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15:49 UTC


Ginger guys with long hair aren't for everyone.

11:01 UTC


Who wants my muscular crotch?

12:53 UTC


Is this a sauce you've heard of before?

17:21 UTC


Who is willing to carry my weight?

1 Comment
16:58 UTC


The Longest Two Minutes Of My Life - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 40 - Topics in the comments!

16:27 UTC


Are they well-known? Please, sauce

15:52 UTC


Ginger men with beards are universally popular.

13:39 UTC


Hairy ginger dudes aren't everyone's cup of tea, and it's understandable.

12:39 UTC


Long-haired ginger males aren't popular with everyone.

11:28 UTC


After teasing his hole, the actor slid straight in.

10:16 UTC


Slid straight in after teasing his hole, just like that, you like the motionr

06:50 UTC


I've been suffering from a severe case of morning sickness.

05:35 UTC


Living, Loving, And Learning Life! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 39 - Topics in the comments!

1 Comment
18:46 UTC


Thanks! Hair! Voice! Happenings! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 38 - Topics in the comments!

1 Comment
22:23 UTC


Habits! Happiness! More H’s! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 37- Topics in the comments & description!

1 Comment
18:00 UTC


White Nationalism Is A Real Thing! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 36 - Topics in the comments & description!

1 Comment
14:03 UTC


You lose, I win! Decisions! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 35 - Topics in the comments & description!

1 Comment
22:11 UTC


The Power of Now … and NEWS! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 34 - Topics in the comments & description!

1 Comment
15:28 UTC


Q & A series w/ a trans woman! - #DwhellOnIt Ep. 33: Advice, transitioning & transphobia! - Topics in the comments & description!

1 Comment
00:03 UTC


Long Distance sound cool to you?

Check out r/gaylongdistance. A place to interact with others also open to a long-distance LTR.

Hey! You never know ;)

04:12 UTC


I just remember how soon I'm going to lose my genitals.

I'm so happy. I'm so afraid.

I'm a nineteen year old agneder person. I'm having surgery tomorrow that will make me completely smooth and gender downstairs. I honestly don't know how I feel.

I've wanted this for so long. I know I'll be happier soon. But this isn't something I can ever go back from.

I keep thinking about all the last times I'll do something with my genitals. My last shower with them is coming soon, my last masturbation with a full apparatus is too. Or even weird things like my last subway ride, or last movie night. It's weird. This could be my last post.

I sometimes have to remind myself that this is a happy thing.

I guess this is a lot like when I was about to turn eighteen. I know there'll be some things I can never do again, but I don't think I'll want to in the end, this is part of me growing up.

I've already had my last Thanksgiving, last Christmas and last Halloween as someone physically female. That's just weird to think about.

Anyone here related or have any advice?

Edit: it's not tomorrow, that was just straight up a mistake, its just soon

20:47 UTC


I'm getting my genitals removed in november. October is ending. I'm afraid of everything.

Hello. I am an nineteen year old agender person. I have experinced very bad genital dysphoria my entire life, to an extent where doing activities that require me to notice/feel/see my genitalia will make me incredibly upset.

After more then a year of planning and my father's help I'm finally doing it. It feels like I'm finally destroying part of myself that hurts me. But it still feels like I'm destroying a part of myself.

I've gotten a lot of hatred for talking about this with people. I've been told that I'm mutilating myself, or that I'll be unhappy. On an intellectual level I know that it's like saying removing a tumor is a mutilation. My genitals only cause me pain, I am too dysphoric to ever use my genitals sexually, in fact removing them will actually make it easier to have sex as I'll be able to actually be touched down there.

Still. There's this very basic instinct not to have my body destroyed. And then fears that something will go wrong, I'm going to be cut open (and not in the way that turns me on). Even if there's a 99% chance nothing will go worng, my brain keeps thinking of the 1% chance something does. And the fact that a simple mistake will lead me to never being able to orgasm again.

I geuss my brain is just wracked with nervousness. The reaction amoung people I know is also something I fear. I've been waiting to tell a lot of people, just as from what I know from other people who've had everything removed it's easier to explain to people after the fact.

However. I know for a fact a lot of people will find out who know me. I've never faced much bigotry before (something I'm weirdly ashamed of), I live in a liberal part of Manhattan, so everyone is pretty accepting. However, many people are 'accepting' in a way that doesn't exactly see enby people as human. I am fully aware that there are a lot of people who will stop being accepting of me as their model enby once they know I've had bottom surgery. There was a time when I thought of the left as less tolerant, now I realize your avergae leftist only sees enby people as tools to further their own egos.

I had similar nervousness as to this when I had my womb removed. Even though that part causes a lot less in the wya of issues, I'm so happy its gone. Just feeling that there's nothing there where my womb once was in my belly makes me happy.

There's also just the intense loneliness and alienation being genderless has given to me. I don't feel like a normal human, I know that this isn't how normal humans should feel about heir bodies. I just don't feel like I'm like anyone else, and it feels like this world wasn't built for people like me.

There are good things. My gf will live with me soon. And that means I'll be able to touch her or talk to her whenever I want. Mabye it's just having lived through a tyrannical lockdown, but that means a lot to me. I'm also dressing as Kris Deltarune for Halloween soon, so that's from.

Anyone have any advice or anything on having these emotions. I feel so alone, and so afraid.

19:05 UTC


My gf is finally moving in with me. It looks like my life has good news now

Hey. I'm a nineteen year old agender person. I continue to exist. My girlfreind is cishet. I come from a very liberal area of Manhattan, she's from a somewhat conservative area of brooklyn.

There was recntly a big issue with her family, becuase they caught me sleeping with her in a way where it was clear I was afab. They're very upset about her having sexual or romantic realations with an afab person, with a lot of her family seemly having a wierd mental breakdown.

Because it's not really safe for her at home, for the momment she'll be moving in with me. We're all legal adults so it can be done.

I'm happy she's finally able to leave her family, at least to be away from them right now. And it's very nice to be able to be with her. It really hurt to not be able to comfort or hold her directly durirng the days after to insadenet. I'm really happy to finally be able to hold her and hug her again.

At least her moving in is good news. Though I'm a bit nervous about it. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with living with a girl? Or have any advice on how to comfort her?

I'm also getting my genitalia removed this november. So I geuss there's a lot of good things happening right now that makes me nervous.

16:07 UTC


Wow. I can't believe I actually wont have genitalia next month.

Heyey, Im a nineteen year old agender person. I was just reminded by my brain that I'm actually finally getting my genitals removed in November. Like, that's actually ahppening.

I've waited my entire life to finally not have a vagina anymore. Like, it's hard to describe, and can sound really pathetic, but living in my body as is has been really hard. It'll be all over soon, it'll all be over soon.

My dad has set everything up to have it done in march. I'll finally have the body I always dreamed of soon. I'll have no gendered organs soon, my crotch will just be smooth skin with a small hole for urine.

Soon I'll be able to be naked infront of my grilffreind (which is good because she might have to move in here if her family kicks her out). I wont be having panic attacks from seeing myself nude while changing. I'll finally be able to just exist in a state that isn't that of pure uncomfterbility and mascaraed. I'll finally be able to feel like an actual human being and not some sort of deformed creature.

Fuck, it's weird to think about how scary this sounds to most people. There's a weird kind of horible when everyone else sees something that makes you happy as scary. Like, there's so many people here who would rather see me constantly unhappy because I'd closer conform to what they see as normal.

That being said. I am quite afraid of actually going under the knife. IT's weird to imagin my body cut open (and not in the sexy way). As well as all the stuf my dad had to do to get the surgery done in a safe and legal way (it was a high level white privlege move). But hey, I geuss it's too late to tell him now.

Living in Manhattan I never had to worry about telling people I'm enby. Telling people I've had bottom surgery to make myslef smooth could get more weird looks. I honeslty don't know how I'd explain this to anyone.

I'd really like any advice anyone would have about dealing with this type of stuff. I'm also free to answer any questions most people have about this stuff. Please don't be afraid of me.

19:17 UTC

15:49 UTC


It does get better

I've been working from home for almost 2 years. (before the pandemic started) I quit the full-time office job that I had for 3 years.

I was honestly scared about doing freelancing work. Like what if I suddenly get cut and end up being jobless. Thankfully I even got a new job role for the same company.

I recently joined a nonprofit organization and helping them get the word out as a way to somehow give back.

Healing Habits made a free app for people with depression or anxiety. Gameface teaches you to look for the happiest person in a crowd of other emotive faces. By doing this repeatedly and as quickly as possible, it will aid the training of an automatic response that is looking for acceptance and ignoring rejection.

It's available both for ios and android with absolutely no charge and no data collected: https://happygameface.com/

We hope to reach as many people as possible and make a positive impact on their mental health.

Hope you can share your thoughts about it!


07:29 UTC


I'm so happy today. I just got more news about my genital removeal, its finaly happening.

Wew. Today has been a very much day.

I'm a nineteen year old agender person, and for my entire life (or at least since I reached the age where I was fully human) I've expericed very bad dysphoria about having genitals. quite recently I've recived surgery to finally get rid of my womb. And for awhile I've been seeking surgery that will fully destroy my cervix, vagina, labia, and basically everything other then the clit and ureathra.

This is a happy thing. This isn't tragic, this isn't going to ruin my life.

I've recently gotten more news about it, and I'm so happy. It seems like my dad has gotten everything in order. I'm lucky to have a supportive family and a lot of societal privlege, and this is actually going to be something that's happening.

There are so many things I'm existed about. I'm going to finally be able to be nude with my gf when we fuck, I'll be able to not be upset when doing things like changing or showering, I'll never be upset just think about my body, and just the feeling of my new parts will be so fun. Wow, this sounds pathetic as fuck.

I am worried about what some peopole will think. There are a lot of people who'll end up know, and I honestly think It'll be better if I'm the one to tell them. Even here in Manahatten (a place where almost everyone is progressive), not everyone is going to understand such an unusal surgery. Even trans people won't nessicarily unstand unless it's explained why this is a thing that makes me happy.

Any adicve for moving forward? And any advice for explaining things to peopole? I'm also willing to answer questions.

19:18 UTC


World Suicide Prevention Day - #AreYouOkay?

21:53 UTC


Just a reminder for anyone who may have a young relative questioning their gender, that coming out early, and having supportive people really is important, and to please help them.

Hey. I'm an eighteen year old agender person. I came out of the closet at thirteen years of age, and I'm really happy that I did.

Because I live in Manhattan, most of my peers have been accepting. And because my family is accepting they were accepting. I cannot stress how much this has helped.

Having been out so long has allowed me to become confident. It's allowed me to accept myself and understand my identity. It's allowed me to learn how to dress and act in a way that feels comfortable. And most importantly, it's made me feel like I'm not broken.

Its also saved me from a lot of experiences that would have caused a lot of pain, there's a lot of things that would have been very dysphoric if I had to go through them while living as a female. It's really helped that I haven't had to go through high school as a girl, I know thatvthat would have been the most painful time in my life. Luckily it turned out to be one of the best. And thanks to help I was able to learn how to deal with things happening to my body that I really needed support for.

I've also been able to go through therapy that's allow me to work twords medical transition. I was able to get a hysterectomy recently. And I'll probably be able to have nullification (genital removal) before I turn 20.

I know that not everyone could have had my life. Don't feel bad it f you've had it harder then me e. Someday things will be better. This post was not intended to make anyone feel bad about thier own life.

What this post is realig for, is if you have a gender questioning child, or a young gender questioning friend or family member, please be support. Early transition helped me be the person I am today, I'm really happy that my family was supportive. Please do anything you can to make the queer people in your life happy, especially if you're in a position of authority over them.

04:33 UTC

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