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356,561 Subscribers


What is your version of a good, long lasting relationship?

" A true long lasting love is about living in absolute comfort of each other, doing a lot of utterly mundane things together, and growing old and fat together. The romance novels don't include those parts "

I find myself in agreement. What is your version of a good, long lasting relationship?

06:42 UTC


What's the difference between a college and a university?

05:52 UTC


what would you think?

If you saw someone at the grocery store pushing the cart opposite side to where the handle is would you think anything of it?

1 Comment
05:51 UTC


What happens if you tase / use a stungun on a phone?

Will tasing a phone, android/iPhone affect or damage it in any way? Could it turn off, or overload the battery and die? If you don't know and you have a taser, can you test it on your phone and report back? for science :D

05:48 UTC


Who here has sued a large company for violating the WARN ACT?

I wanted to see who here has sued a large company that has over 5,000 employees, for violating the warn act and how much your attourney was suing for and how much your actual settlement was.

1 Comment
05:26 UTC


People with great Visual memory, what are your secrets?

03:57 UTC


I dont need a man to take care of me. But to find one that don't cheat. Good luck. They are right up there with unicorns,fairies,and the Easter bunny.

03:51 UTC


What does Cuando me dice “no creo que seas capaz” pero no me ha visto con los cables cruzados mean in English

02:30 UTC


Where is my USPS package?

I had a USPS package that was supposed to be delivered on Friday. I was out of town but when I got home late on Saturday it wasn't in my mailbox. Tracking said it was delivered to my mailbox. I thought there was a possibility it might've gone into someone else's mailbox but I didn't want to walk up and down the street opening my neighbor's mailboxes. I also live in an area where the majority of homes are 2nd homes so a misplaced piece of mail might not be discovered for months. It's a gated community kind of in the middle of nowhere so I was not super concerned that it had gotten stolen from my mailbox.

After a couple of days of hoping to catch my carrier and inquiring about it, today I called the post office. She asked me if my box was in a cluster to which I replied negative. She then asked me for the tracking number which I gave her. She immediately replied that they would have my package delivered the next day.

So my question is this - if tracking said the package was delivered to my mailbox, how did she know so quickly that it was not and does she know where my package currently is at? If I did not call, would I have ever gotten my package?

1 Comment
01:12 UTC


What saved your marriage from the verge of divorce?

People who are still married today (preferably happily), what saved your marriage from the brink of divorce?

00:50 UTC


How can I stop eating paper?

I know it’s bad for me, but I do it anyways.

I’ve done it since I was a child and for most of my adult life I hadn’t done it until now, and I don’t know why?

But how can I stop?

23:37 UTC


Let's test your morality!

So you're in another country for tourism, in a cafe near the hotel you're staying at. And you hear two men on a table near you, talking about a woman on another table, saying they would kidnap her, and she is a good victim, and they have a g-un, would you tell her/pretend you know her to tell her that, and they drag you with her, or run with your life to the hotel, knowing you'd regret this forever in your life.

23:15 UTC


what do i do if in high school i got taken advantage of but fell in love with the other brother?

when i was 14 in high school, i went to a party and ended up having sex with someone i didn’t wanna have sex with, i repeatly said no and tried to get him off me but it still happened. years later over 15 years later. i end up getting with his brother and fall in love. we’ve been together for 5 years, and he knew about this right away, and still stayed with me. now that his brother is out of prison, he mentioned it to his brother but his brother is denying it and trying to make me look like a liar and a bad person, we (my boyfriend and i) knew we would have to face this but what do i do? i know it has my boyfriend in a hard spot bcuz that’s his brother and im a girl he loves.

21:43 UTC


How long will thc oil Stay in my system

I’m about 5’8 187lbs. I used a weed pen for like 3 days maybe 4. (6/27-7/1) I have a urine test on 7/18. I’ve been drinking plenty of water for the last couple of days. In your guys opinion should I be good, or get a detox drink to be safe?

21:09 UTC


What did your parents do that made them a great parent?

Me and my parents don’t have a great relationship. My mom was a SAHM and my dad worked a lot. I have three other siblings and my childhood is filled with silence and books. My parents made no effort to really parent us or make sure my siblings liked each other/got along. I mainly stayed to myself reading and on the internet. My husband on the other hand has a big happy family that’s super close.

Since I don’t have a framework I have no idea what to really do. I’ve always envied those who said that their parents were their best friend and were super close. Those who talked to their parents everyday and actually enjoyed hanging out with them. How can I ensure that I have a great relationship with my kids? What did your parents do to facilitate that?

20:43 UTC


How long does THC show up

How long does THC show up on a saliva test? I had to do one for an employer and I’m stressed. I usually take about 10 mg of an edible gummy at night to help with my insomnia. I haven’t had any in a little over three weeks. Will I pass?

19:45 UTC


Does Seasonic have International Warranty?

I have a Seasonic PSU that was bought in the USA, but the unit is now in the Philippines. Does it have an International Warranty? My PSU is a Seasonic Focus PX-850 watts Platinum. The box says it has a 10-year warranty, and I bought it in 2021. Now, the PSU has died, even though my PC specs are not that high. I was just playing when my PC suddenly shut down for no reason. I tried all the troubleshooting steps, but unfortunately, it seems the PSU is faulty. I replaced it with my extra Seasonic M12 620w Evo, and it works perfectly fine. I did some stress tests like benchmarks and games, and everything was stable. However, when I put the PX-850 back, it wouldn't turn on. I also followed the Jump Start guide, but had no luck.

I emailed Seasonic, but they said, "We are evaluating how we will proceed with your case since you are not in the USA anymore."

The PSU still has its sealed screws.

I hope someone can help me, or if there is anyone who has a connection with Seasonic. Thanks.

1 Comment
18:31 UTC


What supplement can help you gain height naturally?

Wanted to get more info about this so I can decide where to go if I will get growth supplement for my height. I'm still on my puberty stage btw.

17:53 UTC


Is there a map of all malls in the us?

I mean any that ever existed, even closed ones, especially between the 50s and the 80s

1 Comment
17:38 UTC


Why do people believe their zodiac signs have anything to do with their personality?

Sure there's going to some shared traits but if you actually think for a little bit you'll also see you share traits with all the other signs too and there's plenty of traits with your sign that you don't share. It's called a coincidence. Not to mention the fact that depending on who's writing up the chart the traits can be different. I'm a Scorpio and have hardly any Scorpio traits but have a lot of traits of other signs. Also according to these signs I shouldn't be friends with people I'm friends with. It's all ridiculous. When you're born has absolutely nothing to do with who you are.

17:28 UTC


Do 21 gun salutes or similar salutes, use live ammo?

I'm curious as to ether they fire blanks or live ammo?

15:45 UTC


Eliminating calcium carbonate from ice (little white flakes)

I live in an area with hard water. When frozen, those extra minerals transform into calcium carbonate and leave little white flakes at the bottom of your water glass after the ice has melted (which is kind of gross looking, though it's just calcium and magnesium).

I don't want to drink my softened water or make ice from it, nor do I think reverse osmosis is necessary because the water here is very clean, but I'm wondering if anyone is aware of a cheap and simple filtering system that can deliver less calcified water to my ice maker or some other kind of solution?

1 Comment
15:40 UTC


Do introverts seek out extroverts as partners?

15:31 UTC


What are some of the innovative products which do not exist or are not popular yet (needed for my school competition) ?

15:09 UTC


I've been wanting to see if I'm actually right, but would it be considered zoophillia to like anthropomorphic characters?

13:10 UTC


When I’m with my nephew some people seem to be cautious of asking if I’m the mom or grandmother?

This has happen a few times recently. My 4 year old nephew is adorable and some people will stop to talk to him. They will say to me. “You are the…..?” And I’ll tell them I’m the aunt. Like they know I don’t look young enough to be the mother but don’t want to assume I’m a grandmother? Makes me feel really old. Granted I’m 49. But my sister(his mom) is 45. She looks 30 though.

12:37 UTC


Is it considered weird to start training in some form of fighting at age 22?

I've been wanting to join a boxing gym to get better with self defense and to also have confidence in my fighting abilities. I'm not planning on just starting fights but as a man I do feel like it's good to be capable of handling your own without weapons.

Is it considered odd to start at a gym as a beginner at this age?

08:32 UTC


Where to get fast food coupons?

I've always wondered who manufactures fast food coupons such as the ones from burger king, jack in the box, kfc, etc. I recently moved and my mail doesn't have them anymore. Rewards apps aren't the same as the paper coupons. How can i get them?

08:00 UTC


What does a type 2 diabetic's diet usually look like before they are diagnosed?

What do they eat in a typical day?

07:42 UTC


How do you call a person who always takes a long time to answer (or answers in delays)?

I know dry texter is another term, but not for this case in particular.

07:23 UTC

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