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    Trying to withdraw to UK bank, KuCoin, Binance, Coinbase etc all not working

    Hi all,

    As the title explains, I’m trying to withdraw my funds to my UK bank account.

    KuCoin is asking for additional KYC which is all correct but is saying it failed (apparently this is an on going issues)

    Binance are currently doing some changes to the UK verification system

    Coinbase have a 24 hour cool down period before you can withdraw

    Basically, my question is:

    What exchange can I open an account on and send my USDT to straight away and withdraw to my bank account? Where I haven’t got to wait or deal with ‘reorganisation etc’.

    Happy to KYC and all that jazz if it means I can get it out as it’s currently just sat.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    18:43 UTC


    760K Stolen through Inferno Drainer

    A single victim lost about 760K a couple of days ago in wstETH, stETH, and pufETH. This appears to be yet another phishing scam where the victim approved a number of malicious signatures.

    • Victim Wallet - 0x5789A38a3FAcfaa86ED950e88D79a9A2F6140052 - 760K VICTIM
    • Hacker Wallet - 0xA212763d2BdDb0BD704f1df9Ab9F3A6b64ACa633 - 760K Hacker
    • Drainer Wallet - 0xFC4EAA4ac84D00f1C5854113581F881b42b4A745 - 760K Drainer

    Usually I like to spend time tracing the funds but all the stolen funds still appear to be in the Hacker's wallet.

    I'm not seeing any outgoing txns to any exchanges or intermediary wallets.

    0xA212763d2BdDb0BD704f1df9Ab9F3A6b64ACa633 - 760K Hacker is a wallet created on 4/10/24 with about 850K in it and growing!

    0xFC4EAA4ac84D00f1C5854113581F881b42b4A745 - 760K Drainer is connected to a number of different scams/hacks. It was created on 3/19/24 and has about 3.1M in the wallet, and also growing!

    I have 0xFC4EAA4ac84D00f1C5854113581F881b42b4A745 labeled as a Drainer wallet as it appears to be taking a fee of 10 - 11 % of the stolen assets.

    Above is a look inside the outgoing txns of the Victim's wallet. A small portion of the funds automatically get funneled into the drainer wallet.

    Inferno Drainer

    The wallet address 0xFC4EAA4ac84D00f1C5854113581F881b42b4A745 appears to belong to one of the popular SASS (Scams-as-a-Service) wallet drainers, in this case Inferno Drainer.

    Inferno Drainer has been around since Nov 2022 and was built as backend infrastructure to drain victim's cryptocurrency wallets across multiple chains. It quickly become the most popular wallet drainer service in 2023, stealing over 70M+ in crypto.

    Typically, 20% of the stolen funds goes to the Inferno Drainer organizers while 80% goes to the Customer (the phishing scammer).

    Above is an image on how Inferno Drainer works. A phishing website is created and uploaded with the Inferno Drainer code. Once a victim approves a malicious signature, Inferno Drainer automatically sends 20% to their team and 80% to their client. Image courtesy of GROUP-IB.

    Inferno Drainer claims to of shutdown back in Nov 2023 but it appears the code was just updated and a new iteration was launched. Additionally, I noticed the drainer wallet took about 10% of the stolen assets instead of 20%. Maybe this is Inferno Drainer Lite?

    For example, 0xFC4EAA4ac84D00f1C5854113581F881b42b4A745 is directly connected with the malicious Smart Contract of 0x0000db5c8B030ae20308ac975898E09741e70000, which has been identified as Inferno Drainer.

    All of these transactions are done anonymously and these drainer services operate like businesses. To this day we don't know the operator or operators behind Inferno Drainer. We do know that this scam-as-a-service appears to be profitable for all parties involved, except the victim.

    According to some researchers, Inferno Drainer has now stolen funds well over 100M+ across 16,000+ retail victims.

    Stay safe out there!

    18:00 UTC


    Network fees are a bad look for crypto right now

    Seeing posts about folks being charged triple their transaction amount in fees for trying to move BTC. Personally tried to move $60 other day and got charged $40 for it. If you don’t believe me go try it. Fees are spiralling out of control due to halving.

    “Just use lightning” “Just use coinbase advanced” “Just have to wait it out until network calms down.

    My gripe with these arguments is that isnt crypto supposed to be the better solution to fiat? Isn’t it supposed to be for the masses? Isn’t it supposed to be decentralized and thus, cheaper and more effecient than centralized currency?? But how is that possible when the network fees are comparable to black market loan shark agreements.

    Right now I can send cash to families or clients with Venmo for free. Sure it arrives 1-3 business days. BUT its free and I will take that any day of the week.

    This is a terrible look for crypto. Its a terrible entry to crypto for newcomers who won’t know the savvy ways to work around fees. This is supposed to be the democratic currency owned by the common good and it should be almost free to transact with it at all times. Imagine trying to by a house and the network fees just happen to be “out of control” that week.

    This needs to be fixed.

    13:30 UTC


    Swiss National Bank to purchase Bitcoin



    Now comes the popular initiative, which aims to obligate the National Bank to purchase Bitcoin. According to the promoters, the cryptocurrency must be included in the currency reserves. They argue that with Bitcoin, Switzerland can secure its independence and neutrality. They receive support from a renowned expert in monetary policy. Yves Bennaïm's group is behind the initiative, adding "in Gold and Bitcoin" to a constitutional article. The goal is to start a debate about Switzerland's future in an uncertain world. They're preparing the necessary documents to launch the initiative. Luzius Meisser, President of Bitcoin Suisse, supports the idea, claiming Bitcoin would make Switzerland richer and more independent. He'll advocate for Bitcoin at the SNB's general assembly. Meisser believes the SNB should act now to avoid entering the Bitcoin market at higher prices later. The initiative is well-received in Switzerland's growing crypto community and parts of the traditional finance sector. Recent approvals for Bitcoin investment vehicles in the US and Hong Kong may influence the SNB's decision.

    11:59 UTC


    As fast as altcoins crash in price, they recover as fast, too...even some can outperform!

    Crashes and dips from last week can scare investors, but they are opportunities to buy lower or enter the market when you were left out.

    Today is a nice green day, we're back at $65k and altcoins pumping back again. (Memecoins pumping hard back, but this is subject for another topic).

    Crypto is still widely seen as risk asset, it was no wonder that the stock market needed to correct after continuous upwards trend.

    Summer is often seen as boring sideways move as many people go on vacations. Do markets price this in or is our beloved crypto which is traded 24/7 365 also very active during summertime?

    Despite all these thoughts, it feels so good to be back. Crypto is once again live and not dead (don't listen to JP Morgan, crypto is alive!)

    11:38 UTC


    Was this a scam?

    So l've been following this telegram page called the bull for a while now. Over 4 years, and he's made alot of good calls and l've made a fair bit of money, a few eth (todays price) worth. Recently he posted about his premium channel and how it's only 500 dollars for lifetime access. I thought he has almost 200k subs and l've been following for almost 4 years with no issues so why not. He posted a google form and I paid.

    Then the silence. He didn't respond or anything. I tried messaging an account on telegram @thebullowner1 (l'm not sure if this is a fake account trying to siphon off funds)but when I messaged he replied and sent me a new address and the old one is defunct. However he posted the address where I sent the 500 dollars only a week ago and when you go to his premium link it's still linked there Ox89ca3d91e2CdDC7939098C887ecA5805ee09784

    This was the address. l've tried contacting him on twitter with no luck.

    So have I just lost and learnt a 500 dollar lesson?

    When I mentioned reporting it to the police he cleared the chat,( the bull owner 1 chat )and now has blocked me. However I still have access to the main account the bull. Perhaps it was someone trying to impersonate the main account and try to scam people

    Is there any way to track the wallet address and see if there's any movements. Any help is appreciated.

    And please no dms telling me to contact someone to help recover my funds.

    08:55 UTC


    world doesn't even deserve crypto. not even close.

    give these idiots usd and memecoins til they cant carry any more. can't be any overall adoption of the technology when the monkeys arn't smart enough to begin learning how to use them at their most basic functions. dueces. gl tryna explain to the next 100 they'll never outtrade the mev bot. that no matter what their intent is. their meme coin is just another scam. wether they are the ones that profit on it or not no difference. just bought the bus ticket for the same guy. better off just helping usd along instead of frustrating these simple minds with concepts they just don't have the capacity to ever begin to understand. Is just plain cruel. They like dollars. and memecoins. more of both lets do it. cheers. gl hf dd

    08:18 UTC


    Help: (question) buying ton in US

    Help: (question) buying ton in US

    A couple of years ago, I purchased TON coin and staked it. All good. Things worked out well. Now I need to buy a bit of TON for gas fees to unstake it. But all the facilities in th TON wallet don't seem to work for US based buyers. Can someone reply with how a US person can purchase TON. Moonpay and other providers seem to want non-US KYC info.

    I tried to load TON by purchasing some from the listed providers:

    • Transak
    • Moonpay
    • Neocrypto
    • Mercuryo

    But each time, it ended up stating it didn't like my phone number or region depending on the provider

    Thanks for any help you can give. Truly appreciate it.

    07:55 UTC


    The Dynamics of Blockchain Token Price Appreciation

    I see quite a lot of folks scratching their head asking questions like "why the tech of my blockchain is great but its token price is terrible". So I thought maybe it's helpful to write this article to share my PoV and, more importantly, to (hopefully) help folks navigate through the blockchain space.

    Blockchain token price appreciation is a complex phenomenon influenced by a multitude of factors. Here I will focus on three key drivers: network performance, liquidity in terms of stablecoin Total Value Locked (TVL), and the role of memecoins. You need all these 3 components to successfully drive network activity hence token appreciation.

    Network Performance

    The performance of a blockchain network is a critical factor in the price appreciation of its associated token. A well-performing network can handle significant trading and transaction activities, ensuring smooth and efficient operations. This includes fast transaction times, high scalability, and robust security measures. When a network performs well, it attracts more users and increases the demand for its native token, leading to price appreciation.

    Stablecoin TVL: Liquidity is King

    In any financial market, liquidity is king, and the blockchain market is no exception. The total value locked (TVL) in stablecoins (USDC, USDT, etc.) is a measure of the liquidity in the network. The higher the Stablecoin TVL, the more liquid the market, making it easier for traders to buy and sell without impacting the token’s price. Pumping liquidity into a blockchain network can spark price appreciation as it reduces slippage, encourages trading activity, and increases the network’s overall stability. Often, Venture Capitals (VCs) are the main driving forces behind Stablecoin TVL in any network. Love them or hate them, without VCs your blockchain network won't have sufficient Stablecoin TVL to grow.

    Memecoins: Beyond the Fun and Art

    Contrary to popular belief, memecoins are not about “fun” or “art” (these are just "BS" things). These memecoins are actually used to mainly attract novice and/or greedy retail investors into the market. Memecoins serve as a trading vehicle, often used by market makers, venture capitalists, and other influential players to start a “memecoin season”. This coordinated act can lead to a sudden surge in demand for the memecoin, resulting in rapid price appreciation. However, it’s important to note that this often involves a high level of risk and speculation.

    So the price appreciation of a blockchain token is influenced by a combination of factors including network performance, liquidity (stablecoin TVL), and the strategic use of memecoins. Understanding these factors can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of the blockchain market.

    06:52 UTC


    16 Upcoming Bitcoin Events To Mark On Your Calendar

    Bitcoin events are a great way to meet the broader community and learn more about the cryptocurrency. Here is a list of 15 bitcoin events this year, as well as a list of bitcoin events that will likely recur in early 2025 that are worth marking your calendar for.

    Bitcoin Asia

    Organizer: BTC Inc.

    Location: Hong Kong

    Dates: May 9 to May 10

    BTC Inc.’s event series comes to Asia for the first time with an event hosted in Hong Kong. Keynote speakers include Lightning Labs founder Elizabeth Stark and Discus Fish, who founded F2Pool, one of the world’s largest bitcoin mining pools.

    Canadian Bitcoin Conference

    Organizer: Canadian Bitcoin Conference

    Location: Montreal, Canada

    Dates: May 16 to May 17

    The Canadian Bitcoin Conference is hosted in Montreal, the site of the old Bitcoin Embassy, where some of Blockstream’s co-founders first gathered. The conference features keynotes from Joe Nakamoto, Saifedeen Ammous, and Bull Bitcoin CEO Francis Pouliot. It also offers a workshop to help attendees build an open-source miner from a Bitmain ASIC, helping to decentralize bitcoin’s hash rate.

    Bitcoin Is For Everyone

    Organizer: Bitcoin Is For Everyone

    Location: Portland, Oregon

    Dates: May 22

    Bitcoin Is For Everyone is a one-day event that brings together people from the Pacific Northwest. Keynote speakers include Jeff Booth of Ego Death Capital and Troy Cross.

    Oslo Freedom Forum

    Organizer: Human Rights Foundation

    Location: Oslo, Norway

    Dates: June 3 to June 5

    The Human Rights Foundation organizes the Oslo Freedom Forum to convene technologists and human rights activists to discuss some of the most pressing issues of our times. A financial freedom track focuses on bitcoin and how freedom tech can help with human rights issues.

    BTC Prague

    Organizer: BTC Prague

    Location: Prague

    Dates: June 13 to June 15

    BTC Prague is the largest bitcoin event in Europe, taking place in one of the most bitcoin-friendly cities on the continent. In Prague, more than 250 merchants are willing to accept bitcoin payments. The bitcoin-only event will feature keynote speakers Micheal Saylor and Adam Back.

    Bitcoin Rodeo

    Organizer: BTCSessions

    Location: Calgary, Canada

    Dates: July 2

    The Bitcoin Rodeo brings the classic Western Canadian ambiance to bitcoin conveners through a combination of comedy and Bitcoin talks. Speakers include Francis Pouliot, who co-founded Bull Bitcoin, and Preston Pysh. The Calgary Stampede happened a few days later.

    Bitcoin 2024

    Organizer: BTC Inc.

    Location: Nashville, Tennessee

    Dates: July 25 to July 27

    Bitcoin 2024 is the world's largest Bitcoin event. The Nashville confab is hosted by BTC Inc., which publishes Bitcoin Magazine. Keynote speakers this year that have been announced include Cathie Wood of ARK Invest and Micheal Saylor of MicroStrategyMSTR -2.8%. The event also has a job fair and free passes for students—a much-needed way to engage younger people with bitcoin.

    Baltic Honey Badger

    Organizer: Baltic Honey Badger

    Location: Riga, Latvia

    Dates: August 24 to August 25

    The Baltic Honey Badger is an event that pairs talks about bitcoin and freedom of speech with Nostr. It’s paired with Riga Bitcoin Week, which offers Nostr events and an introduction to bitcoin.

    Indonesia Bitcoin Conference

    Organizer: Indonesia Bitcoin Conference

    Location: Bali, Indonesia

    Dates: September

    After an inaugural 2023 speaking session in Bali, this Bitcoin-only conference is back for another edition. Featuring speakers like Samson Mow last year, another edition will feature a bazaar.

    Bitcoin Amsterdam

    Organizer: BTC Inc.

    Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

    Dates: October 10 to October 11

    BTC Inc. is bringing its Bitcoin event series to Amsterdam for the second time. Last year, Edward Snowden was a speaker at the event. Bitcoin Magazine powers the event in combination with Amsterdam Decentralized.

    Pacific Bitcoin

    Organizer: Swan Bitcoin

    Location: Los Angeles, California

    Dates: October 18 to October 19

    Pacific Bitcoin is the marquee event hosted by Swan Bitcoin, which allows for dollar-cost average buys of bitcoin in the United States. Keynote speakers include Lyn Alden and Peter McCormack of What Bitcoin Did. The location, the Barker Hanger, is a large-scale venue right next to LAX airport.

    Plan B Forum

    Organizer: City of Lugano and TetherUSDT 0.0%

    Location: Lugano, Switzerland

    Dates: October 18 to October 19

    The Plan B Forum is a collaboration between Tether and the city of Lugano, which is gaining significant traction in terms of merchants accepting bitcoin payments. The keynote speakers include Stella Assange, Julian Assange's wife, and Paolo Ardoino, the co-founder of Tether and Bitfinex.


    Organizer: TABConf

    Location: Atlanta, Georgia

    Dates: October 23 to October 26

    TABConf is a technical conference on bitcoin topics. You can submit issues on GitHub, and there are plenty of workshops and a hackathon. Previous topics have included running an effective Lightning node, using OpenTimestamps in elections, and mempool policy.


    Organizer: SatsConf

    Location: Sao Paolo, Brazil

    Dates: November 8 to November 9

    SatsConf will happen in Brazil, one regional hotspot for bitcoin merchant adoption and the country that hosts the Bitcoin Spring Festival. While the page only serves as a placeholder for now, there is a Whatsapp group.

    Bitcoin MENA

    Organizer: BTC Inc.

    Location: Abu Dhabi

    Dates: December 9 to December 10

    For the first year, Bitcoin Magazine is now bringing a bitcoin event in the Middle East hosted in Abu Dhabi. Though there aren’t any announced speakers yet, the event has a LinkedIn page, and the Bitcoin Conference’s Nostr page will likely post more updates about the event as they come in.

    Bitcoin Africa Conference

    Organizer: Bitcoin Africa Conference

    Location: Nairobi, Kenya

    Dates: December 9 to December 11

    Bitcoin’s events calendar comes to Africa, with this conference convening in Nairobi, Kenya. Organized by a collective that spans the continent, the Bitcoin Africa Conference features speakers like Obi Nwosu, the founder of Fedi.

    Events likely in early 2025

    Events like bitcoin++, Bitcoin Policy Summit, Bitcoin Atlantis, and BitBlockBoom are likely to occur again in early 2025, with dates mainly towards the early half of the year and on a recurring basis. Cheatcode, built by Peter McCormick of the What Bitcoin Did podcast, may also recur.

    As bitcoin matures, it’s likely that more and more events that bill themselves as Bitcoin-only will spawn worldwide—and one-time events may become recurring events. These hubs for learning, community, and connection will do much to spread and strengthen bitcoin around the world.

    source : https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/04/17/16-upcoming-bitcoin-events-to-mark-your-calendar-with/?sh=253b7f4942db

    02:01 UTC


    Takeaways From The Bitcoin Policy Summit, Where DC Met Bitcoin

    During the Bitcoin Policy Summit, policymakers from across the U.S. government, including five members of Congress, spoke with industry representatives and the bitcoin community. I attended as a speaker on countering digital authoritarianism, highlighting different parts of the world that were embracing central bank digital currencies, and what role the United States could play in leveraging bitcoin to ensure its use as a tool of freedom and resilience. There were many lessons learned, but a few can make for a powerful summary.

    1. Support for bitcoin is deeply bipartisan in the United States, and carries past ideological and party lines

    Despite the reputation of having Bitcoin as a divisive topic that can fall under the traditional “red vs. blue” debate, we saw two Democratic members of Congress, and three Republicans Members of Congress from a variety of states talk about why they thought Bitcoin benefited the United States. Sens. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn., host state of Bitcoin 2024) all brought passionate speeches talking about the value of Bitcoin and how it could benefit their constituents. Lummis in particular brought forward a passionate defense of why bitcoin scared members of the government who tried to control it. On the House side, outgoing House Financial Services Chair Rep. McHenry (R-N.C.) and Rep. Wiley Nickel (D-N.C.) brought forward their views on bitcoin. Executive branch employees from across the different cabinets of the United States also joined in, with representation from the Treasury Department, Energy Department and more.

    The speakers didn’t talk about the benefits of bitcoin for their political party, but rather how the United States should study and consider leveraging it. This was a rare tone in a political process that might often be more known for partisan-level sniping rather than broad consensus and consideration. Having said that, bitcoin isn’t immune from political maneuvering. Policymakers mentioned that the Financial Services Committee was quite pro-bitcoin, but Senate Banking Committee tended not to be. Yet it was refreshing to hear policymakers talk about bitcoin in a more reflective tone rather than a reactive one shaped by partisan talking points.

    2. Policymakers are interested in bitcoin and want to learn more

    The Bitcoin Policy Summit drew a full house, with many legislative staffers, policy analysts and policymakers from various parts of the federal government. The seats were packed, and the general attitude was one of curiosity. There was a sense that Bitcoin had grown through another maturation stage. For the policymakers, the ETF approvals were an inflection point, something that gave bitcoin more of a “grown-up” appearance. The full crowd of policy folks at the Bitcoin Policy Summit gave credence to the idea that bitcoin was now no longer just a side topic in Washington, but rather something that could generate a large amount of interest.

    3. The conversation was not really about the price

    The entire conference was noticeable for having no panels that directly discussed the price of bitcoin and how to trade it. There wasn’t any “expert” that came in and said this model could perfectly predict bitcoin’s price at this entry point or exit point. While price movement and the consideration of price are important, it felt like the conference was curated and organically resonated around bitcoin’s use as a tool, and it featured several human rights activists, including Anna Chekhovich, who served served as financial director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation founded by Alexei Navalny.

    4. The shift of bitcoin mining from China to the U.S. was noticeable

    I had written previously about bitcoin mining after China’s bitcoin mining ban. The consequences of that were clear during the conference, whose major sponsors were mostly publicly traded miners now based in the United States. The world’s largest mining pool, Foundry Group, is now based in the United States. There are now companies like Riot, Cleanspark and Marathon that contribute significantly to bitcoin’s security and computing power.

    Bitcoin mining is one of the rare gifts that the Chinese party-state has given the United States. Many miners talked about the employment benefits they provided. For example, Jason Les of Riot discussed the 600 rural jobs that Riot generated, and Fred Thiel, the CEO of Marathon, mentioned a shrimp farm powered by heat from bitcoin mining, converting an economically productive activity to a second-order one. Instead of following the trendline of giving up long-term intellectual capital and skills development for short-term profits (as happened with fields as diverse as solar panel manufacturing and the creation of semiconductor foundries), bitcoin mining offers the opportunity for the United States to capitalise on skills clusters that China forbade on ideological reasons, with the added bonus of further decentralising hash rate dedicated to bitcoin’s security.

    5. Young people and Gen Zers were prominent in the discussion

    Members of Generation Bitcoin were among the attendees, as well as the moderators. One of the speakers for example, was Arsh Molu who interviewed Roya Mahboob. He is the founder of Generation Bitcoin, which worked with Bitcoin Magazine to give students free entry to Bitcoin 2024 in Nashville. It was a great demonstration that bitcoin is popular among all age groups, and that young people today are interested in bitcoin.

    The Bitcoin Policy Summit was an engaging event that brought together bitcoiners and policymakers together into an active discussion. It placed the United States among a number of countries that are considering bitcoin for its benefits, rather than countries like China that have tried to ban it. Given the global leadership role the United States has, the lessons and interactions that came about because of the Summit may very well resonate across the world in time.

    source : https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/04/15/takeaways-from-the-bitcoin-policy-summit-where-dc-met-bitcoin/?sh=35ff79265495

    03:37 UTC


    How do you all feel about the manifesto by Max Azzarello, the guy who burned himself at Trumps trial?


    I don’t disagree that the government is just trying to create a bunch of sheep, but I don’t agree crypto is a manifestation of the government.

    There are things I don’t like, like leveraged tokens, but that’s what happens when we make currency a game, everyone wants max opportunity and leverage.

    Curious on your thoughts. Debate below.

    00:36 UTC


    Daily Crypto Discussion - April 21, 2024 (GMT+0)

    Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.



    Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.

    Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.



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    00:00 UTC


    for those using crypto.com: how do i withdraw my funds into an external bank account?

    Hi guys, I am pretty new to crypto so sorry in advance if this question is obvious. I tried contacting crypto.com but they have no known number on the site.

    Anyways I have a question for those using the app. If I need to withdraw my crypto money, how do I go about doing that? Let’s say it’s all in bitcoin, would I sell my bitcoin and then from there withdraw it via my fiat wallet into an outside bank account or how does that work?

    Thanks in advance and again sorry if this question is obvious I just don’t want to do anything wrong!

    22:59 UTC


    Fitting time to post this. 9 year old documentary about hacker culture, Bitcoin and the Techno utopian ideas and philosophy that spawned it.

    22:57 UTC


    Announcing Verus v1.2.2-4 - MANDATORY UPDATE FOR vARRR MAINNET

    22:00 UTC


    For those who haven't read between the lines and ignored the warnings it's probably already too late. Gate.io (#8 by reported volume) is an ongoing exit scam.

    By now it should be quite obvious to anybody in this space, that CEX are not your friend. And no, the "convenience" of CEX shouldn't be seen as a positive. In many cases easy access only increases the number of victims.

    Guess what. Scams and ponzis work best when they have a nice looking UI, a professional marketing team and a well crafted narrative going for them.

    Gate.io claims to be #8 by volume (so there might be plenty of wash trading going on within the exchange). But their sub /r/GateioExchange is full of desperate claims for months.

    Take care while another big exchange collapses onto their users/victims.

    21:20 UTC


    Built a tool that lets you create loan channels for tokens for friends. Set a limit and they can borrow from your wallet directly up to their limit when needed, without ever needing to leave until they do. No fee, no lockup, any token and on L2s. Repay back to your wallet directly too.

    20:16 UTC


    Which Crypto Trading Bot Platform Do You Use and Why?

    I’m currently exploring different crypto trading bot platforms and I’m curious to know which ones you use and why.

    Here are some platforms I’ve come across:

    1. Kryll
    2. Coygo
    3. WunderTrading
    4. Surmount
    5. Hummingbot
    6. TrailingCrypto
    7. MoonBot
    8. TradeSanta

    So far i have explored KRYLL and looking into other
    If you use any of these platforms, or if you use a different one, I’d love to hear your thoughts. What do you like about the platform? How has your experience been overall?

    18:25 UTC


    Binance Wire Transfer lost me Money

    Hello, so I wanted to know if I have any ground to stand on here. I live in the u.s., so the other week I transferred out all funds. I had a small amount left, that I couldn't transfer to a different wallet, so I converted to USD and withdrew it to my bank account. The binance.us app made me do it through plaid. Well, the total amount I withdrew was $13.48 and the wire transfer fee was $15 dollars. I know it's not a lot of money, and I don't need it. But the principle of the situation irks me. I have been in a chat through the app essentially requesting compensation over and over. They say it's out of their hands and no fault to them.

    Yes it is a fee imposed by my bank. But, there was no warning that the amount would be wire transfered. I was assuming since I put my banking information in, it would be a simple deposit.

    Do I have any ground to stand on? I've spoken with 3 people on the app chat, and they are all just skirting around my request, saying it's impossible. They tried to say it was because of federal and state laws, which I shut them down on because that's bs. So they haven't said that again.

    Anything specific I can cite or say that'll help?

    18:15 UTC

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