Photograph via snooOG

This sub is a community for people in recovery to share their experience, support, and hope with each other.

A place for Redditors in recovery to hang out, share experiences, and support each other. Discuss the various ways to achieve and maintain a life free from active addiction. Everyone is welcome.

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Links to other Recovery sub-reddits

Programs/Methods of recovery (not affiliated with reddit):

Alcoholics Anonymous


Agnostic AA NYC (includes a worldwide listing of Agnostic AA meetings)

Buddhist Recovery Network

Celebrate Recover

Cocaine Anonymous

Crystal Meth Anonymous

Dual Recovery Anonymous

Gamblers Anonymous

Heroin Anonymous


Marijuana Anonymous

My Way Out

Narcotics Anonymous

Rational Recovery

Secular Organization for Sobriety

SMART Recovery

Women for Sobriety

Links to recovery literature:

Big Book of AA

Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (Bill W)

Various AA pamphlets

Various NA books and pamphlets

Marijuana Anonymous pamphlets

Crystal Meth Anonymous Literature

Other helpful links:

Is AA for you? Quiz

Alcoholic Self Screening Tests

Sober Day Counter

Sober Recovery (recovery resources, very active forum)



a special thanks to /r/alcoholism for allowing us to borrow their sidebar format.


65,102 Subscribers


Oxford House Question

Currently in an Oxford House in West Virginia. Wondering if I have a prescription for a drug am I allowed to take it? What if that drug is THC? If the answer is no, will I have to wait until this reclassification of cannabis goes through to make it a schedule 3 drug so that it can be prescribed by a regular doctor instead of a MMJ doctor? I’m assuming if it can be prescribed like suboxone or painkillers by a primary care doctor then it will certainly fly then, I’m just wondering if I can use a current prescription in the state of WV to do this? Ultimately I know it’s up to the house president and secretary how it will proceed but I just wanted to check in here with anyone knowledgeable on Oxford house rules with prescribed medications.

18:15 UTC


Anyone had a kind of experience like this in recovery?

So second time I'm 8 months clean cold turkey from CM and tbh I feel great I relapsed when I got back 2 weeks from rehab to home because of lack of support, for me because I ended up hitting rock bottom 8 months ago, can I post this here or is this for people currently in recovery? I went to Rehab in a NA based treatment centre it was hard, I was bullied because my inattentive adhd made it so I could not learn dbt in group settings (I did it one to one.) With someone it helped me understand why I was so upset I would push people away. Thank you guided meditations for helping me, I do know I was excluded and it took me a month almost for my buddy to make time for me to get appointments done, i asked people but always got a no. It got so bad that I had to ask staff to let me go by myself. When the buddy system fails and yes Monday group wad like black and white thinking group which I was told by a cace worker was bad, the fact that I was mocked for taking it hard that I ate pork by mistake as staff made stuffed chicken broccoli and I had not realized when I took a bite of one a chicken cordon blue was on my plate by mistake, the worst thing in recovery was being mocked by people who are struggling and when an older lady with another addiction is rude and I found it really hard to speak up when I got into rehab vs now, I am more in tune to my mind and I feel I have a happiness in my eyes moving forward, anyone here ever deal with bullying in recovery, I myself when I went to recovery I always made time to take people to appointments and take them out shopping despite being told I was a danger because I refused to let a fellow addict go into a change room when I was supposed to be with them, was told I was bullying because a roommate used a make up eye pallet I bought but didn't tell me, was shocked but asked her why didn't you ask me before you decided to take it I would have given it to her, because I get infections easily and i could risk getting pink eye(sorry got ocd here.) and had one in recovery after tooth pulled and having a sinus infection, got super sick with covid. But so far towards the end I stupidly got almost kicked out due to my adhd but I loved the staff despite the client's living there that had one scream at me to get out of their face and because being yelled at ended up bringing up trauma and because a room mate lied to staff and her friend in recovery that I yelled when she flushed the toilet twice and it was plugged and flooding when all I asked was if she's sure she flushed it twice out of question since I had to clean the mess with a office staff and staff wanted her to clean it but I volunteered because she said she never cleaned a toilet in her life.. staff weren't really supportive and when we had a trip as a group as I went to a store and have squirrel brain because of that I got left at stores and scary enough I walked back into the treatment centre the fellow women would stare at me when I got upset saying "you're lucky I came back and wasn't lured in by someone using which made people look bad, I blame myself for being overstimulated but was told never to leave anyone on trips alone in a group setting when you go with anyone because you dunno if that person will use while in recovery and have a relapse if left alone, as I have been a missing person before so this is bad for someone who went through that, I told a staff member and thankfully a worker in the office(CCW) did talk to me despite me saying I am lucky I didn't need to use or go out and use if I felt like I was alone, I always make sure the people I take one person that's new is supposed to be close and I keep a close eye. Anyways sorry for the long rant I dunno if this is ok to post how my experience was in treatment but in all honesty I prefer doing it cold turkey, just saying no when anyone offers anything is great, for anyone in recovery, take it day by day and practice self affirmations as that makes the days go good, Journaling at first I was against it but then it turned out I love it.

09:20 UTC


Cognitive “bounceback”

Recently have stepped back from a “casual” drug habit, adderal in the day intermittently (I did not have my own prescription so only when available) and Xanax at night for roughly a year and a half.

Moved away from a living situation that made both of those substances much more inaccessible and it was an adjustment (constantly felt tired/unmotivated) but I was able to persevere and felt normal after some time.

Recently I had a few day long bender which involved crack ketamine and Xanax, crack and ketamine are drugs I have not touched in years. Luckily I posses a reasonable amount of self awareness where I was able to recognize I should not be indulging like that and got myself away from the ‘party’ I was having. After that bender although short lived I feel stronger side effects than any drug I’ve stepped away from previously. My memory is shit, I’m repeating stories to people, every day I struggle to get up and through my day and I can’t shake the exhaustion. Just curious if anyone else has had any similar experience, I’m unsure if I believe I am going to recover but I truly hope so. In general I do not feel as sharp as I did. Which all sounds silly because i truly did not go “off the deep end” before I reeled myself back in. Thanks to anyone who may read this, I am looking forward to reading the replies in search of some faith in the recovery process.

1 Comment
03:01 UTC


How can I help my sister to quit vaping?

Hey, so a bot recommended this sub to me so here goes.

My sister has been vaping since she was at least 20 when she went off to college. She didn’t do well at the college and spiraled into depression and has moved back into our parent’s house for now. Thankfully, per my mom’s request she quit vaping for 3 months, but last week I caught her vaping again. She is (again) more angry and irritated for no reason, and she’s just not herself…

I love my sister with all my heart and I only want the best for her. Please, how can I help her?

00:59 UTC


My boyfriend finally took rehab seriously.

My boyfriend has been an outpatient w/the rehabilitation place he goes to up until today. He relapsed & a few hours later I was dropping him off in front of the gate. I’ve never had to deal with a partner with alcoholism. However, my dad used to be one…but I barely saw the outcomes & if I did, I don’t remember since I was so young. I just hear stories about it. Where do I start? I expected him to relapse at some point while being an outpatient unfortunately. He would go to AA meetings & reward himself w/a drink. Nonetheless, I’m so proud of him for wanting to go in-patient. He was the one who called them & blatantly said, if he doesn’t get checked in today he will relapse once again & he can’t afford to anymore.

Anyways, how did you guys get through it? He recommended me to go to a Al-Anon meeting since I’ve never dealt with something like this, however a support system will be great too. The uncertainty of when I’m going to see him kills me. We have a dog & she knows he’s going to be there for a bit & it bums us out. But it’s for the best. I didn’t believe him for so long..because he was so accustomed to being sneaky with a drink or lying about a bottle. This is all taboo for me. What did you guys do as days gone by while knowing you have a loved one in rehab? What happens after the program itself is done? I’m all so new to this & confused. The days seem so long w/o hearing him downstairs or next to me, but I also don’t miss the times where I would play a guessing game with myself on whether or not he was drunk & about to flip the f*ck out. I’m proud of him & anyone else making the change for themselves & their environment.

(I’ve been journaling & reading again, so thankfully that’s an outlet I’m trying to stay consistent with).

23:12 UTC


Vyvanse in recovery

Hello, I’m 5 (almost 6) years sober from heroin / meth addiction. I’m sober from everything else too but that was my main gig. I have severe adhd and have tried Wellbutrin and strattera, was on each for a long period of time. Wellbutrin did wonders for my mood and depression but I still couldn’t focus on anything or get anything done. Strattera actually worked well but about 6 weeks in I stopped sleeping completely. So now it’s day 1 of vyvanse. Only 10mg. I felt a rush after drinking coffee this morning and it reminded me of meth. I don’t feel triggered, I have no craving or desire to abuse my medication ever (my sober date is way too important to me!) but I do feel a huge sense of guilt like I’ve done something wrong. I’m not sure what feedback I’m hoping to gain from this, other than fellow experiences navigating stimulant medication in recovery.

21:40 UTC


Trying to get clean and sober again but it feels like the worst time for it

I had a pretty bad relapse a few days ago, fully dropped off the grid, spent all my money on a bender and now have finally started to sober up a bit and looking at how quickly I've fucked shit up for myself. I'm a uni student, in the final exam and assignment crunch and I've got so much shit I haven't done and my head's killing me and I feel so fucking nauseous and got cravings real bad.

Seems like there's never a good time, always another reason to say "I'll quit tomorrow", or even to look at at the shit I've done these past couple of days, to have to face my dad and face whatever punishment he's got for me fucking up again and think how easy it is to just keep digging this hole so I don't have to care about any of this.

I don't know a lot of things honestly, I guess I'm wondering if anyone has any experience pushing through responsibilities while trying to manage recovering from a relapse?

18:39 UTC


poor behaviours creeping in

Hi all, currently 8.5 months clean and sober thanks to the program. However, some quite embarrassing and destructive behaviour has taken over instead just recently. Would anyone be free to chat about it please as I don’t necessarily want to post publicly? Thank you 🙏 (male)

22:12 UTC


Feeling left out in recovery house AITA

I’ll start by saying that I’m an alcoholic, and this isn’t my first time in sober living. I am truly grateful for the opportunity once again to be here, and be able to focus on my recovery, but my housemates don’t at all seem to care about their recovery as much as I do, but also I know not to take the other person’s inventory. I’m no better or worse than them obviously, but after 15 years of self-destruction, and a horrible relapse/blackout (alcohol) that scared the shit out of me I decided it was time to get serious, get a sponsor, and begin the steps. All is going smoothly on that front, however I keep getting called out by one housemate in particular for isolating when in reality I’m separating myself from conversations I’d rather not be a part of. I go to my room and read the big book, listen to recovery podcasts, read other recovery literature, etc. I’m 15 days sober this time around and am really protective of my sobriety. Am I an asshole for not wanting to associate? I don’t know either how to say I’d rather not be around the negativity without coming off as a self-righteous prick that thinks he’s better than everyone else. I’m really struggling here. Any advice?

20:43 UTC


What actions did you take to prove to partner / family that you’re working on your recovery and sobriety?

Asking as an ex partner of an addict, trying to understand, or see it there’s a way back, if it can get better.

Apart from therapy, and meetings, and ofc a lot of internal work - What tangible actions did you take to keep your sobriety? Or to show your loved ones that you are indeed putting effort into this?

When I spoke with my ex about this, he couldn’t fathom what else can be done apart from “trying to not do cocaine”. Yet I see more actions possible, like blocking dealers numbers, cutting up credit cards.. maybe I’m assuming that there’s more when there isn’t?

11:58 UTC


Looking to help a friend in NYC get on his feet again

Hi--ok, so sort of a long story, but I connected with an individual on LinkedIn who had hit a rough patch and is now in a homeless shelter. I speak to him every day and the reason we initially connected is we work in the same industry (both creatives working in ad world).

He is well spoken, super smart and an accomplished professional who has worked on projects with legacy companies in NYC and globally as well. He has 0 money, doesn't have touch with family and his friends have let him hit rock bottom, and he is actually thankful they have--he's making fundamental changes addressing some underlying stuff and I'm hopeful for him.

I'm trying to help him out understanding his options are limited and I genuinely want to help him out but I'm in Maine.

In my minds eye, he finds a place with a sober individual or group in Manhattan (where he is now) or Brooklyn until he can land a job. Trade room and board for chores, maybe a church org or something for a month??.Again he doesn't have any money.

Feel sorta helpless being this far away but I'd welcome any resources I can pass onto him and thank you!

23:15 UTC


Tips for coming home

I’ve been clean for the longest time in the longer time TEN DAYS! Woohoo. Small victories.

However; I needed to get away so I’ve been in Florence with my mother. So it has been relatively “easy” as I’ve had a new city and completely outside of my usual environment.

I leave to go home in two days and I’m so scared that this euphoric feeling of being clean and healthy and positive will all crumble when I get home back to the place that I used and was at my lowest. I don’t have a job to go back to as I’ve just completed my masters. Although I’m ruthlessly trying to apply for one!

Any tips on how to prepare myself to go back to my old environment and stay in this positive space… I’m scared and don’t want to let this consume me.

Thank you in advance!

19:33 UTC


Clean in NA for a couple years, used a month ago, can’t stop. Lying to everyone including sponsor and ppl at meetings. I take meetings into facilities while using

I slipped and used some Coke like a month ago. Can’t stop. I’m totally involved in NA and have worked a few steps. So I know I can’t do just one. Of anything.

My dumbass asked a booty call if she could get me Coke. Still going. Plus Xanax involved

I still hit meetings and lie to everyone. Still call sponsor every day. I can’t bear the shame of admitting defeat and surrendering. I take meetings into a rehab every week for fucks sake.

This is fucking making me sick. I surrender here and now to this. ~6k in 29 days. Gone

05:42 UTC



I'm in the ages of 13-15 and I tried meth a few days ago loved it and I've done it 3 times since and loved it but I did it last night and was the best out of all the nights but now I feel empty and feel emotionally numb I've made up mine mind and I'm not doing it again why do I feel like that tho someone could tell me stm and I wouldn't care

01:23 UTC


Just out of rehab

Folks finally pulled the plug in residence recovery but doing some patient stuff. Just felt most of those coming in were where I was months ago and I was pretty much playing mentor. I’m looking at mid recovery at this point. I had work not long ago in it an apt in the Bay Area etc. a lot is gone due to drinking. I’ve accepted the loss and going to rebuild a lot . I have a bunch of options because I’d say I’m a bit less traditional in home/ work for a sense of self. So I’m looking at jobs in Alaska, Wyoming possibly going to Japan to teach.

I really need some suggestions while I plot next steps on mental doctor and physical activities and building to get me back to better than I ever was. I’ve been playing basket back a few days a week I read meditate watch hygiene etc. what did people do post return to the real world outside of just maintaining fellowship? I love biking kayaking etc. museums are close parks beaches music etc.

Thanks Ian

20:39 UTC


Afew days from a year!

Hi everyone, Sorry if the formats not good , it’s first time posting and it’s from IPhone! Thank you to everyone on here, I feel you’ve all helped with your stories and advice more than I imagine any professional could ( in my case at least!) I’m a bit shaky writing this because it’s all been a kind of secret so I’ve never really gone in to detail with anyone influding my family about the horrors and true darkness of it all. It got very bad just over a year ago. I was shaking without alcohol in me and at my worst was sneaking out in the car at 4am before anyone was up to get wine, shakey and getting looks. Down down down from this new level of low. It was pretty much continual administration of the stuff. Kept a bit when I could so I could stop the tremors to tie my kids shoe laces for school. My God. Only the poor cat knew how bad it was. One day around a year ago I just couldn’t handle to physical and mental constant work of it all and wanted to end it , then, instead I rang my best friend and simply said “ I need help!” She arrived and we got the ball rolling and I went to detox for a week. Was put nto contact with a Local recovery service who organised Acomprocate which really worked for me and a weekly one to one session. I wish I’d gone to groups now, as I’ve recently started a course to volunteer my help and talking to the others in recovery really helped, they get it, so I’m going to find one, better late than never! Thankfully ( for now anyway) I have no desire to go back to it. A memory of going to the beach for fish and chips with my kids and husband and suddenly shaking in withdrawal prompting me to run off “ needing the toilet” in an alien town in a desperate attempt to find/ buy alcohol to stop me shaking / having seizure is etched in my mind . Much love, sorry for the essay and if I can get better so can you xx ❤️❤️ ( it’ll be a year on Sunday that I’ve been free)

09:44 UTC


Filling time with previous enjoyments in which I currently don't enjoy? Advice please

I'm on my 3rd attempt to get off cocaine since my use got out of control quickly 10 months ago.

Fortunately I've had a great support network from my family and friends. I've been seen a psychologist, moved psyc, did group classes, see my doctor regularly, smart meetings etc

But what I'm asking for advice on is doing things you used to enjoy and get fulfillment out of before the addiction. They don't satisfy me at all & really seem like a waste of my time, almost like I'm resenting having to do it just to "fill my time". On the other side though anything that is a new hobby or experience I can do readily when needing too feels overly hard to even know where to start. Do I need to buy things for this hobby, I know I'm the type to want to be perfect instantly and lose interest quickly.

So what was your experience, old or new?

08:05 UTC


At a point in my recovery (~17 months clean) I’m weirdly grateful for drug addiction: gave me a gift most people don’t get-the motivation & necessity to face my bullshit head on. Many don’t ever need to, so they don’t.

Yes I do admit in a way, I’m taking other people’s inventory right now, and it’s about me, not them.

But I live by principles and values now, and I realize that many don’t.

I have to live by those principles. If I don’t, I fall for my own bullshit and my disease rears its ugly head and manifests slowly but surely starting with food, shopping, sex, then the drugs.

Then it’s jails institutions and death.

So I’m blessed to get that opportunity.

02:08 UTC


Compassion and empathy are conducive to my recovery.

My(34f) step son’s (15m) mother(36f) is a fucking train wreck. My fiance(35m) and myself have been trying for full custody since June 2020 after she put a gun to her head in front of SS. He called 911 because he was scared, we came and picked him up from her house at 3a. Michigan really favors mothers so we kept getting absolutely nowhere until we hired an attorney. The very best family lawyer in my area. We then were granted full physical and legal custody of SS. It’s been a WILD ride with her.

We recently found out from SS on her one weekend a month she sees him, 2 city detectives came to her house to question her and her weirdo boyfriend. Apparently, they broke in to a CHURCH and stole stuff from the church. Her dad reached out to us as the detectives said the investigation has ongoing since early December. They are completely 100% positively ID’d by a county sheriffs deputy, who, knows them personally.

I shared my feelings in group yesterday after I found out about this right before I went in to group. I shared that I felt “gleeful” upon hearing of her legal issues. She is FINALLY getting back all that bad karma she put out.

The group facilitator told me that I need to have some compassion and empathy. Like why tf would I do that? She made my life hell! I need to have compassion and empathy because it’s the next right thing. I’ve done awful awful things in active use so who am I to judge? Just because I never got caught doesn’t mean I didn’t steal, lie, or cheat. Recovery is recovery. Period. You can’t keep it unless you give it away.

Not much to do at this point other than remind myself that I don’t have to like someone to cheer for them. Seeing it from that different point of view has almost given me an existential crisis.

I pray to my higher power for compassion and empathy instead of hatred.

We can recover- Just for today.

20:09 UTC


Back to rehab again

Any tips or advice for me? I’m going back to rehab again in a few days.. anything to prepare or help me walking into hell again is appreciated 😭🙏

19:56 UTC


Detox/Rehab options around AR or surrounding states no insurance or self/monthly pay?

The places I have called said my insurance deductible is too high, therefore I’d be paying 10k up front before the treatment even started. I cannot do that. I’m willingly to pay a large amount up front or monthly, I need detox and at least some time in residential. I am desperately in need of help, or I know I will die on this stuff. I’m begging you guys for advice or help. Even any rehabs you’ve been to in your state or have heard of, I’m willing to fly there to get the help.

23:23 UTC


how to go to the bar with friends and stay sober?

edit 2: I deeply appreciate everyone's responses, thank you all for taking the time to share what's helped you. I'm definitely pocketing a lot of these strategies. <3

edit: If your only advice is "don't go" then please just refrain from commenting. I'm seeking advice on how to cope with a situation, not asking for people to tell me to avoid it.

i go semi regularly to our towns local gay bar with my friends, as an LGBT person it's one of the only public places I feel truly respected and safe and I love the events there, but i don't know how to go to a bar without craving a drink, especially a bar that has posters for my favorite beverage plastered all over the place. it feels a bit overwhelming. anyone have any advice for hanging with friends around old haunts so to speak and not feeling the need or desire to drink? i ask my higher power for help and guidance and it works well enough that I don't drink but I was wondering if anyone else had advice. i have just over 3 months (93 days) and want to keep it that way!!!

22:08 UTC


Relapsed and I can't tell anyone

Just feel like my life is absolutely falling apart and I've been spiralling and shit and I can't even remember why I thought it would be a good idea to get high, and I can't tell my dad because he'll be so pissed of and everyone's gonna be so disapointed and shit, and I still wanna just keep dissapointing and say this is gonna be my life from now - no more trying to recover and just getting fucked up everyday even though I know how this shit goes.

Sorry for the ramble, just had to confess shit to someone.

21:29 UTC


What are some ways and tips to manage lack of motivation and energy from anhedonia and ramped anxiety?

Hello all, I will be brief, I stopped kratom about 8-9 weeks ago. I knew what effect to expect after, but i also havent dealt living with less of a filter on my mind. Anyhow, anhedonia and anxiety has been at an all time high. We debated going back to kratom but am trying to avoid that. The issue is that the anxiety is crippling almost every daily aspect of life, causing an almost lack of well anything which is the anhedonia, the insomnia is hell, and we are mitigating that. Yet managing on without energy or ability is driving me into a wall, and I know that its possible to live without crutches but, idk maybe im just weak.

19:41 UTC



FIVE DAYS! How exciting. I somehow feel lonely in my celebrations because no one around me knew/knows the extent of my addiction.
So I want to say thank you to everyone here for being my audience to my tiny celebration. And I want to say well done to everyone for their victories that they celebrate with their loved ones, or on their own. We got this ♥️

08:12 UTC


God somebody please help me right now

I have to sleep. I have to study for a test tomorrow. I’m just 17. I’m also over three years sober from benzos and heroin. My doctor prescribed me one singular diazepam for moments like these and oh god I want to take it, so so bad, but I know it’s a relapse and I slippery slope. I need to sleep. How can I sleep? Tonight was one of the most traumatic nights of my life people somebody help me stay sober

05:47 UTC


relapsed off of meth

I was clean for 8 months and I just used yesterday, and I'm coming down bad I don't want to use again but all the shame and guilt is getting to me.

03:16 UTC


Terrible ADHD

Okay I’ve been raw dogging my ADHD since mid college and am 30 now. I started abusing the stims in high school and through the beginning of college so I can’t take those anymore becuase I 100% will abuse them. Straterra doesn’t really do anything besides give me constipation. Same for Qelbree. Bupropion gives me anxiety. Am I out of options? How do you manage?

1 Comment
01:27 UTC


Methadone taper- crying all the time

Hi everyone: I’m a fentanyl addict in recovery (Haven’t used in one year; on methadone for past several years). I’ve been tapering off methadone since October, highest dose 85mg and I sit here today on 23mg (dropping 3mg Qweek).

I find myself, especially in the am before my dose, emotional/crying all the time. It’s not even out of sadness per se. It’s just overwhelming. I’ve said goodbye to my past and all the bridges I’ve burnt. I’m embarking on a new career path (teaching English as a foreign language) once I’m off this shit and more mobile internationally. I have my whole damn life ahead of me and that’s both exciting and incredibly overwhelming/scary. Life is so uncertain now.

No one ever tells you getting off methadone is its own journey. I guess I just wanted to get this off my chest and connect with anyone who can relate.

15:17 UTC


The worst (relapse) bender mental breakdown/psychosis episode ever has probably ruined my reputation with everyone I know

First off, yes I am accountable for my actions.

Going on a near 4 day coke and alcohol bender...and the psychosis starts to kick in. It's a long story but started to think my own extended family had bugged my apartment. I then go and send a text message to probably 99% of my contacts to stop hanging out with me and that I "fucking hate you all" and all kinds of other coked . Second worst part, I started to SH. I randomly showed up to a family members house so coked out of my mind with scars all over my arms and legs. Then I went on an unhinged group text rant to my entire cousins telling to them never call or talk to me again.

Holy fucking shit I want to delete this from my memory...it's literally killing me. If it wasn't obvious that I was a drug addict before then sure as hell it is now. Fucking hell man, there's going to be zero way to recover from this fucking nightmare of a disaster I did. I have no idea if I am ever going to be able to show my face to anyone I know ever again

05:55 UTC

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