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Healthcare: systems, costs, problems and proposed solutions.

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Doctor recommendations

08:34 UTC


What to say when elderly patients joke about dying?

Kind of a silly question, but I work in administration and I make appointments.. often times when I tell elderly patients they are due to come back in 6 months or something like that.. they will make some kind of joke about if they will even be alive then or not. I usually just kind of chuckle with them and i’ll just say “oh i’m sure you will be” or “oh stop it you look to be in good shape” .. but also it’s kind of true that they could die before their next appointment and I often wonder if i’m responding to this appropriately or professionally. I don’t want to be insensitive or dismissive to this but I also don’t want to darken the mood. I know elderly people are mostly at terms with it. what is the best way to respond to this?

04:10 UTC


Transition Profession from private caregiver

Hi all, my mom recently lost her job as private caregiver. Sadly, the person who she was taking care of passed away. I came here to try and help my mom.

I am looking for advice to see if anyone has experience or knows of transitioning from a caregiver role to another healthcare role with NO education experience, simply work experience.

My mom has been doing this for over 20 years and has experience with Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and frontal temporal lobe disorder.

I am worried about my mom finding another job as finding a well paying private caregiver role is very difficult and the stability isn’t there. I am in the legal space so I don’t know much about how the health care industry works. Any advice you can offer is greatly appreciated!

TLDR: my mom lost her private caregiver job. Anyone have experience transitioning into the medical field with no educational experience?

1 Comment
20:51 UTC


Masters in Health Care Management (How Much University Matters?)

My wife is currently enrolled in Bachelors in Health Care Management. She is planning to do masters in Health Care Management. I have few questions:

  1. Can she get a job with her under grad degree in health care management?

  2. If she can get a job with her under grad degree on health care management how hard is it to get the employee to sponsor her masters degree?

  3. Does it really matter where she get her masters? How much the name of the university matters when getting a job after completing the masters?

20:10 UTC


Contec Monitors Used in U.S. Hospitals Carry Chinese Backdoor

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued a warning about a backdoor embedded in the firmware of the Contec CMS8000, a patient monitor used in U.S. healthcare facilities.

The Contec CMS8000 is manufactured by Contec Medical Systems, a China-based company supplying medical devices to hospitals and clinics worldwide, including the U.S. and the European Union. The device continuously monitors key patient vitals such as electrocardiograms, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, and blood pressure.


18:40 UTC


Cant watch my daughter's CT?

Took my teenage daughter to get a CT scan today and they wouldnt allow me to see the monitors. Ive sat in on MRIs and CTs before. Why would they not allow me to watch? Makes me paranoid...

17:23 UTC


I want to know if my OBGYN experience was strange.

I have had a few different obgyn/gynecologist’s, but recently I went to one that had me questioning if the practice was safe.

I found this Dr. through ZocDoc and he was one of the only ones who had availability in my network within the next month. When I went to the appointment I had to sign a waiver saying if I was to sue them for malpractice I agreed it would go to some closed medical trial and not a public jury. I signed after a quick google and determining that a closed trial would be okay, but first kind of weird thing. I’m new to California though so didn’t know if this was more standard in this state.

After that I went into the exam room, and it was carpeted (which I thought was gross for a medical space as that makes cleanliness a lot harder). The computers next to the exam table were also covered in dust and stains.

The doctor came in quite late after arguing with the ONLY intake nurse (who was maybe 80 years old). His doctors jacket had a huge orange stain on it, which doesn’t mean anything but def didn’t put me at ease that he was clean/sterile with his procedures. He conducted a pap, and took a urine sample and sent me on my way.

However after a couple weeks I get a text and it’s a picture of my lab results on the seat of a chair. Then the following week I get another text saying I have abnormal cells and HPV delivered in the same fashion, with just a text saying “colposcopy February 14th or February 15th” and that’s it. No call to talk through next steps or deliver any news.

Maybe this is just a case of some practices don’t care about their patients, and this is why they make you sign that document. I’m just surprised by the HIPAA risk with texting photos of lab results (what if you text the wrong one to someone???) and also the cleanliness and everything. I was genuinely so anxious by the whole thing. I’m going to planned parenthood for follow up but I’m still just looking for some insight into my experience from people who know more things than me.

00:19 UTC


Insurance, how does it work?

So I was let go by my job. (Missouri, USA)

Does my insurance end today? Does it end at the end of next month because I paid out of the most recent paycheck?

And can I call my insurance and pay out of pocket to keep it going?

I have United healthcare.

Sorry if these are dumb questions I should have asked in my exit interview but I started to spiral and couldn't think of all the questions I needed to ask whenever I was talking to HR.

I can probably call them Monday but tomorrow is the first of the month and I'm afraid I won't have all the answers.

My daughter already has a long series of doctor's appointments lined up and I'm not okay.

23:22 UTC


It appears Elon Musk allies are seeking access to the fiscal intermediary system that issues payments for Medicare.

Disruption could delay payments to insurance companies, hospitals, and providers. What impact would that have.

20:30 UTC


Frustrated with medical billing? We’re building an AI app to help—share your thoughts!

Medical bills are confusing, stressful, and often too high. We’re building an AI app to fix that—but we need YOUR help! Take this quick survey to share your experiences and shape the future of healthcare.


1 Comment
19:24 UTC


Is the Current Trump Administration going to cut Medicaid?

I'm sorry, not sure if this type of post is allowed or not.

Its just that I hear rumors on it, but when I google this... nothing is really said about it other than the Medicaid Website being Frozen for a bit.

I'm on Medicaid because its hard to find a job that gives good health insurance. Many jobs don't even give health insurance at all.

I'm worried I won't be able to go to the doctor anymore.

18:56 UTC


Pet insurance: Vet claiming pre-existing condition, Any tips on how to fight this?

Sorry in advance, not sure if this is the right place for this kind of thread.

I’m looking for advice on how to appeal a pet insurance claim denial. My cat had an anemic episode exactly 12 months ago but fully recovered and was completely fine for the past year—no illnesses, no vet visits. Then, this January, he had another anemic episode that required blood transfusions. We still don’t have a definitive diagnosis for what’s causing the anemia after running every test possible, I'm just grateful he is recovering.

Unfortunately, my pet insurance denied the claim, saying it’s a pre-existing condition because the vet wrote on the SOAP notes that they anemic episodes COULD be related.

I don’t think that’s fair, since he was perfectly healthy for a full year between episodes.. Has anyone successfully appealed a similar denial? Any tips on what to include in my appeal or how to argue my case? I appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance!

18:46 UTC


Doctor says get blood work but doesn’t order it

I’m being stupid but my doctor ordered blood work, I went to the lab and she says she doesn’t have the paperwork. My app says it requested but with no info. It’s been a whole week. It’s not like I’m dying. So does this mean it’s not that important cuz it’s not urgent? I stressed myself out all week and night preparing for it cuz I’m scared cuz I get anxiety and blood work makes me pass out. So I’d rather not do it. And the doctor said another department will call me and they never did. Therefore I just want to hear more opinions. Is this important or should I just let it go? I’ve had medical problems in the past were doctors say they will call and never do. (This was for TSH bloodwork)

Edit: I’m adding that I know I’m being stupid but I just need to hear feedback ig

11:43 UTC


Seeking skilled marketer in Los Angeles


I’m looking for a talented and results-driven marketer in the Los Angeles area to help grow my company’s presence.

We specialize in non-emergency medical transportation, serving nursing homes, SNFs, elder care facilities, hospitals, and more. Our goal is to expand our reach by building strong relationships with these facilities and increasing our transportation services. Since transportation is always in demand, there’s great potential for success.

I’m looking for someone who is charismatic, persuasive, and leaves a lasting impression. If you have a knack for networking and can drive real results, I’d love to connect.

Compensation can be discussed once we find the right fit—I’ll make sure it’s worth your time.

If you’re interested or would like to learn more, please reply below with your email, and I’ll reach out. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best, H

06:10 UTC


On the verge of tears pls help

I am 23 years old on my parents insurance. We have a 5000 deductible. Literally have never gotten close to meeting my deductible. I have severe acne that will not go away but to see a dermatologist in any capacity it is $200 per visit. I genuinely cannot afford this nor can my parents. I can’t even see my doctor without paying $75 per visit (more manageable than $200 monthly) does anyone have any advice ):

14:52 UTC


Patient Abuse in the Practice of Medicine is Much Worse Now

If you want to understand why patient abuse occurs in the practice of medicine for both common and uncommon chronic illnesses, then you must first have challenging chronic illnesses - not challenging in enduring effort, but in the difficulty to diagnose or treat. In this way, experience, evidence, and understanding on why and how the practice of medicine fails can be obtained and shared.

Here is a link to my experience and evidence regarding challenging illnesses at the Mayo Clinic:


Here is a link to my experience and evidence regarding challenging illnesses at the UCLA Medical Center:


Here is a link to a simple timeline showing what happened to the clinical side of Evidence-Based Medicine:


Here is a link showing the most well-known failure in today's practice of medicine, according to fibromyalgia researchers, and the reason why (comorbidities):


22:39 UTC


How do you find cost estimate of a care? I've an upcoming surgery.

I've an upcoming surgery and I'm trying to get an estimate of how it's going to cost. Hospital is not providing clear details on it and insurance agents haven't been super helpful either. It's soo frustrating!

How were you able to get an estimate for your care? Anything would help! 🙏

22:22 UTC


Canadian in the US unsure on what to do

I'm looking to do preventative blood assessments and according to my doctor you need symptoms to have this sort of care covered via my private insurance through my employer. I genuinely felt bad for the doctor since he talked about his frustration with insurance.

Or do I state symptoms over multiple visits to get the right blood tests? I was told there are buzz word symptoms I need to say to get some care etc

Is there a reputable lab that I can pay out of pocket to do a comprehensive blood assessment? Thanks!

21:32 UTC


Any recommendations for a suitable alternative to RFKJ in terms of being a public role model for his target demographic and their health concerns?

Basically someone with similar fears/concerns/values as RFKJ and his demographic but can provide guidance/solutions in a more responsible evidence-based manner? Ideally someone who already has a strong social media presence so people currently being lead astray by RFKJ can be redirected to this person or organization instead?

19:00 UTC


Process to get a vasectomy

I'm not asking about the actual surgery or details like that. I'm more so wondering about everything prior. Do you just sign up for one and then have one done, or is there any information they try to get you to know prior? What degree do medical practitioners ensure that the patient knows what they're getting into? Is it consistently that way or is it doctor to doctor/ hospital to hospital?

18:11 UTC


My girlfriends migraine medicine went from $0 a month with insurance to $1000 a month and she can’t afford it

She takes nurtec along with sumitriptan. She’s a stylist and has had to cancel clients and entire days at work because of it. We’re at our wits end trying to figure out a way to get her the medication she needs. To any medical professionals here, is there any way around this insane price increase?

17:58 UTC


Best Transcription AI/Service for medical appointments - High Accuracy, Speaker Labels etc.?

I have iPhone audio recordings of doctor appts. that I need transcribed accurately as possible. Most importantly:

  • High word and terminology accuracy – no gibberish or misinterpretations
  • Proper speaker labeling – especially when speakers interrupt or overlap
  • Clear formatting, making it easy to review the conversation

An awesome bonus would be if it also summarized key points, but accuracy is my top priority.

For context: I have chronic issues (hEDS + comorbidities) and see multiple providers. Accurate, searchable transcripts help me track recommendations, recall key details, and clarify anything I missed.

Reasonably-priced paid options welcome. Any recommendations? Thanks!

17:38 UTC


Should I Use Medicaid for My Appointment Today? (Dual Insurance Question)

14:01 UTC


How is the health care system in the UK? 🇬🇧

01:42 UTC

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