
Photograph via snooOG

Articles and discussions at the intersection of psychology and education.

Specific areas of study include cognitive and developmental psychology, learning, pedagogy, motivation, institutions of learning, applications to curriculum and specific lessons, and special education.

Related links:

Educational Psychology (from Wikipedia)

Related subreddits:

Cognitive Science





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Projects/Programs for 5th graders w/ Behavioral Problems at School

Hello, I'm an Educational Psychology student and I am currently doing my Masters internship at my old school. Yesterday, I met one of the 5th grade classes and there were 3 kids with a lot of complex problems: from beating other students and teachers, to disrespecting the professores, not caring if their actions affect others, using very disturbing language, screaming, threatning the teachers... Needless to say, they all come from family backgrounds that are not the best and have their own complex problems aswell.

I was shocked to see this happen- not for these behaviors, but about their age; they are only like 10 or 11 and acting like the world is a wrestling stage. I immediatly thought to myself that I need to create something for them.

These kids obviously don't feel heard at home, don't get the attention nor love they deserve, and they act tough at school and on the streets to make up for the things they lack at home. Since I'm only a masters student, I am researching about projects or programms that I could implement with them. Something that gives them a sense of purpose, something that could involve them in a more deeper level and that could be used to work these issues with them, ultimatly, something that could be presented to the school and that could feel proud about and think "I did this, I can do this". Once I collect projects and programms that could work, I am thinking about doing first individual sessions and then joining them up to form a team, but gradually- since they all feed each others agressive attitudes when together.

Would be really thankful for all of your recomendations!

11:05 UTC


Event in Dubai

people who are interested in educational conferences and MUN from all over the globe

15:01 UTC


Ed-psych elective credit recommendation

So, I’m entering my last semester of Ed Psy as a masters student and I saved my elective programs for my last semester. Do any of you all recommend any course I should take?

20:26 UTC


Seeking Guidance on Finding Developmental Psychology Programs Focused on Tech’s Impact on Mental Health

Hey everyone,

I’m a senior in college currently applying to developmental psychology graduate programs. My research interests lie in how technology, particularly social media, impacts our minds—looking at aspects like mental health outcomes and cognitive functions, such as attention span.

I am quite stressed due to the fact that I have had a hard time finding researchers who are: 1) doing this kind of research, 2) part of developmental psychology programs, and 3) actually accepting students this application cycle. So far, I've only found two schools that meet those requirements, which is making me quite nervous.

Does anyone know of researchers or programs that fit this description? Or any advice on how to navigate this? I’d really appreciate any help!

Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
19:43 UTC


Undergraduate student needing advice as to whether pursuing educational psychology is worth it

Hello! I’m currently studying an Education BA, and have absolutely loved it so far. I definitely want to work in education. Educational psychology has been something I am really considering, the job itself seems really interesting and fulfilling, and the salary is something I’m satisfied with too.

My undergraduate degree is not accredited by the BPS, so I would have to do a conversion course. And then I would also have to do the three year funded training course.

The thing is, a masters conversion degree would obviously put me in further debt, and I’d probably have to work during it (the three year training course requires at least 1 year of working with children - so I’d probably apply to be a TA or something like that during my conversion degree).

This is something I think I would really enjoy, and of course my heart is telling me to pursue it. But the time and money it would take to do so is quite daunting.. My parents can’t afford to keep me living with them for too long after my undergraduate degree is over and I live in London and the whole housing crisis issue is very stressful.

I could do with some advice.

1 Comment
22:30 UTC


Masters application

Hi! What are your recommendations for writing and what to include in a letter of intent for a Master program? Feeling very nervous as the competition in my area is high.

Should I focus more on mental health in education or special needs in education?

20:21 UTC


Edpsych vs clin psych

I am a teacher applying to do my graduate program in edpsych. I am wondering what/if they're are any major differences between edpsych and clinical psych aside from the setting?

14:05 UTC


UK Teachers with experience of Year 1- what are your experiences of the transition from Early Years?


I am a Year 1 teacher doing research for my masters degree through Brunel University. I'm looking for teachers with Year 1 experience who would be willing to be interviewed about their experiences of the EYFS to Year 1 transition. It would be a one-off interview of about 30 mins and would focus on how you support children in developing emotional and social skills in this time.

If anyone would be interested in contributing to this, please message me and I can send some further details.

Kind Regards,


12:18 UTC


Seeking Recommendations for Computer-Aided Instruction Service for Kids

Hi everyone,

I recently learned that Headsprout Early Reading, which my son and daughter have been using and benefiting from, will be discontinuing its services in about six months. I'm now on the lookout for an alternative Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) service that offers a similar data-driven, evidence-based program with years of research backing its efficacy.

I want to ensure that whatever program I choose next will continue to support my kids' learning and development. If you have any recommendations or suggestions for CAI services that fit this criteria, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you in advance for your help!

18:31 UTC


Are you a UK Primary School Teacher? Share your insights in a research study!

If you are a UK primary school teacher with any current or previous experience in Year 1 please read on ...

I am looking for teachers to participate in an interview about their experiences of supporting children in the transition from Early Years to Year 1 for a masters final project.

I have attached the participant advertisement further information if you are interested in getting involved.

If you have time to contribute to this research or can share this post with anyone you know who may be interested it would be greatly appreciated!


12:42 UTC


Participants needed for research into teacher response into children wellbeing.

Hi all!

I am a primary school teacher looking for participants for my master's dissertation with Northumbria University. The only criteria is that you must be a teacher in a primary school in the UK.

The research aims to understand how teachers respond to the needs of children in the classroom. Any help is much appreciated!

study link

11:41 UTC


Prompts to demonstrate ChatGPT's biases in academia

Hi everyone,

I'm seeking some advice and ideas for an upcoming class workshop I'll be leading on the topic of AI in education, particularly focusing on the limitations of Language Model-based Learning (LLMs) such as ChatGPT.

My goal is to engage students in comparative pedagogy by demonstrating the challenges and drawbacks associated with relying solely on LLMs for educational purposes. For my workshop, I'm planning to design a short activity where students prompt ChatGPT to analyze a research paper, to showcase its limitations and biases.

I'm looking for suggestions on what prompts students should use when engaging with ChatGPT to analyze the research paper. These prompts should aim to highlight the challenges LLMs face in understanding nuanced academic texts and discussing the sources of their information.

Additionally, I'm interested in ideas on how to demonstrate the biases inherent in LLMs, especially in educational contexts. This could involve exploring how LLMs might misinterpret or misrepresent certain concepts within the research paper.

Since this activity is meant to be a part of a larger class session, it should be concise and not take longer than 30 minutes. Therefore, any suggestions or ideas should be feasible within this time frame.

Hope this makes sense, any input would be super appreciated <3

08:37 UTC


Hello, needing help.

Lf Developmental Psychology reviewer for board exam. Thank you!

14:38 UTC


If you are a Year 1 teacher and have some time to share some of your experiences please read on

I am currently researching teachers' experiences of the transition from Early Years to Year 1, focussing on how they support children's social and emotional skills during this time. I am looking for Year 1 teachers to participate in a Zoom interview on this topic. I have attached the participant advertisement with contact details if you would like to share your experiences.

If you have time to contribute to this research it would be greatly appreciated!


19:43 UTC


What websites offer Executive Function tasks to test various classrooms?

Hi there, does anyone know where I can find a website/software to administer executive function (EF) tasks/tests for large classrooms of children? The goal is for each child to visit a website, do those tests, and have each score submitted into a database for the schools to review. It's to measure EF components like inhibition, working memory, shifting, etc.

We found some websites like PsyToolbox and Pavlovia, but we fear the accuray of the measured reaction time, and the depth of the tasks conducted there. I recommended CANTAB to my team but they felt it would not be easy to massively adminster across all classrooms in various schools. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated!

09:38 UTC


Illness at work

I‘d be interested to hear if anyone’s noticed if you or the students you work with have been sick more often in the past few years (since covid)? Those that have been working pre-2020 is there a noticeable difference?
As an extra question, have any of the schools you work in installed HEPA filters?


18:18 UTC


[Opinions Wanted] Engaging Student Tools

Hi! My friend and I are currently University students studying education and computer science. Our community has a lot of K-12 schools that are struggling to meet our state education standards and we want to do something about it! We hope to build a tech tool driving student engagement and content retention.

Fill out here: https://forms.gle/RGw1gxp8ExMBWqz46

TLDR ~ If you are an educator (in any manner) and could answer ANY or ALL questions on this form, it would really help out a couple college kids trying to impact their community :)

13:36 UTC


Scotland or England?


I am interested in applying for my doctorate in the next couple of years.

I trained as a primary school teacher in England over 10 years ago, worked a couple of years, moved to Scotland (for the landscape, after visiting for years) and practised as a primary teacher for 5ish years. Lost my mum (down in England) and moved back down to sort out probate etc. I completed a masters conversion to psych (to keep mind busy during a difficult time and because I've always been interested in psychology) and I've got a lovely full time teaching position down here in a fantastic school. But now looking at the next step.

One option is an Educational Psychologist role.

I am fortunate that funding is not really an issue as I can buy property in either Southampton (also where I studied my undergrad) where they have a fantastic funded course, or Dundee, which is nearby friends and has an equally fantastic course that is funded.

If I go to Southampton, I get a 15k bursary but must study full time, if I go to Scotland, the fees are paid but the course is part time so I can teach as well (plenty of experience with Scottish supply system).

Either funding suits me.

The question is, do I get a Scottish qualification or an English one?

I have no other ties to any area really. No kids no commitments.

The role attracts a higher rate of pay in Scotland (it would be a marginal pay cut initially in England) but I don't know if the Scottish qualification is as useful outside of Scotland whereas I have heard (perhaps incorrectly?) That the English qualification is recognised in places like Canada. Which of course opens opportunities as I am still only early 30s.

Eventually I'd like to return to Scotland. I prefer the pace of life. But I worked there in my twenties when career wasn't top of my mind and I never thought to 'network'. To return so soon would lose the current working network I have nurtured in a decent full time role near London.

If I get an English qualification, is it transferable? What about the other way around?

Looking for any advice from people who have qualified in one country and moved to the other, or who are currently practising and can give me any insight/opinions.

19:47 UTC


What age is appropriate for educational psychology assessments?

Our daughter is 5y 10m old and the school has asked her to have an educational psychology assessment. We’ve had feedback from some teachers at other schools saying that it’s too early for the results to be accurate. Is this the case?

20:12 UTC


How would you respond to someone who finds admitting someone else is better than them at math "doesn't feel good" and uses this to reject them, but then complains about failing/not getting enough money etc?

  1. They say things like "envy" doesn't feel good and show absolutely 0 distress tolerance dealing with envy and think they just don't have to take it on, sinking the overall environment for everyone to the point they became a public health crisis.
  2. Social responsibility "doesn't feel good". (Clearly doesn't get pleasure from helping like an empath, which may be fair, but still needs to be figured out if they're trying to normalize their lack of pleasure-making mechanism for empaths that do get "warm glow" such as warm glow donors).
  3. They don't seem able to determine the difference between these things feeling good in the short and long term and only answer to short term feeling good with no emotional memory for when things didn't initially feel good but felt much better in the long term.
  4. I also think it may be true that we have to force things that don't feel good (getting a root canal), but sometimes we're told we have to do that and we don't (rape).


22:33 UTC


How do your parents' past conflicts affect you today? Contribute to research into the long-term effects of interparental conflict on children

I'm a Psychology Honours student at Southern Cross University in Australia and for my Thesis project I'm investigating how parents' conflict behaviours impact children later in life.

If you are over 18 and can recall how your parents handled disagreements between them when you were growing up (whether they were together or not), please participate in this anonymous survey.

More information here: https://scuau.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5gLqVDDBiw2Ypng

06:03 UTC


Improving short term memory and information processing


I have a dyslexic diagnosis with significant weakness in the areas of short term memory and information processing. I am 27 and although I have been to university and have a degree the effects of these weaknesses are now greater than ever. I am aware it can cause problems with decision making, executive function and following instruction. I struggle with all three of these and don't really know where or how to start with improving them. Whenever I was studying in academia, if felt like solutions were thrown at me and not filtered, tailored or shown how to apply it to the real world.

Also I have exceedingly good visual perception and verbal reasoning & long term memory but I don't know how to use this to my benefit.

Any direction, ideas etc would be greatly appreciated

Signed, A little bit lost 🪧

17:45 UTC


what have you learned recently in the field that piqued your interest?

I am an aspiring Ed Psych (although it’s a long while before I get there!) currently in my last year of teacher training before I get QTS.

My mum was a SENDCo and I have had an interest in the psychology, neurobiology, neuroscience, and neuropsychology, since my early teens. Over the years, i’ve consumed books, articles, journals, etc etc (probably in excess lol).

Currently having a dry spell - Just finished a 3 month placement with lesson planning & assessments and my brain wants to finally concentrate on getting stuck back in.

But I need some inspiration. What research has piqued your interest recently? (doesn’t have to be recent research!). Pls save my poor brain, which currently contains nothing but MacBeth quotes.

Reader’s digest version of anything that’s caught your attention this year! Help me get stuck in!


21:41 UTC


ASD, Attachment and ADHD - Coventry Grid

Hi. I have used the Coventry grid which describes the differences in behaviour between ASD and Attachment Disorders. Is there a similar tool for ASD and ADHD?

14:50 UTC


Organize our mind?

I’m interested in going back to school.

My executive functions are far below average.

Would pursing any specific degree/subject build the Executive Function “muscle” more than others subjects?

My guess is that Music, Math, Language, Art, etc.. all have some unique contributions to various parts of our brain functions.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

03:18 UTC


Disappointing assessment UK

I'm a teaching assistant in a mainstream UK school. A child in my class has finally been to CYPS for assessment about their additional needs. The child has significant learning difficulties across all areas of development. It is extremely likely that there is a specific diagnosis for the child but it is not something common that we (the adults working with them) are able to recognise. We heard today that CYPS could not diagnose anything specific so he is considered to have moderate learning difficulty by default and no further assessment will take place. Is this right? It seems shocking to me that professionals would say we don't know what their diagnosis is so we will give a vague answer and leave it at that, which is about as much as we knew ourselves to start with. Without additional support based on a diagnosis with possible extra funding, this child's future looks grim. Is there no hope for children who have conditions that are uncommon? PS there are (I think) 5 other children in the class who are also registered as "moderate learning difficulty" for lack of a confirmed assessment. This can't be normal! (Age 9)

1 Comment
15:39 UTC


Job Prospects Masters Ed Psych?

I have a masters in educational psychology and I am not thinking to pursue a PhD at this time due to how hard of a time I had in grad school. I had a hard time adjusting and quickly became severely depressed and anxious to where I was feeling physically sick, so I didn't really get to make any meaningful connections with anyone as much as I wanted to, and it's left me really mad at myself for getting to this low point. I worry that this has sidetracked my job prospects. Though I have been a research assistant for two research teams, I feel as though my experience is not enough, and I have looked into working for schools which is what I'm leaning towards career-wise, but schools are looking for board/state-certifications which I don't have since ed psych doesn't have board/state testing. I have experience with SPSS and being a teaching assistant in my undergrad years as well as data entry/management and audio transcription and coding, but that's pretty much it. I've applied to a lot of jobs and don't know if it's possibly because I'm applying to the wrong ones, but it's left me kind of hopeless and I don't know what to do. If there are any other fellow Ed Psych people in here, I'd appreciate your insight. Thank you. :-)

14:22 UTC


Ed psych in the UK

I live in the UK and been considering applying for Educational psychology training for quite a while but feel like I don't know loads about the role. I'm currently an EMHP (low intensity CBT practitioner working in schools).

I did speak with a trainee Ed psych recently who did a placement in my team and discussed that some bits of what we do crosses over.

Are there any Ed psychs working in the UK who would be able to share a rough idea what their days/weeks might normally consist of?

I think one of my main worries is that it will be a lot of admin and report writing and not so much contact with young people and their families which is what I love. Also how much travel might be involved.

17:06 UTC

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