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I saw this on my recommended lol
NSFW because of how disheartening this video is
Maybe I'm wrong here but I just hate the terms they used here. If I had a few beers and took my horse for a ride on my land why would this be a problem? A car will do whatever I tell it to and that would be a problem if I were drunk but If i were to ask my horse to ride off a mountain it probably wouldn't do that..
I work at a mall, and because it's a mall, we expect many kids to come around on Halloween with many stores handing out candy. Originally, I was slated to work closing shift on Halloween, but today my manager told me someone else had to do something in the morning and they would have to close instead.
I had looked forward to closing on Halloween. I even bought mini boxes of raisins to hand out to anyone. Gotta turn that smile upside-down~!
After hearing this, I told my co-worker why I was disappointed , and she called me a "Halloween Scrooge" which I only learned what a "scrooge" was today due to this interaction. I dont hate Halloween. I just think I'm enhancing the experience for children that ask for candy with no nutritional value to instead get some healthy raisins instead. Ah well. It is what it is.
There's at least two new shows I've seen promos for about super genius miracle doctors who wow and amaze all of the stodgy stuck in their ways normal doctors at the hospital they work at. OMG, this guy/girl is so unorthodox! Or super genius miracle detectives who wow and amaze all of the dodgy stuck in their ways regular detectives at the station. (Bonus points if she is a single mom fish out of water) OMG, how does he/she solve these cases? We've been stumped for months! 😱 I wonder how people pitch these shows at a meeting and don't have at least somebody from the network tell them these have already been done to death multiple times over the years.
It sucks since we didn't have the camera on so it didn't get any footage if whoever did this, luckily we caught it before it got to bad. I'm also glad it didn't get close to the propane tank
Gotta love the quality shit they supply at the office.
This happened to me today.. so glad it wasn’t citrus!
The way it’s made and angled on the sides, you can’t simply pull it out without tearing it up.