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Sometimes talking to my mom gives me anxiety

She drains me so much honestly. She has a mind of a teenager. I feel like I’m her mother and she just drains me. She suffers with bipolar too which she doesn’t think she has but she’s been diagnosed many years ago.. I lose so much energy dealing with her. I get so frustrated with her and she always seems to call me at the most inconvenient moments, it’s so frustrating. She can disrupt me so badly and she always makes these annoying ass comments like ‘ aww you’re so cute look at your cheeks’ girl I’m 26 years old it’s annoying. She only constantly calling me whenever she doesn’t have a man. I’m so tired of it. I can’t ever just relax without her calling saying’ so what have you been doing?’ Like damn I can’t just be at home relaxing why is it that I always have to be doing something especially if I don’t answer your call? And last year I moved out of the state and guess what she did? She moved to the same state as me a month after I did. She is incredibly draining and she’s spiritual obsessed like she thinks everything is a sign from the universe and she always talks about people lowering her vibrations but she can’t even realize she does the same to me. I’m just not in the mood for this. And I get so fucking upset when she tries to throw slight shade towards my grandma ‘oh I thought she was sick, cuz she didn’t want to go anywhere for Mother’s Day’ yes she is old but why the constant wording around that? Like idk I may have to go in it deeper with someone over dm but I’m just pissed right now after this call I just had with her.

05:24 UTC


Quit a sport and its hurting me to the core.

Hey; I'm currently a junior finishing up the year. I quit American football due to anxiety and I dreaded practice everyday and hated it/used to have panic attacks before it. I used to wake up and have my day instantly (3 seconds into waking up) ruined by the fact I had practice (I have a social battery so I need time alone a lot, having 3 hours a day after practice isnt enough) and my anxiety kicks in and as the day goes on, the closer I get to practice, the more my stomach begins to pain and I start trembling, and then sometimes I would just debate on not even going because I was afraid I'd sh** myself or something due to anxiety stomach aches. Its not even because of something like me not being good at football, its just so terrifying for some reason; maybe because I am a naturally slow-paced person that this rush of putting pads on and getting to practice quick frightens me? I also used to dread summer workouts; I really need summer to recharge, and waking up at 5:30 everyday isn't good for my mental, even though physically I'm perfectly fine. I love the weightlifting though, its one of my passions as of recent. Sometimes, I would constantly check my emails, wondering if there was something new from my coaches. I not only have anxiety, but also ADHD, OCD, loads of other BS that make it nerve wrecking for me when a coach is screaming in my face all day, I sometimes get so nervous I don't even hear what they say and I look stupid by messing up the drill. It also didn't help that I was a EXTREMELY underweight defensive tackle in such a tough football environment/division (Florida football). I hate the 3 hour practices too. I've been on meds and they still don't help, trying supplements and I'll see what they do. Everyday I would lose my mind over practice, yet there was something weird. For the past 6 months or so, since I left football, I have been fantasizing every single day about playing it again. Imagining myself playing linebacker or running back, stiff arming people as I run into the endzone. I miss the practices where we would do such hard drills and laugh as we caught our breath by the water station, I miss how intense those fridays felt, where I strapped up my helmet and went to war against whatever powerhouse of a school it was that week (I don't miss morning workouts lmao). But why? I suffered so much in my life because of this game but I don't know what to do; I don't want to spend my entire senior year not playing a sport (i did sign up for school related things obviously) but still, all those other guys balling out while at 2:30pm I'm heading home, the idea is depressing for some reason. Maybe I should make more friends? Invest more into the weightlifting? I hated the game but I loved everything that came with it. Even when I hear some sh** like a Kid Ink song I think about Tavon Austin's highlights, and then I want to play again. I made up my mind a few months ago about not playing but just helping with photography, but the thoughts of me wanting to play again are lingering, but as I type this I can already feel my stomach aching as I think about summer practice if I do come back; do I play or do I not play? Will it be worth it, heading home on friday's as my brothers are getting ready to have the whole town watch them play while i'm at home; at school going to the football pep rallies as I stand in the bleachers as a now mere spectator; the homecoming court; the playoffs we usually make (won state recently); senior night, even the end of the season? I can't imagine myself not falling into a pit of depression as I think about witnessing these things. I don't know what to do, I'm trying to convince myself that these are lifelong memories and that I SHOULD play but I don't know if I can go another season of that, feels like I have grey hair already at 18. I sometimes wish I had another year of highschool, where I can just be fine and then the year after play football, but I only have a few days now to make my decision. I don't know why I think about this game all the time. Thanks to whoever read all of this, just needed someone to understand but situation.

05:20 UTC


Free time plans…

What do you do or plan for weekends/days off for extra curriculars when you need to get out of the house but are having a high anxiety day?

1 Comment
05:18 UTC


Cavity filling on my front teeth??

Last time I was at the dentist, they told me I need some fillings done on my front teeth. Over the past couple months leading up to my appointment I’ve gotten really worked up over it.

I’ve always gotten compliments on my smile and teeth. I never needed braces and Iim thankful for that. I take pride in taking care of my teeth and I always have. But I honestly can’t remember the last time I went to the dentist and they didn’t tell me I needed fillings done.

For some context, about a year or two ago I went to a dentist and they told me I needed 14 fillings done. I’ve never needed anything close to that many from one visit and we had just been there months before and nothing about fillings had been brought up. We ended up getting a second opinion and turns out I only needed 2 fillings. I got those done at my new dentist and that was that.

Now I need fillings done on my front teeth and I have no pain and haven’t seen any difference in my front teeth for years and years. I know I’m no dentist. But I see no concern for a filling at all and considering what happened in the past, I don’t know if I can trust that I really need this done.

I’m worried that they’re change how my teeth look or cause pain for ever or the fillings will fall out and I’ll look ridiculous and it’ll ruin my confidence even if it all goes well. Just knowing I have fillings on my front teeth will make me examine my teeth even more than I do now to make sure everything is okay.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to bring this up to my dentist. I don’t want to come off as aggressive to them cause I want my teeth to look the same as they do now after my appointment. If anyone has any tips on how I can bring it up to my dentist or if it seems suspicious please let me know.

05:15 UTC


Anxiety from repeating entertainment:

Maybe weird title; idk; but does anyone else get anxious to watch the same movie or tv series over? I searched this sub but couldn’t find anything. My spouse is like most and watches the same movies and series over and over. Whereas I just cannot. It makes me feel as if I’m “wasting time”. I also hold a lot of guilt if I’m “sitting around” in general. I’m working on it.

05:14 UTC


I feel like

I feel like something is wrong with me. I don’t know what, or why, but I am so paranoid and anxious about everything I do or think. I’m so scared and I don’t know why I feel this way. Pls help :/

05:05 UTC


Girl I like just randomly decided to invite another guy to a family day out I invited her to

So I’m supposed to go drink around the world with my cousin and mom at Epcot tomorrow, I decided to invite a good friend of mine (that I sorta like) bc she had wanted to do exactly that at Epcot.

The plans are all fine and dandy until tonight, the night before, she sends a text saying “I invited a friend is that ok”?

Bro what, she even had the nerve to say “well these are your plans” after I said it was a bit last minute. Jesus why does all the stupid shit happen to me whenever I admit to myself I actually like someone. I’d be ok if it were like just the two (or I guess three) of us going, but like no this is a family thing that I just so happened to invite her to.

She then went on to say like “well he’s new around here so I wanted to include him”. Like. Nice sentiment really, but like good lord why couldn’t you invite him to LITERALLY anything else.

This is hurting extra due to the fact that for whatever reason whenever I like someone I tend to “pedestal” them to the point where if they make any weird moves I immediately crumble.

Tomorrow is gonna suck and I already felt like it was going to. Leave it to circumstance to once again come in and steal all my joy.

04:49 UTC


Head pressure

I am a 22 year-old American male wondering why I have this pressure typically in the front of my head about five months ago I was laying in bed and noticed that I had this pressure building up in the front of my head slowly like I was having a panic attack or something by the way, I have anxiety L O L but since Then it has been constant almost every day and more frequent at night and had a CAT scan ran on my frontal lobe or whatever is in the forehead area and thought it was just swelling of my sinuses or nasal's now mind you I just got done being sick when I had the CAT scan ran so I'm not sure How accurate that was but been having a lot of tiny flashes of light in my vision objects tend to look weirder went to my high doctor yesterday and they told me my eyes are fine and it sounds like I have migraines. Yes, it does get worse the more stressed out I am or if I have an adrenaline rush but at night time laying down or even putting any sort of pressure on my head whether it's the back or the side or the front the pressure increases and it's not pain it's just pressure so I'm here to ask if anyone has any assumptions on what it could be.

04:49 UTC


anxiety or ocd? or both

TRIGGER WARNING- SYMPTOMS ive had OCD and intrusive thoughts my whole life. recently, ive been in a battle trying to figure out what’s going on w me. long story short, some chronic health issues have made me develop some sort of … something. originally, i thought it was anxiety. but after researching some, I think it might just be my OCD coming in incredibly hot. main issues ive had recently include:

  • thinking all my food is somehow poisoned with L$D or some type of drug, particularly worse at night time.
  • thinking im going crazy or will develop schiz0phren!a
  • thinking im having a ♥️ attack (not as bad recently)
  • my mind replaying those same thoughts constantly
  • things don’t look the same as they used to.. kinda foggy and dreamy. but that could be my chronic illness. i still don’t have a diagnosis so it’s hard to differentiate the two.

any advice or thoughts?!

04:46 UTC


To eat or not to eat

Does anyone else get such bad anxiety that they can't eat? Anxiety is so bad that nothing is appetizing, or even when you're super hungry that you cant make yourself get up? Because this is where I'm at. The thought of spending time cooking or going to the kitchen is debilitating. I don't know what to do. When I finally get the nerve to get up and make something if what I was planning to eat isn't there then I spiral and won't eat anything at all. I get so angry at everyone around me or everything feels so unmanageable or overwhelming. I go days at a time without eating or I only eat once in those few days. I try and conserve food and not get too attached to a favorite food because if its gone then I know I wont have it again for a long time. So I conserve it but then it will go bad and it defeated what I was trying to accomplish. My husband gets very angry at me because I'm not eating. He thinks I just need to do it and get over it and that I'm being selfish. But for me it's not that simple. There's so many factors to why I'm like this... money, anxiety, being overweight, etc. I just hate food so much. I hate feeling full. But I also hate being hungry and miserable. It's a constant cycle. When I go out to eat I enjoy it in the moment. But then once I'm done eating I feel horrible because I feel full and I know it will make being hungry later all the worse. I'm at a loss at what to do. Anyone else deal with this? I feel so incredibly alone.

04:42 UTC


I feel like I’m at my breaking point

Stress and anxiety is taking over. It’s messing with my physical health and my job. Do I go down to less hours? I’m so lost idk what to do. I have to work for obvious reasons, but it’s taking such a toll. Any suggestions? I’ve tried a few different meditations but it just doesn’t work or makes me even more tired than I already am.

Thanks all

04:37 UTC


anxiety about moving away

hi guys. i (20f) have suffered from extreme depression and anxiety pretty much all my life. around 17 things got worse and because of my actions and behaviors doctors spoke about bpd or bipolar but i never got diagnosed. but my mental health tends to be pretty up and down. i graduated high school in ‘22 and due to my mental health decided to attend a local university and stay at home. its been two years now and i have moments but for the most part ive been pretty stable. i recently applied to transfer to the college i originally planned on attending and got in! but this means next fall i am moving away to live alone about 3 1/2 hours away. i have friends at the campus im mostly worried about not being to handle being on my own without the support of my parents.i know it doesnt seem very far away but my parents are so supportive and help me with so much, especially my mom. and going to college at home has only made me closer to her as my schedule is not as packed as high school so im home with her all day pretty much. i think i have separation anxiety from my parents and im really scared to leave them :( i also have two sisters at home who im really close with. i know i worked really hard to get to this point and i mostly feel ready and i know its time to try and be an adult but im really anxious about the entire thing.

04:34 UTC


Why do I keep waking up in the middle of the night feeling scared? I don't know if it's an anxiety issue.

I wonder why I keep waking up in the middle of the night feeling suffocated and scared, usually around 3-4AM. I go to bed around 10-11PM. Whenever I wake up that way, I feel like I have to hurry up and open my bedroom lights because if I don't I feel like something's going to get me. I wonder if it is related to anxiety? It's not like I'm scared of ghosts but sometimes, its very random, I feel like I have to open the lights or something's going to get me if I keep my lights closed. I keep telling my mind to calm down but my fear gets better of me.

Some nights I feel that way, but some nights I can sleep well. It happens so randomly, and I avoid horror movies/game for that reason. My mind keeps creating scary monsters, ghosts and sometimes even bad guys whenever I close my eyes. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep because I have a feeling that I'll be in danger if I fall asleep.

The thing is I don't even know what I'm scared of. When it's a bad night, I go to sleep with my little brother and dad and it does go away. I hope I can start sleeping properly in my own room alone.

I'm 19, I don't have any mental disorders, I can't remember having any trauma in the past. I'm a first year university student and a barista, I think my life is fine and not too stressful like other people. Don't know why I'm feeling this way.

04:27 UTC


First Post on this Sub

I’m part of a few mental health subreddits but this is my first post in this one. I see a lot of posts about not having any close friends/connections at a certain age and I’m 39 and after losing a friend to a drug overdose 12 years ago and completely falling apart, losing my job, and then subsequently losing a lot of friends I am starting over and feel like I have no idea who I am and it feels so scary at this age to be starting over. I have a couple of friends I talk to and hang out with but sometimes I feel like I’m compulsive about things and instead of letting life happen naturally now I have a lot of trauma responses that make me feel afraid to be myself. I was not like this before my friend passed, always struggled with anxiety and depression, but never like this. Before this I was much more outgoing and always had friends, but I did always struggle like k said with anxiety and depression. I know I have good qualities underneath everything, but my grief, depression, and trauma has taken a lot from me. Any advice on rebuilding? I just completed an IOP program by me for Trauma and DBT and feel more grounded than I have in years which is a good step, and even feeling my anxiety going down. But now I’m left with a void. I feel like I’m just going through the motions of life and almost acting just to get by. I feel like outside of my family and a couple other people I don’t have anyone I feel very connected to. Getting to know new people at this age is really hard and there’s a lot of times I feel hopeless and like my life is completely over and that I will never have a life like I had before my friend passed 12 years ago.

1 Comment
04:14 UTC


don’t know what’s real anymore

I keep overthinking situations to the point where I feel like it becomes so distorted. I try so hard to let things go but I feel like I either have to keep thinking about it or that I did something wrong. and the more I think about it the less I am sure of what happened, and all these possibilities of what I did wrong. just makes me feel so sick and I’m tired of catching myself in a loop like this :(

04:08 UTC


Chronic Overthinking

This is my first ever Reddit post and I’m posting to see some fresh perspectives. Any advice or help is welcome. Thank you.

I’ve been in a relationship for over 2 years now, and I can honestly say it has been the best time of my life. This woman helped me find myself and helped shape me into the man I am today. She always tries her best to listen to my problems, but lately I’ve been getting the feeling it’s too much for her. Which is why I’ve came to Reddit for help. (I’ve talked with my parents and a school therapist about this as well)

I’ve always had problems with anxiety. Ever since I was little I’ve cared far too much about what people think of me. It’s a problem that’s kind of taken a backseat these past few years, but has recently come up in a bunch of different ways. For around 7 months now, my relationship has been hindered by my chronic overthinking, 100% of the time wondering where she is and what she’s doing. I know that I can’t always know this, as that is controlling behavior, but it still upsets me deeply. Every scenario, such as being active on social media at the same time as guys I’m uncomfortable with, or not answering my texts when she is active on that app, makes me panic a bit. Instead of logically assuming she’s answering somebody else or just hasn’t opened my text yet, I always find the most catastrophic situation possible, like cheating. Even as I’m writing this, I’m wondering what guys she could be texting at that moment. I often have to talk to my girlfriend about these issues, and I often take her feelings for granted and I think it’s draining her to the point where I don’t think she can handle this as long as she thinks she can.

Let me give you an example of my head (For context, my girlfriend has just graduated and I am still in school.)

A couple of days ago, I was sitting in class with the knowledge that my girlfriend was going to be hanging out playing sports with her best friend (F) and a couple of guys, all of whom are her classmates. I end up learning that her best friend decided to stay at home, leaving her and these guys. I then learn that they are all planning on getting food at a restaurant in a neighboring tow. They get food, come back, then I learn that they are again playing sports, and after that is done, my girlfriend gives one of the guys a ride home as he does not have a car. Through no fault of my girlfriend, I’m learning all this new stuff through gapped texts, partly due to connection issues.

To most, this is just a normal day with nothing that could have happened. But my mind is not so simple. Let me take you through my thought process throughout the day.

First, let me go over one of her friends in particular, Fred (name change ofc). Fred has exhibited odd behavior since the start of the school year towards me and my girlfriend, and I don’t know if I’m justified in saying he has a crush on her. Please give me your thoughts. To my face Fred has called her the most beautiful girl in the school, knowing she was my girlfriend. He mentions her in class to me whenever he can bring her up, often unnecessarily. He sends her songs to listen to, and starts unnecessary text conversations stemming from questions he or she asked. Just after they got done as a group, he immediately sends her a video of a song and tries to initiate conversation, which she tries her best to shut down. After trying to shut it down, he then asks her if she’d want to get a group together and hang out again. How do you think me and my girlfriend should handle the situation? Any attempt at telling her anything about it makes me feel controlling and manipulative.

For context, Fred happens to be the friend my girlfriend drove home.

Back to the example, me learning that her female best friend was not there made me feel as if something was instantly going on, or that she planned this on purpose to be alone with Fred. Then when I learn she’s getting lunch with the guys, I feel as if she’s letting me go, while also wondering if she’s sitting next to Fred on the ride there. While they’re eating, I’m thinking about who she’s sitting next to and why it’s taking them so long to eat. When they return from the restaurant and are playing sports again I freak out wondering if this was her choice and if she’s using this as an excuse to be close to Fred or some guy that’s there now I don’t know about. By this point I’m out of school and at home, where I am trying to text her, but because she’s playing sports, she’s not answering her phone. Instead of thinking this, my already full head assumes something more is going on or that she’s not answering on purpose cause she knows I’m freaking out. By this point, Im in full panic mode, checking her location as often as possible, and after a short break, I see she is at Fred’s house. Her location is pinged there longer than it normally should be, and this just about sends me over the edge. Images of them kissing in the car or laughing while having good conversation pop into my head, and at this point there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I text her asking her what she’s doing, trying to almost set her up for a lie or expect the worst answer. When I do confront her about her location being there, she gives me a very logical, yet not complete answer, still allowing my mind to run free and wild. Looking back on it I honestly handled the situation very toxically, but in the moment I had no better ideas. Please tell me how I can react to these situations more calmly. I’d like to point out I’ve never outright accused her of cheating on me, but I have told her when it seems like at least a semi-rational scenario(even if it’s not).

So yeah, that’s what my brain thought of a seemingly normal day for my girlfriend was like. Please feel free to give suggestions on how I can change my behavior effectively. Also tell me if you think my girlfriend can change her behavior to help me.

These snowballing thoughts happen from the tiniest of things, and I need help stopping them before they begin. One of my main concerns is a trip my girlfriend is taking this summer, which includes Fred. There’s a high likelihood I’ll never see Fred again after this trip, and I’m worried he’ll make his move. I would love to say I trust my girlfriend, but in all honesty, for no reason at all I can’t trust her. She’s given me 0 reason to not trust her, and honestly I’m more scared of him making a move than her accepting it.

I’ve put thought into this, and I have 2 reasons.

  1. Self-Confidence

I am not ugly by any means, but lately because of my issues and changing appearance,I think I’ve started to get worried on whether or not I’m good enough for my girlfriend. 2. Fear of Loss One of the causes for lack of trust could be that I’m scared of losing her. Meaning I don’t want to completely latch onto her in case she hurts me. But I also feel Ive latched onto her too tight in other aspects of our relationship.

I know this post is extremely long, and I don’t think this encompasses everything I’m dealing with, so if you need more context feel free to message or leave a comment.

Thank you for your time.

1 Comment
03:45 UTC


I took meds for the first time.

Hi all. I have a huge phobia of medicine (like I have panic attacks and puke anytime I get in front of a pill of any kind) I literally was able to start taking Tylenol without freaking out like only 2 years ago, (I’m in my late 20s) WELL tonight I started lexapro. 🤩 I literally got the pill in my mouth and swallowed it (and didnt die like I thought I was going to) lmao. Anyway, I wanted to share with y’all bc I felt you’d understand. THIS IS A REMINDER THAN YOU CAN DO HARD AND SCARY THINGS I LOVE YOU. ❤️

03:42 UTC


Health Anxiety?

hello! i (20F) am constantly fighting against hypochondria! it’s almost debilitating, i always think about my health. i always think im dying of cancer or other terrible diseases and im really not. i want to be able to enjoy life and live carefree w/o the constant fear of getting ill! i get routine check ups every year and nothing has been wrong once. any advice as how to manage it? how to stop assuming it’s always cancer? how to be able to trust my care providers when they tell me i’m okay?

03:26 UTC


Does anyone else experience this?

I suffer from anxiety so im not sure if this is a medical thing or an anxiety thing. It happens mostly during summer, when i havent slept well from constant sleep interruptions and dehydration- its hard to describe, but it basically feels like your brain has been hollowed out, you cant think straight, your vision feels weird and you have to keep rubbing your eyes, everything looks and feels strange, you feel depersonalised etc. and in a very intense way. You feel acutely abnormal mentally and physically. Almost like you’re gonna pass out, you have this sense of everything going wrong. Not a panic attack, but a weird mix of barely sleeping and being dehydrated

1 Comment
03:20 UTC


Concerned about HBP

I’ve had anxiety/depression by entire life (and as officially diagnosed at 18 and am now 40). I’ve been off medication for a few years now and (due to work related issues) have not seen my GP for a couple of years. I’ve had some severe work related stress over the past year and a half. Long story short I was “promoted” and worked 2500+ hours last year and have been so overwhelmed. I hadn’t checked my BP pressure in 2 years and after feeling unwell this week decided to check it. Apparently my BP has gone from ~100/60 to ~160/95 in a year and a half.

I am beside myself. The stress of knowing my BP is so high makes my heart race and causes an anxiety attack. It’s an endless cycle and at this point I don’t know if it’s anxiety causing the issue or high BP making my anxiety 10x worse.

Honestly, I’m scared to go to the doctor after so long. My habits aren’t the best (not overweight and exercise 2 hours a day but use alcohol in the evening and vaping to get me through the day). Is this something I can deal with on my own (reduce nicotine and alcohol use) or do I really need to make the dreaded appointment?

I really don’t want to be on a pill for the rest of my life if I can help it (at least not at 40). I quit taking citaloprom (40 mg) on my own without medical assistance and that was God awful. Would prefer to remain drug free if at all possible.

1 Comment
03:19 UTC


Extreme stress and short term memory

55yr old female with a lifetime of anxiety off and on and untreated ADD. I have been under extreme stress for about 3 weeks due to a loved one’s health issues and loss of work/income and it peaked with bad news received Sunday morning.

I am concerned about short term memory loss during this period. I’ve been noticing it a bit but it was really bad today. My daughter had a game yesterday and another today that they won. Someone remarked that that was two wins in a row and I replied, no they lost yesterday.

I am concerned because I would swear they lost yesterday and still now several hours after the conversation I have no memory of them winning even though I was there. They did win and by a large margin yesterday.

Is this a stress response? Will my memory recover?

03:17 UTC


I need some advice for a friend

So my best friend is going through the worst time of her life, and I need some advice to help her. Her anxiety has gotten so bad that she has anxiety attacks every day. Her depression is hitting hard, and I just need to help her some how. Maybe medication, I’d love to get her in therapy but her financial situation is bad. She’s got no money, and her family doesn’t have much either (she’s 19 btw, lives with her family) so I’m just asking for any advice. It’s so bad she can’t sleep sometimes. Any medication that’s really effective? Or just.. just please anything

03:10 UTC


I’m about to graduate with my Masters in mental health therapy and keep wishing I went a different direction. Is this true or am I just freaking out?

I’m about to graduate with my Masters in mental health, and keep wishing I went a different direction. Is this true, or am I just freaking out?

I’m about to graduate and become an LPC. I’ve done everything “right” straight from high school to college, then to graduate school. When I graduated from undergrad I freaked out wishing I had gone into pharmacy, but felt that I was in too deep already. I was graduating and had been accepted to multiple Masters programs.

Now I’m a semester away from graduation, and while I love mental health, and helping others. (& not to toot my own horn, but I’m good at it, naturally good at it.) I just keep stressing out and having feelings of regret. I wish I would have applied myself more at 18 and choose something like Computer engineering. I’ve been extremely worried about making “enough” and being happy in my career.

A big part of me loves psychology, counseling and research and wants to go even further with a Ph.D. Yet another part of me wishes I would have done pharmacy or computer engineering to not only make more, but have more balance in life, and the fact that I’ve been in school as long as those degrees too yet won’t actually scratch the surface of what people in those other fields will make.

I know that’s not the right way of looking at it, & I know I probably sound greedy right now. I just never imagined I’d go this far in school, and now that I have I keep wondering why this. I was 18 when I decided and freaked out and choose Psych because it was easy and made sense. Now, I worry that I took the easy way out & keep wishing I would have applied myself more.

I’m so introverted I feel like I would have loved computer science and programming. I’m creative too. However, I’m shit at math even if I like algebra I always struggled and am not super detail oriented.

Ultimately I don’t know how to handle these feelings. Are they real and legitimate regrets or am I just scared because for the first time in my life I’m about to have a full time position at a major company and not be in school? I’d really appreciate feedback, because I’m feeling so anxious about my choices. I’ve been so focused on making sure I checked all the boxes, I don’t know that they were the right ones.

Thank you for your thoughts and perspectives.

02:54 UTC


how do you manage anxiety?

I am an anxious person and there are moments on which i feel im drowning on it, i dont want to be self-destructive, but im not sure what to do on those moments, how do you manage it?

02:46 UTC


I Need an Outside Perspective

I think I was set up by a coworker but I could be wrong. It is driving me crazy because I considered this person to be one of my best friends!

I was fired from a job I absolutely loved on Monday, seemingly out of nowhere. I had no warning. My boss came in unannounced and told me "I wasn't a good fit" for the manager position and that I wasn't "embracing the property the way they needed me to".

Background info: I worked at this property (I am a property manager) for 7 years collectively. I worked there for 3 years prior as a concierge and was promoted to assistant manager. I left cordially after realizing there was no opportunity to grow and worked at another location for five years. In 2020 I was asked to come back directly by the owner and I was offered the assistant manager position. I was promoted to manager in 2023. Our numbers were fantastic, I was meeting and exceeding budget every quarter, and resident retention was the highest it's ever been. I never received a complaint or bad review. I loved working at this location. The people and the job itself were awesome. I looked forward to coming to work every day.

Three weeks ago I was extremely ill. I wrote a text to my boss letting them know that I couldn't come in and in my delirious state (fever of 104°) I thought I sent it. It turns out I never hit send. I did however enter my time off in the time management system. I wasn't hiding the fact that I was out sick. I got suspended for one day for improperly notifying them of my absence. This is the only infraction I can think of, and my boss never even brought it up when she fired me.

Why I think I could have been set up:

  1. My coworker disappeared as soon as she saw that I was being pulled into a meeting with my boss.

  2. My coworker did not reach out after it happened. This was super odd to me because we typically talked every single day, we hung out outside of work, our kids went to the same daycare and played together, etc. I considered them to be one of my best friends.

  3. When they did reach out a day later, they started their first sentence with "I never wanted this to happen, especially like this". That totally caught me off guard. It's just a weird thing to say if you weren't involved.

  4. I found out they knew our boss was coming but she didn't tell me.

  5. They now have my job and their best friend is now the assistant manager. I found that out today.

It sucked enough to lose a job I loved, but finding out that a close friend might have had something to do with it is beyond heartbreaking. Am I just looking for something that isn't there? Or do I have valid reasons to be suspicious? All thoughts and opinions are welcome, but please be kind. I'm kind of in a delicate place right now. My anxiety is so bad because I'm jobless and possibly losing a friendship.

02:45 UTC


What are some objects/things that help you with panic attacks?

Is it true that putting your hands in cold water helps? Or I even heard some people take ice bags or sleeping masks that they kept in the freezer and wrap them around your head and that’ll help anxiety. Any help would be nice I’m having a panic attack.

02:43 UTC


ran out of xanax

ive been on 1mg xanax for three months and i ran out of pills three days ago while waiting for my new valium prescription. its due in two days and its only for 30 4mg valium tablets. should i even bother tapering with this or should i keep taking nothing since its already been two days?? does anyone have any advice

1 Comment
02:35 UTC


Shortness of breath

Is this a pretty common side effect of anxiety? I ask because I usually feel it when I am not even anxious about anything, maybe subconsciously I am tho.

Like I’ll be at work and all of a sudden I’ll feel like I’m gasping for air. Can this be caused by just feeling stressed out as of lately? I’m really worried it has something to do with my heart.

I should note I’m a highly anxious person and a bit of a hypochondriac. I always have health anxiety - it’s exhausting.

02:35 UTC


It does get better

I wanted to make this post because I remember telling myself that I would never be better again. That I would never feel okay again.

A few months ago I posted about how I was getting a new job and how, hopefully, that job would help me get rid of my anxiety. Prior to getting my current job, I did nothing because my anxiety and panic were so so so so so so sooo bad. I’m not one of those people who just had it easier. I’m not one of those people who had a good head about it.

Everyday it felt like I was fighting for my life and toward the end, I decided I should start making plans to end my life because I truly did not think I would ever be okay again. I began to fight with people I love so it would make it easier on them. I stopped texting my friends back and stopped reaching out.

Then one day, while I was laying in bed and staring up at the ceiling as my heart pounded, I asked myself the same question that always popped up when I was having a panic attack. “Why can’t I be like everyone else?”

For some reason, it hit me then. That I could be.

I’ve read like, ten books- watched a hundred YouTube videos and attended therapy online and everything you can possibly think of to get better.

But realizing how much I was feeding my anxiety is what really got me. The reason I couldn’t be like everyone else is because when I had an attack, even when I tried to ignore it, I was still only making it worse for myself.

I decided that I would apply for a job that would be incredibly hard for me bc of my anxiety.

Sales. Talking to people gave me so much anxiety it was insane. Then I thought “what would be the hardest thing to sell?” And for me, that was cars. Because I know literally nothing about cars.

So I applied for a car sales job and you’ll never believe it….

Not only did I sell more cars in my first month than anyone has ever seen at that dealership before, but I also continue to excel. The owner has come and publicly praised my work. I made more money in that first month than I had made in YEARS.

I didn’t even realize my anxiety was gone until today.

Not that it’s gone gone. It’s just that now when I get anxiety, I work. I mean, this place keeps me SO busy. I only get one day a week off because I have thrown myself into my work and I genuinely love it. I do get stressed but not in the way where I feel like I’m dying.

It’s exciting to do what I do. It’s fun talking to people and learning so much. In some ways, it’s more relaxing than your average job because the responsibility is up to you.

I’m still pretty foggy in the head but I’m going to start working on my diet and see if that will help in any way.

My point here is- it absolutely does get better. And when they say to distract yourself, distract yourself with something that’ll really challenge you. Not just please or relax you but something that will make your brain work hard to figure something out. Do the hardest thing you can think of and be great at it.

02:34 UTC


Idk what I’m doing

I feel so bad, like my about to throw up and cry. I can feel my heart pounding out of my chest. It’s never usually this bad, it’s hasn’t felt like this in 2 years and I feel like I’m dying. I’m not even sure what exactly I’m freaking out about, I just tend to freak myself out about everything and then it gets all bottled up in me and then it all hits me at once but I can’t focus and think about what’s stressing me out because it’s just too much. I’m graduating high school in two weeks and I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. I’m admitted to college but I don’t understand how anything works I feel like I’m too stupid for this, like I’m going to spend all this money and fail horribly. I also am used to structure and I feel like it’s not going to be structured like I’m used to and it’s stressing me out because I follow a specific routine and I won’t be able to do that the same because it’s fucking stupid I don’t know why I’m even anxious about that that’s stupid?? I just don’t know how to do SHIT I just wing everything and it usually works out for me, I don’t even know how to study I’ve never studied in my life and I physically can’t do it I can’t focus my mind starts wandering. I’m just so frustrated and I’m scared because there’s so much going on in my life all at once and it’s happening so fast and nobody seems to understand why I’m stressing out. I just feel like I’m meant to fail, I can’t envision myself successful and happy because that’s just not who I am I just fucking suck. I’m unlovable there is seriously something wrong with me , nobody even wants to talk to me because I can’t seem to act like a human, people just look at me weird or ignore me when I talk I feel like I’m not human I can’t even see myself as a human. I’m like a failed human idk wtf I’m even doing anymore. It’s like I had so much potential and I always fuck everything up. I just want to cry and hole myself up into a wall so that I don’t have to think anymore, being human is too hard I hate this so much. I feel like a 12 year old trying to do adult things, I don’t feel like I belong anywhere everyone treats me like a child because I fucking act like one. I don’t know how to act like people expect me to, I’m the same person I was when I was 12 and it’s pathetic.

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02:27 UTC

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