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    Is buying and selling in different plattforms a smart move?

    I saw a web site that has a higher price in a coin compared to binance, is it a good idea to buy in binance, move all the currency into that web, sell the coins and then send back to binance and repeat until the difference is gone? I was wondering, I did it once earlier with a small amount and there was no problem, apparently there is no max withdrawal ammount a day, I dont know about the maximum ammount you can withdraw, there is the KYC proccess, I saw that there is only one coin with price difference and thats pretty much it, have you found something like this before? Would you advice to invest more and try to earn something until the difference is still there? I would appreciate an answer, thank you

    02:15 UTC


    Final 17 Hours to vote in Moon Week 47

    If you haven't voted you have 17 hours left to vote in Moon Week 47. Moons that were in wallets when the snapshot took place are eligible to vote.

    Direct links to Snapshot voting for Moon Week below:

    Any Moons (Nova/One) that were in your wallet at the time of Snapshot on April 1st are eligible to vote. all polls are passed 66% of quorum at 6M moons. All polls have hit quorum.

    Moon Week 47 Post can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1btcrc7/moon_week_47/

    01:51 UTC


    Daily Crypto Discussion - April 8, 2024 (GMT+0)

    Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.



    Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

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    00:01 UTC


    Be aware of CEX[.]io.

    Likely many of you are aware of the memes that are floating around where a watermark of CEX[.]io can be seen. Digging a bit further, the exchange looks rather sketchy. The domain is privately registered, their subreddit is filled with people complaining about not being able to withdraw, and most importantly, making false claims about being FDIC insured [1]. Please be aware of scammers.

    [1]. https://www.fdic.gov/resources/regulations/laws/section-18a4-of-fdi-act/letters/2023-02-15-lutskeyvch-et-al.pdf

    1 Comment
    22:58 UTC


    Locked out of funds: Cannot unstake BNB from using trust wallet web extension with Ledger Nano S & X

    This is driving me up the wall. Trustwallet support seems useless and it appears to be the only way to manage staking on BNB these days since the binance staking site only supports trust wallet now. Originally I staked using the BNB Chain Wallet but this is no longer supported on the staking page.

    There are two approaches to unstake both don't work and both involve the trust wallet browser extension (latest 2.9.3):
    Method 1 - Unstaking via bnbchain.org page (link above):

    1. Click connect wallet and connect via trust wallet
    2. Click 'My Staking' also on the top right
    3. Click 'undelegate' button
    4. Enter amount to undelegate, click undelegate on the modal
    5. Trustwallet prompt comes up > Click confirm
    6. Error: 400 Network error shows up:


    Method 2 - Unstaking using only trust wallet extension

    1. Open trust wallet extension
    2. Click on your BNB holdings on Binance
    3. Click on 'Native staking' grey box
    4. Should take you to a new page, click 'unstake'
    5. Enter amount to unstake, click 'Unstake now'
    6. Click confirm
    7. Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'validatorAddress')


    Basically I'm locked out of my funds considering I can't unstake which also means I can't migrate to Binance Smart Chain.

    Tried multiple browsers (Brave, Chrome, Edge) and multiple hardware wallets Ledger Nano S & X.

    Are there any apps which support Ledger and can unstake BNB without needing trustwallet? I did look and couldn't find anything.

    Any ideas welcome because I'm running out.

    1 Comment
    22:17 UTC


    Long term investment and exit strategy

    I've been interested in the crypto space for the last few years, and thanks to a fortunate mixture of timing and ponderate investments, I managed to gather a decent portfolio of ETH, BTC, DOT and SHIB where everything is in the green and, at this very moment, up for around 90% of my initial investment. Roughly 70% of my crypto is ETH, 15% is staked DOT with roughly 0.35 return pet day, the rest is BTC and SHIB. This is not exactly life-changing money, but still a considerable asset I was thinking using to buy a house - or at least, to pay for part of the advancement that won't be covered by the mortgage. Now, I am torn. I might be able to get the money I need for the house elsewhere, but using my crypto would just make everything so much easier and faster. On the other hand, I'm fairly confident in the projects I invested in, and would happily keep those crypto there for the next 10 years.

    How are you guys handling your invested money, and what is your medium- to long term exit strategy?

    21:19 UTC


    20k ready for next bear market

    Me personally I seem super bullish on Solano personally , but there are many other coins out there that seem bullish!

    I have no context of what these coins do I’m more heavily into investing in the stock market now religiously but do understand the fundamentals of market cap and coin supply, and would like to learn

    “IF” we see a bear market in the future what coins would you guys recommend me to dump 20k into and also why ?

    Yes I missed the first and second rounds of the bull market , but have been doing good with the stock market , someone shed some light 💡

    19:59 UTC


    Blockchain Development in Rust - Course and Learning Materials Recommendations

    For context, I’m a cloud engineer looking to branch into blockchain. I’m really interested in solana and eth chains and would love to explore some courses or learning materials that are blockchain specific but in rust.

    I’m cloud affluent (obviously being a cloud engineer) and write automation in python, JavaScript/typescript all day. I wouldn’t say I’m a software engineer but definitely at a point I can catch on quick and build basic applications.

    What are some great rust blockchain development resources? Any courses or great books out there that can at least help me build a solid baseline to steady state?

    1 Comment
    19:24 UTC


    Where is my crypto? Accidentally selected wrong coin to recieve.

    tl;dr Sent BTC from KuCoin to Fetch.ai wallet in Coinbase. Crypto currently lost.

    Context: I'm a crypto noob.

    Goal: Send BTC from my KuCoin account to my Coinbase account.

    Steps Taken

    1. In Coinbase, selected 'Transfer > Receive Crypto'
    2. Default selection was 'Fetch.AI'. I didn't change it, so this is where I screwed up
    3. Copied Fetch address
    4. In KuCoin went to withdraw, selected my BTC and input the Fetch.AI wallet address from step 2/3. Used KCC network and submitted.

    Current Status

    • Withdrawal of BTC from KuCoin completed
    • The BTC didn't show up in Coinbase
    • KuCoin says talk to Coinbase. Coinbase says talk to KuCoin.
    • Where is the BTC? How do I find it.

    This is really stressing me out, so if you have any guidance or insights into whether the BTC can be recovered please help. Thank you!

    18:51 UTC


    Interested in breaking into the mathematics and theory of Cryptocurrency and other systems (Web 3, smart contracts, etc). Can anyone recommend some sources?

    Hi all, sorry if this is not the right place to ask.

    I’m a mathematics and computer science student finishing up my second year of school. I’ve been following crypto loosely for about 5 years and built up a small portfolio. Besides a very general overview of how hashing and mining bitcoin works, I have a pretty limited working knowledge on blockchain and related technology.

    I’m interested in getting more involved with crypto, especially the math behind it and how all the different systems work. Can anyone recommend some places that might have that kind of technical information?

    I’m well versed in number theory, abstract algebra (I know homomorphisms are a big part of encryptions), stochastic systems/probability, as well as anything calc and below.

    I figured this community would know where to point me, so thank you for taking a look!

    18:11 UTC


    What coins will be around in 20 years?

    No one has a crystal ball, but I would love to know what coins you all think will still be around in 20 years. In my opinion the top contenders are proof of work coins.

    I believe once proof of work coins gain enough traction and a large enough network is created they can’t be stopped. Game theory strongly supports this.

    Coins that meet this criteria are: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and Dogecoin.

    That’s just my opinion. Would love to hear everyone else thoughts and reasoning why their coins of choice have staying power.

    18:07 UTC


    Your Secret Stash: Seed Phrases, Password Managers, and Secret Hygiene

    17:56 UTC


    Accidentally transferred ETH instead of ETHOLD token to my Poloniex account via Tron network

    Hi, as the title states, I accidentally transferred ETH instead of ETHOLD to my Poloniex account. ETH is the newer token that's supposed to replace ETHOLD. Both are TRON tokens, however Poloniex no longer supports deposit/withdraw of ETH via the TRON network. I used the same TRON address for this erroneous transfer as I have done previously with my ETHOLD transfers to Poloniex.

    I already reached out to Poloniex and am waiting for a response. I know I can't expect much in these types of situations, but does anyone have experience getting their tokens back in situations like this?


    (I've transferred tokens so many times before without issues but mistook ETH for ETHOLD, unfortunately.)

    17:54 UTC


    Can the community recommend a blockchain analysis firm?

    Hello, we are in Arizona, if it matters. My girlfriend wants to pursue a cryptocurrency investment that she recently lost to a scam. She is aware that the chance of recovering her money is slim to none, but she is thinking to hire a blockchain analysis firm. At this point, everything looks like a potential scam, and we need some help determining a reputable firm. Thank you in advance! [Edit] Well, my post was auto-moderated for not being long enough. I’ll add that she had between $350,000 and $400,000 in cryptocurrency on a TradeStation account. TradeStation emailed her that it was shuttering its cryptocurrency service and recommended she move her money to Robinhood. Long story short, she started talking to hackers somewhere along the way, and the money disappeared. We went to the FBI, which had us fill out an online form.

    17:05 UTC


    Buy and Sell Tax - WTH??

    I am still noob level in this game. Yesterday I heard about the term/concept of "Sell Tax". I was exposed to the concept while watching how to create a meme token on YouTube. Then looking around more I came across Buy Tax; mind blown!!

    Now I am a bit intrigued.

    So looking through the coins I have; I found one with a Sell Tax of 2.5%, PIKAMOON (PIKA).

    Now even more intrigued which brings me here today.

    Since PIKA has only been on the exchanges for a few weeks, I wanted to see how much they would have made from all the sell volume since launch.

    This brings me here today with questions.

    1. Is there a free data source I can pull from? The few I have looked at so far, Birdeye, CMC, CoinGecko, all charge for historic data.
      1. If anyone can help me pull the data for PIKAMOON (PIKA) that would be sweet. Since this is more of a curiosity for me, I can justify spending $45 on a monthly subscription to the pro tools.
    2. Is my thinking correct that 2.5% of each sale goes back to the coin creators? Or is there more to it than just that?
    3. I am surprised I haven't seen or heard about this in any of the other channels. Is Sell and Buy Tax not common?

    Over the last couple of years I have just bought and held. I have never experienced buy or sell tax first hand yet, other than the price of gas that is.

    15:18 UTC


    Accidentally transferred ETH instead of ETHOLD token to my Poloniex account via Tron network

    Hi, as the title states, I accidentally transferred ETH instead of ETHOLD to my Poloniex account. ETH is the newer token that's supposed to replace ETHOLD. Both are TRON tokens, however Poloniex no longer supports deposit/withdraw of ETH via the TRON network. I used the same TRON address for this erroneous transfer as I have done previously with my ETHOLD transfers to Poloniex.

    I already reached out to Poloniex and am waiting for a response. I know I can't expect much in these types of situations, but does anyone have experience getting their tokens back in situations like this?


    (I've transferred tokens so many times before without issues but mistook ETH for ETHOLD, unfortunately.)

    15:18 UTC


    Hundreds of students and teachers all over Eastern Visayas region, Philippines came to know and experience bcash at the Regional Tertiary Schools Press Conference 2024 held in Baybay City.

    1 Comment
    13:19 UTC


    Withdrawal on crypto.com

    Hello everyone, I'm just a newbie making my research on the topic of exchanges and I tried buying 5 dollars worth of btc on crypto.com, to see if everything worked (it did). upon selling it (to see if it worked in that direction too) I can't seem to find a way to withdraw fiat to my debit card from my fiat wallet. since I do not have a bank account I was wondering if there are any exchanges that allow both funding and withdrawal using the same debit card, without the need of a bank account? any help appreciated 🙏🏻

    14:32 UTC


    DEX: what are these “airdrops”?

    I have a small balance on a DEX to screw around with some of the better known meme coins (BONK, PEPE), plus a little ETH for transaction fees.

    Some other stuff has appeared- chickencoin, pigcoin, wildgoatcoin, and others. Usuall 20-100 coins, valued under 5-10 cents total.

    Is there a site to vet/check out these tokens? Or are they scams/contracts of some sort? I just don’t touch them.

    Gotten some other odd stuff too, listing of $10,000 USDT, $50k of “ETH-BONUS.NET”. I assume these are bad contracts designed to drain your wallet if you interact with them, so I don’t touch them.

    Just ignore all these? Any way to get rid of them?

    14:27 UTC


    DOGE trading 10 years ago, when we didn't have exchanges yet.

    Just thought you guys might like some OG content.

    More than 10 years ago DOGE got popular as the first meme coin. But there were no exchanges yet, or at least no alt-coin exchanges that would simply feature a lot of coins. At that time, you were able to mine a million DOGE coins per day with a simple GPU rig. As the coin got popular, trading started to happen on the forums of the coin's website - see screenshot.

    Doge Forums more than 10 years ago

    Doge was actually the start of a meme coin season back in 2013. If you think about it, not much has changed :) . I did a few trade via the forums and it was an experience to say the least. You would get into contact with a random other person and you trade in increments, to make sure no one got scammed. Of course, people would even scam you for small increments. How we dealt with that was to give people on the forum a 'trust-rating'. So people with a good trust rating could (kind of) be trusted.

    However, it was clear that with popularity increasing more trading options were needed. So people started to offer themselves as escrows. This worked fine, but again it was clear that this was all quite the hassle. And that was basically when the first 'meme-coin' exchange was born. Someone programmed an exchanged called 'CoinedUp' where you could trade DOGE. It was very ugly, and looked like the design was done in MSPaint. But it worked! Shortly after, other meme coins came out and were added to CoinedUp. Mind you, these exchanged were buggy as well. Nowadays you cannot imagine that if you quickly want to sell something, you just dump it on the 'market'. Back then, that didn't work and people learned the hard way. If you would sell something for 0, it would actually fill a bid from someone that was buying for literally 0.

    It was fun. Shorty after that other exchanges started to pop up, quickly becoming more 'professional'.

    For people that joined crypto later and wonder why DOGE has 'value' , well, this is it. It was the first ever meme coin with important history.

    12:24 UTC

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