Xush kelibsiz r/Uzbekistan ga!
Are you planning a trip to Uzbekistan and have some questions? You came to the right place!
Did you find some interesting information related to Uzbekistan and want to share it? Feel free to do that as well!
Have any of you guys heard of Seoul Dental in Nukus next to Sonata restaurant?
I can't find anything online. Website is not working and nothing on Google or yandex etc. Does it still exist?
My brother and I are visiting Uzbekistan soon. We applied for the E-Visa online. I paid for my visa successfully, but my brother's visa payment was flagged as a suspicious transaction and rejected. He opened up his banking app and clicked "Yes, I authorized this" and the app told us to try the payment again. So we did the visa application again, but now it says "You already requested for e-visa" and won't let us submit it again. We thought maybe they would reach out to us for payment or something, but after 1 week and hearing nothing we went to the website and used our codes to check the status. My visa was approved but his is still pending more than a week after mine was approved. They said 3 business days max, so clearly his is getting stalled. We cannot complete the application screen anymore due to this message. I tried to call the embassy but we are overseas from our home country right now and making calls can be unreliable. I tried a phone number posted online but it returned an error message. I emailed mail@e-visa.gov.uz which appears to be their official email but I got an automatic reply saying "Your message couldn't be delivered to because their inbox is full." How should I proceed? We are considering showing up to the nearest consulate tomorrow in person to request assistance.
Toshkentda qayerda shinam kutubxonalar bor? Alisher Navoiy kutubxonasodan tashqari. Borib bemalol noutbuk bilan ishlashga joy kerak
We are planning to travel to tashkent, samarkand and nurota and are completely captivated by uznekistan's beauty. We are not joining any travel group so need to organize well. I'd generally to know if you experienced it as safe and appropriate for a younger child.
My questions:
-are usbekis and is the country child-friendly?
-language: I'm.not fluent in uzbek or russian but will learn some basics. How did you find orientation while being on exploration? Are there any street signs in english? If not, what are your recommendations?
How much is it for a taxi from tashkent to samarkand? Which taxi companies do you recommend?
Thank you a lot for sharing your experiences!
So the thing is, I am travelling to khiva and want to reach Tashkent by bus.. although there is a train, but I want to also make sure that bus options are also available. In case there is a reschedule or if I miss it. Is there any application where I can book these overnight buses from khiva to Tashkent? If not in the city, where is it that I can find these buses?
Turk xalqlari na Arap, na Yevropali, na an’anaviy ma’noda Osiyodir. Bizni atrofimizdagi tsivilizatsiyalardan ajratib turadigan o’ziga xos til, genetik va madaniy merosga egamiz. Buyuk G’okturklar, Xorazmlar, Seljuqlar va boshqa ajdodlarimiz asrlar davomida keng va ta’sirli tarix yaratgan. Geosiyosiy bo’linmalarga qaramay, Turk dunyosi umumiy kimlik, til va chuqur ildizlarga ega an’analar bilan birlashgan.
Turk dunyosi 10,2 million km² dan ortiq hududga tarqalgan bo’lib, bu hududda 200 milliondan ortiq Turk xalqi yashaydi. Bizning umumiy til oilamizga turkcha, o’zbekcha, turkmancha, qozochcha, qirg’izcha va boshqa tillar kiradi. Turk dunyosi tarixan Sharq va G’arb o’rtasida ko’prik bo’lsa ham, o’ziga xos kimligini saqlab kelgan. Endi esa Turk dunyosi o’zining alohida qit’a sifatida tan olinishi kerak.
Qo’shiling va ovoz bering: https://linktr.ee/turkbirligi
Are there any smoking guys in Tashkent? Or where can I get the green one?
Well I'm 18 years old from srilanka but stayed and studied in dubai my whole life and I'm moving to tashkent as I got admission for a medical university at tashkent. How are the people like in uzbekistan and my student visa is still in process. Is it easy to get the visa or has anyone faced rejection or anyhting before..
Hey everyone! I'm thinking of starting an online business selling unique medical stationery and souvenirs—things like anatomical flashcards, medical planners, creative medical-themed gifts, and other rare but useful items for students (especially med students). I’m also in this field and have a large audience of medical students, so I already have potential buyers. But before I dive in, I’d love some real-world advice:
Since I already have a relevant audience, I want to make sure this is worth engaging with before going all in. Any insights or experiences would be super helpful. Thanks!
Hi, I'm going on a trip landing in Bishkek and leaving from Tashkent.
Is there any way I can rent a car in Bishkek and leave it in Tashkent?
I don't speak Uzbek and they don't speak English, otherwise I'd ask myself. Thanks in advance!
I had read many sources, but I couldn't determine which one was correct.
Where can i find ORS in your country? i have asked in multiple dorixonas but they don't understand whats this ,i am attaching the photo here too
Hey everyone!
I'm a 30-year-old scientist from India currently working in Germany, and I'll be visiting Uzbekistan for a week for tourism. My friend, who is a professor in the USA, will be joining me. We plan to explore Tashkent, Samarkand, and Bukhara and are really excited about experiencing the culture, history, and food!
We’d love to meet English-speaking locals who can give us recommendations, or just hang out and chat over tea or plov. If you’re up for meeting, sharing some local insights, or even just exchanging travel tips, feel free to reach out!
Also, if there are any cool local events happening while we’re there, let us know, we’d love to join. Looking forward to visiting your beautiful country!
Thanks in advance for any tips or connections!
I need help to find a person instagram or some way to contact a person in that university, he was studying there in 2022-2024 for sure, i don't know which branch and all, we were good friends but one day he went offline forever and my instagram account got banned, can u guys please help me to find him, please dm me if anyone of you are willing to help me, I am also a boy he's also a boy, it's not any love nonsense, it's just a friendship I want to reconnect, please 🥺 thank you, dm me and I will give more details, as I would like to keep maximum privacy about him 🙏
Hi 🙋♂️ I’m a 24 year old German traveling to Taschkent on the 14th of February with a Connecting flight on the 27th from Almaty back home.
I have thought about renting a car from the 15th until the 21 first to drive to the Aralsea and back.
Can you tell me if this is a solid idea 💡?
I have a German drivers license and till now I would travel alone.
Thanks for advice / ideas
TLDR: Thanks for your insightful tips and advice, to hear from locals / people that have already been there done that, is always way better than to ask ChatGPT.
Thanks guys
I have some free time in Samarkand from morning until 3 PM. Is it possible to visit Urgut and return within that time? Since it's a Wednesday, is the market operating? Are there any issues during the winter season?
Are there any running / badminton / volleyball sports group in Tashkent? Would love to explore doing sports with people my age (mid 20s)
I’m not a pro at all, just want to do some exercise and have fun 😅 I’m an expat with little Uzbek and Russian language so it’s ok if it’s a group with foreigners and locals! :)
Thank you :)
Hi everyone,
I was recently offered a job in Uzbekistan. I am from the US and do not know much about the country beyond what I read on Wikipedia.
I was wondering if any of you can give me some insight into what life is like there. The job would be in Tashkent.
Thank you so much in advance.
Hi, I've seen online that Uzbekistan is one of the countries that doesn't allow the Signal app.
-is this correct?
-if so, does it just mean access is blocked or could I get in trouble for having it on my phone? Some of my friend groups use Signal, so I'm unsure if that means I should delete the app completely from my phone before I go to or just not plan on using it while there?
Assalomu aleykum, men anchadan beri guvoh boʻlyapman Tojiklar Oʻzbeklarni juda yomon korishar ekan ayniqsa instagramda Oʻzbekistonga atab hate videolar yasashadi ekan nega ular bunaqa? Biz deyarli bitta xalq boʻlsak, koʻrinishimiz, uruf odatlarimiz, milliy taomlariz ham juda oʻxshash lekin dushmanmiz? Yoki bu Oʻrislarning fitnasimi birlashmasligimiz uchun harakatmi?
I can share video too. Now, islomophobs can shut up too)
I am working on making him worksheets so he can feel included, but I’m worried translators won’t be accurate. Would anyone mind looking at my worksheets and verifying that they make sense?
This is my first post here.
I am planning a trip of Uzbekistan (Tashkent -> Samarkand -> Bukhara -> Tashkent) in mid-March, and I was trying to book Afrosiyob train tickets for easy commute between the cities.
For some reason, neither the Uzrailways app nor the website are accepting Visa/MasterCard/Amex cards. The Stripe option is visible in the app, but it just keeps loading once I enter card details and then nothing happens.
On the website, the Octobank page comes up, but after entering card details, it times out and fails.
Can anyone help me understand how I can either get in touch with the helpline, or any alternative methods of purchasing tickets? My hotel has the option of purchasing tickets via them, but I am not sure about how much extra they will charge.
I do not want to take the risk of buying tickets at the station in person.
Osonroq yashayveringlar. Nima bo'lsa din aybdor, media yillar davomida din yoniga radikalizm tushunchasini qo'shib kelgani sababli din desa hayolilarga shu keladi.
Kimdir dinga ergashganini ko'rsangiz xafasizlar, dinga cheklovlar shundoq ham ko'p bo'lsada. Qaysidir musulmon fikrilarga qarshi fikr bildirsa tolerantlikni unutib radikalga chiqarasizlar.
Qaysidir o'zini musulmon deb atovchi shaxs xato gapirsa mana bu din deb ushlab olasizlar yo kimdir diniga amal qilmaydigan musulmon sizlarni ko'nglilarni og'ritsa dinni ayblaysizlar, chetdan qarasa bu barchasi islomofobiya. O'zilarni tolerant, liberal deb ataysizlar lekin din masalasiga kelsa nafrat sabab ko'pchiligingiz islomofob xolos.
Bu yerda yozishingizni ko'rsam doim o'zini liberal deb atovchi bir insonni gapi esimga keladi, "O'zbekistonda liberallar yo'q, hammasi ozmi ko'pmi konserva". Deyarli har kun shu gap isbotini topadi.