All about slugs!
My local store has these very cheap essentially Jellycat knockoffs of a bunch of animals, they’re called palm pals ($6 USD) and they have a slug one named Emily (#1-429). She is so cute. Since I can’t have a pet slug at work she shall be my pet slug. That is all.
I found her in a pretty dry area and I'm taking her home 😌 any tips?(I have a 14 cm x 14 cm x 15 cm fishtank I'm turning into a terrarium when i get home. Rn she's in an ice cream container with a million holes in the lid)
First time slug owner so I don’t know much and may be worried over nothing, but what in the world is the yellow cluster?
Saw this cool guy out in the armstrong redwoods!! dream come true!😁
Please don’t laugh, I know how stupid that sounds but I’m honestly unsure and can’t find anything on the internet. I know they need moisture and moist soil but do I need to add a little thing for my slug to drink from or could that be dangerous (like could he drown)? Like I said, please don’t laugh. I added a picture of Simon’s terrarium. I have small lids for his food and water but don’t know if the water dish is necessary. He’s currently sleeping under his little fake plastic tree lol it’s wet because I just gave it a fresh misting…there’s a lid with holes and I cover that with garden mesh to keep him from escaping.
Very close together because they lack a concept of personal space.
100% my favorite slug pic ever I MEAN LOOK AT HIM 🥹
I don’t know where else to express this but here of course. It just hit me that my little buddy goes to the same spot each day, a little cozy hole. Isn’t that remarkable for a “slug”? It’s something a mammal would do…go to his same “den” each day and comes out at night. I think it’s pretty cool unless of course you guys don’t think so and tell me “well, duh”…like how smart are they?
Hello, I have been with this slug for almost 4 months and now it's getting white on its tail and I'm concerned if it is a illness and if it can pass to the other slugs (i got 2 more )
Hello! I made a post a month or so ago regarding my uni project, and am currently searching for leopard slugs as part of it. I'm having a hard time finding them this time of year, so just wondered if there were any breeders/sellers in the UK who deliver? I'm based in Wales for the year and need at least 2 leopard slugs (they are not harmed in any way as part of the project, and I would keep any captive-bred individuals as pets afterward 😊) Anyone who sells in the UK or even ships please let me know! Thank you
Hi all, I don’t know if this is the right space for my questions but here goes…
I’m in the UK.. and I have ocd which involves excessive cleaning to avoid contamination. This has stemmed from a slug that got into my front door 3 weeks ago and I actually went over it with my Hoover but cleaning that and the floor.
Since then I am convinced everything in my house is contaminated in some way and I am constantly cleaning things and my hands in order to avoid becoming unwell or getting a parasite or whatever.
I heard about a story in Australia where a guy ate one as a dare then because paralysed and died. My question is, how much of a risk are they exactly to human health in general?