
Photograph via snooOG

/r/PoliticalRevolutionCT is the Connecticut branch of r/Political_Revolution.

This subreddit is meant to raise support and awareness for progressive candidates in Connecticut and issues in the state that align with the political revolution as envisioned by Senator Bernie Sanders.

/r/PoliticalRevolutionCT is the Connecticut branch of r/Political_Revolution.

This subreddit is meant to raise support and awareness for progressive candidates in Connecticut and issues in the state that align with the political revolution as envisioned by Senator Bernie Sanders.

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    153 Subscribers


    Life in prison without jury trial, unlimited electrocutions

    Lawyer trying to rescue woman being electrocuted 500 times said connecticut is not following 1970's Supreme Court ruling that requires yearly trials for indefinite psych ward. http://www.clrp.org https://reason.com/2020/02/11/psychiatric-hospitals-can-still-force-patients-to-accept-shock-treatment-one-connecuticut-patient-has-been-shocked-500-times-in-five-years/

    Bridgeport Jamaican mother protests being told to be completely naked. She accuses them of racism for preferring to listen to her white friend. https://mcdn.podbean.com/mf/web/k9wwpp/S3_Ep_13_Connecticut.mp3

    "In his second year of college, Sanders even decided that he wanted to become a psychiatrist...in Congress in 1991, he backed legislation supporting acupuncture and other naturopathic remedies and held conferences on alternative health." https://time.com/4249034/bernie-sanders-alternative-medicine-cancer/

    22:54 UTC


    Corporations are NOT People (but Should be TAXED)

    "Corporations are not people. People have hearts, they have kids, they get jobs, they get sick, they cry, they dance. They live, they love, and they die. That matters because we don't run this country for corporations, we run it for people." Elizabeth Warren

    It would be nice if we finally taxed corporations in this country, but at least President Biden is proposing an increase in taxes for people with annual incomes over $400,000. It would be nice if this bill also included corporations, since our society effectively treats corporations as equals to people if not better.


    00:40 UTC


    Phone Banks to Undecided Voters

    These are calls to undecided voters in battleground states To Save our Democracy and try to advance Progressive policies, we need everyone who will be voting for Democrats out voting this election. Please Consider joining the Joan's Democracy Cafe phone banks! Sign up at this website: https://events.democrats.org/event/492248/

    16:56 UTC


    GOTV for Progressive Candidates

    Our Rev is phone banking Sun to Thursday from now until election day on November 8th. If you don't mind calling voters, please sign up to GOTV for Progressives.! If you haven't tried it, it can be a lot of fun: sign up at the website below to find out if phone banking is for you.


    04:27 UTC


    Please Vote Progressive in the August CT Democratic Primary

    Please pass this along to family, friends and others you know in these states who vote progressive:

    If you want to vote Progressive in the August Democratic primaries, the Political Revolution has posted nationally endorsed Progressive candidates for states which have primaries through August 23rd. These candidates are endorsed by Our Rev, Brand New Congress, Democratic Socialist of America, Justice Democrats, Progressive Change Campaign, and/or The Political Revolution. Primary candidates are posted for the following upcoming primaries: AK, AZ, CT, FL, HI, KS, MI, MN, MO, TN, VT, WA, WI, and WY, with NY being posted now. Find the candidates in your state at: [https://political-revolution.com/campaigns/]

    18:21 UTC


    Why are there only two incumbents listed on my sample ballot?...

    I typed in my zipcode on Ballotpedia and found a total of... 2 incumbent candidates. No challengers? No Berniecrats?

    Am I missing something?


    01:08 UTC

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