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So I just started crafting ammo, I've got a plant with conveyor belt and storage, and it seems to be working just fine... as long as I'm standing right next to it. I left Sanctuary for a couple of in game days and when I got back there was just 10 bullets in the storage, yet the machine cranks out another 200 while I stand next to it without me needing to add any materials.
Is the storage able to be accessed by NPCs? I can't really think of any other explanation except that it doesn't work without my character present.
Or am i just going to lose all progress?
After many hours played I went back and did all my side quests to clean up my quest log, but ran into some bugs.
The body with the pipboy in the church in Glowing Ocean landed under the floor after an explosion, so I can't reach it to get the next part of the quest.
And the Drinking Buddy robot is stuck outside the hotel where I should deliver it.
On PC you have the console and can reset quests, is there any way to do this on the XBsX?
I would like to upload a video from several of my settlements because the screen is simply not enough for some functions and just filming on a mobile phone monitor seems quite amateurish to me... thanks in advance for the answers
So this was my second playthrough, and I was walking off to Diamond city, and halfway through I kid you not, An ALPHA DEATHCLAW spawned in, I was a level 7 if I’m correct, and had nothing more than the starter 10mm pistol, and a pipe rifle from a concord raide. ;-;
im very late i know, but i aways wanted to play fallout and never had the chance to buy it
i bought the game and have 2 hours on it but i dont know shit about what im doing, i feel very lost
im now on the edge of the map in a city where i thought would be friendly but they are very angry and have big guns
i do not, in fact, have the big guns to fight back
am i playing wrong? is there a certain way to play it or something im missing out?
I returned to the Overland Station and noticed that this settler changed his clothes.
I for whatever reason really like X6 but it feels like everyone else hates him, I don't know mabye it's his vibe. I always felt like he was a devoted solider but still was able to have moments of emotion. (Though him not liking dogs is a negative)
So I’m level 61 in my survival run. And feeling like to upgrade Codsworth. So returned to sanctuary to pick him up.
I had a hard time finding him until I stumbled upon him trapped in a fortification build by me.
I can’t move him or scrap the fortification. How do get him fee?
Tips anyone?
So I want to have cait as a companion for a bit, but she’s not at the Combat Zone, or any Settlements, I’ve check every one I have, and I can’t remember where I dismissed her, anyone know any wait to find her?
Does this thing actually shoot 2 fully charged shots?
I’m about to push 1000 hours on Fallout 4, I know rookie numbers but was wondering if there’s any secret locations I didn’t discover yet or any cool places to check out with loot or just places worth checking out
I play on Xbox one and have a disc and it is in perfect condition. I am a game pass member and could just play the digital version of the game, but the newest version is riddled with bugs on Xbox one and basically un playable. I had this idea that if I turned my Xbox off the internet and put in the disc, it would download the oldest version of fo4, thus rendering it playable, bc the old version isn’t riddled with nearly as many bugs as the newest version. Only problem is when I try to download it, it only downloads to to 80 percent than it says, “installation stopped”. I haves tried clearing the cache and even resetting my Xbox. Any ideas on what I can do? Thanks.
Ps. Before u say get a new Xbox, I’m broke asf😭
I don't know if anyone else had this happen but after letting Nick kill Eddie Winter I hung around looting a bit. When I went to catch up and follow Nick he was just stuck? He was just standing in the middle of one of the stairways leading to the exit. I eventually pushed him all the way to the exit and up the stairs with a rifle one of the raiders dropped. Is this normal? I haven't had this happen in any of my playthroughs until now and I thought I thought it weird. Almost reminds me of how much of a pain I had with Danse's personal quest where Maxson just walked off no matter what I did.
They must have really not liked this guy.
I haven’t seen a post like this so I m making it, am I the only one who doesn’t like dog meat, nick and piper? I’ve played with them on an older save and replayed the game recently and I just can’t seem to like them that much? Like this is all my opinion but I don’t know how you guys like them so much (for being the 3 most popular companions except maybe danse exchanged with piper). I took nick to far harbour and his dialogue just felt repetitive, I don’t really mind piper and dog meat just doesn’t do anything, wow pulls down a person to the ground now and then while doing 1/8th of a raiders health! Just great.
I demolished a house and created a huge bedroom in sanctuary. And now my dwellers either cant or takes a slow time to get in. For the meantime i left on wall open lol so they can get inside. Any tips?