nor the diferences between sitting and standing seem all that big(but they might be, I have an oximeter which can measure heart rate but I don’t have enough batteries so whenever I want to use it I have to switch around batteries and by that point the weird flare might have passed)

    00:12 UTC


    my mom doesn't get it

    My mom keeps finding ways to ask why I'm not well yet when she wants more from me. I'm so hurt and frustrated. I've tried telling her again and again that this is hurtful and unfair. Today she told me "why are you sick so much lately. just...be well!" And I blew up. Later I sent her an email and went over AGAIN why I'm hurt and upset, since she couldn't or wouldn't understand me over the phone, and...radio silence.

    I'm so tired of it. The thing is she watched my health struggles for YEARS and she should understand I have good days and bad days, I'm not choosing this, it's really hard, but it's like my problems don't exist because she has needs and problems of her own. (Which she does, for sure, but I still can't be there for her as much as she wants. And frankly I don't want to be when it feels like what sacrifices I do make aren't seen or enough for her.)

    I just wish she would stop talking about me and my health like it's just a selfish inconvenience against her. I wish I could make her understand. Or maybe care.

    *EDIT: We talked. I think things are better now. But honestly whether she ever gets it or talks about me the way I want, I have to learn to draw the boundaries I need to protect my health and not just push through to be there for people when I shouldn't. Not being a "people pleaser" first and foremost has to come from me....

    23:19 UTC


    Idk if I have fibromyalgia or not help pls

    I deal with pain in all of my joints knees wrists toes fingers ankles I have a bluffing disc in my back and I have minor hearing loss and pre-syncope episodes where my limbs go weak arms and legs I go non-talking my eyes dart around and I have tremors . I also have pain in my shoulder blades and rib cage my abdominal & neck muscles sometimes contract I over heat easily and I can’t do basic tasks like biking walking cooking cleaning dishes moving boxes or drink cases without severe pain I don’t know what to do anymore and I can’t see any specialist because I need to move out asap and can’t avoid doctors appointments pls help me figure out what’s going on I’m so scared

    1 Comment
    23:15 UTC


    Fibromyalgia awareness day

    Hey guys I'm typing from the future! Nah not really just from new Zealand. Currently it's the 12th of may. Fibromyalgia awareness day! Even though I've taken over the whole month for it any way by uploading my pain posse characters every day, each one being based ona fibro symptom. Today IV uploaded a painting instead! I hand painted a skateboard full of my pain characters so go check it out. Remember today is about awareness! Take a second to learn a fact about fibro or help someone you know that has it, anything helps. I wanna help and build a safe space for us but I'm rubbish at talking and articulating so I'm leaning into my art skills to spread awareness that way so please follow along and help me out https://linktr.ee/smijillustrations I want to build this into something awesome for us and people like us, so many people in pain out there

    23:06 UTC


    Flare interfering with eating

    What do you all do when ur hurting and don’t feel like cooking? (Not into ordering out)

    Edit: also, how long do your flares last? I’m on day 3….

    22:49 UTC



    Magnesium glycinate, what dose are you guys taking now? I just bought some 360mg pills and am going ong to start taking 1 a day with dinner. Does this stuff help fibro or what? Someone recently suggested it so I figured it was worth a shot.

    22:38 UTC


    Lignocaine Infusion

    Hi Guys…has anyone tried lignocaine infusion 5 day treatment or similar?if so would love to hear your experience and outcomes.Cheers in advance.

    22:10 UTC


    Pain Clinic Sucks

    I'm so fed up.

    I had started on LDN but caught some kind of infection that caused major vertigo, so my NP said I should pause treatment until I recover to make sure it wasn't contributing to the dizziness. Once I had recovered I emailed her a few times before she finally replied with "I'll call you on Thursday at 1." Well she didn't.

    I've put in a complaint with the hospital about the clinic because it's impossible to get a hold of anyone; everything goes to voicemail and I don't trust them to actually get back to me. This NP has promised me all sorts of things, like a psych referral, lidocaine infusions, topical pain relief, and more, and so far I've gotten nothing but a one week script for LDN that I can't get back on because she won't reply or call me back.

    I'm ready to give up and just be in pain, I don't think it's worth the added stress of dealing with this place.

    20:58 UTC


    Wrist and finger pain and stiffness

    Does anyone else get this? It makes it hard to type, or do yard work. Comes and goes but staying more often of late. I was diagnosed in September though I've so much neurological and muscular stuff going on, it feels like it can't be right. Yet curious if it's a common symptom and if you have any remedies? Not looking for medical advice, just your experiences.

    Also curious if muscle loss or difficulty in gaining muscle is something that's possible (not due to inactivity) with fibro. My understanding is not, yet someone on this sub insisted yesterday it was. All autoimmune and muscle bloods negative multiple times, multiple mris negative, emg/ncs negative and multiple neurologist visits pass the reflex tests. Also neg for obscure stuff like stiff person syndrome. Saw a rheumatologist too and a neuromuscular neurologist.

    Yet I have muscle weakness, weird spots where I've (perceived I guess as neurologist didn't agree 4 months ago) muscle loss, yet a few unaffected areas are growing e.g. biceps, balance issues, tinnutis, constant low grade muscle pain and perhaps daily, 1-2 bouts of 9 or 10 pain scale muscle pain and cramps. Also get twitches at least daily but not constantly throughout day. I still work out average 3 maybe 4 times a week despite it getting harder and always being painful in some way.

    Next neurologist appt end of month. So far they've refused to do muscle biopsy. Latest diagnosis alongside fibro was Functional Neurological Disorder. Sort of feels like they can't figure this out.


    20:54 UTC


    Shoulder, neck, and upper back pain when vertical

    I have had Seronegative RA for 2.5 years, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in January. I've been taking Lyrica, and it has helped some (maybe 50%) with pain all over my body. I'm still learning what pains are attributed to which condition. Unfortunately, neck, shoulder, and upper back pain has only gotten worse. I’m at the point where I can't be vertical for more than a few minutes without the pain getting bad enough that I need to lie down so that my neck is supported.

    Have any of you had the same symptom show up? What did you do to increase your stamina for sitting and standing?

    1 Comment
    19:58 UTC


    Inside elbows so painful for days

    With all this bizarre weather I’m having strange symptoms. For days now the crook of my arms / inside of elbows have been excruciatingly painful.

    All I can feel is that pain inside my elbows.

    Feels like they are both on fire.

    I put Voltaren on and have taken nerve medication, but no improvement.

    Has anyone successfully treated this?

    15:20 UTC


    Overstretched my neck I think

    Hey fellow sufferers ❤

    I was doing some stretching earlier, left arm on my back, deep breathing, stretching my neck and my throat. It felt good, so I held the position quite long, and I think I stretched it too 'deep'

    Afterwards I instantly got anxious. I don't think I felt anything tear, but after the stretch sesh it has been feeling warm and tingly, and a bit 'stabby'

    Now I know I should see a doctor, and I will, I have an appointment first thing next week, but I guess I just wanted to know if anyone tried anything similar. Looking for reassurence. Kind of beating myself up a bit. Because I know my body has such a hars time healing, and I hate adding to the pain and suffering I'm already in

    15:05 UTC


    Gadgets to help with stuff around the house.

    Recently booked my needs assessment for university. Going to ask for a physical aid like an electric bike to help me get around campus and the town (hilly area) as well as some gadgets for the kitchen like automatic vegetable peelers/slicers and can/jar openers so I can actually eat healthily. Just curious if there are any other gadgets you recommend, can be for other rooms/not just the kitchen. Wanted to make sure I’ve got all my bases covered. Thank!

    14:45 UTC


    Fibromyalgia pain feels like the constant drone of bagpipe music in the background that only I can hear.

    I try to function despite it but it's exhausting and confusing. Do you have analogies for your pain?

    14:26 UTC


    Tips for getting going in the morning?

    Hi! was recently diagnosed after 15 years of pain and suffering, i so glad i found this sub its been a huge help even just lurking this past week. One of the things i stuggle with most is getting out of bed and moving in the morning, its usually one of the most painful and stiff times of the day for me, my whole body just feels like a lead weight set on fire. I have some in bed streaches to do that barely make a dent. What are some ways you all get up in the morning or even ways you motivate youself to get up and get moving?

    13:48 UTC


    How do you rest outside of sleep?

    I know it's a lifeline for some, but I've found for that both daytime sleeping and staying in bed too long is unhelpful for me, but if I don't do those two things I'm not quite sure how to get good quality rest in a flare up.

    I find limiting stimuli to be helpful, so not staying on screens all day and spending some time in silence. I also find some easy stretching and not staying completely sedentary, while still not being active, is helpful.

    I think the balance of physical, emotional, spiritual rest is important, and I still feel I'm missing something, so I'm curious to hear what you do? How do you rest to feel the best you can?

    10:18 UTC


    Sleeping in makes my pain wayy worse and what I have done to help myself

    So I was in a car accident three years ago and since then I started having symptoms of chronic fatigue. I had chronic pain for five years previous that. Last year then I got a job where I was finishing work at 11pm, whilst all my flatmates would wake me up early due to their own jobs. After seeing an acupuncturist (and having a really bad session, cos apparently I am really sensitive) I started having the worst pain in the morning, whilst before it was always at nighttime. But SLOWLY I realised that when I would wake up first thing in the morning due to my flatmates and then go back to sleep, that's when the pain would intensify. I would try to do different positions in bed to alleviate it, but it just wouldn't freaking work. I don't understand it, but it's like my body has got this energy to use and not using it causes it get stuck and to cause more pain, I don't know. But when I do manage to just get out of bed, even if I feel sleepy af, I don't get it as bad in the morning, and my energy levels actually are a lot better. And I always bribe myself with the idea of an afternoon nap if needed (now that I don't have that job anymore).

    Just wanted to post in case it might help others, or others have a similar experience, or maybe even know why this would happen? I don't think it's a problem with my mattress because I don't wake up in pain after 7 hours of sleep, stiffness for sure just not pain, And I do yoga before I go to bed as well, kinda have to tbh. It's weird because I have always been the person to sleep 9 hours and be fine, but I can barely do exercise now so maybe I don't need as much sleep / I am older.

    Interestingly I just googled and oversleeping is associated with a lot of chronic illnesses/ inflammation, gosh TT_TT

    BTW I am aware we are all on different journeys!! hey I don't always manage to get up when I plan to and I extend kindness to anyone reading this post. I am sure you are all doing your best :))

    1 Comment
    09:40 UTC


    Anyone else get pitting edema from their fibro?

    My left hand and right foot get so swollen and meber go completely down! They're almost always hurting.

    No it not my hear, my doctor ran tests for that. She gave me a prescription for a diuretic, but it hasn't helped at all. Anyone else have this issue, and were able to get it under control ?

    1 Comment
    08:58 UTC


    No cure for pain


    So had the 'specialist' confirm that there is no way to be pain free.

    I have had this condition since I was about 8 years old, now 40. I can't hold a pen, phone , type on a keyboard, walk around shops , do washing, cleaning make dinner, cut the grass, play with my kids at football, have fun and frolics at other times.

    So after having a conversation if I prefer to be pain free or to be mobile , I chose mobile and it ain't good. Simply because that the only way i would be pain free is too not be mobile at all and be medicated up to my eyeballs 24/7.

    This is a nothing post really , I am just fed up ATM.

    Have a good day people.

    08:30 UTC


    If you're getting cramping/sensitivity loss/circulation issues, you might want to give acupressure (from a qualified practitioner) some thought

    I had an acupressure massage yesterday, and as part of my normal fibro symptoms I get reduced sensitivity and lots of pins and needles in my hands and legs. Every time I have this treatment these symptoms dramatically reduce for the next few weeks, sometimes months

    As fibro pain centers around the pressure points which this form of medicine treats - as these pressure points are derived from the central nervous system, and fibro is neurological, it treats exactly the pain centres that your pain is stemming from, at least in my experience and the other people with fibro who I've spoken to who have this therapy.

    Fibro also causes the muscles around these pressure points to become really tense, and this therapy, being a massage, helps that also.

    Obviously speak to your doctor first, and make sure if you seek it you find someone qualified, but having this regularly has improved my quality of life drastically.

    08:11 UTC


    Just wanted to say hi

    I was diagnosed a couple of days ago with Fibromyalgia.

    I don't know why I have never discussed this with a GP before but after being referred to a physio and others because of suffering from pain and some new problems I finally got diagnosed, since it's affecting my job so badly now.

    I have ADHD and Autism, my emotional disregulation seems to cause me to become sick every time I am extremely upset, I get allergic reactions and bad IBS which has gotten worse this year. I've had to go on anti depressants and strong anti allergy medication to lower my emotional stress levels since it's destroying my body.

    A new thing is that my hands stop working sometimes, like completely don't move, which started after my recent month of extremely overwhelming anxiety and stress...

    I have constant pain everyday, from back injuries, numbness that's spreading also, sciatica which is a constant at the moment too.

    I keep dropping things always, small stuff. I have constant brain fog which I thought was just my ADHD and getting older it's worse, I find it hard to process stuff most of the time because of having almost constant burn out brain, even after not doing much, I know I used to achieve more.

    I don't know why when I just want to relax, that my legs have to hurt so much, the calves, all the way up and I find it hard to sit down for long periods because of my ADHD...

    The worst is during my period time, whole body pain plus migraine and even more lethargy...

    I don't know why suddenly this year I feel nauseous everyday to different degrees... My stomach just never settles anymore.

    I get so tired and drained so easily these days now, I always get sick every time I get stressed... My immune system goes crazy, I feel like I need to not care about anything at all just so my body doesn't react like a minefield.

    07:27 UTC


    My Symptoms (What to do next?)

    I’m based in the UK.

    I have not felt great for the past few years since losing my partner in 2016, but have come to the stage where these symptoms are affecting my daily life too much. I don’t even know where to begin, imagine showing a doctor this lot what the hell would they do? I don’t even know if it is Fibromyalgia but thats what it sounds like to me. It scares me.

    Sharp pains in arms, legs, chest and head (Occurs Daily) Aching body (Occurs Daily)

    Burning sensations throughout body (Occurs Weekly)

    Skin is sensitive in different places on my body, feels sore to touch (Occurs Weekly)

    Stiffness, particularly getting up after sleeping or periods of sitting (Occurs Daily)

    Stiff neck and shoulders cannot lift arms above head without pain (Occurs every morning)

    Tiredness and drowsiness (Occurs Daily)

    Brain fog, forgetting things easily (Occurs Daily)

    Feeling detached (Occurs Daily)

    Dropping things a lot (Occurs Daily)

    Headaches (Occurs Daily) with a really bad one occurs every two weeks from waking till bedtime

    Tummy aches and upset stomach (Occurs Weekly)

    Episodes of dizziness (Occurs Daily)

    Tingling in hands and fingers (Occurs Weekly)

    Episodes of feeling low/depressed (Occurs Weekly)

    Left foot, toes, cannot push down on them without pain (Occurs Daily)

    Ocular migraines (Occurs Weekly)

    Face Twitching (Occurs Daily)

    Panic Attacks (Occurs Daily)

    Severe Cramps in feet and calves (Occurs Monthly)

    06:16 UTC


    Is stomach pain the worst for you?

    23F here. I've had Fibromyalgia for almost 2 years now and as much as I have body pain in a lot of places, I feel like my stomach & sides are mostly effected. I always, always have pretty bad stomach pain. It sucks.

    does anyone have mostly only stomach pain? what do you do to ease it?

    06:04 UTC

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