
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit for general discussion, media, ID requests, and questions pertaining to leeches (subclass Hirudinea).

This is a subreddit for general discussion, media, ID requests, and questions pertaining to leeches (subclass Hirudinea).

Subreddit Rules

  1. Be civil.
  2. Avoid misinfo and alarmist claims.
  3. Do not seek or provide medical advice.
  4. Content depicting blood or injuries must be appropriately flagged.
  5. ID requests for wildlife require a geographic location in the title.


Care Sheets

  • Hirudo: 1, 2 (de)

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Header image licensed royalty-free by NNehring


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What species of leech is this?

Canada Ontario. Found this dude swimming around and I've never seen this species before any ideas?

19:17 UTC


Other animals with my leeches

I want to have some other aquatic creatures with my leeches but I want to make sure it’s safe and won’t cause any stress to the other animals. I’ve heard maybe certain kinds of snails and shrimp? Also, if there is a small aquatic creature I can keep with them could you send me a link to a good care guide for the species?

00:56 UTC


Could leeches eat blood solidified with agar?

Making blood sausages with pig intestines and human blood doesn't really do it for me. Could I solidify the blood with agar and feed leeches the cubes?

17:30 UTC



So, I will be updating my leech setup soon, from a techless 10l setup to a 52l setup with a filter and a light. I'm planning on creating a blackwater tank with lots of botanicals, wood and plants (of course a few stones). This got me thinking about some tankmates.... so I own 5 very big H.verbana leeches and I've been thinking about adding a few tiny snails as a clean up crew. Maybe even some neon tetras, as they love blackwater and are very timid and peaceful.(I don't think my leeches would try to feed on them, they are way too small and quick) Does anyone have experience with tankmates for leeches?

(Also, yes I do feed them on myself and I am very aware that this kinda tank setup very much increases the infection risk. I'm just gonna quarantine the leeches for like a week before feeding, no risk no fun.)

16:22 UTC


How would I ship leeches?

So I’m thinking of breeding and selling my leeches, but I’m not so sure what container I would use to ship them. More importantly what material would I use to put in the containers to keep the leeches moist but make sure they don’t slosh around during shipping? And also how would I ensure that they’re treated with care during shipping.

04:19 UTC


Found a leech on my turtle…

00:46 UTC


While watching the leeches in the local pond, I noticed these bumps on the bottom. Left side towards my finger. What are these?

04:48 UTC


Leech feeding questions because I want some, but probably would give my Gran a heart attack if I brought some home.

I’m new to this sub and am somewhat considering getting leeches now that I know you can keep them as pets without permits and I’m a huge fan of weird somewhat creepy pets.

  1. How common do leech allergies develop?

  2. Do wild caught leeches have parasites?

  3. Can you feed them cow’s blood and if so, how?

  4. I take two antidepressants, a blood pressure medication, an antibiotic, birth control, an antipsychotic, and an amphetamine for various mental health reasons. Would medications make me unable to feed them in any way?

  5. Does feeding them hurt?

  6. Do leeches have any diseases?

04:12 UTC


Why do leeches just sit there and wiggle

I know why they barely move, but how come they just wiggle all day? It’s not the leech dance. My leeches have their own distinct wiggle which is how I tell them apart. Darwin will kinda just headbang, and Percy will do the worm. I have this video of Percy doing his wiggle. Im just curious, what’s the benefit to them?

1 Comment
03:23 UTC


Looking for a buffalo leech

I used to have some and I'd like to get back into em

19:58 UTC


Does anyone know a company that ships to Hong Kong?

I’ve been trying to find one for months now with no luck. I’ve always wanted to keep leeches so I’ve been looking for a source for a while now but I couldn’t even find anything locally.

14:05 UTC


why does he cling like that?

my little guy has been hanging to one spot on his enclosure's wall, basically unmoving, for the past 3 days now, i was a little worried at first but he seems to be like. totally fine? i poked him a bit today and he swam away to hide in his log for a little while but i checked again just now and he's... doing it again... 😭

he was shedding his skin the first couple days but he seems to just like be hanging out there

it's pretty endearing to be honest but definitely a curious behavior. he's clinging right at the surface of the water, barely partially out. anyone know why he does this? i saw a similar-ish post and read about leech barometers.. it is rainy around this season where i live, so could he actually be doing this because of the predicted rain in over the next couple days??

08:54 UTC


Babies looking for homes

Hello everyone! I have about 30 baby Hirudo verbana babies that are ready to go to new homes 😊

Located in WA, US but am able to ship

19:31 UTC


future leech owner here, how do I start?

I've never owned a leech, never met a leech owner, or even seen a leech in person. I, however, have become hyperfixated on them and am determined to someday own a leech/group of leeches.

I've created a long list of questions I have. However, please comment about anything I need to know about!


  1. What species are generally considered begginer friendly?

  2. What species should a beginner aim to avoid? Are any species illegal, controversial, or dangerous to keep?

  3. What species could be appropriate for a beginner that are also flashier/more colorful than most?

  4. Do leeches prefer social groups/pairs? If so, do any species prefer solitude?

  5. What are the biggest pros and cons that you wish you knew sooner about leech ownership?

  6. What is something unexpected, but not necessarily bad, that you wish you knew before getting into owning a leech?

  7. Is there such thing as too big or too small in leech habitats?

  8. I have a 10 gallon tank with live/silk plants, pebbles, larger decor rocms, marimo, adjustable heater, and HOB filter w/adjustable flow housing "pest" snails and a betta. Could this tank house a leech, given the fish and probably snails were removed?"

  9. What goes into feeding a leech? How often? How long/much? Do they ever need to be cut off, or do they stop when needed? Above all, does it hurt?

  10. Are leeches able to be handled, and if so, can they enjoy it? Extending that, do they have the mental capabilities to remember and attach experiences and/or emotions to their caretakers?

  11. Are there any proven medicinal benefits leeches provide, even if you own only a few?

  12. Can you send me pics of your enclosures with (if you don't mind explaining) the logistics and key components as a visual guide? Pics of your leeches would also be cool :)

21:34 UTC


how long should I leave alder cones/catappa leaves in the tank?

i just want to make sure my buddy will be OK, so i dropped a few alder cones in his tank a few hours ago. he's not lumpy or anything i just wanted to be sure.. the water is already colored - how long should i leave them in there?

12:58 UTC


Hi NEW leech owner

Hello I'm a new leech caretaker. I have been perusing the comments for a bit and learned quite a few things, some that were contradictory from what I was told from a YouTube video ( not the best and reliability but I couldn't find any other info out there sadly) I was told it was okay to handle Sanchez and Bert (my leeches) but on here it says my skin hurts them, I've been gently petting them, only sometimes they move away, I don't force it when they do, but more often than not they are content to hang off the side of the wall and chill so I hope I haven't been hurting them. I also learned I bought from the wrong place, I bought from leeches.com and in here it says they are a bad site to buy from. If so I feel bad but their little lives are in my hands now. There is a video attached of their home (hopefully). I have so many questions but this post is mostly about those two questions and the video, is my setup for them making them happy or do I need to change it (meager budget)

19:04 UTC


Non-leech owner Q&A!

Use this post to (respectfully) ask all your burning questions! Us leech owners will do our best to to answer.

00:02 UTC


Leeches and Weed

Hi, I have a question... So I do like to smoke a little bit of weed from time to time. Usually a few times a year, but the last smoke was two days ago. Today I cleaned my leech tank and one of them is clearly hungry, he even latched onto my glove. So, does anyone know how long I should wait to feed him after smoking weed? I would really like to feed him today, but I'm worried it might harm him....

1 Comment
12:52 UTC


Temperature for leeches?

Hey, so I wanna keep leeches but I live in Florida. Air con is everywhere, so they won't be boiling in 90 degrees, but they will be at like 70-73 degrees room temperature. Is that a problem? I hate AC and my tarantulas need it above 70, so turning the temperature down isn't really an option.

Also, is there anywhere in Florida to get leeches? Leech .com seems decent but I just want like three leeches, not just one or 400.

03:13 UTC


Are they just cuddling, or "cuddling"? 😂

I'm brand new to keeping leeches, I just got some yesterday. I noticed they like to lay together in a huddle, which is really cute lol but these ones were twisted together 😂 what did I witness?

01:11 UTC


What are medicinal leeches fed in labs?

How do biopharma companies keep their leeches fed and sterile?

16:38 UTC


Algae buildup

How have you guys been dealing with algae?

I used to have a snail in with my ribbon leech that cleaned the tank, but now with my verbanas I can't. I'm noticing a buildup of algae on the rocks and glass even after a thorough cleaning and water change.

Any recommendations for how to get rid of it?

02:03 UTC


My leeches arrived!

I bought some medical leeche and I didn't expect them to be so adorable! I'll probably try feeding them this weekend. How often should I feed them? I found quite different time frames in literature (from weekly to twice a year).

12:31 UTC


I want a leech that is easy to care for & large.

I want a leech that is big & easy to care for. I've never had a pet leech before. What species should I get & where should I buy it? The leech having pretty colours would also be cool.

11:21 UTC


What type of leech might this be (alberta canada wetland)

Alberta canada, found in marsh land.

Has some black spine like markings, almost transluscent. It doesn't seem to like swimming, it just moves like an inchworm along the glass and the log over got in my palidarium.

Does this type of leech eat algae? It doesn't seem to approach any frogs or anything.

1 Comment
01:19 UTC

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