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How can I rediscover myself?

I’m in a happy healthy relationship with my partner so I have a great support system. My biggest challenge is ever since COVID I’ve became a hermit who struggles with human interaction. Despite having numerous friends, who I no longer associate with Because I work from home I’ve sort of put myself into a loop of pure loneliness outside of my partner. I’ve lost all my friends and have health problems. How can I rebuild myself to before COVID where I had confidence? Or what can I do to discover hobbies that make me happy? I feel like I’m stuck in a wheel of work and live in anxiety 24/7. I don’t need new friends I just want anything that jogs natural dopamine like I used to feel..

04:48 UTC


What percentage of the population hasn't had covid?

04:47 UTC


(US related) Casinos, Native Americans and wealth

Even Native tribes that make a fortune through casinos seem to have predominately very poor populations. Why? I would appreciate answers from people who have firsthand knowledge not just random speculation.

04:43 UTC


I am autistic. I am unsure if I can be a mother. Are there any autistic women out there with the hard truth about motherhood?

New user; I genuinely want to understand. Hello I am (f21), I recently had an argument with my boyfriend and soon to be fiancé about children. I have been diagnosed with autism for about 4 years now and I truly cannot manage my own body and needs. I struggle almost weekly with meltdowns and shutdowns, overstimulation, I hardly remember to feed myself, to be hygienic, to drink water honestly any basic human function. I am on the higher side of support needs and can go non verbal. My question is can I truly be a mother? I am scared. I have no idea if I can actually take care of a healthy baby. I do not know if I can ever truly bond with it. I do not know if I will be able to put the child’s support needs before mine. I do not know if I can go full term pregnancy without wanting to rip my whole body apart. So is there any way to hear people’s stories? I have done so much research and there’s so little about this on the internet. I just want the hard truth. Is it possible?

04:40 UTC


If you fly from NYC to LA, and then lose your only ID, how do you get back home?

Given that you lost your DL and can’t drive back as well. Is there a provision where airlines can allow you to fly domestic without a physical ID?

04:36 UTC


Why does raising one leg make it easier to shit?

04:32 UTC


Are "Flat Earthers", "Moon Landing Deniers" and "Holocaust Deniers" uniquely American, or do other countries have these lunatics as well?

And if it's country specific, do other countries have crazies with unique "theories" of their own?

02:42 UTC


Are there any national print newspapers still worth subscribing to?

I've started reading my local county newspaper and I've found I really enjoy the ritual of reading print news. However my local paper is only published weekly and concerns solely local matters. Are there still national print newspapers worth subscribing to (that don't have a strong political bias in either direction, aren't tabloids, will reliably report on import events, etc)? Print journalism hasn't been big since my childhood and I figure most print papers have died off or declined in quality.

04:30 UTC


In baseball, why is a catch automatically an out?

Was there a time in the early days of the game where catching a ball directly was treated the same as a bouncing ball, with the play continuing, and then they decided that no, this was bad for the game for some reason?

04:29 UTC


is Reddit's advertising income taken from the other tech companies (Meta/Google/X), or is the advertising income pie just getting bigger for everyone? in either case, can you explain Reddit's earnings and how you view its position in the market?

Reddit - currently #6 in most visited websites (behind Google/Meta)

04:25 UTC


If I invented a machine that could heal any illness or injury and made it free to use, would that be illegal?

For context, I'm American, so I'm mainly curious about the legal response here. But a global perspective would be interesting too.

But yeah if I invented that machine, like something straight out of Elysium, and made it cost nothing for the public to use, just to undermine the greedy healthcare industry in America, would the government try and stop me? If so, on what grounds? I feel like the more likely scenario would be one of the healthcare or insurance corporations would just have me assassinated to protect their blood money.

04:24 UTC


Is "Hey, how are you?" more of a greeting than a question?

I typically respond with a different greeting and not how I am, is that bad practice?

04:20 UTC


Is it possible for a gorilla to mate with a chimp?

04:20 UTC


How come in a TV series, the first episode always gets more viewers than the finale?

I mean even in seasons 2, 3, 4 etc. I can understand why the pilot episode would get the most views but I can't understand why the first episode of a new season would get more views than people who are already invested in the characters seeing how the season closes.

04:19 UTC


Why are numbers universally recognized?

Why are numbers understood in every language and not different for each. Yes, they are called or pronounced different things. But a 6 is a 6 and a 4 is a 4 no matter what country you’re in, they just may represent something different.

04:19 UTC


In countries with universal healthcare, can you get a second opinion? (Particularly in Canada where there is a shortage of doctors?)

I was just thinking about this today as I'm moving to Canada in March. I know in Canada there is a shortage of doctors (unsure about other countries with universal healthcare). In the US it is very hard to get diagnosed and sometimes it can take getting a second opinion for it to happen. Or, on the contrary, sometimes getting a second opinion results in differing diagnoses or treatment plans. That feels like an important step to take in most circumstances that aren't cold or flu.

Can you get second opinions in countries with universal healthcare? What about in Canada where there are limited doctors? Is it harder?

Just curious! After only ever had American medical practices, I realize how outside the realm of my understanding is for other systems.

(Also, unless its relevant, please no unsolicited advice about moving to Canada. I'm a dual citizen (I just haven't lived there exclusively yet) so I don't wanna hear the xenophobia, thanks. Reddit likes to do that I've noticed. :/)

04:15 UTC


Are/can any European languages written in Chinese letters?

04:14 UTC


Internet Monitoring at Work

if you work all day on a computer, do they monitor your usage of particular websites? Like Libby, where you can read library books?

04:14 UTC


How do I stop taking it to heart when my gf is in a bad mood?

When she gets angry about something she really shows it. She isn’t mean to me but she’ll talk in an angry tone because she’s angry. It kinda hurts, I feel like she’s mad at me!

I know she loves me, and has no ill will toward me, but I don’t appreciate when she does it even though I know it’s nothing against me whatsoever, and I probably do the same when I’m angry

04:14 UTC


Is the cold/frozen food in grocery stores insured against power outages?

Sitting here after smoking a bowl, eating some ice cream. Got to thinking about the process this ice cream takes from manufacturing to store freezer without melting. Then i was like “what would happen if it DID melt?” The food has to be insured right? Otherwise youre out a lot of money depending on the size of the store.

1 Comment
04:14 UTC


What is the deal with people who don't know how to wear pants properly?

I've seen so many people with their butts hanging out I'm starting to feel like I must be the weirdo freak. Am I a big nerd for wearing belts and pants that fit?

04:13 UTC


How long do you want to live for? 60yr+ 70-80yr+ 90yr+ 100yr+?

04:11 UTC


Im going to be dressing up as Santa for a Halloween event. I overheat very quickly. How can I stay cool?

Im gonna have a pillow on my stomach as well. I tried using ice packs on my stomach under the pillow which felt amazing, but wont it just hurt my skin after a while? What tactics should I do to stay cool for about 6 hours?

I hope this isn’t a stupid question.

04:11 UTC


World Series hats

After the dodgers won, they were wearing knit Pom beanies that said 2024 World Series winners LA dodgers with their logo on it. Clearly the MLB had to have both hats made with both logos and then brought out the correct ones for the winners. My question is what do they do with all of the hats that probably have the Yankees logo on them? Burn them? I’m hoping they donate them to homeless people at least. I don’t even know why I’m thinking about this. lol

04:10 UTC


Male seahorses

So i know that male sea horses carry the female sea horse babys but at what stage of development does any development happen when the male carries it are the baby's alive and conscious when transported to the male and just kinda in storage how does this work

04:07 UTC


why do so many people fight so aggressively over apple / android phones being better?

as somebody who enjoys the best of both worlds (apple and samsung), I can honestly confirm that both work really well, even while having differences.

it should come down to personal preference, but all of the fighting and judgement? it just seems childish to be honest.

04:06 UTC


Question about kids and adult activities..

I'm a big fish in the kink community, I host munches weekly. (Vanilla mingle event, at a public venue for kinky people to dress sexy and talk like adults) should children be allowed to attend these events? They're mostly hosted in dive bars and other adult spaces. This seems to be a spicy topic. Please discuss..

04:05 UTC


Give advice to a shy anxious person. When you are around people you feel uncomfortable with and you need to say something to avoid being weird, but you feel uncomfortable. And it gets more and more anxious by the minute.

04:01 UTC


What is Russia's end goal for the war?

I wasn't sure where else to post this question. FYI: I'm not the smartest person when it comes to the history of Russia or what is going on right now (besides there is a war). I'm in the beginning of my blackhole deep dive and I'm curious what others think.

So, I know no one knows the exact goal. But do you think the goal is to take over all Ukraine (make it not a country) and then Belarus? I looked up that Belarus voted for their independence and they are on "friendly" terms, but what is to stop Russia from attacking them later on?

03:59 UTC


If I had a wife or GF with a non-viable pregnancy and lived in a pro-life state, I would immediately pack a bag, rent a car, and haul ass to the closest neighboring pro-choice state. Has anyone actually done this? How feasible is that?

03:58 UTC

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