An attempt to cultivate blog posts relating to user experiences with anxiety.
Check out the other following Anxiety related subreddits:
For anyone who has or has had agoraphobia and has done exposures, if you'd like to write a guest post for my blog to motivate and inspire others, you're most welcome to do so.
That was the question I posted on a forum for students in 2016. I was a student myself at the time, and I was sitting on the couch in my student apartment. It was evening, and I was losing control. I had a full-blown panic attack. It wouldn’t have been visible to other people, but I felt like I was dying. My heart was racing, and my thoughts were going 1000 kilometers an hour. I need to stand up. I need to walk. No, I need to sit down… No, walk again. Pacing. What am I doing? I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. I’m going crazy. I had no idea what to do anymore.
I need someone. Anyone. Now. I can’t handle this. Who is still up and wants to talk to me?
Someone replied. She told me that she also experienced panic attacks and knew what I was going through. She was trying to calm me down. Assured me that I was not going to die. I had survived previous panic attacks, so I would survive this one. She told me that it was going to be alright. I was going to be OK.
It helped. Slowly but surely, I calmed down. The panic attack was over. I had survived another panic attack. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. This person, a complete stranger, was standing by my side while I was experiencing one of the worst panic attacks I’d had in years.
I see similar questions on forums on the internet. It is both heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time. There are so many people who genuinely want to help. They share techniques that they have learned or give words of reassurance. And the questioner will get through the panic attack.
This kind of support is amazing, but it’s not a sustainable solution. The panic is going to come back at some point. You don’t just want the panic attacks to go away. Even more so, you don’t want to be afraid of the next one.
Ever since I was 20 I’ve been working different factory jobs. I tried retail work and I just couldn’t pull it off in any place I tried. I had to fake being social and I’m so bad at it. I’m now 30 and I honestly wish I had picked any other direction for my life..
I’ve always been creative and kept my mind busy with different projects. I used to animate little web cartoons with my brother, shoot home movies, draw comics, record music, do a little acting, but with each passing year I feel more and more depressed that I didn’t work harder at it to make that my career in some way.
I know it’s not too late, and it sounds so dramatic, but I really feel like with each warehouse job I take a piece of my creativity shrivels up and dies. Currently i need to find a new job and it’s never been harder. Nothing like it was the last couple years. Anyway I put together this short video just to get my feelings out there. I’m really bad at public speaking and I’m probably going to delete it out of embarrassment but I just needed to talk it out, even if it was just speaking into the void.
Has anyone else here gone through what I’m feeling lately? I’d really like to hear it.
A step by step guide to helping and overcoming anxiety and fear....https://youtu.be/FzTCXk0MYvo
Anxiety. That emotion warning us something threatening is just about to happen. Life-saving when we are genuinely threatened, damaging when we become constantly anxious: anxiety is tiring – it is meant to be. We are only meant to be anxious for very short periods. When prolonged, it isn’t just tiring – it is exhausting. Sound familiar?
Introverts. Those of us who prefer calm situations and environments. We prefer to re-charge on our own. We often enjoy losing ourselves in our own thoughts. We tend to have small, close-knit, social lives. That doesn’t mean we’re anti-social!
Not all introverts experience anxiety, and you don’t have to be an introvert to struggle with it. Many introverts deal with anxiety, though, so this is quite common.
Here are the key signs you’re an introvert with anxiety:
· You’re more prepared than most others because you’ve already thought through the worst-case scenarios.
· You have a tendency to over-think things and pay too much attention to your negative self-talk.
· You feel you always have to be doing something – being busy (which is often different from being effective) may be a means of trying to cope with the anxiety.
· You tend to prefer routines to novel situations. While this can be fine for periods, boredom and unexpected issues arising can easily throw you in to a spin.
· You’re often nervous without showing it – many become very effective at masking their emotions as a defence mechanism.
· You are more likely to perceive situations as being more dangerous than they really are - anxiety primes us for the fight, flight, freeze response making us more likely to over-react to a low-risk situation.
· You have tendencies towards perfectionism. This is often allied to beliefs such as ‘I need to please everyone’, ‘I need everyone to like me to be a worthy person’.
· Nervousness can throw your chatter in to over-drive: while you normally only speak when you have something significant to say (and you’re normally sure of your facts before speaking), nerves can have you chattering away in an attempt to over-compensate.
· You often have trouble sleeping – either getting to sleep a-tall, waking through the night or waking way too early
Being an introvert with anxiety can be hard. Thankfully there is help at hand. Anxiety in its many guises is one of the most common issues Solution Focused Hypnotherapy therapists help people with.
Ask yourself: What have I learned from this article that I will adopt today as my own? What is the one thing that has grabbed me, and what will I do about it NOW?
I hope you got something out of this short piece: I have posted more quick reads on my own little corner of the Redditsphere as per my profile.
For my PhD research, I am studying a topic that is close to my heart, as I am sure it is to many of you.
Men's mental health is often neglected through the lack of recognition and support available when things get tough. I want to contribute to the creation and development of interventions that will ultimately change the lives of men across the world.
My research looks at how men help-seek. There are two facets to this: how men with anxiety help-seek, and how men help-seek across generations. I want to look into whether there are specific notions of anxiety which aid or hinder men in asking for help, likewise with age and its effect on help-seeking for anxiety.
If you would kindly take part in my study, or help me to distribute my survey, I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you!!
Hey All,
I'm in the process of creating an online community for people with various mental health disorders to offer peer support. I'm looking for anyone interested in helping moderate, contribute, or otherwise give suggestions.
Please PM me if you're at all interested in moderating, writing, etc.
(Mods - If this sort of post isn't allowed here feel free to remove it)
Did your health seem to disintegrate after gut health issues? Learn how your inflammation, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, obesity, autoimmunity, constipation, SIBO, memory loss, depression, anxiety, atherosclerosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease may all have common roots in metabolic endotoxemia, a dysregulation of gut health that causes bodywide problems on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit
Stress is a common problem that affects millions of people around the world. It can have negative effects on your physical and mental health, and can even lead to chronic diseases. The good news is that there are plenty of natural and effective techniques to reduce stress, and the Arogyadham Retreat has compiled a list of 20 such techniques to help you manage stress in your life.
Incorporating these 20 natural and effective stress reduction techniques into your daily routine can help you manage stress and improve your overall well-being. Remember to prioritize self-care and seek help if you need it.
What do inflammation, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, obesity, autoimmunity, constipation, SIBO, memory loss, depression, anxiety, atherosclerosis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease have in common? They all may have partial roots in metabolic endotoxemia. Learn more about this dysregulation of gut health that causes bodywide problems on The Perfect Stool Podcast with host Lindsey Parsons, EdD: https://link.chtbl.com/theperfectstool-Reddit
Invest in yourself, and your self-image will flourish:
Identify and challenge your limiting beliefs. While they have many guises, most limiting beliefs can be distilled down to two essential beliefs: I’m not good enough & I’m not worthy. We may also carry over beliefs from our early years which served us well then but now hinder us as adults.
Recognize – and celebrate - your small victories. Whatever small victories are meaningful to you. Within the context of having strategic plans, each small step is a victory in itself and also a step towards something so much bigger.
Take responsibility for your current situation. When you take responsibility, you take control. And when are in control, you have options and choices.
Do something for others. Creating meaning for yourself and value for others helps build your win / win relationship with the world around you.
Take a step each day toward your ideal self. We all have the same 168 hours each week – that’s just physics – the issue is what we choose to do with them. Adopting the habit of frequently asking yourself: what would be the most valuable thing I can do right now that would be a step in the right direction?
Manage your self-talk. We all talk to ourselves – it’s just how our brains work. When we choose to take control of our internal dialogue, we can make it work for us.
Focus on the value adding activities. When we think about what we have on our plate, considering how important and how urgent each item is really puts things in perspective. When we focus our efforts on what is important – in the context of what we have chosen to achieve – we’re moving in the right direction.
Avoid comparing yourself to others. This points to the difference between self-esteem (externally focused) and self-worth (internally focused). The only valid comparison is our previous self.
A healthy self-image is central to our wellbeing. By adopting these habits, we can help ourselves to keep moving in the right direction.
Whether one suffers from an anxiety disorder, has observed an increase in anxiety over the past several years—as so many of us have—or is merely going through a stressful moment, everyone needs a little encouragement from time to time in life. Here, anxiety quotes can be a big help.
Since the beginning of time, poets, thinkers, and even regular people have produced uplifting proverbs and pearls of wisdom to clear the mind, reduce worry, and put things in perspective. These uplifting anxiety quotes may motivate you to persevere even when things get challenging.
Hey guys:
I just want to share with you all my learnings through my anxiety journey that you do not have to make the same mistakes or spent so much money:
I got you bro :)
Meditation than is basically a mixture of Mindfulness and Relaxing Technique through nasal breathing! And over a few weeks if you stick to it you will notice that you have much less thoughts!
Digital / Dopamine Detox: if you shut down porn, Youtube (you don't improve if you just still watch, trust me), Social Media, etc. for a period of time ( 30days than you like it ) you will drastically improve. Only 1:30h screen Time on the phone per day and pick up a good book instead! Or think how you could help others.
Reading and Learning: if you then have free time because you don't fap, pick up a good book and reading something, where someone probably spent their lifetime fixing your problem. Learn from them!
Gratitude: you can write down and feel the things in a Journal, or you go Pro Mode and use the technique from Alex Hormozi, The Grandfather frame works like this:
Basically he explained that you are pretending you are 85 years old , have tons of money and not much time left, and going to a time machine that brings you to the age that you currently are, and thinking to that frame like:
...look I’m waking up and doesn’t have back pain, … I’m jumping up and feeling energised , … seeing my beautiful partner and thinking like look how beautiful he/she is, that’s amazing, … look at all the trees they where here at that time, … look at that sweet coffee mugs we had at that time, that’s crazy, … I’m here playing the game of life that’s so cool,… I hope you get the concept! It is that weird frame that basically bags you to be present.
Nutrition: Bro just eat clean in the 80/20 rule. Eat 80% clean (fruits, vegetables, lean meat, non processed food), You feel better about your self and more energised trust me :D
Sleep: I know what you think, everybody writes sleep but how the hell can you properly sleep with anxiety? Here me out: fuck all points like (no blue light at night, no phone , etc..) Just change your relationship with sleep like:
When you start to think: ” Fu*k Sleep, I don’t need that much sleep!” You will start to notice that your sleep duration contradictory will increase, because you will lose that pressure and that anxiety all around sleep.
The less you care about sleep, the better you sleep! The more you care about sleep, most likely your sleep sucks.
And if your thoughts still are begging you use mindfulness and this weird technique: Try to think through, how you would build up your own village on a lonely island. Go through all logistical steps in detail. How you would provide food,… How you would create working tools and machines, … How you would build the houses,.. and go really into detail,.. which insulation etc… And if you go through that process you will somehow enjoy it and loose the focus from the anxiety provoking thoughts. So look forward to build your own village tonight!
Track these activities on a habit tracker for a few weeks, and trust me your life will change! And of course you will have set backs and still anxiety sometimes, but try to incorporate that mindset: " Fu*k Anxiety, I don't care". If you let your brain shrink that topic to irrelevant even when you currently have it, you will then improve even more.
So that's all: If you love me, come look at my blog and leave me a comment and share it. If not, I don ´t know :(
And if you found it crap: just insult me in the comments