
Photograph via snooOG

Have miniatures you don't use anymore? Looking for a certain bit or model? Just want to try something new? Trade it here! Miniatures, bits, and accessories from all miniature-related games are welcome!

Have miniatures you don't use anymore? Looking for a certain bit or model? Just want to try something new? Trade it here! Miniatures, bits, and accessories from all miniature-related games are welcome!






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  • Photos of what you are selling with a proper timestamp in the same picture as the items you are selling/trading are REQUIRED. (Example) This can be done by uploading your pictures to an image hosting website like www.imgur.com then linking the album in the text of your post. Do not use Google images or the Reddit automod will remove it.

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60,716 Subscribers


[H] Astra Militarum [W] Trades [Loc] Virginia

Got some Astra Militarum I am parting out, looking to trade for some specifics

Whole army is custom helmeted and I have most if not all of the leftover bits from each build

Trades I am interested in -Eldar Rangers (new sculpt) -Eldar Wave Serpent -Shroud Runners -Wraithlords

-Chaos Cerastus Knight Lancer -Knight Abominant -Screamers of Tzeentch -Ballistus Dreadnought -Company Heroes -Infiltrators -Genestealers (new sculpt)

Id be willing to part with the whole lot at one time for a World Eaters army swap

Thanks for looking!! Please DM me for a full list!


1 Comment
13:18 UTC


[H] Paypal [W] Screamer Killer and 3x Von Ryan's Leapers [Loc] California, USA

Hello, looking to buy a screamer killer and 3 von ryan's leapers, willing to pay $55 shipped to California. Do not mind if they are built, and possibly primed if it was done well, but do not want painted.

1 Comment
07:42 UTC


[H] PayPal [W] Wildwood ranger heads with hoods. [Loc] Missouri

Looking for 4x wildwood ranger heads with hoods.

1 Comment
05:49 UTC


[H] PayPal G&S [W] Beasts of Chaos, Slambo, Chaos Lord flavors, Tamurkhan, Chaos War Mammoth, Chaos Gargant/Mega-Gargant, Citadel of the Everchosen [Loc] USA

Hi friends!

Beastmen / Beasts of Chaos

Little bit of fomo and trying to prep for The Old World or enjoy the Legends rules in AoS while I can. There are some eBay options but I figured I would ask our community first!

I'm looking for 1500-3000 pts of stuff to use in TOW or 2000 pts of Age of Sigmar. I also really want a Herdstone even if it ends up as TOW terrain.

Slambo the Everchosen

Looking for the actual hero of Chaos; not that high "horsed" imposter. Seeking the FW resin, not metal, version of this. I'm sure they'll do a Made to Order someday but this Green Knight is going to go stomp the Brettonian wannabe.

Chaos Lords

Seeking Exalted Lord of Chaos first and foremost. Interested in a Chaos Lord on Dragon; perhaps Wyvern. Looking for something for my Path to Glory hero that's somewhere between Lord on Karkadrak and something Archaeon sized that isn't a unique hero sculpt.


Probably a recast. Legit ones are like $900. He's my favorite nasty boy.

Chaos War Mammoth

Also for PtG- trying to get a hold on a Mammoth recast, most likely. Can't really afford a legit one. Looking to kind of put a nest on top and make it a Warshrine.

Chaos Gargant

I'm looking for an old Chaos Gargant or to make a Chaos Mega-Gargant. It used to be a standard Gargant and Chaos Gargant upgrade kit. I would also be interested in a Mega-Gargant I can try and turn into something of that nature.

Citadel of the Everchosen

The holy grail of Chaos terrain. eBay guy is pretty stubborn on his 667% marked up price so I'm hoping for a miracle here. I would like the whole thing but would also be interested in the smaller Helfort, barricade, tower type kits. I really want to build a castle for my Path to Glory character. Come at me, Sigmarines!


I can only do legit GW models or very convincing recasts because I play at a GW shop. Kit bashes are okay as long as most of the model is GW.

If this becomes an old post, or if I haven't reported yet, or if it's not crossed off here, I'm still looking!

05:18 UTC


[H] AoS: Slaves to Darkness, Stormcast, CoS, Gloomspite, Orruk, Cities of Sigmar, Lumineth 40K: knight, SM, Adepta Sororitas, Necrons, Orks , CSM, Deathguard, Thousand Sons, World Eaters, Adeptus Custodes, Mechanicus, Tau, Imperial Agents, Nids [W] PayPal, Codex(s), Books NOS[Loc] USA

I have the following to sell/trade with

NOS Stuff:

World Eaters:

1x Khorne Berzerkers (NOS

1x World Eaters Lord on Juggernaut (NOS)

Imperial Agents:

2x Adeptus Arbites: Vigilant Squad(s) (NOS)

1x Inquisitorial Agents (Verification Photo) (NOS)

1x Eversor Assassin (NOS)

1x Ministorum Priest with Vindictor (NOS) https://imgur.com/oFJOhId


1x Termagant (Painted) https://imgur.com/1lcoZ3P

NIB Stuff:

Warhammer 40K:

Getting Started 40K (NiB)
Infernus Marines + Paint (NiB)
40K Paint + Tools (NiB)

Astra Militarum: Cadian Shock Troops (NiB)
Astra Militarum: Leman Russ (NiB)

Space Marines: Bladeguard Veterans (NiB)

Imperial Knights: Questoris Knight (NiB)
Imperial Knights: Knight Armigers (NiB)

Adepta Sororitas: Retributor Squad (NiB)

Tau Empire: Broadside Battlesuit (NiB)
Tau Empire: Commander (NiB)

Orks: Boyz (NiB)
Orks: Runtherd and gretchin (NiB)

Chaos Space Marines: Terminators (NiB)
Chaos Space Marines: Raptors (NiB)
Chaos Space Marines: Legionaries (NiB)

Deathguard: Myphistic Blight Hauler (NiB)

World Eaters: Khorne Berserkers (NiB)

Thousand Sons: Rubric Marines (NiB)

Adeptus Custodes: Custodian Wardens (NiB)

Adeptus Mechanicus: Skitarii (NiB)

Age Of Sigmar:

AOS S/E + Paint set (NiB)
AOS Notebooks AOS Paints + Tools (NiB)
Getting started – AOS (NiB)
Citadel Skulls (NiB)

Gloomspite Gitz: Stabbas (NiB)

Orruk Warclans: Orruk Ardboyz (NiB)

Stormcast Eternals: Dracothian Guard (NiB)

Slaves to Darkness: Chaos warriors (NiB)

Lumineth: Vanari Auralan Sentinels (NiB)


1x Space Marines: Lieutenant (NOS) https://imgur.com/x10hT4Z

1x Space Marine Codex (New with code)

1x Sisters Of battle Codex (New with code)

Kill team core book (New one)

Boarding action Book (New with code?)


Prices are generally 20% off MSRP not including shipping.

1 Comment
05:15 UTC


[H] Paypal [W] Mutalith vortex beast mouth tentacles [Loc] Louisiana

Hoping someone that built a slaughterbrute still has the vortex beast tenticles

04:54 UTC


[H] Stompa Boyz Box (Mostly Built) [W] $$$ [Loc] Arkansas, USA

Hello everyone! I’ve got this mostly built Stompa Boyz box set that I’m looking to sell in order to help fund the upcoming Emperor’s Children range. The Stompa is completely NOS, but everything else is built (Big Mek, 10 Ork Boyz, 5 Lootas, 5 Burnas, & Trukk). Leftover spare bits are included.

Looking to get $250 + free shipping for these Orkz, but I am definitely open to negotiation. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message!


1 Comment
04:35 UTC


[H] Paypal [W] Epic 40k Metal Mortarion [Loc] AL, USA

Been hunting this old model for quite a long time, but have only found 1 for sale period. It sold immediately after I found it.

Someone please help, I'm goin' nuts trying to get one.

1 Comment
04:33 UTC


[H] Paypal, two chaos knights [W] Thousand Sons [Loc] Ohio, usa

Hey everyone, just looking for a really good deal on a starter Thousand sons army. I'll be straight up, I don't have a ton of cash so hoping to pad it out with a trade of two chaos knights.

Verification picture: https://imgur.com/GLRQrl4

Knight Abominant is well painted, the Knight rampager in the picture has his weapon options magnetized for everything except the Abominant, so together you'd have any version you'd like. Open to all offers and hoping I can help someone re-home something they don't want anymore.

Overall hoping for 1000 points or close to.

04:20 UTC


[H] Oldhammer 40k metals (Khorne, Eldar, Space Marines, Rogue Trader); Brettonian Old World; [W] Paypal G&S; [Loc] FL, USA

Clearing the backlog of projects that I will never get to, my loss is your gain! Rogue Trader, 40k Oldhammer, Brettoniains. Happy to negotiate prices and offer discounts for larger groupings! Love old metal WHFB Miniatures and Mordheim minis too if you're looking to barter.


Brettonian Lot: $250 Shipped US

  • 34 Knights of the Realm Painted (OLD-34 complete, 4 are metal, throwing in all the extra horses and bits for free) - $125
  • 24 Knights of the Realm (Plastic Current Sculpt) - $90 ($25 per 6)
  • 27 Men at Arms Bowmen (Current Sculpt) - $45

40K Stuff:

  • Deathcult Assassin - $20
  • Cypher (metal complete) - SOLD
  • Dark Angel Azreal Helmet Bearer- SOLD
  • 5 Rogue Trader Space Marines (METAL-Missing Backpacks) - $40
  • 6 Rogue Trader Space Marines (Plastic Painted funky!) - $30
  • Heavy Weapon? (Not sure what this is) - $10
  • Dark Angel Space Marines (Metal) - SOLD
  • Eldar Banshee Exarch - $20
  • NIB Black Templar Emperors Champion (Metal) - $40
  • 18 Chaos Space Marines (Plastic) - $36
  • 3 Chaos Space Marines (Metal: Greater Possessed, Banner Bearer, Rocket Launcher) - $15

Karma Thread (going back 4 years!) https://www.reddit.com/r/MiniSwapKarma/comments/suro24/ufunderbear_karma/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

1 Comment
03:53 UTC


[H] 40K terrain [W] Paypal [Loc] GA, USA

Cleaning out the basement! Open to offers. Buyer pays shipping

Set 1 $120 OBO

Set 2 $120 OBO

Set 3 $100 OBO

Set 4 $80 OBO

03:34 UTC


[H] Stormcast half of Skaventide box [W] paypal [Loc] USA

Hello, clearing out some pile of shame I have the stormacast half of the skaventide box all primed only two have paint on them. A couple are attached to the bases with blue tac for painting but all together.

Looking for 125 + shipping


1 Comment
03:32 UTC


[H] PayPal [W] Airbrush booth, accessories, paint [Loc] Austin, Texas

I’m looking for an airbrush vented booth.

Example: https://imgur.com/a/QnnOS5d

Also, I’m looking for cleaning kits, matte black or grey primer, or paints.

03:13 UTC


[H] Paypal [W] Velard Custodes, Kabuki Studios Legio Praetoriana [Loc] AR USA

I'm looking for the old pre Codex Custodes models that were made prior to the official models so if you have any of these and are wishing to sell please DM with your offer and item thank you

1 Comment
03:08 UTC


[H] paypal [W] codex codes Dark Angels necrons orks [Loc]

Hey there, just trying to pick up some codex codes. Mainly looking for DA but necrons and orks would be cool too.

02:36 UTC


[H] Daughters of Khaine new/built [W] PayPal, certain trades [Loc] TX

Really thought I was going to get into DoK but it’s been a good while and I haven’t made any headway. Only trades considered are Vizzik Skour, and Cable/Domino from MCP

Start Collecting NIB-$120

Khainite Slaughter Coven (new on sprue but not in original box)-$210

Krethusa the croneseer(new on sprue but not in box) -$40

Built start collecting (parts unglued but can be easily fixed with glue) -$100

Built High gladiatrix and Melusai Ironscale (also needs glue)-$40

Morathi Khaine built (both parts)-$120

Will make deals on whole lot or big chunks just make offer, prices are shipped in US

https://ibb.co/RGmjTM5S https://ibb.co/XrqXvGZ9 https://ibb.co/sJ64QRDG https://ibb.co/x8qLwKGK https://ibb.co/3YvnV7Lm https://ibb.co/DgkznC5N

01:45 UTC


[H] Killteam Octarius, Warcry (Slaanesh), Tzeentch, 40K Combat Arena [W] PayPal, Votann, Tau, KO [Loc] DC


Kill Team Octarius (Does not contain tokens, dice, or Kommando Killteam) - $215

Warcry Slaanesh Sybarites box - $70

Tzeentch Magister or Disc - $ 25

X2 Tzaangor Enlightened - $45 each

Combat Arena Box - $80

Prefer PayPal, open to trades with Votann, Tau, and Kharadron Overlords.

01:36 UTC


[H] NIB/NOS Tsons, leviathan nids, sisters & tau killteams [W] Chaos knights, maybe necrons & marines [Loc] Virginia, USA


I've picked up a full army of TSons over the years still on sprue, and at this point I'm not loving the direction I expect the army to be going in, so I'm considering trading it away.

I have the following available (NiB):

  • 1 Court of the Crimson King (magnus, exalted sorcerers, 20 rubrics)
  • 1 Combat patrol (5 terminators, infernal master, 20 tzaangors w/upgrade sprue)
  • 2 Scarab occult terminators
  • 1 Infernal Master
  • 1 40k ahriman
  • 1 30k ahriman
  • 1x10 tzaangors (NoS)
  • 2 tzaangor enlightened (NoS)

I also have a third unit of tzaangor enlightened on sprue (not pictured) that I've removed and used a single spear from. I'm interested in trading this but also willing to keep it for bits. Can take pictures if requested.

I'm primarily looking for unbuilt chaos knights, but may also be interested in necrons or space marines (generic or black templars) depending on the units. I am only looking for trades at this time. Will split into reasonable sized chunks.

Outside the Tsons I have (NoS):

  • full leviathan tyranids set (if something is missing from the sprues pictured, let me know - I still haven't built my leviathan box yet)
  • sisters novitiates killteam
  • Tau pathfinders killteam

I am open to selling or trading these, however buyer will need to pay shipping if selling. All nos models will come with appropriate bases, I just couldn't be bothered to sort them out for the picture.

01:02 UTC


[H] Trollbloods & Protectorate of Menoth [W] $$$ [Loc] California

Selling my collection of Trollbloods (& I believe a few Minions...) & also my collection of Protector of Menoth minis for Warmachine/Hordes that I found lying around my house.

Been a long time since I played, so I'm not exactly sure which models they are, but hopefully the photos are clear enough for those that are knowledgeable. Some are metal, some are plastic, and some are resin. Some models are magnetized, which is the reason for the disembodied hands & heads.

Menoth minis: https://imgur.com/a/UHe2tUN

Trollblood minis: https://imgur.com/a/TAhCw3s

Looking for $250 + shipping for all the Trollbloods together.

Looking for $80 + shipping for all the Menoth together.

I'd also be willing to sell them locally in person if anyone is near Huntington Beach, CA.

Not looking to part each faction out since i'm trying to make some space in my house.

1 Comment
00:58 UTC


[H] Chimeras, FoB, brood brothers [W] PayPal G&S [Loc] MO

Selling 2 built chimeras, Field ordnance battery NiB, Brood brothers kill team. Prices include shipping to US.

Verification https://imgur.com/a/XlWoTih

Chimera x 2 $47 each

Field ordnance NiB $40 SOLD

Brood brothers $42

00:09 UTC


[H] $$ [W] BNIB Aeronautica imperialis, Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis [Loc] Middle USA

Looking mostly for good prices on BNIB aeronautica imperialis 2nd edition stuff (or say you have a whole set of BNIB aeronautica imperialis stuff you bought years ago and never got to) that and really looking for forge world minis for 2nd edition AI tbh

Would be interested to hear what Adeptus Titanicus and Legions imperialis stuff people have tho also!

00:01 UTC


[H] Paypal [W] Thousand Sons - NIB, assembled or primed preferred [Loc] WA-US

Looking for just about everything Thousand Sons (40K) except tanks at this time. I am returning to the hobby and plan to kitbash/end up with my personal color scheme in the end so NIB, assembled or primed (preferably black) are preferred. Specifics I'd love to get a deal on if you have something laying around you've decided you're not going to move from the pile of shame include:

Infernal Masters

Rubric Marines
Cultists (totally fine with kitbashed etc.)

Daemon Prince

Mutalith Vortex Beasts


Tzaangor Enlightened

Tzaangor Shaman

Chaos Spawn

23:23 UTC


[H] $$ [W] Sylvaneth army, painted clanrats [Loc] US

Just as the title says, looking to pick up a sylvaneth army and some painted clanrats to add to my collection (think I hit my limit after painting 40).

I'm looking for something that i can play with right away - optimally 2k+ points and assembled baseline really. Partial/fully painted is a plus but definitely not necessary, partially or mostly assembled is also fine. Not really particular about the models so much, just looking for somewhere to start and be able to use.

Thanks for looking/reading!

23:11 UTC


[H] Tsons [W] PayPal [Loc] Chicago

I have a small Tsons lot for sale. 1 Magus the Red partially built. 10 Rubics NOS. 3 Exalted Sorcerers NOS.

Paypal goods and services please! Shipping Available


23:00 UTC


[H] Blood Angles special codex, Adeptus Mechanicus lot, Raven gaurd upgrade sprues [W] $$, Star Wars Legion Empire,Rebels, Mercenary, Clone commandos or super battle droids [Loc] Usa


Warhammer 40k Recast Blood angles thunder hammers and sheilds x3 $10 per set

Servitor x8 $5 per 4

Warhammer 40k Raven gaurd upgrade sprue x2 $20 each (both missing some arms but all shoulder pads are there)

Blood Angels Blood angles special codex and cards x1 $60 (code used)

Ad Mech Tech-Priest Manipulus x1 $30 Tech-Priest Dominus x3 $30 per 1 Skitarii x20 $45 per 10 Kataprons x9 $45 per 3 Onager Dunecrawler x1 $60 Skorpius Disintegrator x1 $55 (missing turret and side barrels) Electro-Priests x10 $45 per 5 Sicarin infiltrators x10 $45 per 5

1 Comment
22:50 UTC


[H] NIB Penitent Engine, NIB OOP Brood Brothers, NIB OOP Cadian Command Squad, NIB Cadians Pushfitx5, NOS Krieg Infantryx5, Space Marine Bits and Bobs [W] $$$ [Loc] NYC


Hobby Cleanout! Pile of Shame Cleanout!

Shipping to CONUS $5

SOLD NIB Penitent Engine - $50 SOLD

SOLD NIB OOP Brood Brothers - $50 SOLD

SOLD NIB OOP Cadian Command Squad - $45 SOLD

SOLD NIB Imperial Guard x 5 - $10 SOLD

NOS Krieg Infantry (enough for 5 dudes - half squad) - $25 (I have the transfers, they are not in the photos tho)

Space Marine Bits + Transfers - Will put price tomorrow. But feel free to make an offer. Happy to post more pics. It's essentially enough for 5 dudes, old Blood Angels Upgrade sprue and a bunch of heads and arms etc.

More than happy to hear reasonable offers on anything.

PICS: https://imgur.com/a/gc14Wcz

22:47 UTC


[H] Paypal or trade TBD [W] Stormlord bits from Baneblade [Loc] Ontario Canada

Did you build your Baneblade and glue the Baneblade/Hell hammer hull on? If so, please let me buy your bits!

I have received a beautifully painted Baneblade of the DKoK 616th that is at least 10 years old. This unit is fully magnetized and able to have all side armour and sponsons swapped. My issue is that none of the extra weapons options were provided so I have one sponson a side and while the hull comes out, was not given the other hull.

On that note, the bits required to put a full Stormlord together are extremely hard to come by. As of right now I can only get the Vulcan cannon and the front plate with twin heavy bolters. While the hull is listed, it doesn't ship to my country. I have not been able to find the firing deck floor, armoured sides or the mounted stubbers.

If you have or know anyone who has unused Baneblade bits, please reach out! I will pay for parts and shipping! I am open to bartering as well, I have lots of OoP and recast!

If the sword options were used, I'm after your firing deck! Any bits get me closer thank you!

PS: If anyone knew someone (maybe named Dave?) who had a 616th siege regiment with 9 sentinels, a squadron of leman Russ' with trench rails and a Baneblade, I would love to connect with them!

22:26 UTC


[H] 3500 Points of Admech, 5500 Points of Eldar [W] PayPal or any certified titans [Loc] Waco TX (will ship)

Hey! I'm selling or trading my 2 armies. I'm open to knights and official titans. If you don't have the certificate but do have the receipt from fw, that works aswell! Send me cash offers too! Message me with questions!

Proof of ownership photos:https://imgur.com/a/VCujEvC


Asurmen: 1 model

Autarch: 2 models (1 new / 1 old metal)

Autarch Skyrunner: 1 model

Avatar of Khaine: 1 model

Eldrad Ulthran: 3 models 2 conversions

Farseer: 1 model

Illic Nightspear: 1 model

Karandras: 1 model

Maugan Ra: 1 model

Prince Yriel: 1 model

Spiritseer: 1 model

Dedicated transport:

Wave Serpent: 2 models

Other units:

Dark Reapers: 6 squads of 5 models each

Dire Avengers: 1 squad of 5 models

Fire Dragons: 2 squads of 6 models each

Howling Banshees: 2 squads of 5 models

Night Spinner: 2 models

Rangers: 6 squads of 5 models each

Shining Spears: 1 squad of 6 models

3 squads of 3 models each (homemade)

Striking Scorpions: 2 squads of 5 models each

Swooping Hawks: 1 squad of 5 models

War Walkers: 3 models

Warp Spiders: 2 squads of 5 models each

Wraithblades: 1 squad of 5 models

Wraithguard: 2 squads of 5 models each

Wraithlord: 2 models

Ad mech (3.6k) 1800 lot (3650 points)

Adeptus Mechanicus Strike Force (2000 points) Cohort Cybernetica


Belisarius Cawl (150 points) • 1x Arc scourge 1x Cawl’s Omnissian axe 1x Mechadendrite hive 1x Solar atomiser

Cybernetica Datasmith (35 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Power fist

Skitarii Marshal (35 points) • 1x Control stave 1x Mechanicus pistol

Skitarii Marshal (35 points) • 1x Control stave 1x Mechanicus pistol

Sydonian Skatros (50 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Radium jezzail 1x Sydonian feet

Sydonian Skatros (50 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Radium jezzail 1x Sydonian feet

Tech-Priest Dominus (70 points) • 1x Macrostubber 1x Omnissian axe 1x Volkite blaster

Tech-Priest Dominus (70 points) • 1x Macrostubber 1x Omnissian axe 1x Volkite blaster

Tech-Priest Enginseer (55 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Omnissian axe 1x Servo-arm

Tech-Priest Enginseer (55 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Omnissian axe 1x Servo-arm

Tech-Priest Manipulus (60 points) • 1x Magnarail lance 1x Omnissian staff

Tech-Priest Manipulus (60 points) • 1x Magnarail lance 1x Omnissian staff

Technoarcheologist (45 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Servo-arc claw

Technoarcheologist (45 points) • 1x Mechanicus pistol 1x Servo-arc claw


Skitarii Rangers (85 points) • 1x Skitarii Ranger Alpha • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Galvanic rifle • 9x Skitarii Ranger • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Galvanic rifle

Skitarii Rangers (85 points) • 1x Skitarii Ranger Alpha • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Galvanic rifle • 9x Skitarii Ranger • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Galvanic rifle

Skitarii Vanguard (95 points) • 1x Skitarii Vanguard Alpha • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Radium carbine • 9x Skitarii Vanguard • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Radium carbine

Skitarii Vanguard (95 points) • 1x Skitarii Vanguard Alpha • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Radium carbine • 9x Skitarii Vanguard • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Radium carbine

Skitarii Vanguard (95 points) • 1x Skitarii Vanguard Alpha • 1x Close combat weapon 1x Radium carbine • 9x Skitarii Vanguard • 9x Close combat weapon 9x Radium carbine


Skorpius Dunerider (85 points) • 1x Armoured hull 1x Cognis heavy stubber array


Ironstrider Ballistarii (75 points) • 1x Ironstrider feet 1x Twin cognis autocannon

Ironstrider Ballistarii (75 points) • 1x Ironstrider feet 1x Twin cognis autocannon

Ironstrider Ballistarii (75 points) • 1x Ironstrider feet 1x Twin cognis autocannon

Kastelan Robots (180 points) • 2x Kastelan Robot • 2x Incendine combustor 2x Twin Kastelan fist

Kastelan Robots (180 points) • 2x Kastelan Robot • 2x Incendine combustor 2x Twin Kastelan fist

Kataphron Breachers (160 points) • 3x Kataphron Breacher • 3x Arc claw 3x Heavy arc rifle

Kataphron Breachers (160 points) • 3x Kataphron Breacher • 3x Arc claw 3x Heavy arc rifle

Kataphron Breachers (160 points) • 3x Kataphron Breacher • 3x Arc claw 3x Heavy arc rifle

Kataphron Breachers (160 points) • 3x Kataphron Breacher • 3x Arc claw 3x Heavy arc rifle

Onager Dunecrawler (155 points) • 1x Dunecrawler legs 1x Eradication beamer

Onager Dunecrawler (155 points) • 1x Dunecrawler legs 1x Eradication beamer

Onager Dunecrawler (155 points) • 1x Dunecrawler legs 1x Eradication beamer

Pteraxii Skystalkers (70 points) • 1x Pteraxii Skystalker Alpha • 1x Flechette blaster 1x Taser goad • 4x Pteraxii Skystalker • 4x Close combat weapon 4x Flechette carbine

Pteraxii Skystalkers (70 points) • 1x Pteraxii Skystalker Alpha • 1x Flechette blaster 1x Taser goad • 4x Pteraxii Skystalker • 4x Close combat weapon 4x Flechette carbine

Serberys Raiders (60 points) • 1x Serberys Raider Alpha • 1x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs 1x Galvanic carbine 1x Mechanicus pistol • 2x Serberys Raider • 2x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs 2x Galvanic carbine

Serberys Raiders (60 points) • 1x Serberys Raider Alpha • 1x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs 1x Galvanic carbine 1x Mechanicus pistol • 2x Serberys Raider • 2x Cavalry sabre and clawed limbs 2x Galvanic carbine

Sicarian Ruststalkers (75 points) • 1x Sicarian Ruststalker Princeps • 1x Transonic razor and chordclaw • 4x Sicarian Ruststalker • 4x Transonic razor and chordclaw

Sicarian Ruststalkers (75 points) • 1x Sicarian Ruststalker Princeps • 1x Transonic razor and chordclaw • 4x Sicarian Ruststalker • 4x Transonic razor and chordclaw

Sydonian Dragoons with Radium Jezzails (55 points) • 1x Ironstrider feet 1x Phosphor serpenta 1x Radium jezzail

Sydonian Dragoons with Taser Lances (70 points) • 1x Phosphor serpenta 1x Taser lance

Sydonian Dragoons with Taser Lances (70 points) • 1x Phosphor serpenta 1x Taser lance

22:25 UTC


[H] $$ [W] Slaanesh demons, Sigvald, Syll’Esske [Loc] TN and IN

PP G&S only

21:41 UTC


[H]Paypal [W] 40kadmech, 30k Thanatar Cavas Siege-automata, 40k custodes combat patrol, black templars, necron warriors/immortals [Loc] AL USA

Just need any admech. Really looking for a 30k thanatar that i can proxy. Custodes combat patrol or black templar specific units also being sought, necron warriors or immortals as well.

21:39 UTC

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