All about slugs!
My slug seems to be flattened on one side of his body, his tail end. His other half is perfectly fine, but the other is flattened. Does anyone know anything about this?
Such a long slug. He's ridiculously quick too. He's definitely fascinating to watch.
Just fed him some broccoli and I just saw his nose (pnuemostome)
Im new at this. Big momma arion had some babies. Do I have to do anything special to care for the little guys? Should I murder the smallest ones like GALS keepers do? Or can I just let them make a giant incest colony with no drawbacks
Camano Island, Washington. Big slug was working/sucking on the little slug for ~15 minutes before they abandoned it. Little slug did not make it.
Ok so I am new to having slugs and I got a spray bottle for him. I cleaned it with soap and thoroughly rinsed it but now I’m reading that I shouldn’t not have done that…. Should I get a new mister? Or just clean it again with vinegar? Thanks yall!
What species does one keep! Id love to know what one you all keep and to know which species is the most common in Captivity. Furthermore Why did you keep that slug? Did you fall in love with it's looks? Or some other reason?
Been missing when I used to have 2 slugs in my Terriaum. I have snails, worms, and some Rollie pollies in there n I barely see them compared to when I had my slug that was out all the time so I rlly miss the slugs😭🙏