
Photograph via snooOG

This sub-reddit is for those who craft, build, and paint terrain.

Welcome to r/Terrainbuilding!

The Old Format Link: https://old.reddit.com/r/TerrainBuilding/

This is the spot for all types of tabletop terrain. From D&D to Infinity, we'll take all comers. We love to see what our fellow Redditors are making for their games. Post your work in progress projects and completed works. The regulars here are always happy to answer any questions you may have about materials or methods!

Why was my post flagged as spam and deleted? This sub uses an auto moderator to clean up spam. If you make a new post on r/terrainbuilding and your account has less than 100 Karma it will be flagged as spam. Moderators will manually approve terrain related posts throughout the day by checking the queue. This is to combat the increasing issue of spam. Once your account is above the 100 Karma threshold your account will not have this issue. We do apologize for any inconvenience as your original post may appear hours after it was originally posted.

Before You Post Kickstarter Links are frowned upon: If you are the creator of the Kickstarter - by all means post your work in progress photos, some of your painted final products, and please talk about what you're trying to accomplish. Members of the community can easily locate your product by clicking on your Reddit Profile or using Google. This rule has been implemented for the continuous Kickstarter topics that are posted that contain a simple link with a 3d render and it's Kickstarter goals.

Auction Links will be removed. No direct links to eBay or your Etsy store. You can mention that the piece of terrain is for sale in the comments and members of the community can direct message you for the link. r/terrainbuilding is not responsible for any financial transactions that occur through comments or personal messages. Be smart! Please check out r/miniswap

Offering Services: Less is More Do not post frequent topics offering services or links to your commission website – these will be deleted. r/terrainbuilding is not responsible for any financial transactions that occur through comments or personal messages. Be smart! Please check out r/brushforhire for hiring other artists through a better avenue than this sub.

3D Printing

You are not allowed to post unpainted 3D Prints or advertise for 3D print kickstarters. We allow the creator or pledgers of kickstarters, commission painters, and YouTube personality to post their videos, products, and services but within reason. This sub can easily turn into an advertisement list of products, webstores, or STL download sites. We want to keep the homegrown forum community vibe thats welcoming to new players without spamming them with products to buy.

e.g. User crossposts a new render every other day in blender posts of variations D&D furniture on ten other subs.

This is disallowed The cross-posts are really low effort

e.g. Artist creates a free STL and prints it out and paints it with a basic drybrush

this is allowed

If someone is PAINTING 3d prints.... they should absolutely be able to post their terrain. 3D printing is probably the future and there shouldn't be any grievances against those who print.

Awesome Terrain related sites:

u/pixelastic's awesome subreddit image parser

The Terrain Tutor on youtube

Diorama Man

Iron Archives


Hirst Arts Fantasy Architecture

HA Tips and Tricks

HA Casting Tutorial

Foamcore Tutorial

Related Subreddits

Thank you for reading


159,716 Subscribers



Moin, kennt hier noch jemand die Bausätze von Fantasystones? Hatte vor ein paar Jahren einen ganzen Schwung Ruinen gekauft, Aber leider nur für eine die Bauanleitung gezogen. Jetzt wollte ich mich mal ran setzen, habe aber feststellen müssen, das es den Laden nicht mehr gibt. Weiß jemand vielleicht, wo man noch an die PDF's rankommt oder hat sie noch selber? Meine Internetsuche hat leider nichts ergeben. Selbst aussagekräftige Fotos, wovon man etwas ableiten könnte, habe ich leider nicht finden können. Es handelt sich um die Bausätze Asur, Daena, Elrias, Goda, Caladur und Fionn. Danke, schonmal im voraus.

Hello, does anyone else here know the Fantasystones kits? I bought a whole bunch of ruins a few years ago, but unfortunately only download the building instructions for one. Now I wanted to try it, but I discovered that the store no longer exists. Does anyone know where you can get the PDFs or still has them yourself? Unfortunately my internet search didn't turn up anything. Unfortunately, I couldn't even find any meaningful photos from which one could derive something. These are the Asur, Daena, Elrias, Goda, Caladur and Fionn kits. Thank you, in advance.
1 Comment
01:03 UTC

23:17 UTC


Pouring resin over grass tufts - anything I should know?

22:16 UTC


Will PVA stick to a gloss Mod Podge surface?

Hello! I'm in the middle of a build and it just occurred to me that I should check and see if my Elmer's Glue All will stick to a surface that has been painted with gloss Mod Podge. I plan on adding the Elmer's to the surface before flocking it with some grass.

20:35 UTC


Dollar Tree Pegboard Sci-fi floors

Picked up a few various sizes of these Dollar Tree pegboard pieces. This is the smallest one. Spent about 15 min painting one then sealed it. Not too bad for $1.25.


17:47 UTC


Do's and dont's for using oyster shells

Recently had some oysters in the housr and that texture looks pretty yummy. Anything anybody can advise me when dealing with them? Already working on getting every last part of the oyster itself removed.

16:48 UTC


[Question] new to terrain building

Crosspost from dioramas

I'm not into war games, but I am trying to make a display diorama so I'm checking out these subreddits along with model train subreddits. I'm a huge Kaiju/Giant monster fan, have some (more than I'd like to admit) expensive figures of my favorite besties. But one thing I hate about the hobby is having a really cool monster on a boring old shelf, so I'm looking to make some dioramas to create more display pieces I guess. Scale would be closest to Z scale (although I've found some 1:300 buildings on eBay) but I don't really know how to get started. Any recommendations for material to use as a base (should I just buy some plywood?), do I just start gluing things down? I'll probably do a mix of industrial and rural settings (separate displays) and I wouldn't start out with anything larger than a 12x24'' grid at first. Looking for some advice I guess.

16:19 UTC


Ice pops

Over the summer i have been saving ice pop sticks, with the plan to maybe make something with them at some stage.

Anyone have any guidance on how to properly prepare them (So i dont end up with mouldy terrain haha).

Mainly play killteam and have an array of terrain already but very much open to suggestions for a build too!

14:19 UTC


Is a Proxxon good?

13:04 UTC


Kill Team terrain homemade. How did I do?

12:06 UTC


Organic textures and shapes

I'm looking for any tips for achiving organic textures and shapes, something similiar to what's on these images.

I'm planning to do a sci-fi/cosmic horror board, heavily inspired by Suguru Tanaka's art - but the only thing that comes to mind is using the PVA/CA glue technique (not very cost effective in larger scale), or sculpting all of it in polymer clay - which I'm not a fan of, on top of sucking at it.

Any ideas appreciated :)

update: ffs I'm creating this post 5th time and cannot upload any pictures,so here they are:



08:48 UTC


Tt combat terrain is awesome!

04:13 UTC


First attempt are hard

Here are some planets I was working on

23:11 UTC

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