This is a subreddit is about paintings depicting battles or other historically important events.
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This is a subreddit is about paintings depicting battles or other historically important events.
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215 (82%) of the men would become casualties, however the attack would succeed in blunting the Confederate assault and saving the Union line. Every field officer in the 1st Minnesota was either killed, wounded, or missing.
Drawing by OP.
During the final battle of the Expedition of the Thousand (part of the Italian Unification wars), near the Volturno River, Bronzetti’s 300 men strong battalion managed to halt an entire Neapolitan brigade, who outnumbered them almost by 10 to 1, for six hours.
When the redshirts ran out of ammo, they retreated at the summit of a hill, taking refuge in an ancient castle, and then either Bronzetti tried to surrender but was shot in the chaos, or he refused to surrender (it varies depending on the sources), either way the battalion launched one last bayonet charge and was completely destroyed, Bronzetti died in the action, but with his resistance he managed to halt a brigade, who would have otherwise outflanked the entire left side of their army. Many historian agree that this was one of the main reasons why Giuseppe Garibaldi’s army managed to win this decisive battle against Naples.
Conceptual Sketch by OP. A "What if" Battle for Japan that never happened,one wonders how would these Japanese Super weapons have fared in Battle if given time and an opportunity to fight,it was not to be.
Sketch by OP
Extracted from IMAGES OF WAR by McCormick and Perry.
The final chapter of the 11-month Siege of Sevastopol, the allied victory meant control of the strategic Russian port and brought an end to fighting in the Crimean War.
More information about the Battle of Malakoff and the larger Siege of Sevastopol:
Took this picture last year, forgot what it was. I could be wrong but maybe one of the Danish-Prussian wars?