
Photograph via snooOG

Struggling with DPDR? Frequent forum use may exacerbate it so please check out our stickied Resource Guide before you post.

---------------------------------------------------------------Welcome! This community is meant for people affected by depersonalization and/or derealization, and is a safe place to talk about our struggles and discuss ways to make the burden of dissociation easier. Please make sure to read the subreddit rules before posting.

Notice: Remember to report any troll-like or extremely negative post. If in doubt, report it. I currently don't have the time to go through everything.

Depersonalization (DP) and derealization (DR) are dissociative/anxiety-type disorders commonly experienced alongside depression and/or anxiety but may also occur on their own as a primary disorder.

Due to the unusual nature of the symptoms sufferers of DP/DR have a hard time describing the main symptoms of the disorder, but commonly describe it as:

  • Experiencing life as a dream

  • Feeling removed from being in the moment

  • Watching oneself experiencing the world

  • Experiencing life as if watching events unfolding through a screen

  • Extremely discomforting feelings of unreality

More information on the disorders:

  • Here is a FAQ page on DPDR

  • Here is an article to help anyone better understand exactly what DPDR is, and how to overcome it.

  • A good example reflecting the everyday life of a DPDR sufferer is the film Numb (2007)

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1) Please be respectful of one another. Any rude, bullying, or harassment type comments/messages will NOT be tolerated whatsoever and will result in an immediate ban. Please report any such content.

2) No advertisements or endorsements are allowed whatsoever. This includes coaching websites/email lists/paid books and manuals. They claim to have the cure to make you waste your money. If the guide is free, it can be shared in plain text on any platform.

3) No NSFW content, no revealing personal information.

4) This is not a personal connections subreddit. Meetup/social type posts are okay, but not any "M4F" type posts.

5) Please try and submit posts that allow for civil discussion. Even if you're having a crappy day, it's better to rant and receive some support rather than submitting a title only post that won't attract almost anything.

6) These are the rules regarding memes.


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Need Quick Advice

I'm 21 today it's my bday I'm almost out of dpdr I feel like only mild symptoms I just want 1 beer 5% abv 11 ounces will it set me back I just want one again at this point almost out very mild symptoms

1 Comment
01:19 UTC


Derealization vision is literally drunk vision

Anyone else agree? So fucking annoying

01:12 UTC


Mirror Work?

Listening to some YouTube videos and mirror work was mentioned but not described.

I imagine it entails looking at yourself in the mirror, but not sure what else. How long? How often? Do you do anything besides stare?


23:04 UTC


Who here believes motion sensitivity / easily triggered vertigo dizziness is highly connected to DPDR ?

Anyone here experience these symptoms along with DPDR ?

1 Comment
17:25 UTC


Magnesium l threonate or vitamin b1?

Which is most likely to help with derealization and why?

1 Comment
17:05 UTC


is anyone elses focus completely compromised?

like jesus christ. i cant even watch a 3 minute video. my mind is racing 24/7 and those fleeting moments of finally not focusing on dpdr feel so freeing

16:59 UTC


This is the worst Mother’s Day by far since having this.

Even last year it was better. I can tell I’ve gotten worse and the cognitive impairment and Anheodnia is worse.

For the 12 years I’ve been of Mother we just had a tradition. I had my own taste and likes and it was who I was it was my trademark. As time goes on I forget more and more of that and I’m reminded randomly when I see reminders around.

I used to be a healthy person and on Mother’s Day was a day of iced coffee, flower shopping, and Thai food. Then more iced coffees. Now I forget that person and wouldn’t even know where to begin to be that person.

It’s weird a lifetime of you can be wiped out.

16:44 UTC


Is this Derealization?

I’m 18 male and life feels like it’s moving so fast and everything seems like a blur. Like I’m on autopilot mode. It Feels like I’m living in a simulation and looking at my life through a screen that’s far away idk if that makes sense. It also seems to come and go throughout the day, so when I’m not experiencing it, I feel as though I just made it up when I did feel it. When I was younger everything seemed so real and stimulating but now I feel disconnected idk it’s weird, maybe this is just what happens as you get older. I also read that you mainly get it from drugs but I’ve never had any drugs like that so maybe it’s not derealization. Sorry for the rant

13:15 UTC


I don't know who i am.

Like have you thought about a friend you know very well when something happens and they're not around and you be like: "if they were here, they would do this or they would say that"? That's because you know them well and they do have a certain personality. For me I don't think anyone can say such thing because i don't really have a definite character or something. I just don't recognize time, space, people, or myself. I look at the mirror and it's weird. I dehumanized myself and others that sometimes humans just look weird.

I just don't know my identity or personality or who i am or what i am I don't know how i am supposed to act and I'm just unhappy about everything I can't figure out it's all so weird and I don't know how to know myself and not forget myself and my surrounding. I just want to mayeb feel like i am someone definite. I want to be actually limited to a personality and not just know my name.

12:58 UTC


Need someone to talk to

I’ve been experiencing some horrible symptoms lately, convincing myself i’ve been having seizures/am going psychotic.

Basically, it just feels like my brain isn’t working. It feels like the words I say don’t make sense. It feels like I keep just zoning into consciousness (without actually blacking out) My memory is everywhere and I feel like i’m really close to losing it.

If anyone has the time to talk about it, i’d really appreciate it, thanks.

12:05 UTC


Blocked/Stuffy Nose w/ Occasional Drip

It feels like randomly throughout the day and much worse at night when I lay down (especially on my stomach) my nose feels blocked and I have to breathe through my mouth. Sometimes I have it in a certain position, and after a while it goes away. It really does feel like my brain is not getting enough oxygen and I'm curious if this could be contributing or if it's a symptom. Anybody else experience sinus issues?

1 Comment
08:52 UTC


Weird phase, signs that I'm healing?

Been dealing with bad DPDR episode since march. Lots of stress etc. Now I've entered this weird phase. I'm on a small holiday with friends right now and there's so many moments it's virtually gone, but then my brain has to go "wow, you're feeling normal? That ain't right? Where's the DPDR? Check reality!!!" And it's back. Then I'll proceed to have a wave of terrible anxiety for like a couple of minutes, and literally 5 minutes later I'll be a 100% in the moment again, laughing with my buddies. 10 mins later the cycle repeats "hey wow, where's the DPDR? Reality looks fake right?"

Anyway, it used to just be there 24/7, so I guess this is a sign of healing? Anyone else went through this phase? I'm not even bothered by it at some points and on others I'm terrified. Weird.

08:26 UTC


Blood test

I’ve gotten blood tests since I’ve been having dpdr, I’ve had it for around 5 months now and I got the blood test around the second month. The blood test came make perfectly normal. Do I have anything to worry about if they came back fine? I’ve gotten hypochondria(health anxiety) from dpdr, so I’m always thinking the worst.

08:16 UTC


Pets and DPDR

I’ve had a dog for about two years and my DPDR started at the beginning of this year and my dog was really helpful through all of this but I just got a cat a couple weeks ago and since then I really love my cat but my pets including the dog I’ve had forever seem really scary to me is this normal? And I’m really confused because the dog was helpful before but now she’s just really scary. Does anyone else pets who they love now scare them or has anyone else had a similar experience?

1 Comment
08:00 UTC


How often you have headaches?

I think I have some neurological illness or something because most of the time I have headaches...tension, burning sensation, "thunder-clap headache", my life is hell. And Im just 22.

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01:05 UTC


Sound frequency triggering dp/dr

Over a couple of months I realised that my dp/dr was somehow triggered by certain types of headphones. I tried many and especially headphones with an emphasis on the 3-4 kHz frequency range made it much worse. I switched to some that are more leant back in the high frequency range and after a couple of days it instantly got better. Did this 3-4 times. Always the same result.

Does anybody else have this problem?

21:33 UTC


Does anyone else have worse symptoms on any medication?

For context, I have been diagnosed for many years now, however I cannot take any medication, this isn’t just SSRIs, the medications/drugs that I’ve tried that dissociate me with ranging severity include:

Any stimulants


7 or 8 antidepressants I’ve tried

THC and 100% CBD

Ibuprofen and more than half a Tylenol

All allergy meds and nasal sprays except Claritin which is bearable

An anti fungal for a very mild skin issue

I understand this is unique, my psychiatrist is stumped and I’m getting genetic testing soon but was curious if anyone else has a similar experience

21:12 UTC


I’m outside and it feels like my body / mind aren’t even here

I’m so far removed from the current moment it’s actually scary, it’s never been this bad before. Everything doesn’t feel foreign, it feels like it’s not there. I can’t even sense it.

20:57 UTC



I feel disconnected from people around me and sometimes I worry I’m forgetting people. I’ll be like “I have a boyfriend” and kinda be like “oh?” Like I feel existential? I really can’t explain it. I’ve never forgot who he was I just feel detached from him and other people which makes me feel/worry that I’m forgetting them . I was scared I had dementia and got screened and I had no alarming symptoms but I messed up a maths question but the nurse said that’s just my math’s ability because I am awful at it

20:30 UTC


do i have dpdr?

i thought i was just having a really long (2 years as i’m writing this) disassociation episode or something, but i learned about dpdr recently and i think i might have it. nothing has felt real since it started in may of 2022 and my vision is like i’m watching a tv screen. everything i look at feels flat and 2d, but my depth perception skills are normal. when i look in the mirror i recognize myself, but when the symptoms get worse it feels like i am me, but my body isn’t. also when the symptoms get worse it feels like everyone, no matter how well or how long i’ve known them for, are strangers. it’s like i’m the only conscious person and everyone else is a video game npc or something. this was kind of a background thing for past 6 months, but it’s recently gotten bad again. i just went for a walk and it felt oddly surreal because of this, but i ended up getting scared and running (like legit sprinting) back home after avoiding every passerby i saw because it felt like everyone i saw was either out to get me or just going to judge me. i’m not really sure. i don’t smoke. i honestly feel like i’m going insane. is this dpdr?

20:28 UTC


I need help

Im 16 and ive had dp for 2 years. I got it from smoking weed. I havent smoked since, but I drink and vape. I am 60-70% recovered. I need some help on how to get over the hump and get better. Also will quitting drinking and vaping help me?

18:37 UTC


I think this is all about self

How do you feel about yourself? I guess that I first got DP because I lost all belief of myself and started feeling anxious all the time. Ppl with OCD don't trust themselves and many of us here including me have OCD.....

1 Comment
18:31 UTC


This is so cruel...

How does it make sense that I'm over conscious of myself but at the same time I feel no sense of myself....I feel like I keep staring at me feeling nothing at all...

17:25 UTC




so i'm defo dealing with dpdr rn, but it's an awful feeling. i feel like i'm on drugs or something, i can't focus properly and i feel dizzy? does anyone else feel like this?? i do not do drugs of any kind btw

edit: i get the not real feeling sensation, also my hearing sounds muffled..like pressure. my vision is wonky with it but wonky hearing is an all new for me?

this has been on and off the last few days but today has been a chore. the littlest stress seems to cause this. anyone else get these?


16:36 UTC



does anyone else’s dpdr get bad when they eat or drink? or even the action and thought of eating or drinking makes you anxious?

16:19 UTC


Can someone clarify if this is DPDR

I am 16M from Scotland. For some context about myself, I am most of the time, fit, healthy, sociable and (again mostly) mentally completely stable. I have experienced in the past heightened levels of anxiety, and I believe DPDR, but the more conventional issues such as emotional numbness and the feeling that I’m in a dream like state.

About 7 weeks ago, I went through a situation at home. An argument escalated between me and my dad, which ended up in him leaving for a few nights and me being arrested later in the evening (I faced no charges and was dearrested about an hour after). At the time, I felt very little. I was incredibly angry, and likely more stressed at the time. But the weeks went on, and I was fine.

Roughly 3 and a half weeks ago, a spell of dizziness and an excruciating headache set me up for quite possibly the worst 3 weeks of my life. I have been incredibly restless, agitated and panicked (all due to anxiety regarding my health). I have seen my GP 3 times, and been to AandE 3 times, and as far as they are concerned, i’m fine.

But now, in the past week, i’ve been experiencing severe cognitive issues. It sounds portentous, but I would describe my usual ability as ‘sharp’; I do well in school, and my memory is normally fantastic. Now, I can’t concentrate on anything whatsoever, my memory is incredibly patchy, and I even have brief moments of amnesia such as ‘how did I get here’ and ‘where am I’. And of course, this makes it worse. I am now fixated on the idea that i’m experiencing symptoms of early onset dementia. Mix the fixation, forgetfulness, and panics and it is hell. I can’t relax, i’m tense 24/7, and I have about 10 minutes of clarity a day.

Basically, i’m shit scared of dementia. I’m scared for myself, my family and that I won’t make it past 20 as a sane human being. I just need someone to tell me that this complete brain fog and forgetfulness is just anxiety and maybe DPDR.

For a final bit of context, I use nicotine, can count the amount of times I’ve used weed on 2 hands, and very rarely drink alcohol.

Any resources, reassurance or resonance will make a huge difference, thank you

16:12 UTC


Afraid of losing my sense of morality towards others if I don't think they're real

This weird solipsistic feeling is making me worried that I'll eventually go crazy and won't see other humans as equally real. What if I start mistreating people because of it?

15:10 UTC


I order stuff online, just to leave it in the box…

I just don’t care so I forget about it. It doesn’t really trigger emotion or satisfaction.

Again, I’m not even anxious. So what the actual fuck.

Anyone else?? 🙈🙈😬😬

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14:54 UTC


I feel alone..

Anyone dealing with being emotionally numb? No positive emotions, not able to cry most days? I don’t even feel anxiety/panic physically just mentally

Feelings of going crazy or losing control? I’m scared I’ll snap one day and hurt myself without even wanting to and that scares me.

My mind is foggy & I don’t have any visualizations or memory recall in my mind.. no imagination.

I recently had a good week where I felt “normal” but I knew it wasn’t myself and something was still missing but a few days ago I fell back into the thick of it!!

I think this is brain damage and I’ll never get better!

Yes I have a therapist & doctors etc but it’s hard when no one knows about DPDR and can’t help you so you feel more helpless!

Any positive suggestions and stories? Anyone going through the same thing that wants to be supportive friends through this?? No NEGATIVITY!!

This all started in December 2023, after terrible panic & anxiety, which I was on a medicine then that caused my issues to be worse and then land in dpdr! I’m off the medicine now..

1 Comment
13:10 UTC

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