
Photograph via snooOG

Basic, detailed, step by step guides to daily tasks for people with anxiety disorders, social phobias, aspergers, or regular folk doing something brand new.

Basic, detailed, step by step guides for daily tasks for people with anxiety disorders, social phobias, Aspergers etc.

Click here to see an example of such a guide

If you have ever found yourself in the situation of just being to afraid to do a certain thing, of not knowing how to behave in a bar, how to get a book from a libary or trying to call in late for work, but just can't overcome your fear, then this is for you.

You are also very welcome to write guides for tasks you mastered, places you know or situations you are comortable with.


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  • No need to joke about other peoples worries

  • Please start your posts with ELIS: when you search for advice

ELIS: How to buy a car?

  • if you have advice or a guide to offer put [GUIDE]

[GUIDE] How to go to a club alone.

This subreddit is inspired by this comment and by /r/explainlikeimfive

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hi!! what should I bring when I go out?

context, I'm a teen and I go out pretty often, at least once a weekend on train journeys to different towns/coastal/natural places, but I always seem to forget the necessary items to bring. What I'd need is probably a list of basics to bring with me, since as much as I forget to bring things, I never seem to remember by the time I head home, nor do I remember to note it down. if this has already been asked then please direct me to it, otherwise thank you so much, have a good timezone!!<3

10:42 UTC


Travelling internationally (Australia to Japan) for the first time

Hi there! Myself and two other people are travelling internationally tomorrow morning from Australia (Brisbane to Cairns, then Cairns to Narita, Tokyo). Two of us have been before years ago but unsure/can't remember the whole process to explain to our friend who is coming along with us for the first time. We all are ASD and feeling anxious about the process of going through security, customs etc. and would very much benefit from any info on what to expect?

I saw something online stating that we are able to complete our immigration documents online before going over to Japan which gives you a QR to show at customs; What kind of questions will this ask/ what info will we need on hand, and also not sure how much else is involved in coming into Japan.

We are also not sure of how much Japanese we will need to know/understand/speak to get by in this process and very nervous about getting it wrong!

Any advice or walkthroughs would be eternally appreciated!

08:24 UTC


How do I ask out girls as a lesbian?

I’m an 18 year old lesbian with no dating experience. I’ve tried flirting but it is understood as friendliness. I don’t know how to tell if someone I’m interested in likes women. As the fashion trends progress, it gets more and more difficult to tell. Most people, LGBT+ or not, can’t tell I’m a lesbian from how I look. I don’t know how to flirt without it being understood as just being friendly. And I don’t want to wear a pride pin because I don’t feel safe with everyone knowing. Usually, I avoid girls that I like because I have anxiety (GAD) and rejection sensitive dysphoria and don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable.

If anyone has any advice on approaching girls, flirting, being able to tell who’s gay, and being confident in actually approaching girls - I’d really appreciate it.

06:31 UTC


Moving out, what order do we do this in?

We need to move out of our place due to our roommate becoming violent and refusing to address his mental illness.

Places we see that we can apply for want us to start the lease two weeks after approval, but we need to give our landlord thirty days notice.

I’m worried about giving him notice, and then potentially not finding a place in time, but also don’t want to get in a situation where we pay rent on two places.


18:21 UTC


How do I take the train to a different city?

Hi folks. I'm taking a crowded Metra train today to a new city. What should I expect? How do I prepare? It's about an hour long train ride, if that's helpful. Thank you for the help.

14:56 UTC


How do I do college?

I have a boat load of disorders from severe child abuse (namely CPTSD, BPD, OCD, and some others. Also autistic.) and I’ve had such a hard time with college because it feels less… “mandatory” then hs or elementary school work. The days I do have the motivation to do the work, I typically spend it with my gf so I can work on relationship things. So I’m asking now, how do I make college mandatory in my life?

08:03 UTC


How does carryout work at pizza hut?

Hey all, I want to get some pizza but I've only ever had it delivered before. I'm nervous about doing carryout because I don't know what to expect. I can order ahead of time, but when I go there, do I have to ask for my order or will they ask me if I'm the person who ordered? I know it might differ from location to location but if anyone has ordered online and done carryout before I'd like to know what I should expect. Thanks!

22:32 UTC


About a bug/insect

I wasn't sure where else to ask this so I thought I'd try here. I found a maybug (cockchafer) in my garden today, it only had one leg and seems like its face has been ripped off. What can I do to help it? I have a feeling its probably best to kill it so it doesn't suffer but it makes me upset thinking about doing that so I thought I'd ask here just incase.

09:56 UTC


How do i adult man

Hey so i’m 20 and my parents never taught me how to like.. well.. adult.

i don’t know how to book a doctor’s appointment, how to get health insurance or see id i already have it, how to check my credit/earn credit yk all that, not only that i am trying to move away from them but don’t know how to LIVE without them if i do move. Idek what is needed when it comes to trying to get an apartment, roomate, house, any of that and was hoping anyone here could help me with sources

08:57 UTC


Flirt on a date

I'm 26 and never been on a date before. I dont inow what to expect and I dont know how to act and flirt to show her I'm interested. I'm embarrassed and don't know who else to ask.

01:04 UTC


how do i make friends?

this is such an embarrassingly juvenile question but i genuinely don’t know how to befriend people. i have autism and anxiety, gone through a lot of mistreatment in my life from relationships of all kinds, and because i lived in unstable conditions until very recently i’ve never had a chance to make and keep friends. on top of that i’m queer (trans nonbinary) and i’m really scared of people not accepting my identity even though i live in a pretty progressive area. i do have some online friends but i want to grow up and make friends with people in real life. how do i go about it without looking weird or coming off too strongly?

19:36 UTC


How do I apply for college

Please help. I’m so scared. Advice on looking for schools, writing essays, and anything else that goes into the college process would be VERY helpful. Thank you :)

17:50 UTC


Will a bank still close my account after this?

I have severe anxiety and I asked my bank to close my account and they said they would close it today. someone was using my debit card so I tried to call and lock it bur instead the woman I was speaking with said she canceled it and sent ne a new one. I should have said actually no just cancel the card but I was really nervous. so now my account is supposed to be closing today but would they close it if they're sending me a new card? how do I know they would close my account? do i get an email? I have very little money and I don't want to keep my account open for them to charge me service fees and overdraft me. can I email them to close my account? what do I say in the email?

11:25 UTC


How can I write a CV/resume when I'm 31 with no real work or life experience?

So I'm 31 years old and I don't really have any work experience. The closest thing I have is:

  • In my early 20s I briefly worked for a company that was selling legal highs - I don't think I want to mention that for obvious reasons. I never had a contract or anything it was just help them with some spreadsheets and get sent money to my bank every month.
  • I did 2 weeks of teaching English as a foreign language (I live in Eastern Europe) but never got paid for it because I decided to quit as my boss-to-be significantly lowered how much he was offering to pay me 2 weeks in, and then was asking me to do a bunch more than we agreed
  • I made a full-time living off YouTube for a few years, before my channel died in popularity. I'm now living off my savings from those years, and they're quickly running out hence my need for a job.

That's it, at 31 I've still never worked a proper job. I also don't really have any qualifications, just GCSEs that I don't even remember my results in and a BTEC Certificate in IT from a community college type place. I left school at 17.

I'm also a former addict who is house-bound and hasn't socialised once since 2019. So my life story is basically a lot of drugs and partying in my early 20s, then getting clean and being stuck in my house on my computer doing nothing because of the crippling anxiety it left me with. Something I'm trying to face now with medication and therapy but I've only got as far as walks outside the house, no interactions with people or anything beyond cashiers at the store.

I have absolutely no clue how to write a CV/resume in the first place, and especially not how to write one with my lack of anything good to say about myself, that'll actually make me sound hireable.

If it's relevant, I'm mostly interested in jobs that would involve my English skills as a native speaker like possibly teaching or maybe working at a call centre or helpdesk dealing with English customers. I'm also interested in content writing or voice-over work.

10:27 UTC


How to ask for financial help from family?

This is so dumb but I can’t get myself to call my dad and I really need his help financially because I’m a college student with piss-poor financial literacy and I wasn’t able to get scheduled shifts for my job this semester. I got stuck with a huge hospital bill of around $1000 because I was in the ER for a panic attack at the end of March and I can’t pay it (and that’s a whole other thing… don’t know how to start figuring out stuff like getting an itemized bill or making sure all the charges are legit) and I need to secure $300 for my down payment for my university housing application and I just. I can’t do it???

He’s a nice guy and he’s not one to just outright turn me down if I needed help but for some reason it just feels like such a big thing to ask and it bothers me that I can’t make it happen because these are things I need to take care of now or else I’m gonna be completely screwed.

07:10 UTC


How do I develop a wardrobe that meets my needs?

I used to just wear what i was given since never been allowed to buy clothes before but now im on my own I have a budget of about $200/year for it this is the first time so I have a few questions

How do I tell if I like something?

What should shirts and pants and shoes feel like if they fit properly?

How do you dress for a season? How does layering work? I moved to a cold climate and I have no idea how to layer and not feel smothered and like I can't move

I want to do this slowly so i don't overwhelm myself

01:24 UTC


Flying internationally (US to Canada)

hi!! im flying for the very first time, and it's alone and international. Every person i ask the response i get is "you go through tsa and customs" but i have no idea how any of it works. How early should i be? How does customs work? When does customs happen? I'm trying to make myself a step by step list to put in my phone to make sure i know what's happening & what to expect when.

Edit: flying DC to Edmonton, layover in toronto

00:51 UTC


Packing for day trip?

Hey yall, sorry to ask but i would very much enjoy a list of Stuff to Bring to a trip (field trip essentially, just a day but a long one) and my brain hates me in particular. If anyone could toss me suggestions for other stuff or just. general museam/market/Philly advice it would be so appreciated thank you.

i already have stuff like wallet, phone, charger, meds and my camera stuff but im blanking on other things that i feel like i should know

00:25 UTC


Get a city parking sticker in Chicago when I haven’t had one in years.

I have pretty severe issues that lead to difficulty getting tasks done - or started. I’m accumulating tickets and I’ve been told before that I have to pay for all the stickers I never got before I can get one. I am paralyzed and don’t know where to start. I can’t afford this. What do I do?

1 Comment
22:01 UTC


Ordering pizza to a hotel

It’s a really really dumb question but someone please help. I’m staying in a hotel while visiting a client for the week. Today was rough and I was planning on getting food at the hotel restaurant/bar, but there are so many people there right now and I don’t think I can handle any more human interactions right now.

There’s a Dominos across the street but it’s about to storm outside and the idea of even just meeting someone in the lobby and having everyone at the bar see me do that is absolutely freaking me out for no good reason.

If I order Dominos pizza, will they bring it to my room?

21:40 UTC


I’m moving across the country for the first time

So for context, I have only moved a long distance as a child when it was all taken care of (NC-FL) and now I am an adult who has no idea what I am doing. Partner’s family is coming down with a truck to help us but I need tips so I feel like I somewhat know what I am going to be going through. We are driving from FL to AZ with 2 cats, a dog and a snake. Any help and advice would be phenomenal and much appreciated. We have a storage unit full of stuff.

21:38 UTC


How do I get/send a money order

I didn't even know what a money order was until I had to get one. I've been putting it off for months

18:08 UTC


What can a cleaner do in my house?

I have received a weekly cleaner through a disability program for 3 hours and I don't know what I can ask her to do? Like is it rude to ask her to clean my bathtub or toilet or to clean the cat litter? What's normal for a cleaner to do?

She currently sweeps and mops and does the dishes but she's not allowed to do anything I dont directly ask for and I don't know what I'm allowed to ask her to do

04:02 UTC


how to cook

im 18 and my parents never taught me how to cook so now im trying to teach myself but i dont even know where to start

my friends taught me how to fry an egg and even that i was so slow and clumsy at 💀 they both have this intuition of how much time to leave something for or how much seasoning to put and they dont know how to teach that to me, how do i learn something that is just an instinct for other people?

any simple recipes to start with or tips would be greatly appreciated!! :)

12:42 UTC


How do I ask someone on Etsy about how to resize their pattern for a dress?

I'm sorry if this is a weird question to ask but I'm am plus size person and there's a dress pattern I want to buy but it's 1-2 sizes too small but they're the closest to my size for this style of dress that I have been able to find.

The Etsy seller says to ask any questions before buying (as it is a digital pattern and they don't do refunds) and I have looked up ways to resize patterns but I wanted to ask the Etsy seller so that way I don't mess up, mainly because I'll be printing it out and taping it together.

Though if anyone knows how to simply resize a pattern that is printed and taped together then that could help too.

Thanks in advance.

23:57 UTC


How do I introduce special needs cats?

One of my cats (f, 8, spayed) I've had since she was a kitten. Some things happened, and she was traumatized. (Bullying from other cats in the household.) I've moved her to my room- it's spacious, and she has plenty of toys, a cat tree, a fountain, free-feed, etc. She does not like other cats. She hates them. However, I work long hours and I think it would actually be very good for her to have companions. I worry that she gets bored.

Recently, I found a pregnant cat outside. The neighbors dogs have been known to attack and kill cats they can catch, so I brought her inside. At the time, the shelter near me was not accepting cats due to spring time influx. I put her in the bathroom, and she had seven kittens. She has a fountain, toys, a kitten box, and free-feed. I spend 1-2 hours a day in there with her. My family has stated that she chose me as her person, and I agree. I've become very attached to her. I have found homes for all of the kittens except one, which my dumb ass named, and now I'm attached to her too.

All of them are healthy. I have the mom scheduled to have her shots and get spayed after the kittens are weaned. I will have the kitten spayed and get her shots as soon as she's old enough.

Momma cat is pretty chill, but if other cats come close to her with her kittens or move quickly towards her when her kittens are in another room, she hisses and bats at them.

How can I introduce them? I have had both fully grown cats in the same room with one another. They don't attack each other outright, but they stare and hiss at each other.

If this is a bust, the original cat will stay. I will have to keep trying to find a home for the new cat and kitten. I really want this to work, though.

Any advice is appreciated. Thank you.

22:12 UTC


How do I deal with getting paid weekly?

I have just started a new job where I get paid weekly and I’m struggling to budget for having to pay rent and other monthly bills. I’m terrible at saving money and I’m finding it hard to even have anything left at the end of the week. Please help! Thanks

17:51 UTC


Seperation and divorce

How do I know when it's time? How do I remain strong enough to do it when I am still in love with them? How do I do it? How do I come out the other side? Explain to me like I'm scared because I am.

17:18 UTC


Emancipated at 16, no idea where to start

firstly, I'm not in danger. despite how it sounds, this is a (mostly) mutual agreement. It's a step above being kicked out, and I have time to find friends to stay with at the least. Doesn't stop me from being terrified.

i have enough in savings to keep me afloat for maybe 2 months, a job enough to make rent and insurance, and a car. other than that, I have no idea where to start, what legal steps to take once I'm out, or generally at all what to do. I'm not in a place where I can discuss this with my parents, and really have nowhere else to turn.

any help at all would be hugely appreciated, and maybe life saving. once again I'm not in direct danger, just being pushed our for personal reasons.

02:28 UTC


how to use an ATM

Can someone tell me how to use an ATM? I've never used one before, I've only ever gotten cash back at the grocery store, I'm scared that I'll look like I won't know what I'm doing and I get really really anxious, but I'm trying to get better at branching out and doing things I've never done before. Is it all self-explanatory? Do I just follow whatever it says on the screen?

02:21 UTC

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